The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-30, Page 3VADISIMMAY, NOM lf, X960) TTIK, 1 I> NOW S1t31 T . 1i iI O ;PM' PAGE; IMES roliar azz For Christmcis, tie your beau with one of these beautiest' E"►'$ COFFEE„ 30ca n, pack • Same ,"' «l'L o � arm. . .• .. .• .. /� 13 HEINZ PART ,5 h ... Cstim rPre= A•ssantraent,, 5 air_ NIBLE1S WHOLE KERNEL. CORN„ Same 17er„ 14 ,... ,.... 6 for $11. WAGSTAFFE PICKLES & > sHES Save 16e.„ *our cFioicee 12 oz,, . J « .., .:.4 for $1. STOKELYNG„•save ,llc,4&Oz. 3 for $L PUREK TISSUE . WHITE,.• Save 16c for$1. siumwrHOUSE• FOIL WRAP Save25" 127 .. « •BBT 'T' mama. quaky, save 16c„ 155 o . _ ... 4 for $1 CG'5, ' , Save '' 16c .,. 10 for .;.. ..SOLO BEZia MO ,i KLEENEXTISSUES Save' air regality 'Kam sismE 'ila' same Ea*, 45c YORK FANCY POO S , IS €124. .. .. 6for $n1.. PEANUT:RUETER II 1 .. ......•. •- .. 3 for • .$lr CeetaIs, 6 oz:.• ..... ! t 4 fort $1. .ramers FANCir TONISW. tunic . lam„ 20 oz.' S ' .for $1r, Ate: CROWE BEifiNS Sam 32c,, 1 .. E DEr7r ERT .PPA ' Save lE'e,, 2O Oz ChilK BFT&- S.TEWA • Ssinve 17c :. .:...,..::........... :11,4 fa r'SIL. 'EVAPORKIIED Saat,ve 7e,,.VEER ; 11"s; : .. 7fiar .1.1Q.asS C , cR L J t HMD) PEgrAP'PLL E5 fOir $L Si- WILLIAMS SAMS' & MELEES With .y0rot:.:01 ,Pe 25e„.9 ar'« 5 f1ir:$ �. tl • sa' for 4 fo for ' " TON - f+ 1. eAkEs, EVE P Rte, Turkey„' Save II8c,'.0 Os"„ 4 for $L GOD 'PRICES air SPY APPLES fly ( {ihG' Br • r F� all's ,;ed Fee. 'PHONE � FREE DELIVERY. t 'fe ntswo t zivo oo*:f ic" i t�ZC i ifi ilZ iti , 7pio vtt irwoiiik` hopov$ h it #?.� onFive vely4 ance For $SOO' 145E. 1itt off:.. l: C'- 'a 13iz1t,va-, sterephonic' phonograph naatll, � ` want iui 11o1utel'y' prig a 'Stt1oga: clock ' radio, a Biulova: at .at; : • Wafer Cmpary'" transistor radio; a •Htilovai c inti ,,,,"and ha ai 11-iii:-75?-uhanee trio razor; as Well as the Btz1ova tti.) whin the gni Tiff $5i0JQO: ! watch,' N,vhich: she originally put- dliaw wall l* made,• late in chased; u � be carried .thio IDK '• addition to tl#e Pave gifts,rapidly as it was There were opportunity ,Should do. so. ins WAWA LETTER E : many speakers that there ' are, Dear Editor:: • few lakes and rivers: that are not: now polluted .. by various'. .Fust a few- continuing remarks uses. t am: sure that we folks from:' nig letter of last' ••welt in B1'uce .are as..niuch interested concerning the 'work that is go- in the problem,. as 'any other: ing on I ere in parliament .at..municipalities are arid hope e that, p... Ottawa, ' • • as' the ' government is. offering' to write.; off 25%, of any-: 'money. Spent • by a .municipality. up. 'un- til April,.196'3, any rnunicipality who can quail'themselves of the Where. ..mentioning. ' the speech: from; the throne lest week,: 11 *- not have any' •idea 'that it would. the .,house so Ladies?'' ancf Meow's' •Wear • Moue S Lucknovt •nl+ i,,.n..;,.= tri r. rti 'rti•'" ^,M i'terA :"'� 4 . simistamimmii .• Qenr Iin' a oai �. only, fine speeches made .iii• con:-• There. are man • Koss. Jiil�itat , (t (race'. Crtace's narzre` is entered+ 'aS one y other things'! nRation. with: it;•. one each by the t f could discuss in thin letter' k t prize ackage• wine t frtn�eit Efitaollnanl off ` 1 iinllass;)) p ina'lias- of w b ac po ...pi: z ' p " mover' ar rdi' seconder;., one. ''by the deli' ,at baa watt& alt. Il"oplacllcl tiers in the grand •• prise cash. •moverrarid': 1 16 , on ,, leader :1 wellinf mi 'i sal n .:anti hili -i draw. than; one'bythe'l dU of the- apposi: lecll.,au.tt .ai "test ntoniar'' A. letter. dated Wovicem�ber 2.