The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-14, Page 3• • ,R WEDNESDAY AN. 1,4th, 1059 • • • THE, \LUCKNOW SENTINEL, . LUOKNOW, ONTARI9, THE 'LUCKNOW- SENTINE LUCKNOW,.. ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" - On ° the Huron -Bruce Boundary Authorized as' second class mal, Post Office Department, Ottawa • • Established .•1873--oPublished. Each rnoon'• . "Wednesday Afte Member of the CW.N.A,. and. the 0.W..N A, Q Weekly , Circulation' : 180•0 Copies 4` ' • Subscription Rate, $3 00 a year, in advance - to, the U.S.A., .$4.00 L. Campbell Thompson and Donald C. Thompson, Publishers A PAGE TIRiEL WEDNESDAY,_ 'JAN. 14th, 1959 LOOK ' WELL IS :: DAY! -The•. adveint of the. 'New 'Year, bringin'g'. with„it all its ,hopes,.and fears and resolu. • • •tions, will have for us all its joys. and its' sorrows, it. success •and itsw'failures, its right • and Its wrong. • The dayby day approach in . all we do, or fail to do,, will in large 'measure deter - Mine .-the--fulfillment of ails relalaves;_...and, , this poem, itseems,-. is. particularly . approp:.• riate as we face the -challenges. and' oppor-' ' tunities. of a new year: ti TODAY Look well to this one day, For it, and it • alone, is. life. In the brief course of this one day *Lie ;all the verities and realities' of your existence; ' The joy of growth, 'the splendor of beauty, The . glory of action.' ‘• Yesterday :,is but a dream and tomorrow is • only, a ' vision, ...But today well lived makes everyes- Y . terday a dreamof happiness — And each tomorrow". a vision ..of,: hope. .`. .' Look well, therefore, to this one day, ;For it, and it alone, is life,' Such ': is - .the salutation of the.` : dawn. YEAR TO BE REMEMBERED!. • The ushering ' ,in :of a new, . year is pri o forward with ew. m�arily� a time of looking o � , g. r r...:,new. •hopes and' new ''aspirations But for Lucknowites ',and all those•who claim the Se poy.iliage ..as their .native, ;heath, ;the year-end: has not terminated our look . backwards ` 19 8. ingat S For those' who participated in Centen nisi . prepa"rations, . and: for . the .'thousands who shared.in the joys of that ho'rnectoming;`. the past year. will '13°.e• happyrLcollection so long. as; : memory .lasts: a M'te least, it .was `a rnonientous Materially,. at 1 a • , ',year in' the : hundred year. 'history of this community possibly ' its greatest, al-, though°:'one' has only s'tud'y the- history. of the 'village; to realize 'that .there .have. been many noteworthy accomplishments in ' the spiritual, educational, civic' and indust- rial life of the corporation,. th'at.;:reflect great redit. on the courage., foresight and 'pro-: gressiveness .;,of our forbears. The •wor, l heritage",. may often seem overworked and taken lightly, • but, ,just ' pause : for ,a moment and r, reflect .•`pear magnificent. churches, flourishing .industries, fine schools• 'and sturdy business 'blocks, 'have - een chal- lenging construction' hal-lenging'construction' projects, if viewed in no other light 'than' that But ;more •than that they •are evidence of our 'forefathers' .faith in Cod, -their confidence: in the future. of this municipality, and not least, their belief' in "themselves and the . foundation, they were laying' in all phases of corn nun- • • agess one hundredth `'birthday 'in., a manner befttting`,the glory' and ,renown the Muril .' •,cipality once basked in when the Caledon-. ian. Games ' flourished with international distinction. '! This determination 'and ` enthusiam was'. sparked •by ,the establishment of the Beatty Ladder. Factory, which proved an invalu-- - • able , industrial, "shot -in -the -arm", `supple menting the contribution .our otker iidus •trial establishments have made:•to the•.Com- munity's welfare, having operated consis- tently through good years and bad. The Centennial brou lit' with it a wave of 'civic 'pride that foun ,.expression in :'a general` "face lifting."