The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-23, Page 7It AO witSpAY, NOV. 2 rd, 1.960 THE LUCKNOW SEN'riNEL, o LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO }AGE: SEVER COUH IL MINUTES November 14th, 1960 Ashfield Township Council Met on, the abeve date Councillor Bradley was absent Minutes of the last meeting Were read • and. approved on motion of. Howard. and Gibson.. By-law No. 10 imposing a special rate, on Lot C ` . 4 under the Drainage Act was iven 3 readings. & passed' on' motion sof MacKenzie. and Howard. By-law No 11. setting the dates for nomination and e1ec- tion: was •passed on motion of Gibson and Howard. , • • Thefollowing accounts, were ordered paid on motion of How- ard and. MacKenzie. • • , Road, Accounts Cliff Menary; $49,50; John Hunter, 2520; Her- bert C. Curran, 269.50, John Nicholson, 256.00;Goderich Ra- diator Shop, a-diator'Shop, Repairing Radiator, 3.50; Grant 'Chisholm, oil, grease, 72.30; Imperial Oil, 'fuel : oil, 154.40; • Donald , M. Sim son; . 'Un- employment Insurance stamps,. 9 40.88; W. R. Mole, 15 loads: gra' vel (5yards: each) 62.00; Domin- ion Roads, oil 'seals, . tubes and labor; 86.45; H. M. Greer, Hos- pital, Miss Irwin, 139.50, R. A. Currie and Sons, Ambulance to WED tN DOUBLE RING CEREMONY NELSON MASON Dentist and return, 8.00; Village St. . Andrew's United Church; of Lucknow, fire, Normon O'- Ripley, was the scene of 'a pret. Connor and Martins point, '300,- ty autumn wedding on Saturday, 00; perk Logtenburg, 60 chick -1 November 12th at 2 o'clock when erns, '90.00; Town of Goderich, E Miss Trudie Anti Mason was uni- relief; Mrs. Murphy, 22,50; ' Her- ted in marriage $o MxWilliam man Phillips,. stock .valuer, 6.00;1Ronald Nelson..The bride is the Donald M.' Simpson, 1147 tax no- daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Donald. tices a 15, 170:00; Andrew Rit- Mason, Ripley, and the groom is chic, selecting jurors, 6;00;• Paul the son of Mrs; Lenore Nelson, Caesar, selecting jurors, 6.00; R. 3 Kincardine.. The Rev. Doug- las Simpson, selecting jus -.l las Dunlopofficiated at •the ors, 6;00;' 'Chester Campbell, bat- double ring ' ceremony, ance garbage collection, 7.95 W;: 'Miss Joan 'Wilson of London,' J. McDon d, stamps, 45.00; ' •• cousin of the groom sang "I'll Walk Beside You" and "O Pro - Council , adjourned ' and will mise orMiss Beth McTavish Pro - Meet again December 115th at 1 : ganis. ; . . was p.m. The bride, given in marriage DONALD."SIMPSON, Clerk.' by her father, looked ` lovely in la street length gown of white PERSONALIZED LABPT—S 300 t Peaude-soie, styled :with full. skirt,; fitted bodice, long lily plastic dis ' en a and :address in ( . your p ser,' only ' $1., • bon point sleeves, and portrait neck- Thompson, Lucknow. line framed in .a 'wide collar ac, cented in front by an applique • of French lace and sequins- Her French illusion.. finger tip veil ,was held by •:a , crown of se- quins. and pearls, and she carried' ,a white and topped with red roses ' and baby mums. • The maid of honour was. Miss Bettie' Morgan of Listowel,. cou- sin of the bride. and the brides- maids . were Miss Charline Loh-` nes _. of . Ripley and; MissBrenda Mason, sister of the bride.. They wore street length dresses of by-. acinth' blue-- velvet with- match- ing head , dresses and : carried. • white mums.. .: Jack 'Nelson; brother of :the groom was best man and Robert Mason, brother of • the bride, , •anad '.Robert Blackwell`. were ushers. At • a wedding: dinner in , the • . Ripley • Legion hall,' the .bride's, i mother received in a dress of. autumn' . green brocade beige beaver hatand brown accessor- ies : and corsage of ,bronze, mums. The groom's mother `assisted in a blue ; brocaded sheath dress. With jacket, black accessories &. corsage of :pink roses For -a trip • to the United States the bride"chose chose. a brown cordti- ray suit with brown, accessories beige alpaca top., coat and cor-1 'sage of bronze. mums Mr •and Mrs. Nelson Will re- ST: HELENS e St 8' :as nee u on a Lime... .. There were three little pigs. One built a: house of straw, one of twigs and one of brick.