The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-12, Page 13NESDAY, OCT;: • l2tti, )1960 A, M., HARPER •• AND: COMPANY Chartered, , ,dccountants West Street, GODERI0i, ONTARIO Telephone' ,tA 4-7562 ,,• ROY N'. BENTLEY VOL IC' a .. 'ACCOU;NTANT GODERICH, •ONTARIO • ` Box 478 , Phone. JAckson 4-9521. A. Re .DU VAL D.C., Sp.C. Chiropractor Physio and Electro, Therapist; Winghana • • Phone 300. • (Office located in former. COX - building on the Main . Street) INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY •AUTO.MOBILI :'AND LIFE ro Protect ' Your Jack; Insure With .Tack Today J. A. ,MEDONAGH it.R ' 3, L'ucknow, . 'Phone 6.1-5, Dungannon S.~HETHERINGTON: QC.: • Barristers, .;Etc.:. Wingham and..Lucknow IN LUCKNOW. Each. Monda y� and Wednesday orated in' the Municipal *Office ' 'Phone Winghani Office ' 48 Residence 9' • STATE FARM •:MUTUAL AUTOIVIOB ILE ..INSURANCE: investigate Before Investing REUBEN .. WILSON' R.R.. 3, Godericli Phone '80 r :8 Dungannon JOH NSTON E'S: FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76:. Day :•or 'Night •• VSE OF:FUNERAL HOME.', At No . Extra 'Cost "A ,Moderate Prices Established 1894: • • IMPERIAL :OLL. PRODUCTS: for prompt "service, ;- and quality products, contact:. '• GRANT' CHISHOL1Vt one collect Dungannon or• 10 Luckiiow "A1 lays Look 'rc 'iri pEyr aT For The Best" 19'-r r 'THELUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,: •ONTARIO • GERALD N, CROOKS DOCTOR OF CM OPRACTIC Phone 545: KINCARDINE,' ONTARIO Office hours:; Daily Monday to Saturday Wednesday a.m. • Evenings Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday . R ' •' McLENNAN *and MacKENZIE FUNIERAL' SERVICE Services .conducted. accord- ing. to • your wishes' at your '. Home, your Church, or at.' our Meniariai Chapel . at no, additional charge.. • . Phone, 181, Lucknow, BUT' or Night • WI NGHAM rt MEMORIAL SHOP. We Have- Been 'Memorial 'Craftsinen for Thirty -Seven.. Years, Always -'Using-, •: • THE BEST GRANITES Along With. Expert Designing and Workmanship. • Prices 'Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering .;a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON 'Phone 259; • Wingham,.•:Ontario. G. :•ALA:N''WI LLIA11 tS. • ,Optometrist' Office• on Patrick ,St., lust' off' the Main 'St. in WINGIiAM Professional..Eie Examination. Optical ;Services • • -.For appointment, Please .Phone .:7.70; , Winghain . R W. ANDRE Barrister. and: Solicitor LIS:TOWPL', ONTARIO IN LUCKNO•W Every Wednesday. and: Saturday Afternoon. , Office ,in the Joynt' Block .Tei.ephone: Office ',135` Residence 31-3 IAtJCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. Phone' Ltfcknow, 71 TEID , COLLYER Register e.d Master Electrician EI.h('I`KICA L." (.'.Uti•TRACTOR • S:pecialiiirg in ' Heetrical Wiring :and,Repairs (ENT VOR SPARTON TV! A • stn d All: 'Electrical' Appliances Phdnc 4iiwc 25 Lucknot ; ' �,j.�.Ijj•�IN!yNNJtl►l`IONfI./W'�•IJ'� • ROBERT E.- i.RVIN ptis1'Rmi ,GARAGE '. Agent for OLIVER PAltM MACHINERY ar�d cornpletc ' FIRRSTONE LINE . Plionc •KDirngaritipn 53 RECEIVES' CALL TO ' NEW CHARGE .,' Rev. Winn: O. Rhoad; a former minister at Ashfield Presbyter- ian Church,' has accepted a call to 'a new 'patstorate ,in Virginia, and will move from . McDowell; Va,, the' first of November.. Rev„ Rhoad came to the Rip- ley -Ashfield charge • from in ' 1941, and. remained het un- til accepting ntilaccepting: a call to Baltimore in 1940. Each year at Sentinel renewal. tr•r we receive; • a letter frozi Dr, Rhoad;• . keeping up-to-date on the doings •in. the Rhoad:.fa roily; and we take the liberty to pass on the . information, know- ing it will be of interest to Mem- bers of his: former charge and to other friends in the commu- nity:. Dear Mr. Thompson, Quite 'a, (bit has''' happened to ••. our, 'family this•. past year. Pris- cilla finished her course at Bob • : Jones. University, Greenville, ■; South Carolina on January. 27th and she received the B.A. • degree. from there orf -June ..1st.Febru- • ■ • PAGE'.. TIIRTt 1■■■UUowniS s U■r.■. .