The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-23, Page 8i7 • RaM tr • l:IG1i,T' SUPPORT ''SHE.., .; . r Sponsored' by 'HE • LUCKNOW. FIRE DEPARTMENT a THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW ONTARIO., Drop your dunes • and . dollars in counter coin containers to be found in''' Lucknow and surrounding ' rural area: The Lucknow Fire Department.' will: not be conducting a 'door-.: to -door canvass this year in support of must cular' dystrophy. You are requested to . make. your donation in ° the coin cans, or if unable, contact any member ` of. the Fire Department who will arrange to obtain ytir donation. ' SUPPORT MUSCULARJ' DYSTROPHY Help 20,000 Came:ilians TWO-THIRDS OF THEM CHILDREN. WVTIITECHURCH Mrs. • Watlter Lott is spending a few . days at'. the home of her daughter, Mrs.. Orville .Newby in Chesley, • Mrs. 'Mary Jane Tiffin visited en Sunday at the home- of .,11 r.. .and Mrs. Victor Emerson: Mr. and. Mrs. Bill,' Snider and, family of .Teeswater; visited on Sunday at the :'home-- of Mr. 'and Mrs. Charlie Tiffin. .Mr. F!d'on Emerson . was home. last' ;Wednesday' for the day. He returned back to Hamilton where he' is ,employed on a .grahi . boat on the Great' Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mctlenag han: visited on Sunday at ,the home of ; Mr: and Mrs, Mae ,Ste- wart in Kitchener. Mrs. 'loris Willis. • visited. on. Sunday' at the home of °.Mr. and Mrs:, S. C Willis in. Gowanstown. Mrs.: Harry . Tichborne and Mrs. Toynbee ' Lamb, of Godericl visited on Wednesday • at the home' of Miss. Annie Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Sholtz visit- ed on Sunday at the home of • Mr: and Mrs. Reg Sholtz. Miss Janet' Gaunt of •I aiXover spent 'Saturday at the home of .her parents,; Mr.•` and Mrs. Rus- sel Gaunt. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward'Pollard and Mr:: and Mrs.' Mervin. Pipe of Brussels visited on : Wedaes- day at the 'home of Mr. and. Mrs: Jack 'Coultes. • .'Mr.,, and =Mrs Albert :. Co iltes were honored • at . 1 wo surprise panties of last 'Week' .;.for their 25th "Wedding Anniversary:.. One was at . Mr. &' . Mrs. ' John Gaunt: on Thursday night. Others who attended' were • the Coultes fam- ilies and .the Lever • families ' and on; Friday` night . the were . en- tertained at: the home of .Mr • and Mrs. • Jack'Cot • •: •• Mrs., Hugh Simpsn. ,dfam - ily.. visited•on Sunday at.. the homes . of ..Mrs. 'Annie Struthers' and Mr.:and Mrs Jim Henderson Luoknaw Mr.. and. ,'Mrs. Russel Ritchie. received news from. Detroit that Mr.. John:.Bayes; •a brother of Mrs .Mary Jane Tiffin'•'had taken a slight stroke..• Mrs.: Walter Arscott and girl : .Who .. were spending • week in. Toronto • . returned . home on Sunday ' with . Mr. ,. Arscott. Bruce :Presbytery Of: United. Church Pians 9 _ Q Missionary.al ies. f REV.. N. MaeKENZIE, . M.A. The United, Church 'Presbytery. of Bruce has planned missionary rallies ' in four towns in, Bruce 'County, with ,Rev. :,Norman` Hall MacKenzie, . MA., of India,, as the .guest speaker. Mr, MacKenzie was ;• born. in North , Henan, 'China, son, of. for- Mr. and Mrs. l mer missionaries, M .. Hugh MacKenzie.1 Be' was educated at',the Unite versity ;of Toronto, receiving his ;B.A.' and. MA. in Sociology, 'and in. ' '1943' was ' graduated' from Emmanuel, Colle, ge,. Toronto:. lie. 