The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-28, Page 10THE; LUCKNOW SENTrNEL, LUCKNOW . ON'l•AR. O 1 t t t l t 1 et those • g y -Pigs SOD START USE. Morsles� One 50 lb. bag .. . of SWIFT'S SWEET PIG MORSELS, starting when yourlitter is ,3-4 days old, and you will: 1. Speed growth of all 'pigs =- especially runts;; 2, :• Grow pigs faster than feeding them on sows milk 'alone. 3 Protect pigs against nutritional 4.' . 'Help prevent scours. ' Grow all pigs fast. Grow . more uniform Titters." 7. Get your "pigs, to market in less time. 3:. Simplify pig feeding ,. • de. ficience, s Now Available At LLING ♦ 1•.lb,110,4• 11.41'11•1N. 41.41.1 ..b. :NOTICE Ime Table FALL AND WINTER SCHEDULES Effective. September." 29th Obtain your copy from your local Agent COWAN'S RESTAURANT The Weste n Ontario Motorways: Limited Kitchener Ontario WE WILL FIX THOSE BROKEN WINDOWS Now Is The Time To. eplace Cra:.k-ed Broken Windows` "We Carry A Complete Stock, Of • ALL GLASS SIZES And Will Do The Whole Job For You AT SMALL. COST SASH; 9. k. 10•, x 12.''' Glazed'. •81 h. l0'` x,, .12"' Glazed 6 lt, 10" x 12" Glazed 4 it. 10" •x 12" Glazed 4 4. 10" x :1.4" dazed FRESH ;CEMENT '10 STOCK • .Phone "150 ER LTD. Luckndw, Ont. WHIT CHURCH. Mr. 4ohn •Outchison who lives on the division line has .sold his. property to Mr. Lloyd Whytock, Mr, • and Mrs.. Daniel Cassidy of. 'Morris, Township' visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Wal- ter Arscott. Mr. and" Mrs. A. E. Purdon; of Lucknow, Mr. and Nirs. Athol Purdon of Sarnia, 'Mr. arid Mrs: John Clenghorn and Ronald of Wirighain. pent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fal- coner. . • . Mr. .and ,Mrs. Clarence •Ritchie .:. and• family visited on Sunday at . ; the home of Mr. and Mrs,' John McAdams of Belmore..• Mr.. and Mrs. Carl Weber and family spent Saturday in Kit- cherier. . . . Mi. ' and Mrs.. Cameron Siem-, .mons of London spent Saturday at the: home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Sholtz.. . Mr. 1andr Mrs. WesTiffin ;visit- ed. on' Sunday .. at the home of 1Vir. t•and Mrs.'Dan Tiffin,. '. Miss, Elaine'- +Conn. and:Miss ,Karen ' Groskorth returned.to Stratford Sunday evening ' ith Mr.' and. Mrs. 'Elwood Groskorth. ' Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman' spent the week -end at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith in Toronto: . I'Mrs •Carl MoClenaghan:visited.• on Wednesday , of .last week at , the ;home .of. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur. Rock: of Ethel.' Mr.••and .Mrs, Rodney • :Inglis 'and •family of ;Forest vi -sited: . on Sunday..: at the ..home .of "Mr. and Mrs: Robert Adams... Visitors. at : the home of Mrs:. George McGee,' on. ,' Sunday, at Teeswater. were.: Mr. and Mrs. • Jim McInnis, Mr.and Mrs. Geo. ' Stanley and family` of Lucknow, Mr,, and' Mrs. -,Orville: Hastings of. Wingham, Mr. and Mrs.' Russel. Dark of Toronto. Mrs John Gaunt held' a showy- :er a in honour: of Miss Irma . For. sten Whose marriage ' will take Place soon. 'The • ladies of '. the Presbyterian. Church 'presented her with. an, .electsie tea kettle, bed' 'spread; .;coffee 'table and many other useful gifts. Mr. Leroy : Rintoul of Milton spent the. week -end at the home of his. parents, : Mr.