The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-12, Page 114 WEDNESDAY, .0c '. THE LUCKNOW S NTINFL..I .UCKNOW;, ONTARIO ' PAGE Fr.EVEN MISSc F. G, O . FA' ' "ln '1:ife you'll 'hit the stones ' Teesyiater; 6th, . Keith Ireland,, ' which, throwYou .. off furro .w• .?LOW .MATCH' AT , right back on the line." This does not matter if ' you get . What stoodout at Bruce Co. 'plowing match on Friday was was someone s absence. That �meone was: the man known as. the plowman philosopher, Foster Moffat, Langside octogenarian, Who , was forced by ill' health to miSs his first county match . in memory. . Mr Moffat who walked with , his back held as straight as the winning. furrow, •:has.'. been as much a• part of the $race snatch as'the slow, plodding horses., or the plowman gauginghia• work with.. measuring stock. 1 But ,Mr, Foster has been .much more than just,. m : a sybol: of 1 • Bruce plowing. This son of. Bruce{{ Pioneers has ,walked many xniles.. in the .furrow himself and his' knowledge of the ' `•'art" was cal led on many times by puzzledI judges... , • 'He would ain'ble over to a young edntestant and impress on ;,hiot the importance of what ' to many .seems a humble job, turn- Ting a furrow: • • "Nothing will teat good plow- ing to .get ,good 'crops"', he, would• say. "The • soil must be turned from w, bottom to top. Pay atten-,' tion to ,a true furrow anti it will' give you a different :perspective on life." I Then he' would ' tell how the principals 'of good plowingare those of :a good life. Plowing too lust be steady, straight & • done with. a purpose, he said. • Mi. Moffat has: been active in politics as well as in' farming & insurance. He represented South Bruce in the legislature, Friday's match, held; • on• the Teeswater district farm .of Rus-_ sell Christie, was plowed out of stubble. The dry weather made .4t impractical to, plow`. sod. The .following ;is 'a list -of the prize winners: • : • • Class .1 • Horses, Open to On- tario; lst, Edgar. Howatt, , grave, Crown Crown'` and finish'; ..2nd, Douglas Simpson,' Teeswater. Class ' 3 —.Tractor, two furrow and .open: 1st, Donald Perrie, Brussels, Crown and finish; 2nd, Russell Watson, Tara. • Class 5, Tractors,: open to, those. who have not. reached their 20th birthday by. October 1, 1960, 1st, Lloyd , • Weber, • Mount Forest, Crown and finish; • 2nd, Allan Brow n, Mount Forest. . Class 6, ' Tractors: :open to those 17 and under on October lst, 1960E ' lst, Gordon Moffat,' Teeswater,'. Crdwn. and • finish; 2nd, Robert .J. Ireland, Teeswat= et; 3rd,. David Wall; fIolyrood. ,C'iass. 7, Tractors; hydraulic lift, . • no • wheels, except : back ,wheels,• lst, • William Evans, •Lucknow, Crown and finish. Class 9, Utility .Class; .1st, Earl Harris, Holyrood, 'Crown and finish; ;2nd, Robert M.:.Aitken, Teeswater; 3rd, Wilfred Strauss, 'Teeswater; 4thAbe ' ` Penner, Teeswater' 5th, Allan Whytock, • • • INTON . WEDDING OF INTEREST:HERE 1IXOhf ' ' ERHO>F At, a double .ring Ferexnony in 5t. Andrews. • Presbyterian Church, ClirAoni., on Saturday.. °etcher lst. at ,4:00 o'clock. the marriage Was solemnized of Wm• Ra➢Ph lrixoin and Corrie .Russela. Verhod. The bride its ,the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arie Verhoef of RR. 5• Clinton and, •the groom is the . son: of Mr. and. Mrs. Isaac °csbn, RAI, 7, Lucknows*, , D.' J- lane. of Clinton .. officiated escorted-, to the altar by her • father. the bride wore a floor leaagth gcW of'bridal . ttaffetaon prions n ons limes, • featuring a Y' lace bodice styled With bang lily Point sleeves and scat pew Sabrina• neckline, sprinkled lido arridesoent • ' sequins and macili-;'the bouffant skirt fell to a chapel train: The double 'heath illtision veil,. was held: by truirn of lace edged with Marls and she carried . a bouquet 'l~aii man rases. " Maid of .:honour *as Miss "Ev Ver�f, sister of, the bride, d yOre ' a . Street -length dresof ado green peau de soie with nt' • skirt and nriatching tztriherbund; Her headpieeee and matching': gloves were Made' :of peau de sole . and . she 'carried a bouquet, of.:bronze, mums' • . The',.flower gi' l was Ruth 'Bennett of\ngham •and her costUmt? was similar to' that of „ the Maid of :honor 1,; John • Nixon. brother of the groom. was best . • than and the ; °,itishers were Arie Verhoef and Carrnan Nixon . The orginiA was Mrs. Morgiafr, Agnew and 11r.. Ml:ndetinne lEd- • ward' Sane, -The Lord's.Pa ayer . and; '°0 Perfect Lo &ar in;' the . signing or the t t•gistet . • , ` At a a ec:cptnt�nn• in the Church partot the bd uie s :mother t e tel ed to . a do rte : of mo , treen� With Flack. 