The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-04-15, Page 1$3,00 A year In Advance
x,00; Extra To 1J.S„A,.
p, S, Board Declines to
ested Salaries
Luckciow .School. Boardheld a
special 'salary meeting��With
riembers of the teaching staff` on,
V1ond...ay night. An offer.. was pre -
;ailed -to ; the teaching. staff'
which' felt .considerably short of:
N,hat was requested' by. the'
;Principal- ,Stuart Collyer aet�
kl as §pokesrnan.for'the teachers.•
:hairmant H,` M. MacLennan', ex-
,lamed to the teachers that sal-
aries had' not previously. been
liscussed by the board and that
;hey were interested ,to hear •the
)pinions and expectations 'of .the.
Speaking for the• group;Mr.
Jollyer referred to• the' upward
tend in .salaries in the teaching
,rofessiom: He spoke of the fine
;alibre of teachers that the
3oard • presently have : 'ori their
staff as outlined in the recent:
nspector's report oftW ;S. Houg-
tam: ',Mr: Collyer said that he
'ealized :that the Board had to.
)lease ,the; public: as well as the
eachers with their decisions and.
hat they • were in a difficult
:Request. Increase
On behalf of the 'teachers''
;roup, the spokesman' asked 'for
$400 raise' for teachers' positions
nnd: a $500' raise for . the position
4 .principal.'
Referring: to the, raise in ';sat-
in* recently granted the Luck
low .. District High School, • the
; -said that he : felt•, that
n public school teacher. .had.: as
nuch work and.responsibility as
n ;high school teacher but 'that
he salaries received by . the local`
tit�bic school's did ;'nowt 'come close
o .that, of the 'high. School. He'
tressed the,;. wor k public
eachers : had : with individual.
iupils as against .that of a high
ehool 'teacher. He explained
hat a teacher of the staff ' had
o stay every noon now because
d the noon lunches and heavy
ural' enrolment: .' `The lowest
alary •'at the ,high school is now
4800, for practically . no experi-
Knee while many of our ,teachers
iave 15-25 years •experience," he
M a �cZennan stated
hat the sole reason , for the. high
ehool teachers getting, such set-
tles was the law of supply and
lemand '"They just can't get
eachers," he said.. He referred
o the seventeen •• aliplications ter
eived for . one'position :at` the
nibl c school. last year. The point
vas. brought out that because
eveiteen applications were re-
eived would. " not indicatethat
eventeen satisfactory teachers
night be obtained.
.A member of 'the Board •b said,
why do ` you .ask such a 'raise
his :year,'who else could ask for
itch a raise 'and expect tQ get it?"
;canning towns of similiar size
n the 'area,, one Board member
elt that Lucknow was . low on:
he average for ' a '.principal's
. Teachers Adjourned
The • board requested that the
eachers adjourn whilethe rimi-
er was discussed: Upon recon-
ening, the board offered an in -
tease of $400 in the 'salary of
he principal, a $200 increase in
he•.salaries'of ,th'e other five full.
ire teachers and a $100 :increase
1 the salary of the kindergarten
eaclie"r .''who ..teaches .only half
The Board stated that they felt
hat they' had been ;quite just in
ii errng such an increase and
sat • "every .member on e
loard had been shocked at to
°quested increase:' '
Two of the teachers were un-
Yoidably absent from the'meet-
rt and to comply With Federa-
on rules; no decision could be
until the . group. would
',Requests ,Musie. Relief •
Mrs. Irwin Carruthers, who has
been teaching music along with
her Other teaching duties, asked
to be relieved. of the responsibili-
ty of music :instruction. While
nit' decision was reached, the sal-
aries . `offered' ,are to ,include. the
teaching 'of Music in .some; mangy.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Dakin
of ' Enibro, announce the engage
Merit . of their. eldest daughter,
Joan .Ellen, to, Ernest Cochrane
Eldin Carter, eldest: son of Mr,
and Mrs. Ernest..Oarter.of Luck-
now:' The wedding to •take .place •
ori June 27th.
.The "munilip alit is to receive
P, Y
a grant of 25% on work done at
the Town ' Hall during ; the' past
year, and . which will run: to a
figure` of close; to .$2,000:.
