The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-18, Page 11, p,Ei : DAY, FEB- 18th, 1959,. $5•o0 This coupon is worth .$5. on the purchase of this Wider IN PORTER CABLE'S NEW • A ' E LUC I Qw .SEL;, LUc NOW. cermio • , PI.RE PROTECTION: ' KINLOUGHDON..NYBROOK AGAIN ' DISCUSSED • .Mr. and Mrs George' Halrlezr� (DUNGANNON N>411r'S) ' by returned ••harne this week • a1' : _. - ter a most e eyable meter trip• d evening On Thursday eventhe Fire ,10 Florida. Protection Conunittee met in the 4 r Parish � Hall With local Cottrtcill- ,,,''� farniy� ditui�r was held on. ors and. a d*lta�haturday evening at the home of! gation • from Co..Cl11,11'.. unci.-M.Irs, ,Jaynes Hader*, •i;t , borne township, Fire 'Marshall kit>in' th 1 Toronto, was g ' ed filmsr t t• on the.benefit received many Io 1 ifts d f Anderson, k oc astori of the�*-�alth and show on hand Wedding Anniversary wie_=i they Sl good.. fire •through c ti b V ' protection throat hcohzratulatory messages. 8: the aici ;of• the latest f' meth, lir, Che V, orici Day of Prayer• was 'ME C'olliLllittee has SptI:it .Utl- . ri«'ri � cin � 'ar• L}�:iI1aQ„ to deratC the, ba.( -1 condition of the ;reds. . 'Member's of the 4-H Clubs at- e i a a.. 'thd Fr d si rriiV,,h Olin into thce matter' from eei'y anglerbuf' til tonl1!'Ci thc' ... ' rY e :t Dal, k clement ther prevented :i .- • �cX,ettan S3tCPdaM.ful1. epr seittation • .ftoni t.aei11g • . r ! •ptelnt to reach,: sun'u . definite cone lusi'on; •x health for .Flys..Q9rdon Schutz However, the need .for,•fire • • who has lately. •been :on .the protection is. realized • and the scheme .was riot entirely tu.r,ned' down. It; •was felt :that ratepay- ers bordering other towns,' and. who rely on these 'Centres, for fire .protection, would not feel like contributing. to anything ex-, tram .. . • . •. The Committee has done well to• . arouse . interest: and .probably some siilution to .'this. end will' .be worked. out for..local protec- tion; The Fire Marshall` told 'of. . courses , available to able bodied men to instruct them oil • fire protection methods. D:r., H: A. Vokes stressed the need of r ier::,e people. in:the community.. being;,: able to perform artificial respir-.1 atio'n. . • Billy. Blake: While ".sleigh rid- i ng with. a •party of ...chums. had - the' bad- luck .to get.. , his ,:...foot twisted:iri,t,he chain of his tab"-.. aggan, as it changedcourse mid- i way .down ;the hill and the ended • Up . with a badly' sprained, ankle..., He '•expects to, get back. to school' this week. LOOK WHAT YOU GET!. a: Powerful Motor -nota "vibrakte 'a Orbital Motion -gives a smooch tin►sh°' lightweighf•r-.lou. than 5V2 CounterbalancdDesign reduc.s wbratioa • Comped :ands in cramped space; .with ,ecse ` .95 with coupon yrs : Shelton Phone '80, • Lucitaow N CULROSS CORNE1ZS Miss•Mary ,Collison has return. edhome after visiting in Prest- on with Mr.and •.Mrs, Bob Fisch, ei and Babe.' ,: Owing to• a storin:Tuesday the• school•. -bus' .was .unable .to travel the concession's; so Miss, Elda Wall 'spent the night with -Miss 'Barbara ;Murray, Miss •Corabelle •Thoinpson v,i sited with` Miss Sheila Haldenby;• Kinlough, • and. Miss. Susan Harris' with .Miss Marie Sehneher; Kinlough. Week -end visitors • vtf i ,t h Mr. and yrs. John Schumacher were Mrs: Den, Robertson and Diane,' Georgetown and Miss Lois • Hal'= denby .•of' Carruthers- Nursing Home, • • Our teacher, ;Miss King, lipid a Valentine • Party .,at '.