The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-28, Page 7WEDNESDAY* JAN,29th* 1059 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEi,, LUCKNOW, ONTAR10 PAGE SEVEN • WALTER BRECKLES KINLOUGH, ONTARIO -= Phone 18-20 Ripley • Your John. Deere Dealer ---• Autom.otive and Tractor Repairs Arc and Acetylene welding; , Machine Work ., : Pioneer. Chain Saws; :-Lawn and. •cfarden Equipment 0. For your best buy, indiesel tractors,, see the "David . Brown" FACE 'SCHOOL AIDITIONS AT WINGIIAM,• GODERICii S. • Hetherington, chairman of ..the `•Wing ham District High School . Board,.' -told Wingham. • Council at 'their inaugural meet- ing 'that. it' was necessary to con j cider arc. addition to the Nigh Sehool, or .as-.had=beers .suggested by some,' anotherschool else- where .in.• the district..: Attendance is now over 600, ,resulting in. overcrowding, ° and. 1961,,: attendance might irrcrease. ,to 750. • No •accurate. figures; had .been 'arrived at, but an addition might cost between $200,000 and, $250;-. 000. s More definite steps were recent- ly taken by the Goderich Colle- giate .Board for an addition to that school"., A portion ' of Ashy field and West. Wawanbsh Town- ships are included irrTMthht---Area; and .we understand the Councils •of the respective municipalities that a survey -of public. . schools ' have given their approval, to the in the district indicated thatby building 'program . v • Ripley-Ashfield. P.Y.P,S, • After a lapse of more' than ten weeks, the Rilley;Ashfield Pres- byterian Young • People have •'sang ed • to get in a 'meeting .de- spite' adverse'' weather conditions, The meeting took place in the Ashfield chi!' ch with' ten., mem •bees' present. Hope was: express- ;ed that • meniber'ship would ' 'be' back at its usual standard by the next meeting: An account at Bill McDonald's store at Kintail was ordered paid. We received an in vitation .from; the. Tiverton ,Soc- iety Soc-iety to attend ,their skating party• and we\set'the date for our own skating party, . postponed from. before Christmas, for January 30th. Assisted by Rev. •McCombie the missions convener, • 'John' Martin, showeda film, on our personal missionary duties, after which a discussion and quiz took place. at Mrs.. Robert MacKKenzie's home on Tuesday, January ' 20th. Mrs. Milton Rayner presided. After' the Call to Worship, the 'meeting was opened ,by singing. hymn 454... Mrs., 0. Petersen read' the scrip- ture, and the Bible Studybased on "Truth,,'.' and entitled true worship.. This, . was followed by prayer by Miss G. • MacDonald,. • . "The , roll call . was answered by a' , .Bible •verse,• with . the word truth, and,'also-by ,the'. payment of fees: • . Mrs. Morgan: ' Henderson gave the . topic, from our topic : book, "Canada," She spoke" of t'he. is-' sionary .work' "among. theFrench Canadians in: Quebec; All joined, in. a -Bible Quiz conducted by Mrs. Henderson. During the iusi- nes it was, voted : that the society donate $50'00 towards the Dupii- Gator Macl 'Machine for the''church',' At the close of the. meeting .a social half hour was enjoyed.. • United Church Evening Auxiliary Twenty-seven members met on January . 20 • with" • president Mrs: Vernon. Hunter' opening with de- ..ex_,•gercises , and business. discussions. Rev. Geiger, . very inforrnativelyin tailed• the offi- cers i-cers ' for 1959 re -affirming •: our ,purer intent . to fulfil the • pur- • Presbyterian. Evening: Auxiliary There were twenty-one: Mem- bers .present at the: meeting held WE' HAVE , A. ,LARGE NEW 'SELECTON OF • 44)eher estetfiel which we bought at a SUBSTANTIAL DLSCOUNT due to a slight change in styles and coversin the 1959 • .. ; line, and so can pass on this '.saving. to our customers. Some of our chesterfields have. been in our Funeral a Chapel fora over. 6 months, and ' prices on these good quality suites are being greatly reduced for new spring , styles.. • OUR ALLOWANCE'o your "present C'h'esterfield n P .. is VERY LIBERAL, and COMPARE OUR PRICES with QUALITY before you purchase. :•.<$:'j{•�?; •'.:::•: :?;iti. rt �# TWO PIECE SUITES'.., Reg. SALE •1 Brown 2 Pc. Viscose,. Fabralite trim, med. Suite with airfoann, beautifully styled . y .. , • • ; y• • 2 Kroehler'. Charcoal 2 P c. Suites iti H Viscose y , • : • • • ... $21. $18 5 5. 1 • Kroehler Nylons sloping •. Preen slopug arms $239. $215... 1 Kroehler 'top grade, Viscose cover, cushioned back, in Mushroom ,tone $269.: $250. 1/ Kroehler BrownViscose, the :nation ally, advertised suite for 1958 :. « $245. $220. $235.' 1 Beige Freize Suite, top quality,, but in ' our funeral home for over 6 months • `$169.. $125. stf 1 . Kroehler .,lon with and' two 1 Kroehler. cover DAVENPORT SUITES ReSALE'' Davenport' Suite, green ny- dark greenfabralite, trim., matching cushions • • $189. $165.' Davenport ' in good tweed $169. $150. 