The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-28, Page 9WEDNESDAY, ., JAN, ' 28th, 1959 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE A. M. HARPER Chartered. Accountant. West. Street GODERICH, ONTARIO 'Telephones 343J ,. 343W• . . , ROY .N, BENTLEY •' ACCOU NTANT GODERICH, v ONTARIO; Telephone 1011 Box 478 • . T:. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT' 'Phone 1100 , INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With, Jack .Tdday. J. A. McDONAGH R.R. 3, ' Lucknow, Out.. 'Phone 61'-5,' Dungannon •=' INGTON HE's'HE'R , . , Q.C. Barrister; Etc. Wingham and Lucknow IN . LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday Located in the . Municipal Office. 'Phone Wingham Office . 48 Residence 97 ' STATE ;FARM :MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate .Before Investing. REUBEN • WILSON' R:R. • 3,,. Goderich - Phone 8:04-8 i'ungannon , • JOHNSTONE'S 'FUNERAL HOME. ; 'Phone. 76 Day or Night ; ' USE : OF FUNERAL -HOME At No EXtra Cost • Moderate Prices: Established .1894 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS • '• for prompt service, and' equality products," contacts B. R. •CHISHOLM. Phone .'Collect Dungannon 19-r4 '"AT'ways : Look To Iiyhperial ' For The MVIcLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE' Services conducted . accord- ing toyour• wishes at your Home, ..your Church, or . at Our Memorial Chapel at *mi.:. , additional'. charge.. :Phone -181, Lucknow; Day Or Might : WI NGHAM MEMORIAL 'SHOP., We Have ' ";,Been Memorial Craftsmen .for Thirty Seven Years; Always Using THE BEST' GRANITES Alongy With Expert Designing and Workmanship. . •Prices. Most Reasona ble . Cemetery Lettering a Specialty • R. A. S P TTON O .. .'Phone 256,• Wingham, Ontario:. Insure With' The CU LROSS*MUT;UAL FIRE iiNSURANCE' CO.. €or •. Reasonable ` rates, sound • 'pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory • settlement :of claims.. PARISH. MOFFAT ..Your Local Agent R.R. 3, Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater. 57r-41.: G. ALAN:WILLIAMS .Optometrist :.. Office "on Patrick'' St.,` . fust off • the Main St in ' WINGHAM Professional . Eye Examination Optical, Services For appointment, Please :Phone 770,• Wingham ,R.: W, ANDREVI/. ,. Barrister and. Solicitor LIST,OWFL, ONTARIO: IN LUCKNOW ., Every.:.'. Wednesday . and Saturday ' Afternoon ry Office \in the Joynt •Block Telephone: I Office 135 Residence, 314 • LUCKNOW DISTRICT Y: CO-OPERATI.VE INC Phone' Lucknow 71 • TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician" ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR• . Specializing in Electrical Wiring and Repairs AGENT , FOR SPARTON TV and All Electrical Appliandes Phone •46-r-25 Lucknow, INSURANCE Hospitalization and Surgical ° Plans. . • Automobile, .Casualty and. Farm Liability Mercantile, Residential Farm,' Fire & Wind .Insurance T. A. CAMERON LVCKNOW Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 Our Motto - I"Servide'" KINGSBRIDGE Mr, and Mrs. Edward 'Gilmore and babe spent the past week. With .1vli"s, Ed.. Gilmore; and are turning to, their home in Cal- ry' •his week. Miss Frances Gilmore of London spent ;the week -end at her home here also. 'Congra'tulations to ',Mr.. and. Mrs. Wm. Van 'Osch upon the ar rivel of a son during Mie-. past: week. Miss Yo Van ;Osch is • now visiting with herbrother and family 'in Cornwall. Mr. Geo., Hebert who recently returned, from overseas, where he had, been stationed'with the U,S, An...Force for. a couple ..of years, is :now.' visiting with his. relatives 'here. Store Makes, Way For Highway • Widening We aresorry to•,learn that Mr.. and Mrs. Frank,'1VfcKenzie (our. General. Storekeeper). here, are planning to leave this comnuri- ity in the Spring and locate else where, • '.as. they sold their store to the Department of Highways necessitated in •, the widening of the highway programme. g Y The • Kingsbridge Store IS one of the. few old landmarks left in this corn°uhity: 'and has been a great convenience to many people in years gone, Eby,., 'and particularly so in a ..winter such' as: We are now • experiencing, when shopp- ing in towns is, very .limited,• due to weather and .road conditions, We• hope, „therefore 'someone -Will open tip another store •here , in riot to distant future... • DONNYBROOK' There was. 