The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-19, Page 7• WEPSESDAY,:OCT, 19th, i960 , Ashfield .1i'resbyterian The Ashfield. WRM.S. held their. ' Tklanksgiving service on Thursday, October 13th in the Ashfield church. Uri. . D. A. Mc= Lean wasthe leader and open- ed the meeting With a call to worship, prayer and •the singing `Of Psalm 86. •We .were, veryhap- py. to have with us .for this:. Thanksgivingservice the, ladies. of the Pine. River .. W.M.,S. ' who ` kindly favored us with; a duet in -the persons of Mrs. Ferguson' and Mrs. 'Walden: • Mrs. Stewart McLennan . had the: devotional, "Thanksgiving." Mrs: Wm. Ross, •. 'president; welcomed : our guests in a few well chosen words: Mrs. Jack McKenzie a former Pine River girl, sang a 'solo. ' Mrs.. Colin Howes, gave a splendid reading, "Remembrance Day." • Offering" was reeeived''and Mrs. Earl McDonald gave the dedica- tory prayer: Mrs. ' D. A. McLean. welcomed :the speaker for the • occasion, . Mrs. Elmer • Kennedy 'of Blueval'e.; Her husband at :one time 'taught school at "IIemlock City" . and , who on '•a few' occas -sions has occupied' •the pulpit. of Ashfield. church: "Thankfulness" was her topic. She _spoke of THE LUQKNQW . SEN`, 1NEL, LUCK1. Q ir, ONTARIO • feeding of the. five thousand arid: before the bread and wine were received. She spoke of why we shpuld be prbud to be ' called Christians. She ,spoke of Mrs:. Goferth's .prayers. • for help,. lot David ' Livingstones ' con inual prayers and because of` faith and thankfulness many: of these prayers were: answered, She clos- ed her address with , prayer, The quartet • from Ashfield church favored with a song. Mrs. Wm.. Boss, the. ,president, 'presided for the business of the. meeting,. The next meeting is to be 'held' on' November 17. Mrs. Ross Shields, on behalf of the Pine. River lad- ies gave, a 'few words of thanks. Let *us ' more often; have the fel- lowship and• irneeting together .of the groups of the different churches. In the big things .of. life we t are one. -, G roup III W.A. United Church Mrs. Haward ` Rabinson was hostess -for the ,Ootober meeting. Mrs. B:' Elliott presided and .op= ened the meeting with ` prayer and hymn 388. "Shine as Lights' was the theme of the devotional period. Mrs. •Hoag 'reading ''the scripture' from Philippians and Mrs W: B. Anderson' the meditation and.. prayer.. Roll call, "Why T am thankful";•' was .res- ponded to by 14 members.. Mrs. Wigltman reported for the Christian. Fellowship; committee. PAGE SEVEN ers for Ilea: Cross work and sev- I Dean McLeed ,gave : a talk on a short sing; -song with Mrs, Ross eralvolunteered. ,Mrs, Elliott Thanksgiving ' and told of the Black .at the 'organ• The Worship announced,; there' .,would be no perils of a group of missionaries service was conducted by the Than afpfer'n, y' , their escape ' Mission Band, members with•. fowl su • er• this- ear, ,the W.M S. to. the: Congo, of k r g, Friday night, and through the month of July 1960, Barbara • MacTavish presiding., the • Presbytery meeting in • Un how, their prayers were ' answer:.1 Thanksgiving hymns were used. derwood, ,November 9th. Mrs. ed and what a happy Thanks- I Evelyn White' led. in, prayer, ,Bill W. Drennan presided for the giving for- these people and their ( Black. 'read the scripture,, • The program and contributed thanks- friends. Mrs: Murdie also read 'senior -members sang "The Many giving readings ,followed by pray- one of . Edgar, Guest's poems in . Many,, Children." Marilyn; Brooks: '• er by Mrs. H, Robinson and the keeping with the Thanksgiving Iread a Thanksgiving; story, The singing of : hymn 577: Miss Ada season., Singing Blest he the; tide I junior .. ' members sang "Jesus, Webster who had been, a dele-. that binds, and repeating thele.. Loves. Me;" .Sharon Culling led • gate for'. Bruce'Presbytery , to benediction, brou t' the ,Meet- , in prayer. Sandra