The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-28, Page 9R W rIESD,A,Y0 S+ T.. nth* 1960 ASM. HARPER. COMPANY Chartered Accountants;, West..Street ,GODERICH,. ONTARIO • Telephone JA 9-7.562.. 'ROY N, MB:ENTLEY • PUBLIC' .AC•000 NTANT GODERICIL ONTARIO B.ox. 478 Phone JAckson 4.9521.1 ., A R: DCJ 'V AL , Sp.C. 'Chiropractor, Physio and Electro Therapist Wingham ' -- Phone 300. (Office; located in former. CKNX building .On. the. Main • Street) INSURANCE FIRE,. WIND, : CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE: ro Protect Your. Jack, Unsure With .J•ack. Today: .1; A. 'McDONAGH d.R. 3, ;Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone . 61-5, Dungannon 4 s; HE'tHER.INGTON,.; Barrister, Etc Winghanl and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Each Monclay and Wednesday Coded in the Municipal:Offie. :'Phone . Wingham • Oftice '48`:: Residence STATE FARM FARM MUTUAL : MEMISIPOIENIMINIMP :TUE . LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCK, NOW GERALD N CROOKS DOCTOR, OF CHrROPRACTIC; Phone 545 KINC,I•RDINE,,. ONTARIO • • Office hours:. Daily Monday to. Saturday Wednesday a.m..' • '.Evenings ., • Tuesday, Thursday, 'aturday McLENNAN andA MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted, accord- ing to your wishes 'at your. Horne, your Church, 'or at our. MV lemorial',Chapel at no additional charge; • Phone 181, Lucknow, Day .or Night • • WiNGHAM •MEMORIAL, SHOP We Have Been Memorial Craftsmen . for Thirty -Seven Years, Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Along With •, Expert Designing and Workmanship. • .,Prices; Most. ,Reasonable, • Cemetery .Lettering 'a Specialty.. F R. A. SPOTTON••; v `Ph'one' 25l', Wingham,Ontario AUTOMOBILE .1NSURANCE Investigate Before Investing REUBEN WILSON R:11 3, '''Goderich ,'Phone 80- r-8 Pungannon' ,JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL :HOME 'Phone 76 Day Or •dight. 'p USE 6'F FUNERAL .BOM* r'• At No Extra Cost +floderate :Prices' Y . Established 1894 :• ; • IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS �� for ,, prompt service, and •quality ' prodtictsf conlaet , GRANT 'CHISHOLM >fh ffe collect Diatomic!) 191.-1 or 10Luckno*V ' '"Always Look To Imperial For The Best" . ll/ILL.IAMS.1 Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just NOW IN' RIPLEY off, the Main St. in • EVERY . WEDNESDAY: YOUNG COUPLE • WEP. AT LAN.GS•IDE: ' WRAITH' - SCOTT • Yellow, ' white and, • mauve glads decorated .angside „Pres- byterian Pres byterian Church for the marri. age on. Saturday, September 17th at . 2:00...' p.m. of. Shirley Ann Scott, daughter. of Mr.- and Mrs. Arnold Scott of 'Culross. Town- ship :arid Eldon Francis Wraith of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wraith, . of . 'Luck ow. • Mrs. Willian ;Scott was, organ- ist and Mts. James ,:Richardson: as soloist, sang the.. Wedding. Prayer and the . Lord's Prayer. Given in marriage . by her fa- ther the bride wore a floor - length gown of white silkor-. laria• fashioned., on, , princess ines, with . lily -.point • sleeves, bateau neckline and 'hand appli- qued lace motifs Jewelled with iridescent pearls & rhinestones. Her. elbow-lengthveil. was of embroidered silk illusion with. matching 'jewelled . crown. She carried a Bible. crested with, red roses, ` white streamers, German ivy . and' stephanotis. Miss •Lloye Stobo