'no church service at• ,Donnybrook 'on Sunday due to weather and road conditions. Mr Elwin Chamney of Wing ham was; ;a .Sunday ` visitor .with. his parents, :'Mr. • and Mrs. R:. Chamney. Mrs: Cecil. Chamney of Wing- ham, was a •recent visitor with Kenneth `J. -MacKenzie • Optometrist .LISTOWEL; ONT.:• /. at.the -'former . Wrona ,,Jewelery :;tore. Ripley, 10 a.m.. to.9. ,p.m WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY. 4th,• `and every Second Wednesday: 'Eyes `e'xamined - Glasses fitted' • .For appointment phone Roy MacKenzie,. 96 r-2.4, Ripley., FURNACE .OIL, ' STOVE ' OIL, KEROSENE;', GASOLINE See ' or call WM. A. ``BIJI1" HAMILTON • Phone 220-w Lucknow District .Agent for Cities. Service: SWIFT'S SKY -HI 3:1' • Average: rate Swift's new Sky -Hi. 316:was developed especially for the poultry, raiser who depends upon "his Laying• flock for -income. It combines high production with good feed conversion for real agsembly-line .efficiency. And, unlike many high producers, Swift's new Sky -Hi 316 maintains an extremely high' rate of lay without sacrificing;'egg size. Here is a completely new strain -cross Leghorn that excels in all characteristics of economic•. importance.:In extensive • tests of•. this and .other strain -crosses, the- Sky -Hi' 316 r do ' proved superior. It had the highest egg poduc n, ea rlie st maturity, and greatest livability of all layers, tested. During • an 11 -month period, the Sky -Hi 316 achieved, a production of 281 eggs .'... an •average rate of lay of 86%1 And the_• egg weight kept consistently high. . Order this top money-maker for your flock . .'the:Sky-H1 316 is ideal for either floor or cage: Sky -Hi is a trademark'. of .Swift Canadian Co., Limited.. For the Sky -Hi 316 and 'other fine Swift chicks; contact: Swift • To serve Your Farm and Family Mar' TRELEAVEN 'MILLING CO.: 'LIMITED LucknowPhone 9:- ORVILLE: -ORVILLE R. 3• , 'Holyrood ELLIOTT,' Phone Ripley -26 Mrs and Mrs:. Sam Thompson and Mr.. and Mrs. Cliff. Henderson and 'family 'of. Kippen, 'Were re-, cent visitors With Mr: and Mrs. Stuart Chamne`y: , and ; girls :. ° , • • The ey'chre. club 'met : on.:Tues=. '.day evening at the home...of Mr.' and Mrs: Sam Thompson. Prizes for high scores went to Mrs: Gus Devereaux and H. :Jefferson and low 'to. Mrs: J Leddy and Leo Foram: !IOW TO 'KEEP AWAKE °Suggestioris:'by the Transporta- tion Safety ,Association, to avoid drowsiness in driving: Take off right. 'shoe and . drive withstocking feet: If vehicle is equipped with ,a radio (a) turn it up ' loud '(;b), change the, program (c) tur1ii it• off listening periodically' so that, you don't, becomeaccustom ed to the music: or:the the normal• Swish' of air without" your radio being on. Whistle or sing as loudly: 'as possible. Open window or "no draught" vane to force air into the driving compartment a'id;or on the dri ver's.fface.. .1 .'Stop •'the vehicle: Gest out and ..walk or run 50' yards: ' 'Stop and' massage. , your. face.. Shift to an unusual and}or un-. comfortable `. position in ; 'the .dri-- ver's seat: RECALLS POND SKATING.' WITH -STUMPS ABLAZE, In renewing his : Sentinel sub- scription, Gordon . Johnston of" Toronto . had• this to say in part:.` By all `reports you .are -having lots .of snow this winter and it' reminds' m'e'. of , the • winter's •.there: when I was a kid.. I 'din't pose there is, any more skating. .on the milt pond, with :a • burning .:stump for' illumination: The re -union last summer ,Was a great success and many' .people in town must enjoy' the satisfac tiori of ' a job well done: • ''Hilda ' Twamley of,London 'writes, "Ali . of us, especially Dad, look forward to., the arrival of the paper each week. Mrs Gladys r•Moore, of Hamilton says,"Atthe end ofeach week I look forward tqJ he. Sentinel to bring me up •to'kdate•with news fromthe home town," 44s-.4•-• .- L Are You Interested in. theChi'c.k, 'Busi:ness e for 1959 =if so, we • have the chicken's; from Government approved Hatcheries. ../.. 1. GENUINE BMX OCI 13ESSIES FIRST . GENERATION WARREN. 'RHODE ISLAND • RED PULLETS ARBOR ACRE COC_(ERELS or .CAPONS, • Also youe choice. of other breeds or cross breeds.. We Iiavt The Feed' To push therm along. to maturity,- Our Princes Are Right:." • nee el and Son L� , . RO /$, LUCKNOW There's A New -Life 'Feed For ,'Every • Need l Ir