The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-11, Page 7,71 WE NESDAY,, FEB. 11th, 1959 • • THELUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUOKNOW, ONTARIO - FORTY THOUSAND FOR NEW SIrMOQL: A. M. HARPER Chartered 'Accountant West Street • GODERICH, ONTARIO T elephones 3434 343W ROY N. B ENTLEY McLENNAN and • MacKENZIE FIJNERAL SERVICE': Servicesconducted accord- ing to your wishes at' your Home, your Church, or , at. our • Memorial Chapel at dui additional change.. • Phone; 181',; 'Lucknow, Day or Night WINGHAM �MEMORIALVIOP . • - ; PU,B'LJC ACCOUNTANT. GODERICH, ONTARIO • Tele:p hone 1011 • Box 478 F. T. ARMSTRONG e OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT , "Phone, 1100 . •INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILt • AND ,LIFE To . Protect Your Jack, Insure _With:Jack Today. J. IA. McDONAGI' RR..3 Iueknow, Out. 61-5, 'Dungannon R. S. HETHERINGTON, • Q.G. Barrister, • Etc:. Wingham and LuZknow IN ...LUCKNOW Eaand c Mo and Wednesday' : Located in the: Municipal Office 'Phone Wingham • . Office 48 • Residence; 97' /V�NMIW n • STATE FARM MUTUAL - AUTOMOBILE. INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing REUBEN : WILSON. • R.R. .3 , G•oderich • Phone 80-.0-,8, Dungannon 1 JaHMstoNE•s FUNERAL HOME . 'Phone. 76 Day or Night' USE. OF FUNERAL•.,I., IOME' itt . No Extra Cost Moderate Prices Established 1894 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS. for' prompt se'rvice,, and 'quality • products,, contact: II. •R, CHISHOLM Phone. collectDungannon. ,194-2 "'Always Look To Imperial ,For The Beat"' We Have ' Been ••:• Memorial Craftsmen" for • Thirty -Seven ,Years,. Always . Using . " THE BEST GRANITES, Along With Expert Designing and. Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery. Lettering Specialty ecialt g a P .. y; R. A. SPOTTON 'Phone 2560' Wingham,', Ontario Insure'. With The CULROSS MUTUAL FIRE -INSURANCE CO • for Reasonable. rates, sound pro tection &. prompt, satisfactory. settlement of claims: • FARISII' MOFFAT Your Lucai Agent • . R.R.. 3, Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 GL . �•A�.A��!' W 1L, ....AMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St., • just oft the : Man • St. in • WINGHAM Professional Eye •: Examination Optical' Services • For appointment,. . Please 'Phone 770, • VWingham R W.. ANDREW. Barrister and 'Solicitor., LISTQW EL,.. ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon., Office in :the • Joynt. Block Telephone.. . 'Office 136 ' -Residence 31-3 LUCKNOW : DIS.TRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. Phone Lucknow /71 .TED''COLLYER ' Registered Master Electrician 'ELECTRICAL :CONTRACTOR Specializing in • Electrical Wiring and. Repairs AGENT. FOR SPARTON TV and' All 'Electrical Appliances Phone 46-r45,.. Lucknow. INSURANCE' Hospitalization and Surgical ' Plans • Automobile, Casualty and Farm Liability • Mercantile, Residential Farm, Fire &;' Wind Insurance T A. CAMERON,' LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 Our' Motto Is "Service' ,PAGE SEVEN Huron Township Council ,net on February 2nd with all nem- bers• present. ,A delegation .of the Trustees. of School Section No. 8, ,. Huron and. the School' Inspectors, Mr; Game and, .Mr. W, S. oug- ham, presented a. request that the. section be taken -into the Ripley- Huron school area. The Council later passed the required- By-law: consenting; ,to the reques.t. '. ' 'The School Board will require ''similiar• by-law from the Vil- lage of .Ripley' and ;if received they may , get into the :area'. on December ' 25th. • • The , Council also gave two readingsto a'. By-law for the . iss- uing' of $40,0.00.00 debentures for the'building, of a two room school 'in • the' "Huron West" school area and: will .ask the approval of Abe ;.Municipal Board •.for •same. Moved •by :Martin -Low , that we ask the Departmen of High ways to approve the t' ansfer of $$5,265.00 from. Bridge Construc- tion to Road •Construction/on the 1958. annual .return. ' • - A• letter was read from the Lae - •,partrnent of Lands `andForests asking if the Township.. ' would approve of Sunday .:fox. hunting during the • rabies epidemic 'and the . answer 'was NO. Tenders' for Bridge .plank was received . from Mr. Wm. Brown. at $95. per :'thousand ' 'and was ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK RADIOS, TOASTERS, 'IRONS, anything. in the electrical line. Prompt service > '. Reasonalyle Prices. LYON'S ' RADIO SHOP Phone 84 Lucknow Kenneth . J MacKenzie, R.O .nptonetrist LISTOWEL, .ONT. , • at 'the 'former „Wcone J'ewele r9 , ctore, 'Ripley, 10 a.m; to 9. p.m WEDNESDAY; FEBRUAR1C 4th: and every Second' Wednesda Eyes examined. •.