of. Kitchen-. er was . maid of honor and the . bridesmaids were Miss Nancy Scott, sister of, the :. bride • and Miss Cecelia Crowston. The at- tendants were identically gown ed iri . street -length dresses / of silk' bombazine with bouffant ;skirts, • short 'sleeves and :white accessories. The/ maid •of "honor's gown :was in .Mauve and the at- tendants were , a maize shade. • Is Your Subscription Paic ?. ' . . • K: J: MacKENZIE, O.D. •Optometrist' *INGHAM Professional Eye • Examinatiori Optical' Services For appointment, :Please ' Phone 770., W.ingliain R W.'ANDREW..', Barrister and Solicitor; • LISTON PL.: , ONTATItU IN LUC1(NOW ; ' Every WPdiiesday aiid .,Saturda:y • Afternoon OOitice 'in.. the Joynt Block Telejihone: ()Ride 135 • Resi.derace • 31- • LUCK)\1OW • DISTRICT CU -OPERATIVE INC. Rhone. LUickfow 71 ke, TED C ,OLLY ER jg et•Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR .• r' Specializing in • Electrical; ` Wiring and Repairs ,:�, AGENT - Ir Olt' ,S1'ARTON' :TV 4 and • . • All rlectrieai •Appliances. •Phone 46-r=25,. Lucknow ROBERT E. IRVIN. ' j ER.AL . GARAGE: Agent for OLIVER FARM MACHINERY' and complete FIRESTONE LINE 'Dungannon, 53 Phone BttitB Office. ;Hours 1.0:00 am. to 9.00 p.rn. Phone' Roy MacKenzie,. Ripley 96-r-24 'for '.appointment. R. W BELL• OPTOMETRISTGODERICHr• F. T.' Armstrong Consulting Optdmetrist .. The .Square (Phone JAckson . 4-7661)• r'URNACE;. OIL; : STOVE OIL. KEROSENE, ' GASOLINE See or call *M. A. "BUD" HAMILTON' • /Phone 220-w, Lucknow District Agent 'fo:• Cities Service ONTARIO PAGE NINI 'For ' increased farm income ' 0 -OP offers this Fall. Fertilizers Program FREE SOIL SAMPLING ' RECOMMENDATIONS OF FALL FERTILIZER DISCOUNT for•the most economical use of fertilizer on your • spring crops.,• practices and an analyses based on Department Of Agriculture results. for cashand the•convenience of. LOCAL SERYIC• For Your Fall Fertilizer Needs and for FREE soil sampling leave your name with • T' . PhOne..71 Eachhad a •nosegay,.. of yellow .3r -.^••,'4,4•04-•••••'4:"..''.1'."''''. mauve mums. • .., ,Boddie Wraith of Owen Sound was •groomsman for':his brother ,and the :ushers •,were Ivan Laid- law of Whitechurch and Jim• Moffat of Teeswate'r.'' A • reception followed . in the churchwith the bride's :mother. receiving,. ;in ' a gown of ; silk beige brocade with 'champagne hat and bitter sweet accessories. The ' groom's mother .'chose a: marsh green chantilly lace : en- semble with black .accessories; Each wore a matehing corsage ..of mums. • For a wedding trip to Niagara Falls :and ` Buffalo, the bride wore' a .beige. Etiglish: wool, suit with dark .brown and. mauve , ac- cessories, Mr. and- Mrs. -Wraith 'will ,re side in. London. Eldon is a grad- uate of the Radio • College., ...Tor- -onto,' and :Shirley took, a special commercial' course at' Wingham' District High School:. ; Locally! Register Forms , Carbon Snapout Fortes Gas and 'Oil Truck. • Forms Continuous ,Business . Forms Counter..Check Books Restaurant" Pads LUCKNOW ,SE;NEL yi "George Garden Tools" , Regular - List, — $167:00 $139.30 (no trade-ins) For Balance.,, Of September Only. A garden fail -tilled is' a garden :well -tilled I• KnechteI an Son Lucknow Branch, Phone 78. . "THERE'S A NEW LIFE FEED '• FOR EVERY NEED" • 010 ..` _ Wit;` A "'�+li AL. � '..,!,l�Ti�IL-'•""",rt��'�+:.�'s�i►'rf�°"�Ili�lrlt� +��,r.�r+;l�'.r"�+��