The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-21, Page 11F. 7' • WEPNWAYp SEPT., :2/44P1060 • . , , • • • • • • • TRE LT.JCICNOW sENTINEL; LucKNow, ONTARIO HORTIPULTURAL PLANS (Continued from Page 1). Mrs. McDiarmid mentioned that Plans had,.. been completed' . or the annual. ,meeting. The • date established is November • • 21st The comraittee is arranging •'for the catering and the cost this year is to be $1,50 Per plate,. Mrs, Wellington Henderson mov- secoilded.. by Mrs. IVforgan lienderson that the. committee be empowered to use 'their own • 'judgement -re the catering; ' Steve '''Stothers was chairman or panel discussion with Mrs. W. liendersOn, Mrs: T, J. • eld, 'Mr. P. W. Hoag. and. Chas. Bristow as Panelists. There were a number. of questions andsug- • gestions brought forth which kept • the panel busy for half an. hour.. Some .of the auggeStions are. to be forwarded to the show committee for action in future shows. Steve said at the, con - elusion, "put of soap .we- quit washing," which very. capably • concluded tlye .panel discussion.' .• During the preparation of the film presentation, .., Mr. • James • Henderson mentioned that the •rext meeting was the : TOUrna:- merit of Roses' Parade presenta'• •.tion, in full .color and sound:11e •• had tickets -available: The ticket will, include participatiOn.in a draw for door prizes: M. Wm. Schmid has again very gener- ously • .donated valuable . prizes. lie solicited support of everyone • to make this a.,success..The Min •presentation;•"tairtime" was en- . jeyed very' much by everyone. ELEVEN NEW "MEIVIIIER:" IN PUBLISHERS THE FIRE AT MARTIN'S POINT HOUSEHOLD • . • • . • • On Sunday the Senioi: Sheri, Mrs, Thompson and Joanne]. returned from the C.W.N.A, eon vention at. Vancouver with. an "addition" to the • family •-"- :an ugly big monkey, • • While at. Vancouver Ardonna Hewat 'observed her llth. day, and" it seemed timely to • dispose of soine of. her childhood toys, AmOng them was a 2 -foot high Cheeta which she: insisted hell. cousin, Joanne should take horrie with •her, We couldn't persuade Ardmina. •to "bring it; East" with hor. She most graciously wanted her• cou- sin.to accept the .gift, and need- less' 'to say '.,•.he recipient /Was • Most eager. • • , • the, o' family grew to four for the homeward trip; and a...i. if lugging the "adopted" mon- • star wasn't enough; renaming it -"Yon-111V Thompson. was the last sti.aw.... • . . • Seriously it created a 'lot, .of fun for fellow' passen er. . • • reporter that ,.she was so thank- . ful to see the fire truck arrive Let's Talk -Deal! ‘ - I (Continue& froni page 1) ,, . - • as, she had heard of farms burn- • •. ' ..' •.. ' t , ing Jo the ground in the London •• ..e would Ticg 'respond to the rural - Huge Dicount. Sale 1 area . when City'' DepartMentS . calls. ,. , • ,-...., , lhe fire at Martin's Point , . • , •• • • $ • * adds •another to the list of un- • 1 ' ,- • ' • i usual happenings that have Oc- ! ' still ,. .. --• ,- . - - 7 • etnTed at.this beach. In the fall , , . . of .1,947, 3.' 'sexier 8 rat - ford was swept to his death in Lake Huron when. he attempted to' .retrieve a chick he had shot. in' June • ef this Frank e eric vvas .1 WE STILL HAVE OME . i • drowned in a boating mishap off i • ' ''" • , . F•elett. Used.: , .• 4 1 • . • . • ..• • — ..• • —' • • • • • • • d • . • • • • • • • Sorry., we are • °lit of new 60's I • I • • • • -• • • I • r the point. • FALL FAIR NOTES ' (Continued fze-rt Page 1) • ses prizes of. silverWare, 12 in all, are donated by Wm: A. Schmid, There also is a class, for babies 12 to 18 ' months :with i h . NO REASONABLE OFFERS REFUSED 1 . i ! • from 1946 to 1959 Models' Alep many others. i• • . cas prizes. . . REPORTS ON ANNUAL HOO •' Any helpful Suggestions ..or • i • - rin,ofnicR, MEETING • : new ideas :will be:gratefully • ceived by, the secretary or dr- .