The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-30, Page 9INTVD$FSPAY,., NOV. 3.Oth,, 1960 T I'. LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO To; the Electors. OE ,. WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHI P and Gentlemen: ' Having served on, the Council for the • past` • eseven years, I would welcome and appreciate. your support •at next Monday's election, • „Compliments of- The Season To. All:. Respectfully ,'Yours, LOItNE DURNiN • To The ElectorsOf WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP. Ladies and. Gentlemen Having qualified;, as a candidate for the Township Council, I will sincerely appreciate your support . and influence: If . elected :'1 will ;do' 'my very best to serve you faithfully and •.well • Sincerely, HILLIARD (PETE) JEFFERSON. ' a The Electors Of. AWANOSH TOWNSHIP lades and Gentlemen Having .served as councillor forseven years,. I am • standing for re-eleetion and, respectfully solict • your support I assure you that ' if 're-elected I' will' continue : to: give the affairs of the Township my close attention, always striving to give the best oLservice with careful. financing.. May 1 extend the. Compliments of the Season to all. Sincerely. ELDON MILLER r To Tfie Electgrs.:Of. :• TOWNSH I P WEST WAWANOSH Ladies and ,Gentlemen: . .. For the past: seven •years,1have been a rnember . • of West Wawanosh Council, and am .standing;. -for re- election as ' CounciIlor.::'1 will appreciate a continuance of your support and assure you.. that : as in .the past, ` I wilt continue to give close attention to municipal affairs.' Seasons Greetings' To Sincerely,' ORVILLE MCPHEE. The Erectors Of WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Ladies and, 'Gentlemen , As • candidate for the office of councillor, the • a canclidat bw est' interests' .of the Township will be "my chief concern and a resp on ibility, •'not lightly regarded if elected. • • •' t Your Vote. anany support you .ti�a y ,be able o d. offer will be greatly appreciated. With -Best Wish -es To Alla Siticerel.y, r • GORDON S11 ntir,H. • • DUNGANNON Dr. H. A. S.' Voices was :guest. speaker at the meeting of Dun- gannon .Women'.% Institute' held at the home of Mrs. Robert Stothers on November 24th. The topic was "Your Doctor, Your' hospital and. 'You." After .listen- ing to this most interesting and educational -tact, the members thought they Were better able to cgpe with family • . health prob- lems; The roll call was answered; by telling "What I eat for; ,beauty and good temper: ' During ' the ,business period,, $25.00 ;was :vot- ed to Dungannon Library, $5.00 to the school for Retarded Child- ren, ; Goderich and $10.00 to the F.W.ILO..• project. Mrs, • E.' Erring-; ton, Mrs, H. 'McWhinney & Mrs.' W. Stewart.were' appointed• .to look after` te Christmas Boxes • for the/ Shut-ins. A report.of the district .fall•rally at Auburn was given by Mrs. W. Zinn. The mot- to, "Let's Keep; ;Christmas"''. was presented ';by. Mrs, G McNee.. Plans .were discussedfor our Christmas: meeting. • : Lunch . hos- tesses were Mrs. 0. Popp, Mrs. C'Blake, Mrs. E, Rivett and Mrs: S' F. Young. „ • , : The' second. of a ,series of bi- weekly euchres was held Friday night . in the'Parish .,Hall spon sored by St Pauls Anglican Lad- . Vies .Guild. Prize -.winners were • for gents, Mr_ Elmer Black and Mr. Bill 'Caesar; ladies,. Mrs: Mary Rivett , and Mrs: Loihne Iv-'. •ers. .The 'ladies served refresh,- ments;`at the . close. of the' even 1ing. . • Reception Friday Mr.. and' Mrs Gordon Finnigan (rie�e Elmira Alton) were 1,10)3.- d oad with.:a dance' reception• at i `theDungannon Agricultural • i Hall on .Friday ; night 'A- good crowd attended and dancing was enjoyed.: to the Music of ,Hank Norris. -orchestra.. At Lunch time, ' •Mi s• Joyce ` Culbert , read • an ad-, dress of best wishes ' and the• pre- •sentation: • of a purse • of. money 1 was made .by Mr:. George . Er-' rington. , ' Mil'. and Mts.; Jackson Rieve. and fam'ity . were.. Sunday visitors' with. Mr.' and .Mrs , George Rieve l; and family; Dutton .:and also . vis- ited their daughter, , Mrs.` John Conway, Mr. Conway and • Wen- da of Eagle. ' ' Mr: Tom. ,Fowler, student.,: of Teachers' College, :Stratford; did practice ` teaching last week at:, Southside • school in Woodstock. He spent • the' , week -end • home with his parents, Mr . and Mrs, Charles' Fowler. :.• • •• Mr. and-Mrs:..`Jack .Templeton;. Detroit, visited on' Saturday : with Mr. and Mrs.: Gordon Con- gram, a,nd called -onother for- mer neighbours.Mr,. and Mrs. Congram returned with them for a visit iii: Detroit ' Mr. and Mrs: Will' Yates • of: Guelph,: visited at . the week -end. with;. the lady's aunt,: Mrs. Har- '-vey Maize. ' . Mrs; Abner Morris spent, :Mon- 1- day visiting . her daughter, . Mrs.' Teri Ch'ristIaw, Nile.