The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-25, Page 3WEDNiESDAY,: Z'E;B, ' 25141, 1959 THE LUCKNOW: ,SENTINEL, LUC KNOW; ONTARIO RAGE 'TIMER NEAR :F FTYE1'GHTH ANNIVERSARY Mr, and, .Mrs, Robert *Ferries of Cal,garY, and natives of this corn, xnunity, • will be .fifty-eight years married in April,: Her ibrother, . Mr, John MacRae of • Lucknow. recalls that roads were blocked . at that time of theirmarriage,- Mrs:. Farries, who observed her .84th :'birthday on Friday, Febru- ary 6th, was the former Mary Anne MacRae; a daughter of the .late Duncan•:Mac .ae and: Sarah MacCharles, and was born and raised 'on the MacRae farm, Annear L ocbalah,; now owned by K. L'. MacKenzie. • Mr: Farries , . a native of the Langside'district was farming -at Curries Corners in Ashfield when, they were married in 1901. ,Soon they left Ashfield and in 1903 Went' Westward, to settle at Yak ima, Washington Later . they .Moved . to Alberta, • Where` they have spent'most of their married life and having been living re- tired in `Calgary for some :15. years Farries was secretary. 'of th :Hays municipality for almost thirty years until his retirement in 1944: A clipping from a Calgary •pap er refers ,to •Mrs Farries ,interest. in highland dancing' as . a girl,: and also to : a :bicycle, Which. was a factor in romance .; blooming as Robert took a' hand in .teaching his future._ bride to ride it .. Mr. and .Miffs. • `.Parries have a family.:df ten- sons and daughters, all residing 'in'' Calgary except •one daughter . in Toi onto, MacRae visited . with ` Mr and... Mrs 'Farries .a couple of .:years ago on the occasion of a trip West. He was the : only .boy iri a • family of 'four, Mrs. • Farries and he: are the two survirors.. Two sis., ters, Mrs Donald 1VIacKenzie of New York and Mrs. George Craig have;, passed on •:"41. ee. ST ,:.PETER'S C.HUICH Lucknow ,.: ANGLICAN :CHURCH of CANADA Minister. Rev. H. L. Jennings, !i SUNDAY,MARCH. lst !i W ..l, Third Sunday in Lent !. 11.:00 a:m... Moaning prayer: i Until further notice services/. will"be; held ,at the Town Hall. 1 Lucknow Presbyterian' Church 'Minister: Rev.Wallace McClean. !• SUNDAY, y: MARCH. 1st • 11.00 a.m. Morning Worshi.p. i 12:15 p.m.' ' Sunday School! . i 3.00 p.in. A 7:00' p.rp. Dungarnnon . Evening worship • LUCKNOW UNITEDCHURCH Minister' Rev., Gordon R. Geig B.A.,. B.D,' ' ' 1er, SUNDAY, MARCH 1st • F 10:00. a.m. • Church School. 11;00' a.m. Divine WorshipI Sermon theme; ' " • i The Deadly Sin' -•- Laziness i. Nursery during church Thought For The Week:- It is'not •the number of!' hours that':a-artan puts ,in,, but! What ' the man puts in the! hours that counts.. , ' y1 . HEINZ B, ABY 'FOODS, tains 10 for '$1. DR. BALLARDS :CHAMPION 2c off pack, 15 oz. tins . • ' ` . 9 for' . $1,. SIMONIZ..NON-SCUFF' . WAX, :quart. tin,' $i. WHITE SWAN TISSUE,, roils: 9 for $1. KLEENEX TISSUES, chubby' or regular, .packages PERSONAL IVORY SOAP, .bars . 12 :f or $1. WHITE SWAN COLOURED TISSUE: Pink, ;yellow, blue, 'green, .:rolls _____ 9• for $1. ROSE ' Brand MARGARINE,'' lb.' pkgs. . 4 for $1.. • .: Garden Patch cut Green . Beans, '15 oz., 9 for $1. Wagstaffe . Red Plum Jam, 24 oz. jars 3 for . $1. Wagstaffe- Orange and; Grapefruit Marmalade, 24 oi.: jar . 3 for $1. Southern : Cross Solid Light . Meat Tuna Fish/ 7 oz. tins f 5 for $1. :Red and White Homogenized Peanut Butter `. '9 oz. tumbler _ 4 for $1. Fancy Quality Libby's Tomato Juic e,., 20 oz. tin . .: 7: for. $ Choice . Quality Tomatoes "Culverhouse" 20 20' oz. tin. - 6 for $1. Kraft Deluxe : Slides, 8 oz. cello 3 for $ Libby's ; Deep Browned Beans, 20 oz. tin -5 for $1 THERE'S MAGIC IN YOUR $ .$ $• • at. RED and • WHITE Treesweet Fancy Orange Juice, 20 oz. 5 for Culverhouse .Choice Cream Style. 'Corn 20 oz. tin, nw 6 for :$1. Fancy Quality Pink ,Salmon, lb .tin __ 2 for $1. • Miss 'Canada . Choice .Strawberries 15' oz, tin _• __4 for $1. Sarong Crushed Pineapple, 20 oz. tin :_._ 4 'for $1. Bensons-. Choice ualit *Peas,.20: oz. 7: for: 1, Q y KING'S CHOICE QUALITY PEACHES; .28 :oz. .. < . p.. 4 for $1.00 AYLM'ER TOMATO .or VEGETABLE . SOUPS' 10 : oz. tins --- 8 for RED ,and :WHITE. EVAPORATED ;MILK 'Tall tins . _ ' ;for $1.. SARONG SLICED ': PINEAPPLE . •. 20 oz. 