-11111 ales., ee Motor • The annual Hog Producers' ectors. meeting Was held in Seaway • • / • - Godench .Hotel, Toronto, with . Charleth •Adinission .prices to the fair 1VIa•cInnes. presiding. A very Sat-, •remain the same —• Adults 50c; isfactory report was presented Children 6-12 Yrs. 25c; •Cars, 50c; by vice-president, Lance •Dickie-. • .' ' soh and; Jake Kroler„ SaleSinan. The • Parade will form. up at and. the financial report by. the public School at one •liclock. Welsh Ward CO., auditors, to one"! The pupils surrounding ru-: of the largest. rou ral cho PUbli • • g p . appoint-. $ osan d Lucknowc ,„ „ INII, • ed delegates, from all over On- School will be •led the parade •• .'1.)U114FLNIVN. • ' ' tario and .some • interested• men by the • Lucknow •Pipe Band. . . • • from the Prairie Provinces, who. Children with poniesand deor- . (Intended -For Lait Week) • Mrs. Leonard Crawford, Wing - ham spent ,Monclay with her • parents Mr. and . •Mrs. • -W.. A. . Culbert. . • • • • Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs.:, Alvin Sherwood • and RObt, 'Were Mr. .• • an& Mrs.-- Harvey (Cora Dickson)- ' .",Bryans, Mang-. .aret ,Ann and BeVerley? London. J. e., butnin,, .Kitchener; :Mrs... Bill: McClure and • RickY .of Elmira were visitors at the ,Week -end with Mr and'• Mrs., Herb Finnigan. '• ' • Mrs. Ethel *Donald Was talc? • en to.ll 'Reed Satur- day, with an .• abscess iii her ear.. We he#r• . she. has since found 'relief and we hope she. will Soon be •fine again: Mr: and Mrs:• Russel Drennan,' • Sarnia were = week -end ..visiters ,with Mrs. Abner Morris. • . • •Mr. and Mrs. •J.. •IiesSon of • Stratford ' were week -end guests • with 'Misses Rebitia,:. Nettie and Clara . Sproul. • The -latter re -.- turned to Stratford with 'then?. Miss Patricia Pentland last • week began nursing classes at 'Stratford General Hospital last week and was home' . for the • vveek...end • with .her 'parent, Mr.' and Mrs. Frank" Pentland and reports liking the . new curse •just fine. • • • • Mies Eleanor 'Reed left last 'Thrirsday to begin a.,commercial • thd . • and Will also continuo 'studies of musk,: •Her sister, Miss Jewell Reed is attnding Lotigheed Business • College •at • Kitchener, '••• • Mr,' and Mrs. David‘ Durnford and little soni,-Brian Of. Peter, borerigh vikted a few' days' with Wifo And. and .1gurraY. The form - Parents, Dr: William 'DuroL. ford and Mrs. Durnforel, London visited Sunday at the • Wilson home; • • • , ryine Eedy returned. • home from Goderich Hospital '4 few 4ys, agc. and' we h6po to. me her otiit again SOOIA, ed,to health; ' • Mr. and '11/Irs. 'Howard Culbert abOut their tittle 5 month old ..baby daughter; bore- 'thY V1Yn.. She has been taken •to Sick Children's Hospital, 140,:lon, 'tor diagnosis and • to• •fitid a suitable 'food. to bring bet- ter. gains. Since birth, she had • ..11 gained- twii. pouods. • , •r. Tqrn, r`owier,' left Monday •to otitinue his teaching course • Stratford Teathers College. •iitMtler* daakludghMterr8;* t1C44errn Itiii°13141eslY°'11‘i.isat‘: are interestedinthis marketing, Tted; bieycleS are •asked to Join; ' • • . ••• • ' •• •- • The aVerge. cost' of marketing hOgs varies.a, great deal at the fifferent yards, ,the average .be- ing 'around • per :hog., Kitch- ner with a volume of 5000 or.: Over :a week. is .rOUrid 4e :ahd. Yards like •Kineadine and. Rip• : ley 20c to 24c, LricknoW- 17c... As • the :Maricking Board gets its .power 1:by legislation 'it was interesting to !note the ..differen- ces that existed between the partrnent and the' Marketing • Board, haVe. 'been: pretty well ironed out. As 'member 'of, the Dpt. told'. u, they ,Were as in- • terested. in getting: as , pride for our product as is ..the/ Marketing Board, and, they were! nterested in•hlping get the best product.: •' • : . ..• Fannersare. only. 