�;st' o atone• Ptitne.,1vrainst`or;• 1 Die- said, that :her prizes would,: be fenbalier and one by the leader going. foward4.within ttwo wee; +1b ffiIllt pis inaludoof thin C dict arid. the .Company Wishes to have --• ..�...� ..,..:.:..,..�.:�r..�. • ..:�-.-�• Mrs, Elliiitt's. picturE taken I' is customary ,for thew` main her ; • i'' t prizes, ' for publicity , purpos-: opposition •parity, to hove a'vo to -.: of non -confsdenae in. the , govern. .it merit's speech from. the throne : stated: that it Was more pedes ����� nary to get': the .speech from the > eadi i .but in this case 1 :-' 'Pearson ne dealt with'' hurriedly;. and n Michael: get dealing �� Mr:'' and 1GG�s. Nfichael I�osiny- ilovv parliament to'• V1. c •:that have . no of. Toledo were week -end vts- with the measures !�. $i r . ttors at the home of. her mother, been brought, in to alleviate 011Cli attnri , ' Sehnol Vvh•h C d t the pre•- ae is , therefore, 1CTr. i'earsoh 1ji1L 91Tt•atini of Kincardine, visited with Mx. sent, time ! . g4tol3shiPi is se, not move a. nate of non -corn•- did .. , :::, ..._.:•. _ _,. ::::.x.,; x056114 rill of Lixcl nt�w o i,. Sa' fidetrce. The leader' of the C.C.: F' itt•day, : , though; took. a different view `i':' Andy: Anderson,,' son of. Mr. & after making his 'speech, moved it t Mrs;' Thomas Anderson hbserved 'a vote of non -confidence which 1, his t(lth birthday '• on' Thursday,., .was voted', .down. , • "1' November. 24th, •• 7two of the bills which. have. !. ; : . , . , been: brought in, have already. A ( ' •} Ali-, •tYtid. Mrs.' tacit. Bannister,. "Vftti:y' ttmd llolert, Zurich, were: Int;.` Elfrr shit • nt.. . II; Sunday visitors • at -the ;lentis 6m ms' : I,iom.., lfolytooci.. • 1 txorr Keri;; is the ITonourable Da.v Slil! D ► .....4!tiYs 1. l(Ir lZ75- folmes, l i lts. ' td Walker's , bill which iit art- •. ; t,v��il >�ti'lin�.� and son rrihn oi+ ., l} 111't aunt Chu1 am ,aoi will. encourage municipalities to 1 W • ci visited at the ween -end $ LUC O MIMED o ut do not wish. to make it tool lengthy &• hope to • discuss these' matters ' further at' a later date.1 'Yours • sincerely, • ANDY ROBINSON, Federal Member for'Bruce, ` ceumTheatre WINGIECAlYi TWO '.Shows Each Night Commencing at 7:15' p:sn.. 1GtTTL�EE 'Saturday' ` ',t fternoo><r' at , pts Tbursd'ay, Friday, 'Saturday, December •1,.2; 3, Double gill The Three•. Stooges' • - in STOP, LOOK,• , A.ND LAUGH • and • 13 GHOSTS • Now Playing—Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Dec.• .1, 2, 3 CASTERS OF THE CONGO JUNGLE In: Technicolor AUT: authentic documentary ,made under auspices of the B' C.overninent: • , Belgian + • w e !rson Welles.' and William. Warh�ie%l as narrators' 4 Monday,. 'Tuesday, Wednesday,: December 5 6,. --- Adult . Entertainment ` "CIRCUS OF HORRORS" —.In Technicolor Real circus thrills plus a ,plot of terrifying; intrigue. Erika 'Remburg and Antoir 'Diffring Carty On "e that. passed second reading and . are in the committee stage at 'present The • one bill. that seems' to have attracted a great deal. of at'ten, e F in soi, dt• all in their power to combat 'their cousins 1Viadelyne 1 e with nii �' water allot ii ni. It has been .11.411.1a. n>1 :' � "�hi�• ' a brought y • i .:Vlt�'Viorr�trr; and,. 1VCi: , .rid 1Vfrs. � • out 'very clearly b • ; ..••••��4 Jatvl Mct endrin . •. Corning x