The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-25, Page 5WED14SDAY,. FE$. 2 th, 1959 An .Important Message To Ontario Farm People Farm Acciden' Survey , Will: Be Conducted THRQIJGHOIJT' QNTAIZ.10 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, Z U KNOW, ONTARIO from. March 1;. 1959,, to February .,29, 1960 This This Survey will record all farm accidents and fires during the year and seek to determine their causes. The' objective , of this survey is'. to povide the ;'basis of 'a Farm Safety ' Program designed" for your benefit, ' ' �y The •Fara Acciden# Su yin the COUNTY: OF BR CE is under. the direction .of your Assistant Agr cultural Representative'. W A IVIcBRIDE assisted: by' • The Bruce County t F n ye derat><on of :Agriculture and Allied Organizations An: : accident reporter ::will collect details of ,all, accidents for each community in your. Coun ty.The success of a farm safety program will depend on the full . co-operation and :assist- ance . of `all Ontario farm people in this survey: ntario Department Of Agriculture Dr. C, D. Graham, Deputy Minister Hon. .w. A. Goodfellow Minister PAGE FIVE .REV. WOOLLEY TO RETIRE IN N .JUNE Meeting in St. ' Paul's Chiirch,. Walkerton, recently, members of Briice Presbytery of the United • Church ' heard a report indicat- ing that Church attendances in 1958 continuedto increase. '' It Was also noted 'that .sixteen, ministers of o• denominations had applied f :admittance to, the . ministry , o, the United 1 Church. • Angus McDougall, President of the Ln} ayen's Council, reported I that r training' 'school for lay 'leaders would -he held in. Guelph the last, Saturday of February. 'The ISingtirne radio and; tele-' vision program was indicated to be highly popular with listeners:. being rated:. second highest ' of all locally; produced shows. Approval ' was given to ' St.. Paul's United Church in Walker- ton to begin : their plans. of ex- tensive renovation of the Church property. • The pastoral Relation§:told the se cions that Rev. C. Hr Woolley of Dobbinton -plans, to retire ' in June after. a lifetime of service in the. , Church's . ministry.' • A motion of appreciation -to Rev. D:' A. Brydon af'Ripley was moved for his momentous ' con tribution. to the Work of the Unit- .ed fnit-.ed Church in Bruce during the many years he has 'ser=ved: 'here. Rev. Brydon will move to Mount. Forest. shortly. '. • Reporting for' the.: 'Women's Mission • Society,., Mrs: Lake indi 'sated that. organization had con- tributed more than sixteen thou I sand dollars to:' the Mihsionary .work of the • Church • during the past year.. ' • Dr: Lautenslager; the Presi Presi- Ident of the Hamilton Conference .delivered: 'a major.address: He .1stressed the importance. of ' prea-. ching: to the basic: needs •of the people.: "The' Gospel: fits the un- changing ,needs of man, ',he .Pointed out Devotional Periods were on,- ducted by Rev. G Geige� of. Lucknow and Rev:. J Slade of Port Elgin ' PLAN. TO .FURNISH 'O.LD LOG HOUSE ,Mrs: Archie "G i v e n• was ap-_> .//: pointed` Chairman of the .Bruce ',County Historical Committee at the inaugural meeting 'of :the committee.: John'' McKenzie, ot. Bruce: Township is vice -chair- man;•,Mrs. T. J. Cornish of C:hes- .ley, secretary; and Almer "Bolan - der of Port Elgin, treasurer: Oth- er committee members are, Mrs: Otto Gateman of Southampton:. 'Mrs. George Downey of .Tiverton, I;Iarvey Palmateet;,of Kincardine, and Donald Lamont of Saugeen Township. Mrs. J. F. Morton: of • Southampton will again. be the , Curator, Mrs. '•• Helen Crozier of Walkerton 'was elected an ,honor ary life member .of the comrnit- tee: , An open.' meeting of the 'Coin= mittee will be held in Wiarton on 'April 8th,. The. public. will be invited to attend', the meeting. Last year, the .open meeting was held in, Holyrood and was Well, attended, Miss Eleanor Lockheed' and "---•Mr•,s.. D' a w s o n of . Chesley will again, make, arrangements for a •display of l r ice. 'County' Art for. 1959, .i MRS., SUTER SPEAKER AT I AIRSHEA W.I. .MEETING Plans were .made tor furnish- ing, the Log House moved from Kinloss:: to the • Museum grounds last. year. Two. sections of 'the. roof. of the. Museum .will :be re - .placed and the outside, of the Museum painted. i ' • The section" of the `basement International Day was obser- ved at the February meeting, of. the Kairshea Women's Institute on 'Thursday. Mrs: Elizabeth Sut er, of the Lucknow High School staff was guest speaker. •Her ad- dress gaveus. a glimpse• of her home -life ..in : Europe, of family' opened for display last fall and .visits to museums schools,' and the old, porion; of the basement many places of 'learning: "In ,or - 'already in use will be thorough- ' der .that the youth of our coun-. ly :cleaned and painted; i try may receive an; education, there must be co-operation be= tween home and 'school.