• the, school foqer pupils on Friday and had has. guests; 'the smallfry of the • . ;vection. Miss Sutton, 'teacher at ,the 10th school also' had a Valen- tine Party and entertained the 'mothers and pre-school age'ohil,- •dren • The 4.11 club Girls. of the coin- • min* ' attended ' Achievement baY in Walkerton •on Saturday. Misses •Corabelle Thumps n`t and. .Elda Wall received • county • hon- ours, Misses Elaine Meyer and Beverley Wall a certificate. Each girl wa3 presented with a silver • spoon. . A sign of .spring, a' skunk was seen rambling around' the corn - And Mrs. :Jas Wraith were ,the guests Sunday of ,Mr:. •and 111 .Visitors• on..Sunday with Mr:, and Mrs. Harvey' 'Maize we:re,.i. Mr. and: Mrs.:.:Jack. Maize an:d , family of Auburn arid 'Mr.. and Mrs: Gordon Maize. and'. family 1 of Lucknow. Death .: Of Melvin Anderson: • .The death of. Melvin .Anderson occurred at Kitchener last: Thur: r' sday. He. was the second son. of a: family 'of 'sit "born to the . late' John Anderson and:Sarah W'at-' • son . Anderson, . who: lived south! .of ..Dungannon. He' 'was 73 years' of 'age.. Besides ..one. brother, Gordon of Nile; he 'is'• survived by a son, Ingle, and three grand l children 'His wife,:. formerly Eva'. Walters of. Goderich; 'passed i' away 15 'years ago: '. Tlie remains were brought to the . Stiles Fain' i eral Home, Gdderioh, acid. •thence . to; ,the United' Church ori Satur- i day" :afternoon fora,; service in charge of Rev, Roy Kennedy. Thepallbearers were Leslie Schultz; W. J. Stothers, Thomas. :Rivett,. • •Arthur. ,Elliott,' 'Ross •McNee'. and. Reginald Ryan. In- terment was: • in' Dungannon Cemetery. The .United Church. Y. 15:".1.1.1 . held an enjoyable ' crokinole par- ty :in the 'basement on Monday! night of last week..Scoring high!. tor..men,, Reg Brindley and 2nd, Tor» Dickson. Lady's; high was'. won by Richard : Stewart ' and 2nd . high was'. Kathleen Smyth., Rev. H: L,. Jennings, 'rector of $t..Fauls'Anglican Church,'Dun' gannojn, ' gave the address at the i. World's Day of• Prayer ;pwhich' was well attended: As 1e noted,' the ladies from all ,denominat ions, he remarked about the un- iversal interest in this respect' for peace' and the commonneeds for• body and soul all over the .world.. Mrs. Ben Mole,: presideixt of St. Pails; presided :and was assisted:, by Mrs..' Robt NfcA11ist= er and .Mrs. herb Finnigan who led with, prayers 'and readings. Mrs, ft. A: . Vokes.presided at the organ.. • We arc holing for improved. list Thomas Park is.. ill with anat_ tack of Shingles. • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Glenn' and' son Harold 0Sud1• Glenn; retirr- necl home on Friday after an en- joyable 1noter•'trip to Fioridat They • were pleased with thea warm .temperature and sunshine t. that existed niost '`of the time. I. Mr. Thornton EedV. fulfilled' mail • de-liA'er.y duties between Dungan- non and Goderich for the twelve days they were . gene: • • pAGE M -visitors with, 14r. z1 and. rs- > : Cba zey and other members o . the. family.Mr. and Mrs,. H. Jefferson and. Mr. arid 11t€,sL.e ,. Jas ddy were recent visitors with Mr. and;. Jc'hxa ,Jefferson ` and • faith t, ar:' Mfarid Mrs. StuartCha ;rte s • and its were Sunday visitors The WM a. .*and WA met at t E' harne ,Of Mrs.. Chas- Jeffer- son ff r -son C i't " an.. " attendance pf Mme; Jam. Leddy presided for the W.M.S. Mr: H. Wood read the scriptu:.rt' lesson. Mrs.. Do�'p td ' Jezteralza read a prayer. Mr. r Wes.. J'ei :assn' gave, a;. 'readictg Mrs R. Chart -ley read an .ar'txee r h .S on•Ctray,; Stewardship a k _kine =e_ses entitled '"why; so, Fea.rf it Mrs, S, Tho4.tpson read part ef the chapter in k' Siu y , book, en Canada: 'Mrs. : Jefter- U ttf.: r Qar:'deri r ,..l v - _ .. T_ . .... ,de,..-�!