The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-21, Page 12• • E. LVCKNOW SEI'f VELI, LUCI OW, ONTARY: l r NED PLAID SLACKS 2. to '6x :}R..:.•,. ,.}.R., ,R.,.,. .,,• '$1',29 to 14 ....r,.fR .,...*..;R ,.. $1`.98 JEAN: SETS, 3 'to. 6x ... .:. . R . ', , ... $2.25 Girls' .,or Boys Lined corduroy' pant with plaid cotton flannel . shirt. CORDUROY SLACKS 4 shades, 2. to 6x.: ' CARDIGANS AND •PULLOVERS Assorted shades, 2 to 6x.: GIRLS'CAR COATS. .... : -Fully—Winterized, ;navy, `` red, cock, •3 to 6x.. FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS, pink, blue, yellow. . 99c .t... •$1.98, $2.98 charcoal, and, Pea- Gi IS", ' 2 to 6x, only :. •$1.49 Boys', 2 to 6x,.only, R $1:69 Girls' and Boys', 8' to '16, . .. . $1:98 AGENT FOR KINCARDINE' CLEANERS Free Pick -Up` and Delivery Monday and Thursday 'LADIES and MEN'S WEAR ti ir A1ork' Bee wilt be ;'held at the Arena `'. and, Fair Grounds an Monday Afternoon,, Sep-. taember 26th. Everyone concerned ; is,requeitT. t ed' , to. attend. The,: Secretary, Mn. Fred .' McQwllin , will., be at the Arena from 3:00" to . 5:00 on Monday and. Tuesday • afternoons and all ` day Wednesday.. • Please write for entry: tickets early. . 'RETIRES AFTER 35 'EARS. II1T' • MOTOR CAR BUSINESS Arnold:. Barbour has retired as. vice-president and general man-. ager of. Wellington `. Motors in Guelph,.. \and he and Mrs. Bar- bour were . presented with gifts of luggage by ' the :firm's sta. ff at a ,gatheringat the Guelph Country Club. " Mrs.. Barbour is the 'former Edna Woods • of St: Helens, daughter, of the late` Mr and . Mrs.. Robert • Woods. Mr: Barbour • has. had, a very successful business career, ani. first became ',associated in' the automobile , business 35. years ago as' 'a partner in Fergus Motors Limited.': He has seen ' many. changes in,' .the methods of ship- ping, assembling, merchandis. I SEE 'BY "1 SENTINEL' THAT Alvin • Baker' of • town•'en- • joyed , a four-day.. fishing trip with another 'railway' employee from Drurnmbo at °Amy:ot, :loca- ted ,between, White -River', and Franz in '.Northern. ,Ontario.: The .twosome went on 'the tr>4p, by train.' THAT. a. reception was .held in • the Lucknow. Legion Hall'. on Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomson (Maureen Led- dy). Allan, MacIntyre addres- sed the youngcouple and Al- lan Gibson presented a purse of money. "Mr. 'and 'Mrs.' Thom- son are `residing on the second of :Kinioss, about a. mile west h WtitDAY, SEPTI. 21st, 1964 YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND . "GRAVY TRAIN" •DOG. FOOD DEAL, Gaines 3 l s.`. Parcbaae Price Refunded.. h ... c. MARGARINE SUPER SALE. 'Save 27c.• Delmar For All Your Baking., ;Bargain. • 4 I b. 89c HIGHLAND. PRIDE .COFFEE SALE, • Our,, Exclusive Top Seller.. Feature, • Pound....... C CORN SYRUP SALE., Crow'• Brand or Beehive,' 5 lb: Special. Tin ,69C Crown � GRAPE JELLY SALE' Save 19c. Shirriff 9'' oz: A Real Bargain. 2 jars_ 3 HEADQUARTERS FOR --ALL FRESH -:•FRUITS. AND VEGETABLES. BEAT "JACK FROST:'.' GET YOUR • FRESH TOMATOES HERE 'NOW. • of the `Holyrood road: �' � Values Effective THAT Dungannon Fair Board is September 22, '23, 2 `planning fortheir show''on. Oc- • tober :7th, featuring'., the usual program of. track events, ` in; door . exhibits and a dance at night. ' . THAT Robert J:' Webster : and • 'his son Bill, Webster, who have been making their home here ."for .a ;.time,. have returned to Kincardine. Bill had to enter .. hospital • again • for a check-up. of the leg ' onwhich : he recent-' `ly , underwent .1 surgery- : and, bone grafting THAT' Mr.. and ' Mrs. Spence Jr.:. . win spent ; the :week -end: in London, and .at Lambeth. with -Mr: and Mrs. Ed Whitby ' and accompanied them to Michi- gan. `For .Mr. .and Mrs. Irwin it was, a .belated wedding an niversary trip: They were 31•. years married on September lith. Mrs. - Irwin is . the former Mildred . Roberton .of Auburn where they were ; married by Itev� Mr. "Alp: THAT " George 'Elliott returned ng, fh ancing;.F and servicing in, that tune. : _ Mr Barbour has been associat- ed with Wellington Motors 'since it : was organized , in September, 1940. From' 1944•to 1944, he was, president; of ` the company, and from 1944 to 1953 president and general manager. From, then un-. til his ` retirement he was vice- president and