` :As }you know only. the brick house proved effective .: against the big bad wolf. .Comparing the bigbad wolf with thecost. pnce'squeeze ,you' can cut costs with the solid Co-op Feeding program • YOUR' LOCAL CO.OP CAN . PROVIDE YOU :WITH., PIG FEEDS .. �OR'PIG NEEDS COOP: BOOSTER PIG STARTER If you start Your litters, ori Co-op Pig •Prestarter gradually change them over at 4 to 5 weeks of age to CO-OP BOOSTER PIG STARTER. '. RTER COOP MEDICATED ' BOOSTER PIG STARTER . , : infection. '• . • . .. Trills or Where there is a suspicion of such as Rh'� Bacterical Diarrhoea or Virus Pneumonia feed•rnedicated, Co.op,Booster Pig Starter as long as any symptoms of disease. are evident. COOP PIG STARTER GROWER This feed is for purchased pigs or for pigs that have.not been creep fed. prior to Weaning - For more complete information' ask your Local Co-op for the informative brochure on the 'Nevi Co-op Hog Prcgsain? SEE YOUR LOCAL ucknow District Co -o 'hone %1 , _1111_._ • :side in. Kincardine Freddie, Gordon and Kevin r Black of ,Ottawa spent the past" -.:week, with• . their. grandparents. Mr and Mrs.: Gordon McPherson.1 Mr. Murray Gaunt is .on'a five day ' tour. of P.uriria Research Farms in St: Louis,. Missouri. 'Mrs.:, Harvey Webb. and Mrs: 1 Charles Hodgins ' of .Wingharn i spent • Sunday , •w ith Mrs: Harare Anderton and family' of Code -1 rich: •• Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gretvar and Nancy: ' of Brantford spent Sat -1 urday with her parents, Mr. 8; Mrs. • Harvey ,Webb;: ' Congratulations' to • Mr. and i VILL'AGE.. OF . L NOMINATION NOTICE is hereby given to the• MUNICIPAL FT.ECTORS of TE :VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW that in •'compliance with. the•$tatutes in that behalf, .I require the presence of the said electors at the Village Hall in the said Village of Lucknow,. at the hour of Seven O'clock and Thirty Minutes: in the. afternoon of. . . • • MONDAY, -NOVEMBER 28th, • 1960 • ' For One Hour • ' For the purpose of ' ndminatnig, fit and `proper persons for` the Offices . of Reeve, Four Councillors and Three Public School. Trustees for the . Village of Lucknow, for the year • 1961, Trustees to' hold Office. for. Two Years, of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern' themselves accordingly, and if a 'greater number of Candi- dates, than required to fill the said • Offices,• are nominated and mOce the required. Declaration, Polkwill be opened in. the wfollowing places; Polling Subdivision No; One, The Legion' Hall; Polling Subdivision No. Two, The Municipal' Office; arid Polling Subdivision No. Three, .The Town Hall, in the said : Village of Lucknow, on Monday, D• ecember 5th,:1960 and will . open from Nine O'clock a.m,, until Five 'O'clock• p.m: and no longer., e •. IT SHOULD BE NOTED.that when a' proposed candidate is ••not' present at •the nomination meeting • his nomination •paper. . 'will not be valid unless •there is: attached' thereto, evidence . satisfactory to the Returning Officer that • the proposed candidate consents to' be so .nominated. Given.:under my hand this Twelfth Day of November, A.D., 1960` E. H. AGN 1fT,.• Returning . Officer... ing closed with "The Queen:" Church Groups Meet. The . November.. 'meeting .of the' W.Q.S. . was held at the honie ' of . Mrs W.' • I:. Miller : with 16 ;ladies. and 2 children' present.. Mrs:. Green presided. Mrs. Lorne• Woods'' had charge . of the ' w. or- ship' period :assisted by Mrs. Mintz, Mrs. `G . McPherson and. Mrs. • Rice. Mrs. ` . Green read a Remembrance Day : Message. • It. was decided to order .30 calen- dars for the W..S. members; Miss' W. D:. Rutherfordgave a: r ea d i .n g, ' "Abundant living." Mr`s. Gordon • McPherson, ' Mrs. George Stuart • and Mrs: W. A. Humphrey • were appointed ;as the ' norininating committee. Mrs ; John:' Cameron took charge of a chap ter in the Study Book; "Are Mis- sionaries Necessary?" The Meet- ing. eeting. closed with prayer by Mrs. Green. Mrs.: Tom Todd presided for.