McC 1 s y y .n . , gh ..._... p y hare Five, 'Oaks Training' Centre near' in to. a close. Mrs. -Leonard Rit-1 .closed` the. worship service with Paris gave a very fine report on the gave ,the,courtesy. remarks. I prayer. Mrs. Donald MacTavisk. her ' ; week's training : there: in "' • ., • presided for the remainder of Christian. Education work. Read- ,GroupIf United'. Church f the. meeting,• Marilyn,. Brooks, ings were given by Mrs.: K. Cam- ' Patsy McCharles and Janet 'Ha-: • Sixteen members of Group IT, ;eron. Hymn 579: and the bene muton•, sang. Mrs. John• Coiling Lucknow United Church,, met in . diction closed the meeting., Mrs. h Fellowship 'o gave a Thanksgiving reading; t e. Room of . the i Drennan conducted a contest c, •Barbara • MacTavish, Jean.Mac- • Church.. Our roll call was a .: a social time' was. enjoyed; • Tavish :and Sandra McCharles, Thanksgiving.. verse:, Mrs. Mac- Diarmd opened. the meeting !sang, Rev... ,and Mrs, Douglas united Church W.A. Group' 1 . Dunlop showed slides on Ire with. a . Call to Worship and a l land and the arade of the Kin - Group 1 of the W,A: .met at Thanksgiving. poe5771 - ' . . .,Carditie Reunion. Mrs, : Harvey Mrs. 13.aithiby's home , for the October meeting .with' 16 ladies answering the roll call, "Some thing .1 am : thankful • for." Mrs'. Qeorge' Whitby took charge: _&' opened, . the 'meeting with . the, theme • hymn, motto ' and > . prayer. • Following ' the business,: Mrs. Ken, Murdie took the chair for• :the program; After singing "O - was .sung. tis_ znis is World. Re -1 Brooks -thanked all those taking fu geeyear we ' were asked to• 1 g part at ahemeetirg. The offer - ;leave any. donations of blankets Mac - or clothingin the .church. We ; rzg was taken by Donald TV[ac Tavish' and• Gordon Roulston & were. also asked to •locate a.tray.! dedicated. by Mrs. Alex' MacTav • and kettle missing froth' the' • ; Lsh. 'Rev. Douglas Dunlop pro - church kitchen. Mrs: ,Collins pre- pounced the' benediction: Lunch sented . an 'interesting program: Mrs. 'A. E. McKim, very . capabl Was served by the.. ladies: Y� gave us. . a talk . on :hertrip to St. ,Peter's W.A. Master., let .me. walk, with Thee" Europe and.:the British Isles, ! Mrs. Leonard •Ritchie . read the telling of her contacts. with . the 1 The •Ootober meeting of . St scripture lesson . the' .devot- people and particularly mention- r Peter's . WA.' was held , at.''the p ional. Mrs::Murdiead a :poem ing:the ' different .foods' 'served 'mention-I, of Mrs: Roberts on Tues- : Christ rist giving thanks before the ;Mrs. ' • Anderson asked. for uilt- . "The 'Footpath . to • Peace." 'miss her ' visit to • ,Our' Chalet; !The! day .evening,* October 11th'.. The h .q. .. p . , • • World. Girl Guide • ` Centre,'A •i . meeting • opened . with. the WA. , Canadian. Military Cemetery, 1 prayer, prayer -partner prayer &' Kew .• Gardens, Madame ; Tous-, the . Lord's .prayer. The �treasur ' sard's Wax Works and' other in.•I er's, report 'was .given, •The busi- j teresting places in and around i.:ness was 'dealt" with:. It was .de- l London.. Thanksgiving ' hymns tided to order sixty church cal were. played by 'Mrs., .;Coin ring ,-endars: The, scripture.' was rea • ' and. .Mrs.. Collins-,-= closed •--- our- -by a Mrs. - Ward, •and • the 'life of 1 meeting` With 'prayer.. •A'social I Bishop Stratchan' was •.given by • A half-hourwas enjoyed.. 