�1 4 ck a `; �.,.;,e' *L.: ' Northern O itari °tom^e near -future., . Mrs, Chas.,Chas.,el Ja 'er preside l , ter tie ''.A. meati ; which fol- lowed: 1.lowed: Hyr t, 385 v'a - u g and S.:4 i r`r' t7:4 read in; aw^', �orL. Mrs,' S. 'Cit arnney gave . a reads •erg ...-A. . Friend: . •Lunel Was. -� se;ed. by the hostess assisted by Mrs. , E Robinson and Mfrs. 'Gordon ler: •�i4 :. Oing • to the Ky cl?r: dit '•n of , the roads' ere.- - h =entre at' Don ny b.rook' was canceled on: Stm- i day • Mrs: E, H. Doerrr=' and ' son Briars„ . off the ..desk. Tom. , I ,.Want : to • of Niagara ' Falls were recent: seseetile' rest. of tile . clam,. 4v;,th her parents. Mr,.and mr.ss,• ; . Wnt. Webster. St Helens.. srcu wEATRER •4 • Yeu-eare't -'keep up yyanwit with 'aye .rat s • of t••;,.A. e .4 a. her # . Sat- ' ;aid.. ni -,, r rt t ^ g he ed hed r e is'`and. stet4 . with a a:are. !� CL"t' at 'made e l ce motion e:.. des».,r talon .`q: i e. treaca'*er `as., : r ay the least. • C,n trued :rain with a. m?der- a;S.ttg. temPei'ati re Cut 4:1,.e .tom that .afte`tieen. Bre . ^..i.ght it: was _o` although • *lot as severe as haw been ' experienced .. at times tI2k. winter Stutday w. as rnsld add; sultrily.-: a deiigh.tf • day,, but thejoy was snort l �. ed.. l oa day tuornir it y"as nowinn and. bloc�:ili a i Teacher: •. Please: ,take your feet Mrs.. Murray Henderson 'and htm- ily, Lucknow.. +. Mr. and. Mi,s. Walter Srhuma- 'cher and 'family and Mrs. Chas; Schumacher, • Wallcor'tnn .'pent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Schutrracher, • Mr. and Mi h; Th is Hackett and, ohildrt'n, . Paramount and %Mr. Doug Hackett, /ltilt'ficici, visited - Sunday with . Mi•. aiitd. Mrs. • Midi ford Wall and .Donnie, MONSTER COSTUME Sponsored'. By The . Lucknow District Lions 'Clu Lucknow Arena At. 7.45 (}Clock Sharp ' CO ,TUME: :EVENTS PRE-SCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Fancy Boy or ;Girl 'Comic Boy or Girl '1150 . 1.00 Best .Couple ...:.' 1.50 1.00: Public School :Students: Grades 1 and Z: 'Fancy', Boy or 'Girl .: $1.50. Comic Boy , or Girl ; 1..50 Bpst Couple 1.50 .'Grades. 3 and 4: •Fancy Boy', or Girl ,. . .$1;50 Comic :Boy or Girl ... 1.50 ,'Best' Couple. 1.50 Grades 5 and 6: ' Fancy Boy ; or Girl ...$1.50 •Comic Boy -or Girl . 1.50. .Best Couple :. • •.. 1.50. Grades 7 and 8: Fancy Boy .or Girl, 4 $1.50 Comic Boy or Girl ,r , 1:50 Best .Couplo ... r 1:50 High School Students:. Fancy' Boy or Girl'.... $1.50 Comic Boy or Girl .... 1.50 Best Couple , : , . r , 1.5'0 • Adults: V.' Fancy Lady .:or. Gent.. $1,50 $.1,00 ..75 -Coznic;Lady or. Gent 1.50 1,00.• :75 Best Couple 1:;50 1,00 .75 :$1.00: .75: 1.00 75. 1.00• , 75. $1.00 :75 1%00 75 .1.00' $1.00 .75 1.00:.75 1.00. $1:00 .75 1,00, .75 .1.00 SPECIAL ' EVENTS Queen Of ' Carnival .-- $3.00 Lion Costume Race RACES • Girls• race, Grades 1 2 .75 ,5g'. . 25 y, Bos•; race, Grades 1.&.2. ':: 75 5 0. .25 Girls' race, Grades 3 t1/4..."4 . 75 50 . 25.".. Boys. `race, Grades 3 & 4 .• 75 ,50 �25; Girls' race, • Grades .5 & 6 : .75 .50 2 5. Boys' race, Grades 5 & 6 ..:75 .50 . .2.5', Girl's' race, Grades 7 •.& 8.:.:75 .50•: :25 Boy s''_race, Grades:7 8 8 .• ..75., 50.: :25 Girls'," race, 14 to. 16, yrs . , . 75 .5 .0 25 Boys, race: '14 to 16 yrs. 7 5' .50 , 25 'Gents' race, over 1.4 'yrs. ' 1 00' .50 Musical Chairs: :Boys',. 12. yrs and over ... 4 .5 40 .25 Girls', 12 yrS. and' oyer ; , 75 , •.50' ..4 25 •/ LUCKNOW DISTRICT •HIGH SChI00t BAND IN ATTENDANCE 4 15 -MINUTE LIONS BROOMBALL GAME; ON . SKATES ADMISSION FRFF. SKATING AFTER SSE PUBIIC SCHOOL CHILDREN Spa", Donated By The Sentiiel 10e