•• the: W.A meeting. Mrs. Frank i\itcQui:llin read the scripture les- son. ` The • lesson . thoughts ere given by Mrs. George Stuart. The treasurer .'reported $1:67,43 jj on hand following their recent t bazaar. Velvet -has . been put ;on the lop of the - pulpit in the base- rnent.. Carpet for the 'pulpit in • the '•basement was discussed and • kiss Rutherford and .Mrs. Lorne • Woods were appointed to pur- chase''this The nominating- com : mittee •for the W. A was appoint .; . eclnamely Biro .Rice : and Mr,.`'. F. McQuillin.• Mrs.. Todd : closed:. the meeting. with prayer. Lunch as served by.Mrs W:, A. Hum- 1 '• •p.• - and Miss' Rutherford: , • hrev THE HUMP ON.THE CAMEL'S BACK may took strangedbut it serves a prat- `: tical,purpose. On the dese t the camel . .muff go without food' . and wzter for' long periods of time. But he is able to store nourishment in his hump sufficient Plumber "I understand you have something here : that doesn't work." Housewife:: "Yes, he's in .. the living room ;oh the couch." • k: 4 it • ` 4 , 1 \\,4:k\ Mrs. Bob .Aitchison ori the arri ; cI.NLOSS NEWS. val of their daughter, Barbara Elizabeth on November' 14th in : Mrs, ;Allister' Hughes enjoyed' , �tTinalnam •Hospital P • ' ' the Royal Winter Fair a ,tri to ' The regular meeting of the in recognition of her work in Etf.I: will, be held on December I •leadiiig two '4-H course's.' Ist Tn the hall Roll call " Christ . rs.. Joe Fitzsimmons. Pinker- • mos recipe and Mrs.`. exchange` of ton and Mrs. Leslie •Pilgrim, Ed-'. • Gifts.. Motto -- "I will ' honourt en Grove. spent , Tuesday after.- l i Chrstma_s in my r he . art an cepd k noon with Mrs. Tia, e'i Houston. ,. . . ' ..it for all year." Topic Christ- Sandy,MacKenzie of Western • atlas: Mrs.: E. 'iii. Rice; Contest. - University was home., for the ; An inexpensive •.' Christmas week -end. On Friday ni ht .he • gift: ` Lunch and program — gave. the Valedictory address. ess at , ..Mrs. Fred IcQuilli:n. .Mrs. T. J. the Commencement Todd and Mrs. Simon' DeBaer. and 'received trophies and . his A large crowd attended the honour graduation diploma. Pot. Luck Supper in the hall on Miss Helen Campbell of Kit- Saturday I nstitute.nAgsponsored by ' short program cee alsohomeo ed 'the Home Economics, 'followed ' a ' bountiful meal. The Grade XII award and her Sec., program consisted of piano .solos School Graduation dipIoma. Late by Mrs. Chester Taylor and lectures at• Toronto 'University Sheila McQuillan; piano duets, prevented Bill Buckton from be-, Mrs. William Rutherford and ing able to be. present' to receive, Wanda Henry:; Accordion select= his awards at the Commence ions by Barbara . Purdon and • Merit. RosaIy ne Phillips solo hy Elaine ` Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Houston • Cook: a reading "bj- Mrs.' Jim P Kenneth oncd Wallace. attended`. Aitchison and Cotrnmunity sing -i, the funeral of Har' ey Ws' aurnt. the Mg. :fir. Lorne ''minds 'gave the late Miss Ida nfacAfe . 11.N. at sYiarlts and the eri i; P 'ais a+; on .Y.• / • courtev rein . " I `1tt on'`da to tide himself over the lean days that might lie ahead. There are apt to he lean daysfor every- one.. Life insurance can .help" tide you over many of'these ,for it provides cash ' at times of greatest need: A Sun Life insurance program; for example, can safeguard your widow`s independence, • your children's education,, your home. and,your retirement years: Let me tell m Kmahan A.R. 2, . Lucknow' Phone Winghamt' SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. OF CANADA