•• Glasses fitted. For ; `appointment -:'phone Roy MacKenzie;' 961-r-24, Ripley. ; • FURNACE 'OIL, STOVE . on,, • KEROSENE, GASOLINE See ;or call ' WM. A.. "BUD". HAMILTON • .Phone 220-w Lucknow District'' Agent for.: Cities Service • from: an outstanding brown 4egg• layer; y J Warren's SEX.-SA•L L I'N IT'S I N A CLASS BY :ITSE).,F 1,. The; 9. remarkable .Sex= Sal-Link—bred at well-kn wn J. j. Warren. Poultry Breeding Farms,, and hatched and sold by Swift ,'is a strain cross that competes favourably with any white -egg layer in use today. Already. :the Sex -Sal -Link has established an enviable • record in official egg -laying tests, by consistently ranking .: . ' among top birds entered. in one test, Sex -Sal -Link pro duction hit 285 eggs per bird=54 more eggs than the aver- age of all :birds. entered 1• Livability and feed efficiency have, proven consistently. excellent; (Tests entered include the•Storrs, New York State, and Rhode Island. Egg Laying Tests.) In a • side-by-side field ' test of random -sample . bi rds, conducted at Swift's Research Farm, the Sex -Sal -Link outperformed one of the largest selling hybrid .layers by • five eggs per hen for the first nine months of laying At the same time, livability of the. Sex -Sal -Link was 94 per• cent throughthese months of high production! Now is thetime to; order 'money -making Sex -Sal -Link • layer chicks,3for your'flock. You can get these 'and other ' • ffno.•Swift chicks :by:.contacting:. .. •, Swift To Sore. Your. Farm and 'Family Better, TRELEAVEN' MILLING CO:' LIMITED Lucknow .Phone 9 ORVILLE 'ELLIOTT RR. 3 Holyrood Phone Ripley 24r-26:: :accepted. :C1elaiid'; ;grader wingman, 258.40; The Clerk was instructed ' to advertise for a Warble :.fly 1In- Spector; sprayer .operator and 130 saes,af, pewder: • Moved-, by . McKinnon -Walden that: . the following' accounts be. paid: ,13'foxbounties': for Janu -ary, $65.00; Cameron` Cook, re fund of taxes, • 15:64 Mac :Mac- Donald; refund' of ' taxes,. 12:30; •Dr:: W. ' Bruce, school" dental - Services, 40.00;,•John S.:MaoDon-, aid,. care. of hall, 4$'.00; Soil and Crop Improvement Association fee;. 15.00,•, Earl Tout, registration of• deaths, 2.00; Post .Office, stamps tor- Clerk; • 9.00; Alfred Walden„ two trips in 1958, -6.25; Ripley -Huron Legion, grant, on hall rents, 20.00; ',R:. H. Martyn, treasurers 'bond, 12.00, Village. of Ripley, fire. services. D. Campbell, 250.00;' Stanley 'Thompson, spray= `ing ibuckhorn, 36:00; January ,.re- '.lief, 20;00; Post Office,' unerriploy- ment stamps, 10.40... Murray Wilson; 'grader wingman, 42.50; Donald MacDonald; '.grader: wingman, 8.50. Voucher No. 2: 7. -...Gordon Em- rnerton, : sanding hills, $2200;.. Chester- . Oarnpbell, sanding hills and snow. " blowing, 49:50; • Ken • MacKay, ' prestone,. 16.00; Roy Marshall, . snow plowing, 2,028.00; Coiling Brothers,. snow °,plowing, .2,310;00; , Walden Brothers; snow; plowing; 224.00; 'W. L Shantz, bulldozing • snow, '170.00;,Grahai Cook, .:bulldozing snow,' 724:00;. :Harry ; Colling, sanding, 35.00; Kincardine ,Township boundary,. account,' 251..10; :.'C.N R. freight, ;1.50; ,H. H. Bannerman, tire and tuber, 48.5.5; G. W. ,Crothers, gra- der repairs, 15.7.18; Workrnens Cornpensation Board, 32.95; :El- mer Courtney; :'salt and :bolts, .2L10;' Howard Hodge, repairs and labour, . 521:54;. Imperial Oil Co., oil : and ' fuel. oil, 472.37; D. G. MacDonald, oil: and 'fuel, oil, 319.-- 24; :19 ,24; R. ,Collins, dynamiting, .10.00; McArthur Tire service, tire and tube, 303.25. ' • . • • Moved by ' McKinnon Martin that • we adjourn' until' next re- , ,'gular meeting, on 'March 2. Earl Tout,. Clerk. / -Payroll No. 2 'Steve, Irwin, •R,o,a d Superintendent, `; 347.40; Gordon Stewart, grader operator,• 367.75; ' John " Elackett, grader wingman, 63.75; • Dan • Gossel, , grader wingman, 10;20•; Hugh Are You Inter:0$ted i..Busintss for i959 if so we have the : chicken's from Government�ent approved Hatcheries: GENUINE BABC OCK. BESSIES FIRST GENERATION WARREN RHODE ISLAND RED PULLETS ARBOR ACRE COCKERELS` or ''CAPONS Alsoyour choice . ofother breeds or cross breeds. We Have The: @d To push them along to maturity -- Our Prices' Are 'Right, • Kaechtel and Son. Ltd. PHONE 78, LUCKNOW There's' A New -Life Feed For Every Need! • •