5nd beige' acs essorne ,!. ' with a corsage . of yellow carna- tions, the •groom's mother wore ro a green and telknv figured dress with brown:atcessor.es, avid lel- low caseations. 'corsage. For a wedding trip to 1torth- " ern Ontark .they bride chose ha dress with match- mauveing sheath ing jacket• • black accessories ,and cor,.at a of yellow roses. Kiev. and Mrs. 'shoo wnfl reside in t ""ingharit. . Teeswater. Specials Esso Special. 1 y mpe ial Oil Ltd., Wm, (Evans; .Lucknow.. Eaton. Trophy, Junior Chain - pion, • mounted plows only, Rob- ert J.• Ireland. Simpson -Sears Special, • Gordor`n Moffat, Teeswater.•' • Youngest Plowman, Keith, Ire- land Teeswater; . Novice Class, donated. kby: ?Culross Township, Wilfred Strauss Teeswater; Abe Penner, Teeswater',• .Allan Why - tock, Teeswater; Keith Ireland, Teeswater... . Best crown and - finish' at .match, Donald Perrie; Brussels. Gordon McGavin • of Walton was .judge. • • Charles Speers of Tara is pre- sident of. the . Bruce association and Farish Moffat, secretary- treasurer. Directors are John Garland of' Cargill, Arthur Ah- rens of' 'Elmwood, Gordon Fin- layson and. Walter Chisholm ,of Walkerton, Alex MacKenzie • `of Teeswater and George Manne- row of Chesley. TWICE BEREAVED IN SHORT TIME Death came • with sho • • .. cog suddenness on Saturday after- noon, October 1st to Ray .Taylor, one of . Walkerton's well-known g y and hihl � esteemed residents. Mr.., Taylor suffered; a heart at- tack 'and expired before medical help could reach him. Re was the brother of Mrs. HarveYHous- • ton. of Holyrood, who just a few weeks, ago' was bereaved by the death 'of her' father. The news' of his sudden death • proved,, a great Shock to his fam •ill, •and his Many friends- among whom he was *greatly respected, and he is *ide'y mourned. • Mr.' Taylor was born in Gree-, trek Township, son of the _late. William Taylor`. and Margaret Napper: Twenty-four years ago on October 10th,he married Lou- ella Mitchell and they took up 'residence. in. Walkerton. He, was a. motor . mechanic' by trade, and for many years 'was employed at ` Harold Scotts • - ,garage on Jackson St. During late years he has been in !business, conducting a ear body repair shop on Scott.. St.. He ' was a member of St.. Paul's. United' Church, ' • The deceaseel was one of the, town's prominent volunteer fire- men, having served on the brig- ade for over two, decades; in late years with the rank of , captain. Besides his wife, heis surviv- ed by one son, Derwyn at home and one daughter (Barbara Ann..) Mrs Larry Brocklebank • -"of Windsor:' He also leaves one sister (Elsie): Mrs. Harveyy Hou stop. of H'olyrood: . The body rested ..at the Tanner & Pearson • Funeral „Home where funeral service, held- on' Tuesday afternoon, was largely attended. The profusion ofbeautiful floral tributes bore testimony •to the high esteem in which the deceas-. ed was ' held,,The Walkerton Fire Brigade atended the service y ' in a •bod .Rev. :R, ''R. Conner pastor of ' St. Paul's ..United Church, was in charge: and also conducted the last rites at the Douglas Hillcemetery where. in- terment took • place. To make the next years, the .best years of your life— means planning and saving ... now.', Whatever'. your hopes and desires may be -a new home -college educationfor your children—new leisure to enjoy, Canada . Savings Bonds can . help you realize. them. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are cashable at any time at full face ..• value, plus interest. They are really like dollars with interest coupons attached. THEY, PAY INTEREST ANNUALLY -with an average yield of 4.?1; per cent per year for ten years: THEY ARE AVAILABLE in units ranging from $50 to $5,000. The limit the new series is $10,000 per person. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are simple . to buy—for cash or systematically out of current income. • To make the 60's the best years of your .life... BUY THE NEW" AT YOUR BANK„, AUTHORIZED INVESTI1hENT ()EALER, STOCK BROKER, TRUST OR LOAN COMPANY, OR THROUGH,. YOUR,COMPANY'S PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN. • • t.