'tin _ -- 4• for $t, ' LIBBY'S °FROZEN STRAWBERRIES ,15. oz.;package 3 for 1. FRESH . :PRODUCE Juicy, Golden, Sunkist :Oranges, .5 lb. ,bag, 53c Smooth,' *axed, No., 1 Tu - s . each; lOc Vitamin Loaded SAinacl ; cello 10 oz. 2 for :.29c GRAPEFRUIT, dozen 59c:: DO-IT=;YOURSELF . 'ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume :3'now. :on `sale _Only 9.9c With $5.00 , Purchase • 'PHONE. 2 FREE; DELIVERY: United 'Church Mission. Band The meeting , opened with . the. ' Mission Band hymn and closed. with the purpose.- Roy Button read the minute's and Sharon Whitby the treasurers report:' After a hymn, Mrs. Whitby gave the • story. Shefry :Jardine gave the call to 'worship and .Terry Rathwell read the.'.scripture.. • •p • NO ACTION AT HOLYgOOD• MEETING ON FRIDAY' Friday night's. •stori'n cut "down the attendance to six .at a meet- ing " in Holyropd, called to dis- cuss the pros ' 'and cons of an organized ° vaccination of . town ship cattle ' against ' rabies. No action' was . taken, Press reports indicate: the `G. ov- ernrnent .ma,y be considering a vaccination program, The opinion has been expressed that . cattle could be, vaccinated effectively within. a Month or ,so Of going' onto grass. onto .grass Local:& General 'Mr. and Mrs. Morgan . Render .s'on were recently in Montreal attending the Lumber Dealers', convention. Mr: and: Mrs. Gordon Bailey ;of Bailey's Beauty Salon .are. this week taking ':a post .gradate course .at the International Aca- demy of.. Hair Dressing in Toron- to. • Mr. and Mrs. William Ritchie have returned Shorne after spend= ing the last month:, with Mr. and Mrs. ' Elmer Wall of °Teeswater and 'with. the Papernicks •of Coder rich. • Miss Lorna Campbell- who' has been :visiting here at . the home of her sister,' Mrs. R. H. Thomp- son, .left on' Sunday for Toronto, where • she has.,accepted a.. posi- tion, in a ' doctor's office. Anamaniammajammora • D0: DOIVNYSROOK Lyceum Theatre Mr; l•1., 1 . ChatnneV and song Wm. R. ' and grandson Danny. Charnney of. Windsor were weekr end visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs.,. R. C'hai�nney and ether members of the .family. ?. The local, euchre club met on. Friday evening • at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. Jefferson. High scores were held .by Mrs Jas. Leddy and Mr lip Jefferson and low by, :Mr. and Mrs.. Win„ •.flardyY • Mr. ,Thos, Kearney , returned last week from St. Joseph's hos . pital w:here'he.had been a pati. • ea' forseveral weeks. • V INGHAM Two . shows each night ' First at 'y.15 • Thursday,: Friday, • Saturday, February 26 ' 27, 28. John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara THE •WINOS.OF EAGLES° A ,highly entertaining blend of lusty 'comedy, . human interest, land drama. • PARAMOUN'T, INSTITUTE The. February'.rneetirg of the Paramount Institute was held at the home of Mrs..' Bob. Reid with Mrs. Emile McLennan . in the chair: ,The meeting opened with singing'` the Opening Ode and re- peating the Mary Stewart Coll- ect.. There were ten. ".ladies,; one visitor- and . •two youngsters' pre sent. Mrs. Fred Martin gave the current events. Readings ; were given, by Mrs. Bob Reid, Mrs.' Bob" Car �.pbell,, Mrs., Jam . E1p, hick, Mrs. Jim, Ketchabaw. .A guessing contest . conducted . by Mrs:. Bill Stanley* was .won by Mrs. Emile McLennan. There: was 'HOME: BINGO: NUMBERS For Week of 'February 23rd :Monday, February 23rd ... d 52 Tuesday, February 24th :.. • B, 10 .Wednesday, February . 25:: B. • :1 Thursday, ;February 26th B • • 4 Friday, February, 27th • B 12 Saturday, February 28th p, N 44 a contest :by Mrs. Stanley: The meeting, closed by ' the National Anthem and a dainty lunch: was served: PARK THEATRE .0d NOW PLAYING,— Jerry Lewis in "Bockabye Baby in . colour' , with Marilyn ' Maxwell. Monday;. Tuesday, and. Wednesday, ,March -2, 3, 4 James Stewart, Audie .Murphy, Dianne Foster':& Dan Duryea <; A series of railroad payroll robberies becomes the focal point of a "stirring conflict between ,two' brothers, "NIGHT ' PASSAGE" In ` Cinemascope and • Technicolor Thursday, 'Friday, Saturday, March 5,' 6, 7 -DOUBT E BILL. Marjorie Main, Percy • Kilbride ,And all the Kettle "Kids S for another i.. Journey to the South Seasriotous episode in. . their untranquil lives, : .. MAP rt rand:KETTLE, AT. WAIKIKI" An ''as the second half of ,an entertaining 'double bill '. "S 1V1 O K E S A swift moving Indian -adventure,. starryilig -l?AN'A ANDREWS 'and PIPER LAUDE • • cot Ing "V RTIGO" with Kirnv Novak and James. ;Stewart ° 1 ��r rt