• The stu- dents must learn self control and must ,.or,•gani2e'. their 'efforts so; that, the day's assignments • are. The Museum. grounds will be seeded and planting of old fash- ioned' flowers and shrubs started: The retiring. chairman, .Mr. Pal-, mateer expressed the regrets . of Completed: It is impossible• to all connected with the '1Vluseum, at the death of Mrs, Thomas i live by ',oneself, • we must • devel- op vision beyond. our 'own' i Blair of ,Huron 'Township, who nt-: has been such an ardent support- r mediate. area and on out' into the world"•said our,. • speaker. ed. of the. ,Museum since it •was � . established inn 1955. • ' • • Mrs: Suter was introduced' ,by thanked �by. Last year, the Museum shad • its Mrs. Gib Hamilton, tli mostsuccessful. year. The.atter- the President," Mrs, D. L. McK n - non, and` presented with a gift. dance' passed the eight.thousand . the' secretary, Mrs. Donald. mark, • and the dis lays were ..' by .p n .greatly augmented and the Mus- • McKinno eutn surroundings improved, ' Twenty-three• m e m b e is and four visitors attended •the meet ing when Mrs. Donald McKinnon. Typewriter ..ribbons for any make of. machine are now avail- able teat". the ' Lucknoww Sentinel. No matter what the machine,.we have the 'ribbon. Phone 35, Luck - opened her 'home. Assistant sec- retary, Mrs. Currie Colwell and the president were in charge. During the business period,a letter was read informing us that the. Bruce !County Council ap- proved our resolution "that ,Day- light Day -light Saving Time be Abolished,"• and that their decision had" been, passed ' on' to heads of Provincial Government. 'Summary Day • for "Sew to Save Dollars . and Make .Sense's .will be . held at the Le- gion, Hall, Walkerton, March 5th fr'om1;30 to 4 p.m. The choice for the next Senior Leadership Cour- ,se is; lst, The Third • Meal; 2nd choice; ,Lampshades. A bcix of; .groceries will be 'purchased for a local family in distress.,,: It• was decided to hold the :' xtens!en • fOW. ' .'"MONUMENTS For sound counsel 'ancl ,a. fair price ori a'monurnent. correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON. MEMORIALS Pat (Magnin, Prop; . establish ed. Over Sixty•.,Year.a Walkerton` • Phone 638-w :. Ontario:. :EVE of Progressive ',E9chrq; Sponsored By •.LUCKNOW DISTRICT,. C0 -OP 'INC. a. � P Io Luckno+v . Legion Hall. FRIDA.' Y, ,FEBR UA R.' Y 27th,.} 1959 8:30 o'clock, p.m. LUNCH' AND• PRIZES Everybody Welcome No Charge gnws'.iNSURANCE Agenc! GENERAL INSURANCE. Established 'Over. Thirty Years Ago• Business 39 Telehones; HOWARD AGNEW Residence 138' Service course in Holyraod Hall.. 'an interesting item on Holland.' The dates are April 9th and .'10th, at 1:30 p.m., `.`Hospitality' Foods" to be featured,. Every lady in the Community is. cordially invited to attend.' There is no charge, Miss . Anne McIntyre, Home Eco- nomics :' Service, Department of Agriculture,. Toronto 'is the in, struotor. Come; and bring your friends. The, roll call was responded to with a Country and its capital.. Mrs.;•L. 1VMcDougal ' Mrs. H. Lav is, Mrs. I1. Dickie all gave 'Stand- ing 'committee reports. Mrs. C Roulston gave a reading on Bro- therhood Week .and, Mrs. DeJong During the lunch hour she :sere- . ed some: -Holland cookies. Read- ings were : also': given by Mrs: W F. MacDonald :and Mrs H. `' Lavis ' Mrs.. Alex, MacLeod con- tributed a solo and'.: gave the courtesy • remarks, to : which the • hostess replied: • The : meeting: was brought to a close by the 'Rational :'Anthem` and the Institute Grace; after which; the committee in. 'charge 'served lunch.. • • During the lunch hour the Cal- ico Ball committee -met, to.make. further plans The date is April • 3rd, : in the Town Hall, ERVICE For the present time we are carrying ' on the AMBULANCE SERVICE IN LUCKNOW and DISTRICT orinerly operated. by McLennan. and MacKenzie. and ' Johnstone and Son. BA SERVICE' PHONE 55. NIGHT CALLS63-r Caviller, McIntosh & Warc CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell ; Telephone Building' WALKERTON . b. A HUNTLEY, C.Ae — Resident Manager Telephones: Business 633 Residence'. ,106. : WALTER BRECKLES KINLOUG lEi, ONTARIO'•-- Phone 1$20 Ripley Your hn. Deere Dealer —• Automotive a d Tractor Repairs Arc Acetylene welding Machine Work ; : Pioneer • Chain' Saws,' Lawn and Garden Equipment For your best buy in diesel tractors,_ see the "David Brown"