general . manager. THAT a water service ,line was ' .broken at _ the 1Central Garage Corner on Tuesday while tire- paration • was being . made ;to lay i; the new sidewalks '' The . area was :'shut-off while .re- pairs were made. THAT' Bert Ward. will 4be .74 on Friday. It.., will be. 50 years next • April since ,' he came . to this eornmunity ,from .England. Estate For. Sa .home last. ` .Wednesday . from .Victoria Hospital, London. George • is able '.to . be up and around .the 'house some and• is progressing satisfactorily.: It is three months since• he became THAT in 'renewing, their Sentin- el; George:• and • Alice ;Taylor ask us to.:."give.. our regards to all the' talks, not excluding yourselves." George is with the `1114C A.F. at Moisie, Seven Islands, Quebec: NUMBER OF HOMES in Lucknow, ' well' 1ocated,: •hiave, ' all conveniences.• Can be bought on. terms SIX ROOM HOME for sale, one block from Main St in Lucknow. All new instil brick siding., ' Priced=• below $2000, with $800, down.` Immediate possession: NUMBER OF, FARMS in Lucknow district: All well located and priced to sell. Farnss ..and Business • ess Property For Sale 6 ti throughout .Western Ontario List our,roe with Western Ontario s Fastest Growing Real, Estate ' WARREN 'L. STEVENSON' Real Lstate, Mount Forest Contact JOHN .HALL, SALESMAN Lucknow THAT .filthy .personal habits and disregard for public facilities,. make it difficult for; avoiding the' "disgraceful" conditions". which some. folk. °' discover, . Such an example' occurred...'a few days ago in the Town Hall. This is a building that has •been • completed renovated from .auditorium to basement and of which the Village can we11 be . proud. However, a few ,days , ago, . to one'd• 'ddsmay; eat crenlent :was found on ,,the • stage�-and�`==seats of=-lite-=an'd:% . torium. What can be done ;about such, things? THAT Fraser MacDonald • of Wadena, ,Sask., writes; "Still. like to' get The Sentinel as it' helps to keep .me ' in touch' With the doings in tows; and district where T. lived river a half' ' century ago-,'' 'THAT Centennial • services ' were held recently • at Woodland United Church, Mount Forest where the minister is Rev, D,: A. Brydon, $ S.A,, formerly of the Ripley -Olivet charge. THAT ambit, 'g the stiicierits .corn= mencing the training coarse • for certified nursing assistants at Winghani hospital are, Su- san T'arris, R:11. I liolyrood; Deane Stewart,. R tIi•.' ,2. Ripley;. Haren :Stroudf lt. t r Ripley, We Sell For Less Rhone 119, Luckrow lc*eI And A Chance To Win One Of, 'Clothes' Drier. Record Player Movie ' Camera Electric Clock • TICKBT SELLERS WILL BE AT THE. FAIR - THURSDAY SEP ,EMBER • 29th .Draw Sponsored, by Lucknow Branch of the Canadian Legion with. 'proceeds • to help,pay for Legion Halla PAY .WHAT YOU . DRAW MAXIMUM 40 ra _to J e • made November' '1 1.th, .1960 THAT Mrs: • James Culbert : re- turned home ten : days ago from Victoria Hospital where:. she had,been a patient for 5 1 months : since suffering a frac- tured hip. She ' is :able to get aboutthe house with the, aid .of canes. THAT Ret? P. E. Deeth, B.A. of Hilisburg,` a. retired minister was in the • pulpit of the Luck - now - United Church on Sunday in the' absence • of `Rev.: Strapp who . is attending the 19th Gen- eral ' Council ' of the United' Church of Canada in E .:_Qn: .ton. RevDeeth was a ini-' Ater at ;Arthur when, S. B.' Sto=` thers was living there. THAT •Mrs; Wellington," Render- son. `and Miffs. Wilfred Hackett. are busily engaged these days • in judging of ladies' work.at.: district 'fairs. here was the agenda for the first three. days of this week: Monday, . Strat ford; Tuesday, Blyth; Wednes 'day,:Exeter. THAT the .Kincardine ''News' re erred, editorially to the. flocuiishing horticultural socie- ties in Lucknow and: Ripley &•. at, the .same time noted the ab-:` f'' serice • of such .an organization the Lakeside town 'which. '• the , News fee1So "would look better."' as a result .of the ef- • 'forts: 'of • such a group. liessionnommussmAtatomor FOR' COMFORT and LONG WEAR New • • Styles and ' Colours 11 ..T.�--GHIIOREN' FULLY.. • •.WASHABLE Kaufman' Foamtred Slippers Ladies' in 'Black, Red, Blue and White, .Men's in: Grey, ,,.;Blue and Green Plaid . Men's ' $3.95 and $4,95 and 'Ladies', priced at Children's sizes at $2.95