The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-04, Page 9WDDNOSDAY, FEB;. 4th, 1959 'CLENNAN' :and. 1.IIacKENZIE !FUNERAL SERVICE • THE LUCKNO'i1,SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO• . • A. M. HARPER Chartered .Accountant West Street GODERICH, . ONTARIO Telephones 3433 - 3.43W N.'BENTLEY. ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, .ONTARIO : Telephone 1011 ' Box 478•. Services . conducted accord- ing to your wishes' at your Home, ' your Church, or at our . Memorial Chapel at • no additional. charge,, Phone 181, Lucknow, . Day or Night, W I NG°•H.AM MEMORIAL SHOP 1( We Have Been Memorial Craftsniei 'a for Thirty -Seven. . Years, Always. Using • THE BEST 'GRANITES Along With Expert Designing, and. Workmanship; ' Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering . a Specialty ARMSTRONG R A. ,SPOTTON .. 'Phone 256, Wingham; .'Ontario OPTOMETRIST GODERICH EOR ,APPOINTMENT •Phoma 11.00 , , 1NStLJRANCE FIRE, WIND, CAS xA ATY ' : AUTOM. OBIL> AND LIFE ' To Protect. Your Jack, Insure. With ;jack Today: J. A. McDONAGH • R.R 3, Lucknow,• Ont. :'Phone 61.5,. Dun•gannoa, / R. .S. HETHERINGTON, .�-,> •' Q.O. . Barrister, Ete. Wingham and Lucknow' IN LUCKNow .` .Each: Monday `and - Wednesda Y Located in the Municipal ; Office 'Phone Wingham Office ..48 Residence ' 97 %STATE FARM. *MUTUAL. AUTOMOBILE. INSURANCEJ Investigate Before Investini 'REUBEN WILSON 3, Goderich Phone 80- r-8' Dungannon • .JOHNSTONE'S FUNERALHOME 'Phone. 76 Day' or Night USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost i'1oderate .Pri°ces Established 1894 IMPERIAL OIL 'PRODUCTS for prompt service, and ' quality products, contact: 'B. R. CHISHOLM Phone collect Dungannon i9.f-2 "'Always Look . To 'In periai' For The Best" Insure With The' CU,LROSS- 'MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE, CO.. for: Reasonable 'rates,: sound • pro- tectioii & prompt, 'satisfactory. settlement of claims. 'PARISH . MOFFAT: Your .!Local ' Agent R.R.:3, Teeswater • • 'Phone. Teeswater . 67-,r-41 G. -ALAN WILLIAMS. Optometrist. Office on Patrick SA., just ' ' off the Main •$t. in • WINGHAM Professional .' Eye Examination Optical• Services For appointment,:_ Please Phone . 779, : Wingham R. -W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor,., LISTOWFL •.ONTARIO N'•L CKNO1'fir I U• Every.' • Wednesday , and Saturday Afternoon " ,Office. in the :Joynt' Block :. Telephone,•. Office 135' 'Residence 31-3 • LUCKNOW DISTRICT :. 'CO-OPERATIVE INC..; • • Phone Lucknow •71 MORE .COMMENTS• ON CENTENNIAL'. APPRECIATED DAYS SPENT T AT CENTENNIAL' Elmira,; Jan. 30th, 1959, The; Lucknow Sentinel, . • ' Dear Sirs: ' Ootid thing this week's Sentinel arrived on. Thursday to remind me • of the deadline for the old subscription rates.. 'By the way arrival of Sentinel •is very erratic . since mail' deliv- ery Iby train. discontinued. It only arrives on Thursday occasionally' now' and sometimes is at ' late as Monday. However or • its size, it. Seems to contain more interesting ..iterhS • than two other much larg- er weekly' papers which we read, perhaps . that . 'is', because' t seem toretain quite ; an ' interest in Lucknow, so the Sentinel .is ap- preciated ; .even when. late. The' new garden colu. rtn is . ap- preciated for its humour ;as. we11 as..,advice on the growing of those. things which produce Fragrant "Scents." We shall try to find. time to read at' least an occasion- al. editorial. We shouldn't skip ahembut sometimes this is the case as we 'search : for, the newsy items,. when we are Somewhat removed from the • scene • of such Rents:, n • May ID at this late date add my, thanks. to all; those who . so gen:. TED"COLLYER. Registered, Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in ` Electrical Wiring' and Re.pairs,. AGENT FOR .SPARTON TV .. • and All Electrical Appliances ' Phone. .464-.25, • Lucknow INSURANCE. , Hospitalization .and 'Surgical' Plans • Automobile, 'Casualty and •. Farm Liability' Mercantile, Residential arm,' Fire`' & Wind Insurance T. A. CAMERON L'UCKNOW Phone Dungannon 70-r+10 Our Motto Is "Service"; ELECTRICAL REPAIR' .. WORK RADIOS, ..TOASTERS, IRONS, anything in . the electrical. line... Prompt service.,• --- •Reasonable' Prices,. LYON'S •RADIO SHOP 'Phone 8.4 - Lucknow': Kenneth ' J. "MacKendie, ". r R.O. Optometrist :. LISTOWEL• .ONT.. ` .' at :the. former Wrona' Jeweler., :tore, Ripley, 10' a.m. to 9. P.M.; WEDNESDAY, FEWWARY 4th: and. 