The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-06-03, Page 16,,! ➢, tf PAGE, STS' WEDNESDAY;. JUNE: 73rd,; lees,. LUCKNOW :SEN=EL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO II"5,.. outh- Bruce. .1. Pres. • Mrs.' Harvey. Houston presid- ed for the annual meeting of Bruce South District Women's Institute held in Ripley town hall • 6n Tuesday, May 26th with Rip- ley ,branch as hostess. One hundred . •and sixty-nine delegates andmembers register- . , ed from the sixteen senior and twO "junior ° branches which com.- `pose the ;District, namely Ar - mow, Belmore, Bernie, Holypood,' Kairshea,.. Kincardine, Lucknow, Lisburn, Paramount, Purple Grove, . Reid'sCorners, Ripley Senior and Junior; Silver Lake, Teeswater Sr.' ,end" Jr., Tiverton and Wihitechureh, • Financial statement; Total re ceipts for the . District, $709,48, total expenditures, $643.86, Bal - ante on hand $65,62 Total re- ceipts for the eighteen branches, $$,063.68, total expenditures, $6,- 401.90. Balance on hand, $2,561.- 78. -Tiverton' ,.,,,Whitechurch,. Silver Lake' and Kelmbranches a• branches had interesting displaa of articles completed for "Sew to savee' dol- lars.' Lisburn's display was: on "I;Iow rto look your best.'2; About fifty members from Rip- ley, . Purple Grove,Holyr`ood, Lisburn, Kincardine and Reid's Corners, who had participated in the ' Extension Service, •"Millin- ery," Modelled • •beautifulpats RANTEED .UST CERTIFICAT • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 5M% interest, payable half. yearly by cheque • authorized investmentfor all Canadian Insurance Companies and, trust funds. TOUR MONEY, DOUBLES ITSELF ttN 1+4 `YEARSI 372•Bay St.; Toronto 35 Dunlop SL, Barrie a 9009 • made by them during the course. Mrs. • D' W. ,Cameron, F.W,LO: board member ratified the Dis- trict Directors appointment. She .also presided for the election Of officers. • • • Mrs, Harvey Houston, R.R. 3. Holyrood was re-elected presi- dent. Other officers: -- Past pre- sident, Mrs. J., E. Rowe, Kincar dine, vice presidents, Mrs. Vic- tor Emerson, Whitechurch, Mr's, `4'"Tford Hewitt, Kincardine • R.R, 2, :and "Mrs. Francis Gemmell, Ripley; secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Cecil !Hollands, Kincardine R.R. 4; assistant, Mrs: Donald.. J. NC - Kinnon, Ltiuoknow; „federation representative, Mrs: Victor Em erson; . alternate, Mrs:, '.Charles Cook, -Lucknow; district ,voting delegate, Mrs., ,Georges McKee, Kincardine, R.R. 5; -alternate, Mrs,. R Appleby ,• Winghann, R.R. 2; federation ofagriculture rep- resentative, . Mrs, Eldred Reid,. Tiverton; '.alternate,..Mrs. William .SSlessor, R.R.' 4 Kincardine; -rep resentative on. museum • board,, Mrs. George Downey, , Tiverton, R:R 1 public relations repre- sentative; • Mrs. Neil McLeod, .Tiverton, R.R. 1; 'Auditors,, Mrs. Harold Thacker, •and Mrs. . Rqb ert 1VIcCormick, :Kincardine.: ,Conveners of Standing Com-. mittees=• •Agriculture and Can- adian Industries,' Mrs. David Eidy, Wingharn; R.R.2; Citizen - 'ship and Education, Mrs. Robert Osborne, Lucknow .,R.R. 6; His, torical ` Research and Current, Events, Mrs. W: J. Arnold, Rip.- ley, 'R.R.' 3; Home Economics" and Health, Mrs Fred Blackwell, Kincardine, Resolutions, Mrs Russell : Ross, ,,Lucknow Public Relations representative, Mr -s. Neil McLeod, Tiverton, R.R. 1; Junior Activities,Miss Mary, Roulston, Ripley, R.R. 1. • A District' "Life • Membership. was presented to Mrs J. • E. Rowe,, Kincardine, • past . president. As Mrs Rowe IS a patient: in St, Joseph's .,Hospital, London, and accepto the? gift. her. Mrs. attend,Mrs.; Weick R. ` J. ;"McKellar past: F.W I.O:. board • '`;member expressed . deep gratitude -to 'Mrs:' ;Rowe' for :en- couragement she has given to all and inspiration td many;. worn. ed there were 1475•4nstitutes in 'ex's. 'Institute, 'cups and .saucers Ontario' witht a membership. of were presented to four presidents. 38,549 Eleven branches disband- who had served . before Bruce South has been in its. • present form, Mrs Eliza Walker, : Luck now (formerly Mrs,.Alymer Ac- kert; Holyrood) Mrs: J. R. White,' Ripley; Mrs: J. M. Reid, 'T'eeswater;, et. firs P. S. tStewart, Lueknow, : • Mrs. D. W . Cameron, '.W.I.O.. YOII CAN: •PACK• INTO .A 'DAT. IN. 1%4 • N. , ortheneOntario ...paradise for. people who want to relax:. : The great outdoors stretches for mile upon mile, • • yet a day can be as varied as you care to make it. Wild .life . , : scenic cruises .• .. luxury ledges; . fascinating mining developments:. , you'll find them all side by side in this great area, Discover how economical it is to explore Ontario by mailing thecoupon below.: Literature you will receive includes an up-to-date ligt of accommodation that shows you where to stay at the price you want to pay. .FREE I: f� ONTARIO TRAVa4.x-� ' ?� A' • • +Parllarn•nt Bldg*.,; S ToroptO, Ontario • • -'�;;� Send hitt h/h,aun abort; ' Northern Ontario tad read map' : • Y Nein . ..":........:........ r/. OMia.. ' Ontario Department of Trivet & Puti!,c,*y on. Bryan L. Cathcart. Minister., KNOW ONTARIO BETTER' board member ; reported on re- solutions dealt with by the board. The. , officers, conference • next year will' 'be `.held for, public re- lations representatives. She stat - g" evaporated milk, quick -mixing milk powder. Perfect: travetlersl • 1116k -»f -Rate " cheese sandwiches, :ice' .cream and milk. Cool. • • and satisfying! • Free! • Marie Fraser's ' "June is'• • Dairy Month': recipes.-. • Write today! • • The merry month when the wonderful dairy •foods we' enjoy all year round are;at their most delicious, most, nutritious peak, .Serve them. often all summer long...: wherever you got DAIRY PARMRS OR CANADA 409 HURON ST., TORONTO • cottage cheese Salad, crackers • 'n butter, berry parfait with whipped Mani. easy to,fixi ed last year and fourteen organ - Miss Nora . Creyke, Home Eco- nomics Branch Dpt. of Agricul- ture, Toronto, reported that; 444 'short courses were` held; serving 10,000 women. Five new training schools have ` been added,. The' aim in the sewing ,courses'.'is to have articles 'with hand made .look, not home macre look. There is a great demand ,for mill�inery courses , with . the .15 . millinery kits > 'being continually ,off; • the shelves out on loan. The Tweeds - Mini. . work shop is .also bin great demand, but there . is 'only one. Instructor so, just 62 work shops were held serving 1300 women. Miss Mary Lou Black, Bruce • C•ounty. Home Economist stated that 238 .girls from 28 clubs -were participating in the Spring pro- jest • "The Cereal Shelf." The 'Fall: projeot is, to• be "Working with Wool." .Youth are leaders M to: morrow and Institute branches. help, them to attain this by spon- soring 4-H ',Clubs. Each 'district is to set. its ,own 'district annual date, • Mrs. George. Downey reporting on the museum stated that, 2122 More people went through the museum. in 1958. than in 1957 and the receipts were up by $446.00. The 'museum project 'for 1959 is an Art exhibit displaying art done at the High School night classes last year, 'Anyone having old Newspapers or.. , old books pertaining to • the ' • history of Bruce are requested to send them to the museum to be placed in the archives. Visitingg hours are 2 to 5 and 7 to 9' p.m.. Mrs. Eldred Read, reported for the federation of Agriculture. She urged more ladies to attend the annual meeting. She stated: there are . fourdistricts,. each having. a lady delegate but only one vote among tthem. Mrs. Donald 1VIcCosh, a vice- chairman for: the new area 1'e-, Gently formed in Bruce and 'Grey, explained that the new area was composed : of 146 branches; 62 having withdrawn from the To- ronto area and ° 84. from': the Guelph. area. The.. Convention for the new area is to be . held. Nov ember 2nd, and 3rd: in the Kill- seum at. Owen .Sound. A'... name for the area will' ' bechosen at the meeting. ,Bruce South . District',Rally to be held on' July 23rd at the District : High School, Lecknow: Mrs. Victor Emerson's name will be sj bmttted as a nomination for Provincial Secretary -treasurer. In • 1VIenioriani was. observed : by repeating the• 23rd Psalm in uni- son,..and sang. the hymn, "Unto the The Standing Committee Con- veners reported 100% • and 'their . reports were '.most ••interesting °and instructive. Mrs J. Kirkpatrick welcomed • the . members and. Mrs.: Peter • Leason .of Purple Grove respond- ed. Milner espond ed.Dinner . was , served.by • the Ripley brand•, in the Legion Hall. and a cup of tea and cookies was enjoyed after the afternoon session 1V rs: Wilmer: Ribey; president of fBruceromCentre,herdistrict:. brought greetings, . Mrs E. Scholtz .led in Assemb- ly singing with Mrs.. D. Tippen at the piano. Mrs. 'Garnet Far rier • also 'entert'ained .with piano music: • The. District Annual iso to be held at. Lucknow in ' 1960. and,. 'the District Directors meeting is to be held in Arm:ow next year. The •meeting closed• by singing " God ,Save The Queen," SANDERSON`S Ladies' ` and Men's Wear -85 Fashion Millinery BRIDAL GOWNS', FORMALS $3.00 A HIS ( WAS.. Herrn wasa last Wei visit be about hi His gra den, wa Townshi; menicipa 100 • •year ,. Hernden year and Reid. The,il Lot 15; Durham to Boyer reeve of is we u: Mac Lan The H,( did not Herman', was a la carne to Hernial •: den; a k school'' at the Sher Elizabeth ed to 1W When•. week she where she inforMati Lane, oct loss Tow/ • first' . •'reel corporati( his grand • Mr.,B Sentinel 1 coyoft historical Sl Cupbs Yertised George early and the or more were ' st Lorne lar •res • pigs :•ani ago, ani 'shortor LIONS TO:.•B E At the ,day ;night •• structed, tt cans ,this: .been .•in`ht for rite poi ceeds wih welfare vii • A six -ht by' the .CIL ade at .:a 4 help defra; voted '• to .$1.0k • ... Morgan 1 • the, Finan . reco¢nment the end o and. anyone from the • ' dues up 'to Harvey 1 Clu�b'S 'fare • •.��,one of ' tl • said he col .assurance t preeiated ti Lionism, Brpck rej to say goo there".wool and. ataivit It had beer our to bel Sea Lorne '114 pee Wees a • district ha, they Wish Asked' for a •ti?e•. rnernbel lay plans•fi The.. next the. tern w