The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-26, Page 5WEDNESDA.'Ya, ' OPT, 26th, 196Q FEOTEST LIQUOR AD$ ON TV, RADIO The West Section,; of • the Hu- ron Presbyterial of the Wgmen's Missionary Society of the Upit., ed• .Church ' held their annual meeting in Hackett's church 'in Ashfield on Wednesday,; October 19th. Mrs., Bert Alton, vice-presi- dent, hadcharge of the meet- ing. After the opening hymn and invocation the Zion ladies .had charge of. the worship ser- vice.. The • following appointments were made: Courtesy Committee, Mrs. Tait Clarke. ,phe is'' to. choose her ,assistants; •Finance Committee; Mrs.. Larder, Victor- ia :St., Goderich, was re-elected. Nominating , . Committee, Mrs, Charles 'Smith, Westfield. toria''St,; Goderich'-.is to send 'a. delegate to the :1961 conference, the delegate • to be named later. The roll call was/ answered by • I.CALL'as. ROY HAVENS .. Plumbing and.. Heating Esso it Burner Sales n d' Service FORSAFE,. ..... DEPENDABLE • Convenient budget terms up to 5.years to pay THE LUCKNOW sE rr NEI,, LVCKNOW,'. ONTARIO 15 auxiliaries, .The offering was. taken and the• dedicatory prayer given by Dungannon Auxiliary. Mrs. B. E. ' Lewis of Exeter gave a very interesting and in grams formative and alk on planrung Pro -1 s udies for mission- ary work , for the coming yea. Mrs. T. ' Clarke reported for the Citizenship Committee, She spoke of ' the : liquor advertise- ment on television and radio programs.: Later in . -the day a ' petition was drawnup and; • sign ed by the ladies 'present protest ing this. practice: This was to be: forwarded to • CXNX, Wingham.. . Mrs; Suter; the treasurer, had a• more encouraging report than. last year.. Mrs. McGill said this had been a very .good year for supply .Work. • The ' guest " speaker .for the morning session ' was Mrs, K. B. , Clysdale, 'president of the Perth. Presbyterial. She spoke 'On •the. importance of Bible Study,. in our ' Missionary societies and: conducted a question and ' ans,- !wee period based on the. 73rd Psalm, - . The president, Mrs. G. W. Tif- fir''of Wingham: closed the 'ni i- ing session •with '.prayer.. The Hackett's ladies' served: a • lovely lunch • to..�aabout seventy. guests.. The Donnybrook Auxilary had charge :of the afternoon worship service:; This was followed by a musical . number from Aulaurn. 'Goderich Auxiliary had charge'. of . the ;offering and ,prayer. The 'guest speaker for the of-, ternoon was 'Miss Trances Stev- enson from.Indore, India, form- erly from Toronto,' She wished to thank all Missionary Societies for makingit. possible for' her' to work •:yin India: She told of;'many interesting .stories Sof her work there. It: is, a land',' of many contrasts such las- wealth 'and poverty; :progress and' backwardness, beauty • and drabness, She : explained the working • of • their. twenty-year 'plan, how . it ' is aiding .in. the building :of schools and . roads, :as- sistingagriculture. and aiding in establishing • ' many .