:Reeve George W.„ Joynt; was in
Toronto last - week when he took
the matter. up,; . ,yvith 'Queen's
Park officials, : and obtainedthe
grant • 'ander the e•Municipal,, and
Cominunity. Halls Act..
Extensive ' renovation's.. were
made to the auditorium last year,
to eornplete the redecorating • and
renovating of ` 'the tw'e : main
floors of the building..
Since then a ' new . ,heating' sy-
stem ' has been ,installed at a cost
of. '.$3,634 Land Scout and Guide•'
accomodation is ibeing provided
in the basement,tof the hall, to
provide • quarters which had .to
.be vacated when`' the Legion took
.over. the Recreation 'Centre.
New -•.rest rooni facilities'• are
the offing at the Town Hall,
.which will complete the modem•
nization of . the building, Which
is :certainly a credit to the
lager Overall expenditures : inclu
ding the: completed projects, and
work still to be clone,. will- run`
to possibly between $7,500 and
$8,000, an which the 25% govern-'
:ment grant is applicable./.' •
Five ladies from Lucknow, Mrs.
Donald MacKinnon, Mrs Bud.
Thompson, Mrs. Keri Jardine.,.
Mrs, Lennard. .MVtacDonald and
1vlrs, Bill Hunter won the "Little
Bowl" eliarn,pionship at Goderich
on Saturday. First prize•was $40.
' Besides the championship; Mrs.
Jardine bowled the •:high triple
with *a 652 flat score.' Mrs. Bill,
Hunter was. tied , for the high.
single With a. 264. flat score. The
team total 'for the ladies was
At the regular . Qipril meeting
of the Village'. Council, •. a letter
was' received. from Dr°`A: E. Ber-
ry: of the 'Ontario Water'Resour-
ces ,Commission pointing out the
next step in the matterr of sew-
. age disposal in.'Lucknow.
Dr, Berry .Stated he was ar-
ranging_ ,
r. -ranging:, to . have „an a engineer.
come' to ,,L•ucknow to review the.
whole question of sewage works
and particularly on methods of.
disposal with emphasis, ° on the
feasibility . of a ..lagoon.
Dr. Berry stated he would` also,
deal with the question Qf ' build-.
•.Ing such works in stages ;so that
the cost., will not be .,too high.,
This preliminary ' discussion
session was held last night:.
Council set Sunday, •April 26th
for the . start of :Daylight Saving
Time, but in view' of the con-
fusion which exists oyer -termin-
ating it, :did- not decide on that
'date` for the present.
$50:00was voted _ to the Juve-
nile Hockey .team towards: the
cost:: of : •jackets.
Omar Brooks, local • Massey -
Harris dealer, had the successful
tender for a 'sizeable equipment
order for the County of of : Bruce.
The sale included • three M,11.'
tractors ; , equipped with 'mowers,
Davis .front-end loaders, : and., a
post hole digger. •
There were'., over a -score of
tenders submitted from • various',
points in the County.
J. A. 2acDonagh of Ashfield
has opened an insurance office
in the Joynt Block next door to
the 'Ben ' •'Telephone Office » .to'
more conveniently -serve • • his
clientele; Jack started in the in-
surance business thirty years'ago
when he' first sold Township
liability insurance.. He ,has since
branched into general ` insurance.
His: son Ross: is now assgciated,
With him.
• One of':the moat successful and;
enjoyable events ever sponsored
by' the. ,, L;ucknow Branch 309'
Canadian Legion,_ was held Wed'
nesday, April 8th when the mem-
bers entertained their ladies with'
a turkey banquet and dance...
`"Tleguests were welcomed 'by
the President Garnet Henderson:
The "Queen" was proposed , by
Stuart Collyer while Bud Thomp-
son toasted • the "Ladies" and was
thanked;; by Mrs. Lloyd Hall. A'
• brief history . of the :branch .was
given by Ken. Cameron who stat-
ed that the Legion had • spent
over 20,000 ,dollars in' commwu-
ty betterment since its 'formation
nineteen years ago. ,Harold, Rit-
chie thanked: the caterers' for a
wonderful meal and Was, answer-
ed ` by •Mrs. Ernest Gaunt on be -
•half of. the.,ladies of . the Angli-
can ;Churdh: ;