The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-05, Page 1$3.00 A Year In Advance — '$1.00 Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WD...NASiDAY, OCT. 5th, 1960 '• on Oldest Gent Prize At Fair .. .... a,..µ .,...,.: M.. .Xk�•a�N�9,<TA: •...v... 4H•W —, rh.. ,,.u„ u • Special ` ,prizes were . awarded this year to the eldest lady and 'gentleman, at. the Lucknow. Fall Fair. • • • Here President Evan ' .Keith is 'shown presenting: the prize to 90-�rearrold Wm. J.. Humphrey, of .St: Helens. " The lady's . prize. went . to ''Miss: JessieMacKay who ' will . ibe 93 this month. ,Mr. Keith presented' ' Miss MacKay .withher prize at her car in the show ring . circle. 'At 'least. one othernonagenar- ian .was at the Fair, but was not in the grand stand vicinity when. the 'event' was, ,'announced.' He.. -was _.Thomas Burns, ;age' 92:• .,Sentinel', photo • D:D.O.M. ,TO ..COMMENCE - HIS OFFICIAL -VISITS i r .,..1,aXnLittle 'commenc- es hisofficial, • visits 'this month as District Deputy . •Grand .Mas ter of North ,Huron • District of the Masonic Order. e . Dr. Little : was elected 'this, summer at Grand. Lodge in To- ronto,- succeeding Ken Saxton of Wingham. . There.: are 12 lodges in' the dis- trict which the District r Deputy will .officially. visit -+- 'six this .fall and the remainder in the spring Dr. Little will commence his visits N on :October "11th at Brus- sels; Palmerston, October•. 1,4; • Listowel,;' October 18; Winghanl, November: 1; Wroxeter, . Novem-• ber` 14, 'Tiverton, December 6th. W.; E.:Collyer', is ::district sec .retary, -Rev. Howard W.' Strapp is district 'Chaplain. and: W,. L. MacKenzie .is • district chairman Of Masonic education: AWARDED DOMINION- • I PROVINCIAL BURSARY Richard. .Stewart,'19 year-old' son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Ste- wart of Port' Albert, • has been awarded a' $500, Dominion -Pro- vineial ;bursary -;:He is graduate of Goderich . Collegiate and has entered • his first, year at 'Western Universes iii arts- . Richard' is •a' , brother of .Mrs..' Ron' Alton of town and of Mrs. Paul Caesar; . R. 1, Dungannon: W. A CULBERT 'AND SONS PLAN PRODUCTIONSALE • W. � A ' Culbert and:. �S ria .:o ing f Dungannon , are; plannfor . a production sale 'Of choice Short-• horn cattle at their • Maple Entb- tem' Farms, west of Dungannon, The .date is . Tuesday,. October. 25, Thirty-eight, dead ' are being offered,. which includes 17 males: All animals' in the sale are vac cinated: BMA Meeting Sets Store Hours, Pian For Visit From Santa Claus u* now Business,'1VIen's As:- charge of candy and � oranges for tociation. 'met On Friday/night the children,.• . and 'set 10 ' '.m. 'as the. closing Another' meeting of the associ- hour on Saturday' night until a tion' was set for Friday, Novem= 6hristmai;iii'or.-:t e -,...months of�:be�r!,2: .h Ten business places anuary; February and •March,' •were • repre-g'entd a=1 -s~- stores will close at...7• p:rn. ;on meeting. Rin: closing until. Christmas 10 Saturda nights. The --new • re` HIGHEST TEMPERATURE . places the .previous "9 p.m'. hour OF YEAR' IN SEPTEMBER ' �t•'had' been in effect ,.last fall ' •- , and .Winter. ". .. S t trTblr was 'a fine &very to Claus day . was set for . •pleasant mon , Saturday, beceaniber' 10th. Bust-. on the dry' side' for plowing and ness places will be closed'Thurs- such. The- rainfall totahed 1..67 day, December 1 and. 8 in . the. inches which is more & open en all.da ' Tliurs day, `Decerabe r 15 & 22nd. ,Stores - Will be Open' evenings until 10 Pn►: froni Monday, December 19th, until ' Saturday, December :24th, HAS 91 -YEAR-OLD SET OF WEDDING DISHES. When Mr. and Mrs. T. A Cameron* • celebrated.. ,their 50th Wedding, Anniversary, last week an interesting item came to light.. • Mrs. Cameron has her mo •' •ther's. set 'of, weddingdishes,,' which were purchased 91 years ' ago.. The set . is still completes. except for two. cups. 0 PRELIMINARY YORK AT BRIDGE Preliminary work;: has '•been started on the Wheeler Street bridge which will' span the 9- Mile River a.: block. , north of Campbell Street. .The contract for this . job was let a few, weeks ago , to the Owen King 'Construc- tion Company. Some dredging :has been, .: done,. and fill: 'dumped:' for, the roadway approach .to the bridge which will. be a 30 -foot . span .of. steel:- reinforced' teelreinforced' concrete: with a 24-, foot roadway .and a..6 -foot ped- estrian walk. ' , • The contract also :Calls , for ..an access road. (Ward Street) built on' the. west' side' of the river to the •stores on the north side of Campbell St. The ''bridge is to -be ''built: this fall, ; we . nderstand, '' and will i :rovide' the first Vehicle' crossing. of • _the stream at this point in the100- 'Year' history' of the'. Vil- y, lage. ' Kids of other generations .will recall • teetering across the river on : a log, or, I -abeam;. and' it ;was at. onetime a watering •spot for horses, which with the vehicles could ford the ;'•river at ' t.. eir convenience. . • The final project of . the 1960 Village • improvement program will be the widening of the block from .Oantram ' to 'Havelock St.. as part of Highway •:313 The cost of this 'work ' is assumed for the most •part `by the Depart ment of Highways. TWELVE PAGES, Fine. .We.1,.....r' Favored Fair And fine Show Was Staged ! a "A `-peach of 'a day" Would well., describe last ' Thursday, the day