1 Davenport Suite, brown freize with light.: $139 ' ' $1.15. fabralite tri .: . . . �,.. �.. � ' 1 Davenport Suite, suitable for your den or recreation room, chair .slightly off- ' • color with chesterfield (second) `hard' wearing . practical. cover, ... $ 135. $110.. 1 Sectional Suite, in tan ,fabralite,, in- cluding 2 pc. sectional, chair, '.corner table . in, light arborite top, with patch- ing step tables . , • , . $.189. ' $165 USED CHESTERFIELDS 1 Two-Pc.Green Velour. Coombe Chesterfield, •:. '$75: '1 Three Pc. ' Mohair 'Fry and Blackhall' Suite. (small) in- perfect condition , , : y 1 Chesterfield ;only .> ... y •.' • i, Y • • • •i y • OUR USED CHESTERFIELIS CO. QUICKLY So Don't Wait! ,..' "$75. $25 . • R. poses -of our fluties and 'obliga- tions to the church. He offered his services at any, time and sug gested new activities to furtter more interesting programs. • Special . collections are tobe' made to. meet necessary expenses. at any time. Volunteers for Sun- day .School nursery`were listed: Rev, Geiger suggested a superin tendent to arrange for . Stories and talks to, cultivate missionary activities ' among the children.. Mrs. S. Collyer took eharge' of the meeting. Mrs• E. ' Whyte read the scripture, stressing the aware- ness in the' value' of justice in true cornmunity life. The topic on. Canada was capably delivered by..'Mrs: •H,. Murdie, ,making ' com parisons, and ,differences in our mode • of living and .religious'•;life. fromn'coast to coast.xl'Irs. H. •Web ster favoured with ''a piano;, in- strumental. Following- a hymn, Rev,' Geiger closed .with prayer. ; Lunch was ,served. , . ' . ` 1,. 'y Group 1 United Church W.A. Group ` 1. of the W.A. • met at the Thome, of Mrs. Geo. Whitby with, M -s,.—R.-Tohnson presiding. It 4� 8 was decided .to ; adopt the penny Christmas stockings, and travell- ing. • teas as our project' for' this year., _Election of '' officers ' follow-. ed: Presidents, .1VIrs, R, 'Johnson, Mrs. Alex Havens; ':Secretary, •Mrs.;Jiin Boyle; Treasurer, Mrs. Art: Breckies:;• Christian: Fellow-.- , ship; Mrs,. White, Mrs.:. Russell. Robertson;' Mrs.'Keri . Murdie';.'Se- wing ' iCommitte "'Mrs.: ' Vernon- Hunter, Mrs John, Nicholson, Mrs: John. B1dke, . Mrs.. Jas. Ritchie; Pianist, Mrs.. John `Hall,:'' Mrs. L. McLeod presided: forthe pro - grain. She introduced ,. our. new devotion book, the theme ',being; "By,. this shall:' all :men know." Mrs Jim Boyle read the scrip- ture. .Readings were , given .by Mrs.' Harvey Webster and Mrs...: A:" McNay.. Mrs. M.: McLeod mov- ed a note of thanks to .the hostess and closed' the meeting with pra- er.. Lunch 'was• served by .the committee, Mrs: Struthers, 'Mrs. Geo. Whitby and. Mrs. L.'' McLeod. Ever ,'notice' that the football; season ,ise. when ;you watch the numbers ' on .. sweaters . instead or the .numbers that are: in 'ern? C BITUARY :ROBERT ' " EDMUND GILMORE. A :lifelong resident of Ashfield Tavirnship,: .Robert Edmund, Gil more, ,passed away on .Tuesday, January 13th, on. the ,fa'r'e, Con: • 12; Ashfield, where. he was 'born . • over 78 years ; ago.. His.. death •came unexpectedly, after a two- day illness. Ile 'had been in his usual • health .until ;',Sunday. Ed, as he was well known, was a . son of, James Gilmore Catherine Mullin, and one of a fariiily of eight children. At ,'Te'es. 'water . on 'January 19th, .1910,.' he ' married TheresaZelly of,the.Be1- more district, and they lived all'./: their married life on the 12th Mr. Gilmore's death occurred within' a few 'days of :their 49th wedding' anniversary, Theremains restedted at the.f am- ily residence where ,.many called. to pay their respects: On Satur- day morning Mass was celeb'rat= ed by Father Va'h flynekt. at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic. Church ;at Kingsbridge, . with ' interment..' in Kingsbridge-Cernetery+ 'Pall bearers were'.Wray Pearson, Geo. Halloran, John Gilmore, D' .Ar•- cy O'H.ara, Lloyd Cline, ' Basil Hogan. Besides his 'widow, four daugh- ters and ' four sons; survive; Mrs. C. Kretz (Della) qf, Kitchener,. Frances of London, Mrs. George - •. Halloran (Margaret) : of Buffalo, Mrs. Wray Pearson (Helen) of Hamilton,' Jim and ,Art at home, Ed.; of .Calgary and Gerald of Cornwall. There aref 12 grand 5 children. Surviving also are two, Sisters, Mrs. Mary O'Hara of Chesley, Mrs. Helen Calhoun• of Anatherstburg and • a brother, Dr: Thos, E.• Gil:rnore of Chicago. • He 'was predeceased ..by three , brothers and a Sister, Mrs. Jean Monahan, Detroit; Dr. J.' M. Gil= more,• Chicago; Patrick Gilmore, Ashfield; 'James 'J. •Gilrno ? "C 'London.- . ,• ,,. •a