■■ U■■■■■■it■■■■.Y■■111w• FOR, FAST, EFFICIENT OVERNIGHT •;" ■ ♦ ■: • . • • •,•••• reiServiceet_ • ... � . TO or FRO ••M • . ■; LUCKNOW TORON'T`O ' or • LUCK.NOW can LONDON • ■• •,= • ■ ■ • ea IANSPdRT Bros. 0, . ■ ■ s. '■. ■' ■ ■ A'll Loads Iesured.; i New Wingham. Warehouse Serving Wingham and District Household' Moving' Service; to any. Ontario points. No Load Too Big ,No Load Too:, Small •ary , 4th she began • working as a laboratory 'technician at the Medical School of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville. She is doing medical research. On, August 10th. she married Mr. C. M; Pleasants Jr.: of Chariot- tesville, • who is `' a reporter for the Richmond :Times -Dispatch, Charlottesvilile riews bureau. This surmer ..I had a' full scholarship `. ' in .- %the summer scholars: program 'at Union logical• • Seminary ,, iri Richmond:. K.:J. MMcKENZIE, 0,.1?... • Optometrist .' NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY ,'Office ''Hours 10.00 a. m. to 9.00 p.m.' • Phone, Roy MacKenzie,, Ripley 96.-r-24 for appointment.: • W., BELL OPTOMETRIST - • GODERICH F. T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square (Phone JAckson 4=7661) FURNACE. ;OIL, ' STOVE OIL, KEROSENE, ,GASOLINE, See or call . WM. ''A. "BUD" HAMILTON / Phone ' 220-w Lucknow 'District Agent fo,� Cities 'Service ■ ■ • o. ■• • ■ ■ SUPERTES+ GARAGE . PHONE '248, LUCKNOW ;■ . Winghani 15 . .- Kincardine' 530 Ripley .193'• •. ■ . Tell Your Traveller, or When ` Ordering, ',To ■' . ■ : SHIP BY'WALDEN , BROS. TRANSPORT i a, By Phoning' RU 7-654 I Toronto or GE 8-6755 London ■. e■a■■■eu;■e■lei■se■Uea■■■■■4■n■■■■■an■■■a■■■omma It. 'was a period' of independent are being kept open for • further study and : , conference wikh fac-, :donations: 'Last ,year Lucknow &. . district contributed $361.35. Lo- ;All o' All 'Receive ' Care, When You 'Ship • By, WALDEN BROTHERS.:: PHONE. :COLLECT: • • ulty ' members, . Also' this summer I was called to be minister at the Cedar Cliff, etc,, Presbyterian Church- es just out of the city of Win- chester, , Virginia. 'We will live: in- .a' new .manse' just off U.S.: Route 11;;• which ,runs -from; the Canadian border, just' south of Montreal to. New Orleans. The Highway Department •' says that it is the busiest road in Virginia. Rebecca . 'began Iirgh School this, year,.• (eighth grade) and ':when :we move 'will be ::in 'a cal.,'carnpaign chairman. is H D. Thompson. Donations •' received as; of Oo, .•uber '1st:.. Kenneth Cameron, $1., Lloyd .Hall; $2., James, Mothers, ,':. $2., Cameron : MacDonald , $2., Miss M.Malcolm; $2' Miss Eli; zabeth Ni urdie', $2., Webster MacKinnon, $5.,.:.Kenneth Mur- die, . $3.;.John MacRae,' $2.; 'Mrs Wm:, Bushell, • $5.,. Chas. Bristow, $5., H. M. MacLennan, $5. Thos.,::' Burns, $1., Ernest Blake, • $5., school of ' about 1600 which , is W . A. Russell, $2'.,:' E.Groskorth, about ;four times the size of !the ,.$2., Robert: MacKenz e, $10., W. school she' is•. now attending.. ' B. Anderson, $1:0., :Lucknow_Seri,- William . Jr. ' and John :are : back t'inel, $4, Miss . Catheri:ne. Mae,, at Bob:' Jones University. Wm. is ,Gregor,:. $5., Win: A. Stewart, $5., R. MacLeod, $5., Miss:Iie1� is a second, , semester. Freshman.. '. en:, a first semester junior and John- JohnThompson, $3:, Mrs.. Eunice;: Yourrs . Truly, Gillespie, $2., Miss Annie' Mac- Wm. 0 „ Rhoad '.Fay, $10, J. R. Henderson ..$5:, . Morgan : Henderson, $5., Little, $10., D. C. Kingsbury $2 CN IB DONATIONS ;miss E McCluskey, $2., Ewart - Taylor, $2.; George .Henry,. $5 REACH HALFWAY Finlay Decorators, $2.: Robert,°. McIntosh; $5., Donald' Render The donations;, to the annual son, $15., Wm. • A Schmid, $2.,: campaign • for funds • for ;;'the R ' A; Havens, 2:, Rae J. Watson, • Canadian National! Institute for $2 •, 'Alex F,' MacDonald,. $2., Jack.'' the . :Blind .. totalled • $1'80.00 at Van • Osch,• • $2.; ' J: R'. L• ane, .$5 October $3 J.00an st: The objective 'local- 'Mrs. ' Maud :Sherwood, $2, Mrs ly 0 .'d in otder to:.li.' Treleaven, $2:, Alex Andrew,: . reach this: `'objective the books.:$5 'James Cameron, $3: — '$180. PALATABLE 'EFFECTIVE NONLTOXIC USE• '.IDR. SALSBURY'S : NEW FLOCK', WORMER. Contains New .Drug • Butynorate FOR BIRDS OF ALL AGES GETS • ALL• 3 TAPEWORMS, LARGE ROUNDWORMS, CECAL WORMS aciieciiteiani Son Ltd. Lucknow . Branch, Phone 78. "THERE'S A IEW LIFE 'FEED FOR . EVERY NEED • 9N'