The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-11, Page 4r •, 1. it n I t an Via• PAGE FOUR • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL;, LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO, • WEDNESDAY, . FEB, l l tb 1959 .M � �......MrM-' M Yr'M.•Mq.w..w. FOR SALE CHAIN SAWS Porter Cable and Pioneer, , $169.50 up, Dealer °Chris Shelton, . phone 80, Luck- • ' now, SPECIAL "VALUE, --self rimming stainproof :enamel • sinks infour colors, blue, yellow, green and Coral. Priced for quick sale while. they last. 'Wan, • Murdie& Son.. HAY FOR SALE --500, bales of mixed hay. James Devereaux, R.R. 2, .Lucknow. ' 'HOUSE FOR SALE — six -room house in Lucknow with all con- veniences. R..13. Quance, Luck - now, RS FOR SCALE -•714 year- ling Holstein. heifers & 6 . spring-. Ing Holstein heifers. Call even-' , ings: Bob Campbell, R. 3 Luck- • .' now,' phone . 68-10, .. Dungannon. ao CAR. FOR SALE—cheap, cheap, a .'5]. Hudson • •Hornet ..: sedan,. signal lightsk new tires and,new battery. Alvin Hackett; R. 7, Lucknow, phone ' Dungannon 70-18: • COWS' FOR SALE 3 Holstein cows, 1,. black cow and .1 blue cow, 5 years old, all Hereford - bred and all due withina month, also 4 -year-old Holstein . fresh one , week Ross ;: Henry, R.R . 1, 1 'Port Albert, : phone Dungannon 23-r-5. MEAT FOR SALE Good beef or • pork in large "or small quantities.. Meat slaughter-' • ed' On premises inspected, by the Department .of Health: Custom killing'. by appointment: Cattle. killed every day and hogs every. Tuesday morning. / RAYNARD ACKERT, . Holyrood Phones 24-28, Ripley, and 101-r-13, Lucknow • COMING EVENTS .VALENTINE DANCE.• • Lucknow Branch, of 'the Cana- dian Legion will hold a dance in . the Legion: hall," Lucknow, on , Wednesday, February 11th,. Nov - SERVICES elty dance.. Slim Boucher and his Golden Prairie Cow boys. Adrzus-. HALF PRICE OFFER'. Reader's Digest ' . New • Subscribers . Only - • 1.2 issues for $2.00 Don Thompson,;:" phone ..35 . - ' RUST PROBLEMVIS?. For a complete stock of auto re- pair panels t . d • • DAVIDSON . Visualining 8z Collision Service No. 8 • Highway, Phone 320, Qoderich a ,a �•-a.. . • OLD HORSES WANTED , Old horses •w,anted, at 31c per lb • dcdd cattle at . value, If dead, phone at.;' once. to Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, p` hone collect God-. :erich 1483J4 or 148311, ' TENDERS STEERING TROUBLES? patient he 'was ,ain Victoria Hos See TENDERS -will be received •until 'p til, London. sion 75c •- ' • • PUBLIC ' SPEAKING • The C.W.O.S.SA. districts pub- lic speaking -finals will. be • held in • the Lucknow District High School on Thursday, 'February 19th at 8:(10 o'clock. Silver •epl lection, Everyone• tyelcome. ' PARENTS NIGHT • Teen Town • Parent's Night will be held -in the Legion Hall on Friday, February :20th at.. 8 p.m. A 'discussion group about teen and parents • • problems will be conducted' by Rev. Wilkinson of Hanover.Local ministers will be guests.. i DEAD ,STOCK • SERVICE HIGHEST CASH' PRICES Paid for •Sick, Down or Disabled Cows . & Horses- also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old horses 4c per pound Phone collect 133 Brussels •BRUCE • MARLATT •' or ' CORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r,-24, *Lucknow. 24-hour service CARDS 'OF THANKS • Bill Houston wouia, . like to thank. all those who rexriembered him, with, cards,:Rev.. W. McClean for his visit and R. B. P., 432: Amberley, for . their box while • DAVIDSON Visualizing 4- CollisionService < No. 8 Highway, Phone. 320, Goderich .GLASS! For . •every make auto, flat or. curved. See. DAVIDSON 'Visualining & Collision Service • No: ' 8 . 'Highway, Phone 320, Goder-icli :CUSTOM CAR, PAINTING • A. nice new paint job is money{ • well 'spent, single or ;:two. tone,. hot spray method; :fender ; and body work, rusted panels , and sections. replaced::. N. W. ' WIN'1 RSTEIN (1 building west of Town Hall) FERTILIZER..: Lo hest prices. Additional sav= iii.g b - s Ordering early, MacMillan y g Y. Brothers, Lucknow. • CARPENTER' and Repair 'Work February 25th for the redecorat- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carter wish Ing, and sanding of floors in the 'to express their- .heartfelt thanks Science -. ' room of the Luck ow and .a . reciation to Dr.J. B. Tin Public School.Work to be ,done..daPll Ri .ley, Drs.. , Hession, Reese, during Easter vacation:: • Hudson and McKim, Sisters and Lucknow Public School, the staff of St. Joseph's Hospital, • • Donald Henderson, Sec. Mr. and .Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Mr. and MJ•arnes .O'Donnell, Mr. TOWNSHIP OF ''RINLOSS' Elmer rums. Urnbach Mr.. and Mrs.; SEALED MARKED TENDERS Karl Boyle, Campbell •Tlompson will be received . by the under- and Donald, neighbours, relatives signed up to March 2, 1959 1959 at and friends for various. things 2:00 ;p.m.,' for the crushing 'of they . have done : all• • those • who. 12,000 yards• of gravel ;and the . sent flowers, cards,' ;treats, and' i del verin f. the on. the ! ,g , osame ,visited Peter, ; :and 'also to. the, Township. Roads at“a • flat rate . snow plow crew. per yard, under the . direction of the Road Superintendent. Crush Mrs. Wilson ; Irwin wishes to ed Ya” square or 3%a'.'.round :Work sincerely: thank. all those who so Crush - to :.be completed bY October •ist 'is.kindly remembered . her ` with. 1959. cards, phone calls and visits while • Tend' r •.she":was ill in..bed' Tender to • be accompanied ; by _ Marked cheque or10% of tender. BUY LOCALLY! The Lucknow The; lowest west :or any tender :not Sentinel : can fill ' Y Sour . needs . in S. necessa •ily accepted. all• types of business and contin '.R. -Lane,. Clerk; Township uous Agent ' for `.Pak -Fold • Kinloss, .R:R 2, ::Holyrood. 'Continuous. Ftirms ` Ltd., phone 35 Lucknow. of all types. Call at I:ueknow , TOWNSHIP • OF.. KINLOSS i< FREE MAGE DRAPERY SALE ' .(.5:1:c111. oodSpecialties be contact Bob SEALID MARKED TENIIFR,S, New screen prints, fibreglass, Campbell, phone : Dungannon 68 will .be reeeived•• by -the under - plain materials etc. Made up free r-10 . -" ••signed up . to . 'March 2, .1959 at ,of charge. (minimum .'51/2 yds.) No' additional'` charges as invol- ved when buying,: from samples: AUCTION.. SERVICE A1`lan MacIntyre • : • 4 . 5000 yards in ` stock for immedi Licensed Auctioneer. ate selection, no delays Our Lucknow Phone 107r-24 Ripley. large . purchases mean Jewel.' pric fFIELD TILE • es: or you. Smitty's . Shopping Centre . Ltd Dealer ' for :1Vlartin ,s quality 4 -inch tile always .on hand Hanover Ontario,• tile. , at 6c. Free delivery on .1000 or over: S ` cial. discount on ' winter l USER 'CAR :BARGAINS 'Pe �� Spring is just. around: the coy delivery. Lorne Eadie,' Holyrood, one Ri le 2 • 4-9 ner :Corner• of Hamilton St. ?' p Y in. Goderrch =- where McGee's MOTOR. TUNE' UP SERVICE: Let me give your motor' a new give •you summer driving . plea - ,Ha t'ng ring jab It includes val 1�IatiCe TO Creditors' Used. Cars, are ready to go`and' sz - 956 1ure• P1 mouth, 4. Dr.. V8,• Pu • • ve grind and :factory specified' Y tune up: .'• e Th back to new motor 1955 ' Dodge .. 2 Dr. Hardtop V8, • N.: W. WINTERSTEIN ,Automatic., (1' building west of Town' Hall) 1955 Hudson 4 Dr. Wasp, 30,000 INSEMINATION SERVICE. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc., Where Setter Bulls Are Used Supply artificial breeding: ser- vice. for. all breed's Of cattle: For service ' or more informs.. 'tion, call ' collect to ' Kincardine 460 or Clinton Zenith ' 9-5650, be- tween 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. week days; .6:00 and 8:00 °P.M. Satur- day .evenings, ' • , For cows noticed 'in heat on Sunday Morning, da not ''call un- til Monday' morning. • :The quality is high and' the cost' ' See; The Complete Line For 59 low..• Dodge. '— .Desoto ' I.ambler at• 3:00, p.m. for: (1) : Ilaispector for ` .Warble fly convpaign 1059. • (2) Operator :for Spray mach- ine, .to use Township tractor to draw sprayer, -Council to supply WarblePowder.. Work to start April .10th; 1959 and ' Continue • for: two, 'Sprays up to ,May 31st.: The lowest o ' any tender not necessarily accepted. J: 41,. Lane, Clerk, Township Kinloss, R.R. 2,•- Holyrood. button drive, radio, sharp..., life will astonish you.. miles, high: class transportation. 1954 Desoto 4 Dr. Powermaster, Luxury car in New condition. 1953 Dodge •.Sedan,:, black with, white walls... 1953. Ford' coach, radio. and over drive. 