'served as a' field worker' in the Extension -Department of St. Francis Xavier University,• 'An'- tigonish, NS.,, from. '1938 to 1939; and 'from 1939 to 1940• was engag •ed` in an. .educational, program! among the. fishermen of. B:C. un- der . the • .University :of British: Columbia ./ ' ...Mr. and Mrs.' MacKenzie ; were appointed `to North China in 1943: After 'attending the University ,of . California for study of the Chin- ese .language they sailed to `Ho „ nan,: North China; in 1945 Due 'to "conditions, in China,, they re- turned' to Canada in :1950 and .re- signed from:the Board:. In September, 1954,` Mr. Mac Kenzie was :'reappointed as . a a missionary, .this time to serve in the , India field.. Since arrival in : India, Mr. , MacKenzie has . been doing both evangelistic and rur- al work. His, most recent under- . taking has been. village improve-' • ment : projects , in ' the rural area of Barrinia 'where he . and three Indian, ' teachers' (w,ho attend night 'school)•: have greatly tin= •proved the land for' the farmers of.'the `village. Mr. 'MacKenzie in troduced improved seeds' . and ar- tificial fertilizers plus'a system 1960. Pontiac Laurentian, automatic, filmy equipped' ....$2,850 1$60 Chev ' Sedan, fully equipped ' , ...::.$2,395 1959`' Ford 4 -door Stationwagon, automatic, equipped $2,295, 1959 Console, 4 -door $1,495 1959' Chev ' Biscayne sedan, automatic, fully equipped $2,195 3-1959 Chev Belairs, automatic, fully ,equipped $2,295 1956 Ford Custom Sedan, • with automatic $1,195 ,.. $ •,.995 1955:. Chevrolet' Deluxe Sedan ...�... $1;095 $1,095 1955 Ford Fairlane Sedan .:..Y, $1,050 1957 Pontiac Sedan, 22,000 miles .:.Y...Y.1 $1,495 1956' Chev Sedan t .Y:.YY..Y..•.,Y.. $1,195 1955 ' Chev Sedan .:YY.Y... ....... _ $ 795 1954 Chev Bel ,Air . Sedan .,...,......Y......,..Y.....$ 695 1954 Dodge Sedan, Special ,. 1954 .Snick sedan,' automatic 1956 Ford Coach, '8 cylinder., 1955 Olds. Sedan ' •.......•.$795 Nuitilier of 'Ol'der Models from•1952 to 1954 .at $200. to $600..: TRUCKS` TRUCKS! 2-1958 Chev. Ya -ton pick -Ups, with fleetside body 1955 Chev, 2 -ton damp ...�K.w ..N.I.:.Yi•YiiYYYiY.Y✓Y ......�YY.Y.Y: 1954 Chev: i Ston pick-up .......YYI.. Yiy:..Yi :YY.....YYY........Y•Y•.YY Y. $595,. Brussels Motor .Phone 173, Bosse Cities Service Dealer 'WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23rd, • 1969 ailit i (t*P)sffio.9ffooOnofot IN . f I $4,001'40i ti itilosio 'IS '. a EARLY .SHOPPERS At. Webster and. MacKinnon Hardware WILL BE, PLEASED WITH``OUR LARGE STOCK. OF. Christma's G'ift 'iteth" If ' You Check Y ur 'Calendar You Will Find That a a S I �frorn Sunday Is . Christmas -Day. ts ti ' ° YOU THINK", ITS LATER •THAN Drop :in.. and look over. our : largeChristmas stock. You. will find a gift suitable , for everyone from the baby to grandpa,, and.at tke right ' prices too: 14 YOUR CREST..•HARDWARE Sil TORE IWebste & MacKinno TA 14 Phone 50 .. Luckno Plumbing,: Heating, Wiring, Eavetrougmng • Aon+ 3 sol r 3e rtr. loth lr roevar,..eeitioa e 0 Mr. and.MTs: .J C. Campbel AMBERLEY • of •Point Clark . visited` with rel rives in Guelph on 'Sunda' Mr.