„.,8i. Mrs. Gor- don ".Rintoul. Dr. and, Mrs. . Carl Hiltz and• family' of Milton . :visited at the, • ,home -of . 'Mrs. George McClenag- . hang' .on. Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. :Albert : Coultes and, family attended the wedding in •Paisley, of Hiss Yvonne Maj ury on. Saturday. • :Mi.. and . Mrs. Carle McClenag- Shan visited on Sunday at the 'home, of ',Mr. • and' Mrs. Donald,' 'Thorripsori in' Lueknow. Mr:,and ,Mrs. Russel Gaunt visited on' Sunday at the. , home: of •'Mr. ' and ' Mrs. ' Ken • Currie near •Wirigham' ''.' i Miss Janet Gaunt spent the:. week -end at the 'home :of ler : Gpareaunntst., . Mr. and'' Mrs. Russel': ' .. Mr. and `Mrs. George Thomp- son ;ofl'eversham spent the week- end at the ,'home of- Re' :and Mrs. John 'Watt • Mr. and .Mrs. Dick, De 'Boer of Bluevale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.` John De Boer. • Mrsz„ arval .e;, , Tiffin °,-x-ekturned,. home oh Tuesday froni London Victoria ;.Hospital where she has been a patient: • ` ,Miss Annie Kennedy • and Mrs. Ezra Sholtz ,spent Wednesday; in Goderich. • 1VIr. - and Mrs. 'Ken Zinn . and Mr. and Mts. 'Sohn Purdon spent„ a • day last week' in Toronto. J. D. Beecroft . and Albert Pa"- tersori attended a" meeting in. Goderich on• Tuesday • for .the Hu-- roti r County Library Cornmittee regarding setting up of a 'County Library. ,Mr, and ,Mrs.' Albert •Cameron. of Lucknow will be married 50 years ,on the 28th of September. There' `will, be a family gather, ing . for .them on the ' 30th of 'September in the Presbyterian Church' Sunday School . Room .in -Lucknow. Mrs. Cameron was . the former Clara Purdon of McDon- ald Corners in .Lanark Coun4y, :a WEDNESD'A'Y SEPT ,88th, 060 Be Sure To. Attend The, 951 In •The. Caledion. Park: THIS THURSDAY AFTERNOON eptembec 29t6 Starting With The School Children's Parade -- Ponies and Decorated - Bicycles and headed by.. the 'Lucknow Pipe Band. . Fair opened • by. Carl Hemingway, Heldman. Huron. Co Federation of Agxculturer AT THE GRANDSTAND See and hear the' Rural School Competitions ..: public school square dancing . freckles and pony tail con- tests .. baby; contests for, silverware prizes donated by Wm. Schmid and cash prizes for'12 to 18 months. group . Oldest lady, And gentleman prizes : ... foot races and pony 'potato.'• race, Hear . Clarke Wallace of Walkerton on. the Harmonica FOR AN ` ALL 'ROUND, GOOD ...SHOW Come to Lucknow Thursday 6ANCE AT NIGHT Farrier'a Orebestra Town' Hall ; stinghouse ryes NEW, FASTER, MORE EFFICIENT ECTAils' F`i:OW eITN .20% FASTER, 20% COOLER Dry Program Selector For regular fabrics; ; just set the selector for the degree of dryness you want. As.soon as clothes are dried, the dryer shuts off ..,.'automatically, No timers to set., ng wash -n -wear garments, , plus 'a time, setting for lfor rubber. no guesswork. • There s a separate, . just -right' sett or.lastic items. Se arate' tem erature ' l p p p control givcS, you choice of right tenaperature for wash -n -wear,, low or air fluff settings,.: '. Choose your Westinghouse Products at Plumbing, R'eathigy V1 f'#ng, vett atigh ig Phone 50 '• •