'human and some of them wotild rinderinirie their own industry, so :the need ;of :a Strong Marketing Beardto sell for.us, We are Storming al citadel :of Industrial power. We • fariners,have given the packing plants ,thiS: power. and . they are not going to part With it without • a struggle,. At a meeting of' this I kind It is •pot hard to see that • farrnerS are'not divided- a much* as those. people Who farm.' the„ farmers would like . then -i, be•.'; J. MMurchy. • A I ited on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,' Harvey Culbert. Mr. Robert .Stoltiers *hp un- derWent r1 operation.af Vicoria Hospital,. London is doing very. • towards recovery.. , ,I• On Priday night, a large crowd • attended ,th'e dance recption •for • newlye.ds Mr. and Mrs. Ross $and3471_ Andrewst. of Auburp nee. Shirley rownarr fefrs." • chestra supplied musie. Air dan- cing: .Mr. George Hagget read an address: pf best:wishes and Mrs. Ralph MathewS inade the pre- !. • septatioh„, • Mr: Ben Malcla 'of Wingharn Met ith an accident on Monday afternoon • while re:•rooring Mr,. Harry flurgma's barn on ..the. 2ncl Con. of Ashfield near Cedar' Vagey. }In fell arid received a broken V.:Tist and: 6i.u1sti. tvti taken by ambulance . to Winighain. nspjtal. • • ..• VIr. and Ms.. I<cn. of Toronto (ne.. Lois' Webster) Ware 'tendered a reception at the Agricultural Hail. Farrier"S• Dr chestra /uppliedmusicjor. danc- ing., Mr. Wilmer Erringorl read an address•and the young couple WC presented with a purse of money by: Mr.. Lorne Alton A'work bee will be held at the Phone JA 4-8391 I locroolimoimAtAimi.00mmi.o•A•mou•swil•ApoimmopimpoullAtAc.+Amm.Tummot,..m.tAnw,,,.nuoi,..a•oilm.,,Amon....tigmoite •• . Arena and Fair grounds on Mon- day afternoon of next week and hibitors were -filing entries:. a full: turnout is . requested to . • • ready the . hall and grounds for. WM., COX PASSES .Lucknow's big day of the ye,ar. . , Monday.. five' entirely new e*- • The 'secretary -.states that, .all • indications point to a most suc- cessful fairaii.cl_space....may he at a premium in the sPacioris. areria. Entriesare pouring in at • an unprecednted-•.rate and by The community was saddened • by the.. death of Willia D. Cox •of :Concession 10, which occurred at his home I t• the. .age,_,Of•-184-. The funeral, was held on Monday :from the MacLennan' Ftineral", • Horne, 'Ripley:.: A. • 41' . • ' , ..• • • We want to locate Canada's oldest Fordson tractor gEGULATIONS • 1- The Fordson tractor must be 'in operattig condition. • in operating Condition. Thousands of For6ons • have been sold since 1'918, and we're sure that many of the old-timers are still delivering the dependable, trouble-free performance that dis- • tinguishes every Fordson: • Inexchange for the 'oldest Forclson Tractor regis- tered with u, Ford Tractor and Equipment a,i,es Company of Canada, Limited offers as a'REWARpf a brand new Fordson Dexta Diesel tractor. So, if you awn what you think may be the oldest FOrdson in Canada, report it today f.Here's all you do. Call, write ot phone your nearest Ford Tractor Dealer. He'll supply -you with full details as to how you can participate in the search for Canada' oldest Fordson Tractor. 2. To be eligible to receive the "re- • ward" you must be the actual owner. of the oldest Fordson and be a bona fidefa.nrier,, residerit in Canada. No •• ' 3, Age of VOrdsOn tractor will be de- terrnined by serial number stamped on engine block. The model bearing the lowe4 Original serial number will be considered the oldest. , •' • 4 All particiPants must report their '• 1"ordson Trators to •their Ford tractor Dealer no later than Octo-- ber15, 1960. • . • • ' ,• Decision of the "judgesWill be'firial • and no correspondence relating to • this search willte entered into.• • • .• • , • . 'to •. Call your FordTractor dealer today*, • , FRErFugL • Yes, Montgomery Motors will supply. 'free fuel forbalance of 1960 on any. • new Pordson or Deita purchased, during Dragnet' Sale. • • FREE FINAJICINP' Ye, for the ba*ance of 1960, Free Fnanc;n3. on any new Fordson or . Drka dulng the Dragnet • gig Sayings — Highest' Allowances •in History — Low Down Payment' • Trdes Accepted -*1).:ip to. 3 Years On .alance. Your Para Tractor and Equipment Dialer • — - • Phone 40, 1..itieknow •