•and Mrs. Andrew 'Jamie- son of.. Woodstock•. were ` Sunday guests•. with. Mr.' and Mrs. Ches- ter Campbell and: Mr. and: Mrs. Ross Shiells: • . :Mrs. Annie Emmerton is • visit- ing' with ; Mr.. and Mrs. John Em- Merton, ; second concession. •Anmberley Orange ' :Lodge held. l 'banquet a on Tues- day'annual . b nquet day evening and enjoyed a tier- ;key, dinner: Forty-eight, members were in ' attendance. From cardine, 'Mr. John Bell,. , Mr. Ralph Humphrey,, ' Mr James Courtney and M. Robert Ged- des were • present .and. from Rip- ley. were Mr. ' William " Jackson and Mr. Frank Scott. ' A business meeting was' held later Ind • cards were' enjoyed. for , the remainder`' of the ;evening.. Mrs: 'Art Courtney . and 'Amiss Shirley have been 'ill with the "flu": over the past- week. Attending the . Royal Winter Fair in Toronto Iast week. Were, Mr, and'Mrs. Galen Campbell. and Mr, and ,Mrs. John .Blue.. ' . Congratulations go to. Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl, Wilkins on the arrival. of a, son at. Kincardine `Uospital. Mr. ,Murray ' MacDonald . of Ripley,. formerly 'of the second: 'concession, 'Huron, , is a' patient in .St. Joseph' Hospital, London with a: foot injury. . Over :one hundred lodge : mem- bers of the Royal Black Precep- tory, attended' ; a . meeting in Blyth town hall ;on' Friday ev- ening, where the ' Red Cross de- gree was conferred on eight mnemn'bers, Participating ' in the • ceremony . was the , degree team from Guelph. Mr. N. Thompson of Lucknow was . among the. members receiving . the degree. With sixteen 'lodges attending', Arnberley R.B.P. No. .132 : had • the largest number of members present. of ' irrigation new to the ' area. New pumps were :put in : only last ' year. The young Indian teachers who are working under the dir- ection of Mr. MacKenzie, will in turn pass on` the new' knowledge to the farmers in' an- effort to r make'' •• the " land ' ,supply their ! needs: Mr. and lVlrs6 MacKenzie. With their three children returned to Toronto during the past summer to spend. ' their, furlough year in. Canada. • These Ra11ieS will ,beheld at P.m.: . , Monday, November' 28th; in Southampton. United' Church; Tuesday, , November . 29th, in Kincardine United Church; Wednesday, November 30th, in W iarton United Church; 'Friday, December '2nd, ,in 'Wali' kerton United Church. STATIONERY' NEl✓DS can be filled at' The /Sentinel; writing l,paper, envelopes, hasty notes,• thank you notes, 'boxed greeting. cards; magic markers and refills, : I file folders, receipt books, state-' merit pads,scratch pads, pens, refills, ' and many other items. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, , Lucknow. y. Miss.., Helen ;Godfrey of Mac Donald Hall, '.Guelph, spent: th week -end. at her 1 home on th sixth concession: • We are pleased; 'to. report tha Mr. John Bradley is home fro Kincardine Hospital much. ,im proved in .health. Mr. and- Mrs. William Kemp ton . visited MM'with r. and Mrs James • Viills of Weston ' and at tended the Royal. Winter Fair.' easy=to-get-to Hotel . •. The LORD SIMCO • J00 s and suites w th tub, shower,roomradio 'anal, TN Hone'of the Canadian Pump Room=Dancing.. ono cover, no minimum. Ample free overnight 'pariding . Fine inlConventionyPlan. , Pae.ilities: CANADA: The Lord. Elgin, Ottawa The Lord Si:twee, Toren CHICAGO: The Sherman. e Hotels Ambassador. 'University Avenue at'King Street 'Telephone EMpire 24848—Telex 022458 The Sentinel Office Will Until Christrnas For. The May Wish `To Order CHRISTMAS CARDS A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION Or Transact Any ' Other Business Be 'Open All Day Saturday Convenience Of Those Who) 6 STATIONERY ITEMS The Lu,cknov •S�ntinei