of the ' Lucknow. Agricultur-, al ' Society's 95th annual :Fall Fair 'held. Park, Luck It was 'a; erwise and in 'the Caledonian now.; • "peach both weath- showwise' as the fair attendants Witnessed one of the. best shows in 'recent years.. The inside: exhibits set a record, for . recent years at .least, as . to :quantity . and in ; 'many cases quality.' Several new exhibitors: brought their wares,: produce & livestock to Lucknow this year which is encouraging to the Fair Board: Judges of the baking told. fair officials that they had • never judged so much baking at a fair of this .type: Gate receipts were up. ' The, disappearance of the "'horse is .having its effect on, the, rural fair :with . a very :small' entry in, the• horse classes..A. : very fine Pony show caught many.people's. fancy `: and has possibilities for bigger, and better things.. Apples were down `slightly, possibly be- cause' of a poorer apple crop this. Year.- There . was: a heavy - entry in the public- school 'cl'asses and room • for' display became : a pro- blem in many cases. Donald : Blue of Ripley•• acted -as. , 'master of ceremonies :for ..the, program' on the stage on • the 'ball diamond Evan Keith, president j of the Agricultural Society .wel-.� comed the gathering- He cr. edit- ed• the success 'of .,the• 'fair as:' "the work of many":. He thanked'. lady' and men directors,; Institut- es and all organizations, • .school teachers, • the ,horticultural :socie ty for their encouragement: in the flower section; business men for displays and'support, "Stn- tinel for' ..publicity. and all ``others, Who' helped . to make the fair . a' success... • . Carl Hemingway, Huron Coun- ty ; Federation.of' Agriculture (Continued on . Paget .12) 9, SPUDS FILL. PAIL WEIGH 13 POUNDS .Bob 1VIaoDonald of town has. a patch'- of potatoes at Eldon Eckenswiller's farm-. on Con, 10 'Kinloss, which will take ,some beating, Nine potatoes filled, a pail to heaping, and. weighed a' total of 13 pounds. The fact the spuds were "'grown" on a piece of ''broken up alfalfa. od, may account • for the im- ense „size.. , CHOOSE .WINNERS OF CALF CLUB Twelve young members of -the Lucknow '4-H Calf • Club compet- ed .for honours at their achieve- ment day'held. at the'Lucknow Fair' Fair' on Thursday. ' after- noon: • . • ,Under supervision ,of the On- tario. Department ..of •Agriculture the local club • is sponsored by the Lucknow Agricultural. Socie- ty with club leaders being .. Geo.'* Kennedy, Thin Todd, • Andrew Gaunt: and Fred ..McQuillan. Ken `Kirkland : had the • cham- pion calf . in the Dairy. Class, with. Douglas. Dickie, placing second and :.Ronnie ':Austin. third:; " .In the Beef . Heifer 'cl'ass, Mar - • j orie Alton won : the . honours.: Second place went to' Gary Rin- toul . of Whitechurch and third to• Bryan Gammie. Wayne Todd..was. • the winner in- ;the Beet Steer • •division with .Terry . Wilson placing • second„ Joanne Alton, ,Barry. 1Vlenary,.• Kenneth Taylor and Garry Gain.-• • Mie placed• in• that order: Gary Rintoul' .of 'Whitechurch, was• the • winner of the showinan- ship award with Ken. Kirkland placing • second and- Terry, Wil- son third, • w Main I: �. �. .. fit. ,.' • '' f�� ewalks L�k..e ., Broad loom• • ep e e The pouring of concrete for, San _ .. ..: - • , _ . th although a bit • The president, Clarence Greer was `instructed to arrange, with Santa 'Claim that he be present on beceniber loth. Gordon Fish pr was to arrangefor a band for that` day 'and RFinlayson and i,loyd hail were. appointed in ' than' some. received. he high` areas � temp- erature for, the year was 91 de green on September 8th. Low for `month was 38 degrees. . ''air day, the 29th, was a• beautiful day but Friday turned. cold to marl{ September's, de, parture and: a few snow • flakes, coin were seen•.khat ,evening about 6:30. • war Generally, it has been a, y pleasant sumfi'eir, with Cool nights and few extrernes, „ ./'° Lucknow's new sidewalks on both the, north and south side of Campbell Street (Main St), was completed last week: The last sectionpoured was covered, to protect it at the weekend, but thefirst of the, week• all walks were "open to traffic," • • Above is pictured the pouring 'Process With redi-,mid cement being . used' The Owen ..King Construction Company had the contract for the jab and the new walks' e ll � walking on r badloomrocomparison With the old streets. The ' sidewalks; approximately 10 feet in width, were :replaced from the Fire Hall on the north side of the street to Montgomery Motors, The Walk narrows • from. Silverwoods to Montgomery's. On the south side • the new walk is from Les Purves' Barber Shop at the corner of Outram ; St. to Roy •Finlayson's store'•'at the corner of .Ross St., . where the hydrant was relocated to' give a Wider roadway 'approach.,, Walks' are "rounded at- the in- tersection corners for improved entrances . onto the main Thor- oughfare which is a. link of Highway 86,' l Anew section• of walk, 4 feet wide was laid along the north side of the Arena to the public rest ' rooms at the• west end of the building, which were built at the time • of . the Centennial.' ' Road repairwork with'.hot mix asphalt remains to be done ' along. the new, walks: This, and the pending" installationof new 6 -foot flourescent lights along 'Canipbell . Street, should trans- form . the business section into a regular "Broadway," • Sentinel Photo.