The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-07, Page 2,at, PAGE: 'W Q • • THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW,ONTARIO ==,=iiiiii✓�= = ii-.�iiii�.-i -ilii,-a:.- �;ii: ei�i��i!o�%ilii%ii: , HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP Save 3c 11 oz. bottle • ; . , , ; , • 22c,, GOLD SEAL FANCY QUALITY SOCKEYE" SALMON, w ; save 9c 1/2's AYLMERTOMATO. SGUPr . Save 4c.. 10 oz. tins' '.... , ,... 3134c WESTON'S CRACKERS OR SALTINES. Save 8c lb package 29c JIM , DANDY' LIQUID CLEANSER, Save 6c 16oz. bottle ., .. . ..:• 43c Circus: Brand Peanut $utter, Homo Save, 16c, , 4 .pounds ,: Early Riser;Coffee, New Low 'Price., 1 .pound bag Red & White Tea Bags 10c o pack 'E0 , . • . •ti. Red & White Tea Special Offer .2c 'off pack l/2 pound , . . Red & White Inst. Coffee 2 oz. jar Red '& White Inst. 'Coffee 5 oz. jar int Mary'S sliced Bread, full Loaf , OBITUARY MRS, GEORGE : F. ' HARRIS `er:al services for Mrs., x Geo. F. Harris were held at Goderich o nda ._ on ''M of •. last • week' :With Y.. interment in . Dungannon.. eeme- eery.>:Rev.. Roy' W, =Kennedy, of ' Dungannon, officiated. ' Ws.' Harris was , the ', f ormier, Caroline Louise Andrews and she was born in Goderich Township; 02 ' years ago. Her parents were the late . John Andrews and Mary` ;Salkeld. Ste attended S.S.No. 1. :Public 'school, the Goderich Col : • legiate Institute and later ' ,the Hamilton Model iSchool: Afterrher marriage to George F Harris,, she;. moved to 4shfield : Township to what was 'then known ,as.: Craps ford village- ,Where she continued to reside until 1956 ,when• she and •her husband 'retired to Qoderieh. She 'had, been ;failing .in ` health lately and died at ,Alexandra: Hos= •pital' on ,Friday, •Decerriber. . 26th: She was a Member : of . Dungannon United Church and a life mem- :ber :.of the• W.M.B.; Besides her husband , she is sur- vived , by' one soli, . Everett; a daugter, . Mrs. W H.;, (Florencg) Tal#naay,, , both' of Goderich, , ficve • grandchildren and• one great- granddaughter: The .pallbearers at the.. funeral were 'Terence ,Hunter, Colborne Township; Leland :Dunsmore, of Stratford; ,Lawrence Salkeld, sof Lucknow; :Arthur Elliott,.of Dun- . garnori; 'David Courvoisier, `• of Ashfield Township,- and • Amos Andrew of Goderich SAMUEL • REID • There passed'. away:at his, home in 'Lucknow on December 20th; -Samuel Reid in his eighty-fifth year. , He had been in failing health.,' for the past; few 'Months:- Nir Rend ,was the : son of the late Mr. and -Mrs. Robert Reid' of Zion,....Ashfield Township.' He married Matilda Jarvis ,in, 1008. They : fanned in > 'Ashfield.. until they. 'moved .to' Lu�cknow fourteen years•'ago. The funeral service was held at' the McLennan- and MacKenzie memorial chapel : in. Lucknow on December 23rd, con ducted by Rev. G. R .Geiger of 'Lucknow r United. Church Interment' was in Green. 'Hill Cemetery., with•. Fred' Anderson, Alvin Irwin, Robert' Reid, Har- vey • Ritchie, horne Cook, Keith Cranston as • pallbearers +Mr., ,Reid. was an . Orange man. and a member of 1044 Lodge at Zion. An; Orange service • was •held at. the funeral •:chapel on Monday night preceding the fun-. eral. • lie • is survived• by his: • wife, one son and four daughters,.Rulby McDonald and', Doris Humphrey of„;St. • Helens, Evelyn ;Cook ' of Ashfield: Lorna 'Clipperton of London and Milvert. on • the home fern' in... Ashfield. • He* is- also Survived r ,ived ” by, - three ury i Y, ee sisters,'Mrs .James Pipe and Mrs.. .11 1010 TRWEERETIRES,. • (Kinlough Newei The annual ratepayer's; meet- -fit -ii1 for Kinlough' School wase held , on ' Wednesday .,afternoon. • Mr; George Haldenby was chairman and Mr Frank Maulden.,secretary. for • the meeting. Mr, Ezra Stan, ley' who' had, served for the"past twelve years wished ',to be re lieved .as trustee:.. This vacancy was filled by "Mr, :I. yniary . Sutton for a three year period, Mr,. and Mrs; Alex 'Percy arid family Were ,,New :Year'sdinner guests of .''Mr, and "Mrs.:.Hugh. Jansen And Ii,'andy. •near, Lurgan.