• with, a- generous' Use of the :paint brush as homes, and. surround- ings, business places and `. public . buildings took' on . "the Centennial :look New street lights, an expanded roach pav- ing program, and park improvements a d- much •:-e • m h. 'to the appearance of progress, and the hometown looked its 'best to the returning :"old boys Centennial : year saw :'the. Legion .take over'and: renovate the Recreational..Centre..-• It was an active year for. the .newly organiz- ed Lions Club, one of the major projects • being to 'financea' black top in the arena, 1 and the approach of the . years end saw the revival of the Horticultural society. •'The ;achievements.;'of ' 1958 stimulateu:. confidence ' in the folk of; this .community,: and•,were •:concrete evidence of what can be done' by determination, 'a willingness to put • one's shoulder to::the wheel,' and by .whole-', ...hearted .co-operation: • 'Centennial year sounded a :note•- of > con fidence ' in' this community ,which . will, we •believe, resound, loud "end long .in. helping to.keep us: on the, march. Savings of 20 tO 50 Many,, May Items Not: Listed COATS and :DRESSES. -- 20% .OFF TIP TOP and CAMBRIDGE SUITS 15% and ;20% Sale.. Corsets, Corselettes • dirdles, 'Brassieres `.. HALF ' ,PRICE learance • .o f Many Odds and ,Regular : Stock P$ - ovor'size,' ncluded TS n?EN S HA '‘20%. .20 %Q. oft cotton, .crepe, nylon, , , $2. .' "WOMEN'S "HATS ' /i 'price PA TTIES-- .. '. reg. to $2., for 75c; HOSIERY• lotNYLONS • '' 50e. WOOL :GLOVES-iPrice , WOOL ;HOSE,' pr. $100 GOWNS, .PYJAMAS • LISLEHOSE . • 75c ,reg. to $5.95' ,, $2.00 CHI!LDS' ..SOK Price • BLOUSES :,',.. ,.....: $1:00 SQUARES ` & Scarves. . 69c WOOL SLAX 20% ,off SWEATERS - 'ORLON' child's Siax, a1Lwool, $3.00 • Pullovers &Cardi ans SKIRTS 20%. off 20% , Off; .-... MANY; MANY:. BARGAINS Ladies' and Men's Wkar Lucknow L'�.ciII'eneraF Ewart Taylor is, at present con • .fined .' to bed at his home. • . Ed Thom has not: been in good health for. some ' • time and on ;Thursday was taken to Wingham Hospital. "Ned" is in his 86th • ,year IT BEARS REPEATING „ ,At'. the' . outset : • of the New • Year there may' be .'a change .of'press secretaries in.'` • some of the :many, organizations in this' community whose.activities we are pleased• • :, to report. So'... -We. will • repeat what' we :have stated; so often in' the past. Reportsof these . Meet- ••.. ings must ` be 'sent `in during the week in which theytakke place, in. tithe to be 'set in type b the end .of the week. r , YPY - -� It is only , With such' co-operation., that we can use these reports ,and' 'relieve ,the, first of 'the week pressure in getting out. ,the paper. 1t is• difficult to ,explain the. 'op- erations and procedure in :meeting dead=:. ' ' ' lines ' • but it, isn't idle • talk when we ask organization. correspdYtdents• „for •this' co-- operation, `The decision ';to mark. Centennial year, was' primarily,if nothing else, a tribute to . our forfathers, and •a determination by the 'present` 'generation- .,to ' mark the. Do 'not 'forget your life', may • be the' •only'Bible your neighbour .efyer reads: The measure of a marl is' the size • of his. • -thoughts. stances are the. rulers of the: weak; Circum , . they,' are but ` the instruments of the.. Wise:' Lyceuni Theatre Wingharri Ontario Two^.Shows. Each- Ni ht. CornmencilIg at 7.