'r 1952 Dodge, 'Overdrive and new - • `paint. ' • • 1950 '& 1951 DeSoto Sedans,, must be „seen to be appreciated. This Weeks Special:- •195.7 Dodge 2, Dr.. Hardtop, com= - •plete with all factory Accessor- ies and only 16,000 miles. -REG. MCGEE. AND' SONS ' Goderich," Ontario. WANTED THANK YOU NOTES and Hasty Notes available at 25 cents per package of 10 cards andmatching en velopes. Don Thompson, phone 33'or 35...• , FOR RENT • CATTLE WANTED --win in the market to buy stocker steers and fat cattle. at all times. Lorne Eadie, Holyrood, phone Ripley 24-r-9', FEMALE HELP WANTED DO YOU NEED 1VIONEY, Avon Cosmetics will, supply that •need. Write, stating telephone number, to Boer A, Lucknow Sentinel. APARTMENT , TO RENT' at Holyrood, bathroom and all ' in- side conveniences, Ernest Ackert, Holyrood..• • • PERSONAL - WHY' FEEL OLD? Feel. Years Younger, Ostrex " Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. ONLY 60c, At all druggists. In the Estate of Ellen 'Shackleton Ali persons `having claims against the estate of Ellen Shack-•• leton, late • of the Village oaf Luck now in the 'County of Bruce, wid ow, . .deceased, who 'died, on or about the 26th day of December, 1958, are required to file proof of same . with the .undersigned • on or before the :2Ist day. of Febru- ary, 1909 . • After that 'date the EXeeutor will pr'oceed. to distribute • the es- tate having regard only ,to the claims of which they shall, then have 'had notice., . ' ' Dated at Wingham, this 3rd day • of "Februarys, •1959. • • • • Crawford & Hetherington. • Wingham, Ontario: •Solicitors for the Executors. • REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES ' FOR . SALE • We have several `homes for sale, with all conveniences in • A.4,0 homes in Whitechurch, NOTICES r, The annual meeting of the West Wawanosh Mutual, Fire In- surance Company will 'be held u the Parish Hall, Dungannon, on Friday, February 13th; 1959, at 2.00 p.m., to receive reports, elect directors and for the transaction of general 'business. • ,The retiring directors' are H. D. Anderson, Marvin •McDowell and Ross McPhee. 'Mr, McPhee is eli- gible for re-election. . .Durnin Phillips, Sec.-Treas.,. Dungannon. • The regular Child. Health,' Con- lerence will be held in the Le: .gtiozi Hall, Lucknow on .Tuesday, February 17th from.1'0:00 to 11:3,0 a.m. 'Babies and pre-school child- ren welcome.: , . • • . RE RED CROSS A Public Meeting will, be held in the Council Chamber of. .the Town Hall under the :auspices' of the' Lucknow and Vicinity. Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Socie- ty on Thu?sday, February 12, at' 4 p.m. for the purpose of ` re or-. ganizin'g the local Branch: If suf- ficient interest 'is , not shown , in the . Red. Cross Society the local Branch will be forced'•to disband and surrender their. • charter. Any member of the Legion Auxiliary who would liketo go to Wingham Card Party On Feb-. ruary. ,19, supposing you didn't get. to Kincardine, please phone,; Kay Forester '29, or, Eva Black '170-W. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to extend thanks . arid, deep appreciation., to the many friends . who• remembered me with. : cards, letters, 'and .. gifts while a patient •:in the Wingham and District General Hospital.' MRS:: WALLACE MILLER. 'Father , had listened to his 7 year' -old: son .•:scratch , away On :his 'violin. Nearby a'hound: dog: howled dismally. As the practice session wore 'on, father' asked' the' boy, "Can't:. you play. 'something the :dog doesn't • know?" ast Chance N.•r•6' �yjr, .7r ms.4, .:,.} rr./.t ..f,`r%f„yb :%•f� 'n'l � !/i• 4}i'�l.�iG '%hYf/{/.'%� %y /!Q>. twat Md /: .vena fuo HIGH. GRADE`: FERTILIZERS 4 There'd no Fetter way to cut fer titizer'costs than to take advatt- tage of the early season discounts on Co-op Fertilizer. A "owe t' rrl UNffiri opFRAnvisOfAVl e 4-24121 k talking delivery Before February 14thPI dd. ;, us an a IHO saving pE '%�p by paying cal! in 10 days us an a ition of ? b i % Y paying cash in 10 . days Lucknow. . We have beenserving the area with ' . Dungannon and Kinlough.. • Number 'of fauns in the Luck ranular Fertilizer now area, well situated: Farms and business properties for sale throughout',Western On- tario. - List your property with, W. L. Stevenson, • Real Estate, Mount Forest: John Hall, 'salesman for the Lueknow distriet. for several ,years ow DIstrit�Coop