'every Second. Wednesday, Eyes :examined. Glasses.' fitted :: For • appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie; 96r=24,'.:Ripley. FURNACE OIL, STOVE„OIL,. KEROSENE, 'GASOLINE: See ori call WM.. A. "BUD" HAMILTON, Phone 220-w Lucknow District 'Agent., for Cities Service RAGE NINE NOW . SWIFT BRINGS YOU. THE :NEW SHAVER STARCROSS It leads all Cornpetitors...l. Just look at these figures: - SHAVER STARCRbSS 288 won first place 'SHAVER in the 1958 Canadian Central Random. Test' ' • TEST ..'`STARCRGSS AVERAGE' 288' ' Net Income over Chick aid Feed.Costs.....,' X2.09 $3.00 Average egg production. per chuck• started•(reckoned , , • • to 50.0. days. of age on 110 pullets)................. ,. 197. 233` , •' Percent Mortality from 7 days to 500 days of age :. '8.1: 5.1 ' Lbs..offeed per dozen eggs . .,.. 5.1 / •4.3 Percentage of all eggs laid grading largo...,:......,, •59.6 ' ' . 63,9; • The SHAVER STARCROSS 288 was also Top Quartile Pen'in .the 1958 Missouri Random Test .. and Shaver has been. the leader for; the': first three years of:.the Central- Test In Ottawa.. Your,Swift hatcheryman can show you' the figures from these tests. ,Order the new SHAVER STARCROSS .28S' today from (HATCHERY OR DEALER NAME) t i ii) Xs:70",,5704,0 Oros afae Ross 8671 TRELEAVEN MILLING CO. LIMITED . Lucknow. '' Phone' 9 ORVILLE ELLIOTT R.R.:.3 'Holyrood,ti " Phone Ripley 24-r-26 erously `contributed their time and .effort: to make the Centennial the outstanding success" it was, We did appreciate `the three days we were able to spend there and meet so many folk still' residents .and • many ` others,' like myself away. from Lucknow. The' Sent- inel staff deserve a good deal of credit for their, full ,coverage pre- ceding the celebration ,:days as. well as ,for the Centennial Issue•. and: the coverage of the' Centen- nial ' proceedings.' Thanks again for the'' weekly news 'of Lucknow and vicinity. ''.Yours :Truly, • 'Viola kerry.. SEND IN THE'. NEWS, ' KEEP FORMER RESIDENTS POSTED eager for, and enjoy'the news of:: the :old . hoine 'town, .is good rea- son for is to keep : appealing . to residents : of . Lucknow and Dis- trict to` send in the news,' either to this:. office or the rural corres- pendent in yo it . vicinity. People • are 'particularly interested in who is .sick or 'hospitalized.. , .'' If :you know. 'of' a potential stews, story, which we could • de- velop, we , would ' appreciate a "tip off." You •don't necessarily' have; to. I have' the' details-�we'il try tO ' "dig therx out • So' the next time you have. an 'item, or a story ' of local interest, remember our "away -from. -home subscribers" • and possibly ' Your friends; are particularly' interest., ed. Help us .to keep The 'Sentinel "like; a letter . from home.". From time' to time we • publish comments of . our oiit-of-town subscribers,. which 'might , appear, that we are "patting. ourselves. or:tbe 'back.!' Such is not the intention. There is a twofold purpose Names are news, .and' the ''mere mention of the names of former residents; 'keeps then., foremost;in the minds of `,`old" friends here. Secondly, the; fact that they are Feed Contracts .1 SOYBEAN OIL .MEAL • `OIL CAKE 'MEAL SUCCESSOR'. NAMED • Mr.. George ,Louckes, Chesley lawyer, hasbeen appointed Judge Of , the .Juvenile and Family Court of the County ' of . Bruce; as 'suc- cessor suc-cessor ;to, they late Harry W. Alton. If. yop wish to be perfect;“dol- • low the advice that you give.oth. ers. BuIk o ged :service (Mill Feeds' At All Times LIFE PURE CANE. MOLASSES DRIED MOLASSES.' • ` DAIRY, BEEF, 'HOG and POULTRY : CONCE NTRATS• . . are completely balanced to your needs . Feed free choice if you will • "AUREOMYCIN” Recommended leve"` are used ' in Supplements and Complete Feeds where daptable Our Prices Are Right • PHONE ,78,. VICKNOW'. There's ''1:A ' 'New -Life' Feed F'or' Every ..Need!