°:15' p s. THURS , FRI,, SAT., JANUARY 15, '16, 17 Danny Kaye,'Curt aurgens; Nicole Maurey, . in eCol ons!" A''highl ' entertaining mixture of ; etc tenient, sus: Dense, corrited'y, •and pathos, with theaccent ort coniecdy. • . 2• KINLOUGH. Mr and Mrs..John :L t ckhart•of • B_u 1ington were , here attending the funeral of the late Howard' Halder�by. Miss Beverley Stanley' of Kit= chener spent' a week at her home here foYl„owintg a trip to Bermuda. • Mr. and Mrs: Harold Haldenby' entertained ''at a family dinner. on Sunday evening. , • Mr. and, Mrs. Ezra Stanley. and family were recent: 'visitors with Mr, and 1Vtrs. R. ,T`.' Kaaike and. Larry at' I{nlossy Mr 'and 'Mrs. George Haldenby; ,leave this :week on a motor trip to, Florida. They will • be accorn- panied ,by Mr, and Mrs,, llbward • . Mr• McGul and e fM 4 Don +MeCosh r Purple G;rov visited in Sunday° with tiff , W4. Colwell Elmer Reavie's hciSpitall con ,finement was 'extended .longer than .expected when her reacted. to "shots" received. after suffer- ing a smash' toe: Dr: Anna, Nicholson . Wright of Saskatoon visited recently ; With her sister, 'Mrs° :Archie . Maclnty- re• and `family. ,Mrs. 'Florence ••White is visit f ing, a. few days with her mother Mrs '• Chas. Bonnet of .Lucknow, .1 •. Who has not been enjoying the pie .:. ria best of health. • sbyt� Ian:.�hurc :Luckno* Mrs. Lilian ':1Viackintosh of- To ionto writes: "We always enjoy The. Sentinel and extend special St. Hel n and Ashfield thanksto e S s correspondence." 4 :f :Mr: and Mrs. George A. Linley of Detroit have just purchased a home out in. 'Pleasant Ridge, Michigan and after 'February'lst Will be at-home to`.; friends at .2.. Norwich Road. 1VIr:-and-.-Mrs:-Stewart.::Ritclie and: family of the W ingham, corn- munity : moved recently. •to the 'apartment. over Button's' Butcher shop, Mr. Ritchie is: an •employee at the Beatty Ladder Factory.: ' Mrs and Mrs.' Steve. Wallace of Regina, Sask:. •and, Mr.: and Mrs.' John Wallace,. Paisley,': visited last' week with Madelyn a :MeMor ran and. Mr: and Mrs. '•Jack•.'Me Kendrick. Christmas visitors with• Mr. and.•Mrs. Lloyd MGNa1l were;,.Mr. and Mrs, Sidney •.. Gardner' and family of L'ucknow• and Mrs : and• Mrs, Frank Johnston of Holyrood, and' Mr. and Mrs B`hb'' Moore and son, Gary ,of London 0. Minister I ` ' Rev:. Wallace McClean . `T SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 Sunday :School 1,1.00 am. :I 12;15 I. 3;09 10.41- . . 1. 7:00 P.m.. Morning'• worship 'Dungannon .! I Evening worship I LUCKNOV1/. U 1TfD'.-CHU tCH Minister Rev.., Gordon R. . Geiger,- B.A., eiger,B,A.. RD. SUNDAY, . JANUARY 1 • 10:00 a.m.' Church School 11:00. a.m. • • Divine Worship '`. • Sermon theme: STOCK - 1, TAKING- 'Nursery during •.church Thought For The' Week Every moment is., the right • one to be' kind. • • 1 • • Goderic` .... Now •Playing -4- Marjorie' Main,' in `"THE KETTLES ON 'OLD MacDONALD'S FARM" Monday, Tuesday,• Wednesday; January. 19, •20, 21 • Virginia MacKenna.: and Paul. Scofield, 'Present the moving 'and . exciting story of • 'VIOLETTE SZABO the world's bravest wornan secret : agent, ' "CARVE HER 'NAME WITH PRIDE"; Tht rst Friday, Saturday, January22 23,.24 --Double Feature • MickeyRoo ey and Teddy Rooney ;Introduce ' a new . story with Andy Hardy as an, adult,'. "ANDY. HARDY -COMES:, HOME and ' as 'the second part' of this week -end program;, the popular jungle hero appears in a .. technicolour' adventure, • "TARZAN'S FIGHT FOR. LIFE" • Coming, "THE NAKED• EARTH", adult erif ertainrnentf with Juliette ;Greco and. , `c arc1 Todd ' - _t,M..1,�saa,arasa«...+,...�r�,...rlr..►n..�.rtil�i..��raNl...�r..�;.:,i�INrii�i.,.r,rrt 1 • r