• • - ' i' ' Ricky'Park,. son '. of" Mr. and j Mrs Rich Park was able to come borne from : Wingham 'Hospital, 1,on Friday. He had been a patient there recovering from pneumo jilia. • ` `. . The officers of> the C G I.T , of Ithe United Church, recently or- t ganized, are, , President, Carol 1 Culbert; ' vice-pres.,. Pat Ann 1 Eed'v; sec., Doreen Colbert;\ :'treasurer, Valerie Ridges; pian •ist, Betty Irvin: A pot.: luck sup= per for e'members wi be held. ]December th. :Mrs. " Richards made maul la er of • paris and' the girls wil paint them. The meeting closed ' by the ' re_• •vital of Taps: • . We extend. Sympathy,to the bereaved relatives of ' he late Miss Sarah' Maize, 90, who pas- sed away 'at Gtiderich Hospital early Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs., Chester'. Durnin of Irwin, P.A. visited:' last week Hirt and aunt,father, Mt. R. J. Dur - With his Con atulaions Miss ,toEllerr and gr Mrs—Donald • Glenn on the ad- vent . of a 'little son, borrt Novem- ber 8th ati Mount Sinia Hospital, Toronto, a little ' brother' for. Lynda w.hu visited seven weeks 'with 'her- grand -parents, .Mr. ,and 1'AGE NINI T'o The ,Electors Of WEST 'WAWANOSH' „SCH.00L AREA Ladies and ' Gentlemen:. R , • As I . have: qualified, as a candidate for trustee on the 'West. Wawanosh SchoolArea Board, I would deem. it a favour if you can • give me your` support at the polls on Monday. , If elected I. assure you I will. fulfill the responsi- bilities of the office :to the best., of 'lay .ability, • ` Sincerely. Yours, ' CHARLES • MacDONALD. To. The .Electors• Of. WEST WAWANOSH SCHOOL AREA- .-Ladies and Gentlemen:, • Your vote for Arnold Stothers as a candidate for West :.Wawanosh School ,Area Trustee • isrespectfully solicited 'and will be greatly appreciated If elected, it will be my constant' endeavour ,to merit your confidence and:, serve you well: Sincerely •'Yours, ARNOLD ` STOTHERS: 'o The Electors Of WES WAWANOSH:. SCHOOL AREA • Ladies and Gentlemen Having served ' you' to the best. 'of my ability 'for. many years on the School ; Area Board, 1 humbly'submit, to you my record of service in, seeking, re-election. • Your support at the polls on .Monday. will.. "be indeed 'appreciated. Be sure to _vote/ • Sincerely, WILLIAM WEBSTER. .' Mrs. Frahk Glenn. Mr.' Frank Glenn, Dungannon- Goderich mailman, underwent' an operation two weeks' ago at • Westminster• . Hospital, London. Understand his progress towards recovery • is favorable and we hope he will soon be home again;' • Miss Patricia' Pentland, nurse- • in -training ' at. Stratford,' .' was home with-, her parents, Mr and. Mrs.„ Frank Pentland' for : the ;Mr. and Mrs:':Lloyd Wylds:'and weekend: Rev. T. Richards, who : was ill for ,two, weeks recovered , su-- ficiently to resume Sunday ser- Dune. Finlayson of Lucknow vis vices at . the 'three ''.appoi�ntmehts.. ited with Mr. and M.S. D': R. At the ' Dungannon, 'service, Mn ' MacKenzie recently. • Carl •'Sievert .sang .a solo "Thanks' Mrs. S. Ritchie has been supl: Be to God. ' !. .Mrs K. K.' Dawson, was host- ply teaching at Hemlock City 'Fess at 'her. borne for.the Novem school . due to.the illness of . Mr,.: , • bei W:A., Mrs. Clifford Crozier, Adkins. president, opened in the usual Mr. and Mrs:. Dave Elphick way with eighteen members pre- spentFriday in London at which Sent. • Mrs. • Ivan Rivett was in -time , Mr. Jack Elphick return- :charge ..of •the . Devotional and •ed home .from Victoria Hospital Mrs.. Wilbur �. Brown read.' the !• with' them: ,• scripture lesson. 'The December Mr.' and. Mrs: , Walter Dexter meeting will be held at: Mrs were in ° London recently, and Clifford' Crozier and the roll •call '• spent some tirne at Victoria Hos will be answered by a verse con_. i"pita) where, Mr. Howard .Robin.- taining "Promised." There will ` son is' still in critical', condition. g� s. { Mrs. K. L. Ma K charge of the topic, "What does, 1 the word `� 3irthri ht mean tond it er home here. g wMr�e GordonG"ord:Finlayson , was us. Mrs'.: R. Stothers, gave a: nominated to the new Ashfield !reading.. ' -1-Area •Area. NO. '2 School board. Mr.' and Mrs, Gordon Finlay- A small-town • editor .found:.son 'spent Sunday'with Mr. and himself short of material so "he Mrs.. Donnie MacDonald. had his composer set. the Ten lierb Ensign reports having Commandments,. which were run} sighted two wolves on his' farm; without editorial commend • ' la few ,days ago'. They were of After the paper WAS published, , ter the hens, but by the time he he received a letter which read: had gone, to the house for the "Cancel my subscription; you're': gun• they were disappearing iito . a nearby swamp. - gettire' personal-" , REPORTS : WOLVES : , .1 N LOCHALSH ' AREA . (LOCHALSH : NEWS) Mr. ,' and.; Mrs. Elliott' Sandy • spent Friday in London,' Mrs. Lorne Luther will spend the next month . in Ridgetown working in :her brother's . store.' children of Ripley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds. 1iIiss Liella Finlayson and Mt. bethea' usual exchangeof ft c gnzie ,of De- I Mrs. J C. .Drennan was in , trait spent the ' Thanksgiving .A6 464140L.