'i Mrs Wilbert'' 'Hodgkinson. He'• ".lwas the 'first; Bishop of Toronto. i : . - ' 'Zion United Church �V M.S. The meeting closed with prayer, I by, Mrs.W:; Wright and 'a • socials ' I Mrs, Jack McDonagh held. thea half . hour followed • The Novem--: ;, October. ' meeting at ,: her .home .her meeting'is" to be held ,.at the• with1. : 21' lades, 4 visitors and 4.. home' of ` Mrs: Fred .:McQuillin. ' • ,l children present, Christian 'Ste- • "'wardship, "How our . Dollars are' HELD PANEL DISCUS • SION I.Spent." ,.Wasconducted:�,by, Mics.: Jim Hunter: Devotional was read • AT" W I ,'MEETING° 1 by Mrs: ` .Howard Barger awith /, • So. many happy' family plans can come within reach under the B of M Family Finance Plan. If you havea steady income 'and, can afford regularmonthly payments,this low-cost, life -insured plan may answer all the credit' needs of your entire family. Talk over your needs with your friendly neighbourhood, B 'of M branch soon. • ; Mrs.; Russel •.':Swan reading the The October meeting of Sil ver • i scripture .. Visitors for shut-ins • Lake WI. was 'held at the home :I are Mrs: Marshall . Gibson and of . Mrs. Frank . ,Colwell with 14.. Mrs. Jack McDonagh: To. get the members ,. and 13: •guests present • program for. �+T•ovember ..•is. Mrs.The meeting opened' in the us , . ' Russel • S+waan. A , coariinual manner, ittee •was• Mrs. James : McEwari was � eon': • • I planned ,for t sectional .meet ►' ing, October I°9tla at Hackett's, .verior and. the: meeting n:.. was o l Church Anyone' wishing to' or- :Home Economics,' The roll. calk was '"My:worst"; cooking failure."' • der the" Missionary �„m,onthly 'is • Motto; -"What we ' make of : ourto do , so. at "i ce: Two readings were given;. •''`A • Prayer , Hymn'" homes is more important than that of which our homes are:by ` Mrs Frank Ritchie and "A , • .. i'Recipe for a Dai” by Mrs. Wes - 1 made." For -the topic four ladies.. ley ''R tchie.. Thank -offering en....took. part in :a panel 'discussloni. velopes' were handed out. Study Chemrcal hazards in the home, 1 book` "Africa Disturbed the 'the''ladies being Mrs: James Me -t last chapters and a brief outline I Ewan, Mrs- Ray Stanley,'. Mrs. • ' - Ronald Stanle . and 'Mrs. Ellison. bf the'. book was taken lay-. Rev. • :Kaiser, It. was ,moved bar . Mrs. ncidgins ' . Wesley •Ritchie, seconded by'Mrs. Mrs. Jack Hewitt was guest Jack .Gardner that• our'-ainiial .speaker and spoke on healthful: ; meeting this 'year to be at the • eating. The ladies • brought , buns; , and muffins to be judged: Mr's.. .: November meeting. Mr: , Kaiser', Ronald • S+tanley ' took first Joyclosed with ,prayer. The Novem- ' • her meeting will ,be :at' the 'home 1 muffins and Mrs Ellison .Hod-.' of Mrs.', Howard. Barger. • gins first'.for ' the •,buns. • Grace was sung and the buns`. (Hackeft ,United Church W.M.S.:' and muffins were ';served , for• nch: The Octobyer meeting of Hac- lu.• j • ketts W.M.S.' • was held .at the " ;' 4sE *'�,,,•4 , home of 'Mrs Dynes Campbell,' ' the theme being Thanksgiving. The • meeting • opened with . a'' 1 Thanksgiving praYer. The. scrip- ' ture and comments were ' given by Mrs. Ralph Cameron: Final .plans were finished for the Sec- tional meeting to be •held at' Hac= ketts church bn' October 19th: 13 members answered the rdll call. A reading was given ' by Mrs. • Jim Nelson. An evening .tea is to be held . at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Hackett in aid of the W.M.S. Heralds ' who. reported were Mrs, George Henry and �wr: Ask' for youi i;ojv of our folder "Hon' tc) live on your ineeime .and enjoy 114" •• 1 • rtdiee WORKING WITH CANADIANS iN EVERY WALK OF. LIFir. SINCg.1817 / Brings ail 1 your personal credit needs; witH a •low•cost B of M life -insured Ioart • "MY RANK ro 2,Mru(OM 44.1.401 ,4111 • IS TOPS! Fells trees up to 3.feet. in di Mrs. Blake 'Alton.. Mrs. Jim Nel-, +meetin ,concluded with'a' read- ameter. Cuts 18" trees in 18�,. son took the' Study Book. The seconds.Only 18f pounds.• ing by Mrs. Kaiser and prayer i amour Homelite quality. after which lunch was served. Olivet W.M.S. Pallidly Night'' 1 The Olivet W.M.S. met in OIi. ,. • Have d FREE DEMONSTRA1'IOtt ,'less bar and 'dais vet Iinited garch on Friday NEW IDEA••' DISTRISf7�OR$ evening in thehforni of'a "Tarn- • Goderich, Ontario 'Carlow 2821 • ily Night. The president, Mrs, Tel.: • .. Donald • MacTavish• presided ford ,, • M•