- :lioliday visitors with 1Vlrs, 1Tar 'Vey :Hodgins :.and Kenneth were, Messes Glen Hodgins.'•and James Atter of ,Peterborough, Mr. and. Mrs. Jack .Thompson . of North Bay; IVIr, . and Mrs.: Al:, �Eizenga and Michael of London, Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Stanley and. Delbert, Mr. and"Mrs:: Ray .Staley, Barb- ara "and. Janice .of 'Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Stanley -and fam- ily. of Kinlou.gh, Mr: and •Mrs. Jerry Schedytski' and _ family of Mildmay; . Mr.' and ' Mrs. • Stanley. Sittler and '.babe Of Lansing, Mich- igan igan and Mr. Ezra . Sittler, Kin- loss ,;; Mr. " Gary Graham, returned' hone.' .,from Wingham: Hospital. -and is making "favourable' -pro- gess following an appendectomy operation *- Chester 'Nicholson, of Goderich anti 'Mrs. James' Macintosh of Wi • ani and by seventeen grand ildren and one 'great • grand hild. •SMASHED IN DOOR AT • LUCKNOW FLAX MILL • ih - the night . of_ '�5oxne time cur g n g 'Decent:13er 28th, the panel in the office.,sdoor,, at the,Lucknow, Flax Mill was smashesin, although. it did appearthat the. .din nd not building was even entered: At least noth- ing ' was disturbed, and in event, there is 'little, or nothing, n the .mill that would '' be ` 'of value or interest: to the .;average. person. The incident . followed a pre- •vious• occurrence when lights, in the `mill and . a ' departing : 'car a- roused suspicion'' and :an investi-: gation, Receives Jus Franchise Al Sherwood of : Dungannon states that his•' bus line, Goderich Coach •Lines,.. has received' from the Ontario. Transport ,Board; the franchise fob running a bus ser- vice between ,Goderich and . the Ontario Hospital for Retarded Children` to be 'built on No.' 21 Highway.; south of Goderich. The service is to co nieiice .when ever . the traffic warrants' it. A doctor• • can, bury • his mis- takes but an.architect . can only . advise , his client to • plant ivy. WEDNESDAY, JAN, .'7th, 1959 , NATIVE OF ASI FIELD DIED IN CALIFORNIA; e , The death. of Mrs. Andrew, MacMillan •occurred. in December at Long Beach, California. She was; the former Isabel MacKen- 'zieo daughter of the late Duncan iVIaQKenzie and •Annie MacDon- ald. of Concession 12; Asi"'fi ield. • Mrs. Joseph (Bebedca) Agnew of 'Kirkland Lake its a sister.: There, are two brothers, Donald or Salmon Arm, . B,C, and ,'Finlay' Of , .Edmonton, A •.,brother, Ken- • neth predeceased ,hes. • She is also •survi=ved by thr e' daughters and ,one son, Marin,, t Isabel, Catherine and Kenneth.. ..• •,Mrs.: William Wall is noten. j oying. good health and , is a, pat- ient in :Wing:ham/Hospital. :Mr.. and Mrs. "Currie Colwell and . children ,called' on Mrs,. J.: Colwell last Sunday. . •Mr. and Mrs, Wi11i Cox an r, am d• Rev Benson Cox,. Mr. and'Mrs, Scott, Jack: .Scott, ::Bill end Bob ' were Christmas `visitors with 'Edna and May*. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. George e Haldent' .�,. g by. entertained; at, "a Christsnas 'din- ner, Mr." and •.Mrs. Clare rSparling'• •and Allan, :Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haldenby . and family,- : Misses Edna and May Boyle, Mr.' and Mrs. William E..Haldenby Mrs., J.` W, ' Colwell joined Other members of her family :at Christ mas lwith, Mr. ''and .1VMs.. Ardell. Mason':and New Year's 'with Mr. and .Mrs.Currie ' Colwell' and . family, ''Con. 2. 