` small bus - nesses. " Mrs. Alton thanked her for the, .very interesting talk .: An invitation .from. the Air- burn ,uburn Auxiliary to meet with them next year was accepted:. . Mrs. Tiffinin her remarks 'a:- ADVArs•140[ TO'IMlabIAL FOR 1NE 16t so • ' stressed • the . need of ; more, • Bible study : a't': our, Missionary iar■eamow eems. EaisassessNu s ■010■11esa■aa■a■■011011 FORMER AREA RESIDENTS DIE (ST.. HELENS NEWS) Miss Catherine McGregor who has been a patient in Wingham Hospitalfollowing a car' acci- dent is convalescing at the home of her sister, Mrs George art and Mr.' Stuart.. Mrs. „Gordon McPherson ' is holidaying in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Keith. Black and fam.. ily. • '. , ` •Master • Brian Cranston •• spent the • week -end with • his ,grand- parents, . Mr. •; and .Mrs, Charlie McDonald while his parents, Mr. and • Mrs: Keith . Cranston spent the week -end in Owen Sound.. Mrs. Harry Buxton of Victoria' B.C. was a recent 'guest at the ; home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. ::Mrs. Laura' McNeil spent • a few days with.her .daughter, Mrs Tom Traflet and Mr's Traflet .of Southampton. Mr.. John F. Scott, • - a . former resident of this district passed away, on Saturday . in Victoria Hospital. He had been a ' patient for three. months. Mrs. Scott was the former. Majeska Gaunt, He is survived: by his,Wife and three sons. Sympathy of the' entire community goes to the bereav- ed • families .. Mrs. ' Donald McDonald • has moved. from St. Helens ,to take up residence with her .son,. Mr. Hugh David McDonald and Mrs. McDonald dt• Whitechurch:,. Mr. Donald Murray is a ,pat - lent ' in Winghain : Hospital' fol- lowing' a bush accident 'on, Sat urday. Donald had::his ,_left; leg- broken above the • ankle. : We •wish him a apeedy.• recovery.' .The 'November.. 'meeting of the W.I. -will :be held on .'.Tuesday, November 8th . at '2':30 p.m. The roll call wil: be answered by Something ,I planto do in: the winter ..months. . Mrs. Harold Gaunt ' ,will have ` the ' motto, "Take: off your • hat to the past and your coat to "the future:" Mrs. Otto Popp,, the District President; Will be guest speaker. _ Program ' :and :lunch' comrntttee are Mrs. . Frank 1VIcQuillin '•and Mrs. Allan Miller„: Mrs. Ross PAGE FIVE Heavx Duty. Batteries . $ 7.95 , . .. 18 Months Guarantee $11.45 , 2. Years' Guarantee • $15.95 . . 48' Months. Guarantee With Exchange) ' MUFFLERS 'AT LOW ..COST Wheel :• AIignment and Balanciflg. Motorcade Dealer Phone 3, Lucknow Mrs. J.,'' Curran and Mrs, ; Tom Todd; Tables and • Waitresses,. Mrs. -Charlie' MacDonald;. Baking Committee, Mrs.: Barbour, '-Mrs. Lorne I urnin, Mrs. • Frank ,. Mc- Quillin,• Mrs. Harvey Webb, Mrs. Allan Miller; Reception, .Mrs. Green and Mrs.; . W.' I. Miller; Cashier, Mrs: Lorne Woods; Sewing.` Table, Mrs. W. A. Hum- • :plirey, Mrs: George: Stuart; Candy,.' Mrs, Rice,. Mrs. Laura McNeil,• Tea;; Mrs. 'Curran and Mrs. Eldon-. Miller; Dish washer, •Mrs. de. Boer. The meeting closed. with 'prayer by Mrs. Tom Todd A. delicious lunch . was served? by Mrs. Lorne Durnin & Mrs. Frank 1VIcQuillin. Mr.. John A. McDonald of Wingham,_ a native of St. Helens passed away ',on October .13th' in Wingham • Hospital. its ' only surviving brother • is .Mr. Colin McDonald. • • Joan: :"Are you going . to .let that redhead steal your bay. friend?" :' ! • • Jean:."Not • on' your life. I'll dye. first, KINLOSS NEWS An enjoyable family gathering - was ..held at: the home of Mr. & Mrs:. Guff • Roulston on :October 16th when the 'following were present: Mrs, W Cook and. Mr. and Mrs. T. Davis of 'Yellow Grass, Sask. M. and Mrs.. Alvin Miller • of . Strathroy, Mr.‘ and • Terry .Purvis, and . children and Mrs. Harold Purvis and• Phyllis. of. Kincardine and Mr.: and. Mrs. Wm. Haldenby *Of Xinlough,. Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Beaton of .. Scarborough visited. : Fridayev- ening • at ' the: home of Mr:- and._:. Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall., Mr. and Mrs. E. Tonks and. Stephen ' of Goderich Wand Mr? Bert' Gibbings• of Clinton were `recent guests: with Mr. and Mrs..`_ Tra Dickie and boys. Mr.' and •Mrs,. Merle Middleton: and family of Burlington visited Sunday. at the home : of, Mr. and Mrs. ' Fraser MacKinnon. Mrs:; C Roulston, . Mrs. G. Hamilton and Mrs. 1, Dickie from the :Kairshea Institute, at- tended • the W.L Rally in . Port': •.E1agin. on Thursday.. Gammiewill, demonstrate the ' • Making. of • rolls (Note. .Change t of date); •tober gmeetin of the . Agnew' N SU R: W.M.S. and ' W.A. ' met at . the home of Allis. Sirnon .De Boer . on October 20th with :10 ladies pre- sent•. Mrs. Green presided. Psalm ■ FOR • FAST EFFICIENT OVERNIGHT • • 1 was, read responsively fol.. • . N. : la ing the scall to worship. 1Vf rs. ■ ■ Tom Todd, Mrs.. John ,Cameron • and Mrs. Charlie McDonald. as- •ra n h # p ry ire► sisted in the .devotional period.. ■ ■ ▪ •w Minutes 'silence hi ; memory .Mrs. Green .1ed. in prayer. of i Mrs. W ' A "Miller 'who had been =▪ ...• a life member of the W.S.aMwas ■ ■, TO or ' FROM • • ■ , ■ LUCKNOVI/ TORONTO• ■ . or :N ■ aii. • LtJCKN,OW LONDON .o N . ■ a r.. Call ■: , ■ ■ ii' ... ei Walden BroBros. 0 Ia. Ili in RANT! PO ■ is■ ii • ■. r a ms ■ All Loads ' Insured a r .Warehouse . New' Wingham r• ■ Serving., wingham .and District; i, ' , Household Moving Service' to any °■ ' • Ontario points a ■ o Lcssd Too 'Small. a No Loud Too Big N ■ Alt Recewe . Care, When 'you S p Y a III p ■ ■ ■ ' ' WALDEN' BROTHERS Ii PNIONE COLLECT: I SUPERTES'r GARAGE --PHONE. 248,` LUCT NO., m 530 Riptey� 193 * . I W gh if i 15 , Kincardine a�. SHIT' BY WAL1 UE ' EROS. TRANSPORT IDy Plior tng. R 7.0541 Toronto Or GE, 8=673 3,Lorld,c m ; Tell. touir dr W la; uwrs■..r■'.�lrriirii:ielINrs■ar't+sr■isr+rotwieii r en Ordering, •r � Tiraveher TRANSPORT observed. Following • this, • Green read a, . poem, • "Medita- tion."'' Mrs:. Caneron in:. the' ab- sence of the secretar"y,, :read the Minutes., $96.00' was reported in the •-treasury.`. Plans for the Thankoffering meeting in Nov- ember were discussed. The roll call. was answered: • :by 8 hon'ie calls' and 7 hosaital calls: Miss W:1:). ' Rutherford gave , a splen- did report • on the Sectional? Meeting at Wroxeter. 'A chapter of the ' study`. •bopk "Turning World" was taken by the pre- sident, .assisted by Mrs. W. I. Miller. Hymn'• 502,' was. sung and the meeting . slosed '' with the benediction. Mrs., Toni Todd presided • for the W.A. meeting. • The theme of the meeting "The Spirit of Man is the Candle: of the Lord Shine as Lights." Mrs..J. Came,' ron read the Scripture lesson & the lesson thoughts were read by 1VIrs..'Lorne Durni:n. The lad- ies arranged for their bazaar on •Novembe'r 5th in the 'Town Hall.. The following cornmittees were 'appointed: Lunch,, ,Miss W.D. tutherfprd, Miss Annie Durnin,' 1VIrs. Cameron' Mrs. Jas l urn)n; meetings, Mrs. Clarke• thanked the Hac kctt's Auxiliary for their .hospi- tality. The rneetrng •was closed With nranyer by Mrs. Alton. usiness 3 E. Agency GENERAL INSURANCE. HOWARD AGNEW Residence 138 Fill your, Bin Now and assure' yourself Heat Security. Stop worrying about. delivery hold . ups because .of snow;'or shortages and.. rift* with awinter's; supply Of quality fuel. A SOLIb FUEL FOR A`SOLID' CENTURY a •