3 ' Mr, and Mrs. Roy Graham and family , entertained at a family dinner .on Christmas and" Mr and Mrs. Weir ';JEcken'swiller enter-' tamed the family at •a, New Year's dinner. • ' . • 1Vir.; and Mrs. Everett Lane and family of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Brown and, 'daughter of 1Viarkdale, •Mr., John Lane were. holiday visitors with ' Mr... • nnd' Mrs..Malcolm Lane. . Miss , Winnifred Percy and Mr. Harold • Perc •• entertained ' : rela- t'ives ' aat' a Chr�' istanas'dinner Reeve. Percy and his family also joined with other, members of their, fail= ily, ata dinner. in 'London at• the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Oswald •,. utionary new NO -•IRON TEX-MADE SHEETS ,Awitit.3Z1V14:0110 • RudiV(nee Dolly. Orr)., " ,Mr.' and ..Mrs. Ar ur .Phillips and -Peggy of Fo thill , were . Christmas iguests , of. Mr. J. IR„.. Lane and Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank' Maulden. Keith ' Maulden • accoan panied them on their return to Fonthill for the holidays; Mr.: and. Mrs.' Jack: Hewitt and,,, . , family were • C•hristm2 visitors with r, and Mrs. Glen: Young, rf . ... lVir..:and Mrs. ' Harold Haldenby, acid family,.. Mr.. and Mrs.. Walter Breckles and family were Christ-. maa guests' df. Mr. and Mrs. Arth ur Breckles, Lucknow. . . Mr. arid Mrs, :.'George, ; Heiden- by' were dinner guests on boxing day •of Mr, and Mrs, Howard; Mc- Guire Wingharns Misses , Edria and May Boyle were guests of Mr: and iMrs Chris Shelton, Lucknow. ' Miss ...:Barbara 'Forster. aof ley , visited. with her • grandmoth- er„ Mrs. J Miss rima Percy - visited dur in • the'reek .in. London. withh' g nth er, friend, :Miss Mary Jackson. `Mr.. 'and:' Mrs.. Stanley, . "John- stone 'and:. fainily of London were, • Chris mas. visitors with. •Mr. and`. Mrs: Wesley, Guest and Fred During the -week, Mr. Guest 'suf- fered a . stroke '• while waiting •at • the doctor's- office at : Lucknow and was rushed to 'Win ham hos g pital.. • Mr: and Mrs. Toni . Hodgins en tertained the family • at . `a dinner* in honor of Mr. '..James gins' .birthday. Mr: ,and . Mrs: Jack `Gillespie and' familyof Sarnia `iMr. ' � and Mrs; Don Gillespie . and Ronnie Were dinner ... guests Sunday,of Mr tand Mrs. -Donald Busheil.and family;.., Mr • and Mrs. 'George Bell and : family of Kincardine were diviner.• guests of Mr: °.and Mrs. 'T. om Hod• :• gmS; • Mr, and • Mrs.' +Bert' Nicholson and 'family' spent. New Years: day . With : Mr. :.and ••Mrs... 'Howard, .. Thompson and. Bert ; at Purple ; • : Grove. , , Mr.. and Mrs, James Hodgins •. and' Mr.. and. Mrs« Don Gillespie entertained relatives it 'family dinner on Chris'tinas. Miss . Margaret, Schneller 're- turned to 'the :Ontario "school for the deaf at . Belleville after: enjoyable holiday here With , her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sch.- .neller. Mr..and Mrs.' George Haldenby;• 1VIr , and Mrs. Harold Haldenby and family »were •New _ Ye .a r s guests . of.•,Mr. ',and ' Mrs. Clare•. • Sperling and .Allan,' -at. Walker- ton. • Miss Donna Nicholson:, of• Kin- cardine has been .vacationing •at her home' here, •Miss Eve e 1 yxi 'Nicholson _ 'visited at Arnberley with her, cousin; Miss ,Glenna Can*beh.. • Mrs,- 'Wiliam Cox spent` a " few 'days'at the home 'of her.daitighter, Mrs. 'Jack • Scott,. 'Huron Town- ship as Mr. and . Mrs: Scott,ac- corriipar i d their ,son Bill to Lon- - don wlere he underwent surgery' ,at . Victoria 'Hospital.. • "' • Friends here of Mr. ,William •Lloyd,. of London are pleased to know 'he is,making'' favourable progtress and Will return to his 'home this week. ' • Mr. and Mrs, Miller Hartwick and Wayne and Mr.• Scott Walsh spent New• "Years' with Mrs. Ger-, truceWalsh. ' . Mr. , and Mms. 1): 61164 McFar- lane' @ntertained at a family din- ner on Christmas..: -' he' WA' meeting wil • be held do • anuary ath, at •the home of. Edna and May Boyle.. •