The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-21, Page 84, Fill your Bin Nowand assure yourself Heat ' Security Stop worrying about delivery hold- ups because of snow or shortages, and relax with a winter's supply of quality fuel.. Pirram A:SOLfD FUEL FOR A SotfD:CENTURY � COAL. A CULROS'S. CORNERS. Congratulations < to Mr. . and Mrs. Eldon' Wraith (nee Shirley Scott) :who, were married Satur- day in Langside Presbyterian . Church. Mr.and Mrs. Ezra Stanley, Kinlough spent Thursday, even- ing With •> Mrs. Frank Brown 'and. Reg. ' ` Mr.` Ronald. Parker: hasreturn-: . ed. to Guelph 'to resume 'his stud- ies. at;O.A.C, Mr .•and Mrs. John • Schumach- • er accompanied by. Mr. ' Cedric Green spent Friday .at . London Fairand on Saturday attended. the Centralia Air Force :.Show Mr. and' `Mrs James Wraith. attended the Wraith -Scott wed- ding: Saturday afternoon. Mrs.. Frank Brown and Reg accompanied friends to London ort Tuesday. Mrs. .Brown. visited with', Mrs. Bob. H,icknnott ' in London while the '.:rest attended the lair. The community extends sym- pathy to .Mrs. Wm. ` Cox • . and members of the family in •the passing of Mr. Cox. Mr. and ..'Mrs.; 'Gordon Grant were . Sunday evening.. visitors. with Mr ' & Mrs. "James Wraith. KINLOSS NEWS A. large number.of�`relatives, neighbours and friends;: called on Mr. and- Mrs. George Lockhart on Thursday to honour them on their,' fortieth wedding anniver sary. • Mr. and. Mrs: Frank MacKen- zie and family visited last week- end with Dr. John and Mrs. Mac •Kenzie`• of Alliston. Congratulations to' . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilchrist on the birth of their baby ' son: last week. Mrs; Douglas Graham and Gladys visited with Mrs; • Walter Greenwood in Stratford . on Sat urday.. ; . Mr. and ; Mrs.., Lyle MacDonald and June , of Sudbury visited at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Ira Dickie . en route to. ' Lansing, Michigan where June is a ' se- cond -year student at Michigan State . College.'' 1959 Pontiac fraurentian, automatic, fully equipped $2,450 1959 Chev Biscayne sedan, automatic,fully equipped $2,195. 2-1959 Chev Belairs, automatic, fully equipped $2,395 1958x`Ford-J'airlaneta Iutomatiie . -$2,050 1958' Chev Standard. Sedan $1,895 $1,395 $1,195 1956 Ford Custom 'Sedan, with. automatic :. 1956 Ford coach, 8 cylinder . 1955 Chevrolet. Deluxe Sedan ........ $1,150 .1955 Olds Sedan. . .4.......:i $1,195 . 1954 $nick sedan, automatic li• $895 Number. ' of 1953 and. '1954 • Models ` from $295 to $750 TRUCKS! TRUCKS! 3-1958 Cheri. • Y2pick-Ups; with fleetside body ... $1,495 •. 1956 .Chev. iyton rpfck-up l::.Yi Y..iYi l:gw • '$0095 1954 -Chew IA -ton :pick-up l.iiiViYi.g :.,i'YYW'f BYilliiY'/l:iiiiM••••••ii iY{ Vi $595' nssels Motors Cities Servieis`' Dealer Phone 173, , Brusselsi. r H. WHITECH0R q Mr. and. Mrs. Barry :Moss and family` of " Plattsville visited, on Sunday at the home. •: of Mrs, George . McClenaghan. - Mrs Ben McClenaghan and Mr,. and Mrs. Carl, McClenaghian spent Sunday at tie home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIntyre :of .Ridge. town. Mr. Ben 'McClenaghan re- turned' home with them ' Mr. and Mrs, 'Clarence:Ritchie and family visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ste- wart Smith : of +Kitchener. . Mrs.. John Kelly, who has been • "visiting. for two months with . her brother', Mr. John Boyle and other relations in the district, • returned; to tier home. at 'High River Alberta on Satur•-' day:, , and Mrs. Georg • e Bachelor of Toronto visited at the .home of , Mr.. and Mrs., James McI1- wraith.' . . • 'Mrs. Dan`" Tiffin, Miss Joan & Shirley " Tiffin . •and ..•'Mrs. Wes Tiffin ;hand " Mrs. Garnet. Farrier attended a shower • held iri hon- our ,.of Elmira Alton at Hacketts Church on Friday night..: , "Mr. and Mrs.' Archie Watt and family of : Toronto • spent Friday and : Saturday; at the home .:of :. Rev.' -and : Mrs. \ John Watt:• .Mr Archie • 'Watt ' was `•`guest speaker on •Country Calender which was on ` CIBC network on Sunday af- ternoon. Mr Watt spokeon the water' situations 'in the• different types . ofwells.;: in Ontario.' Mrs. DanTiffin •spent' Wednes- day 'of last week in London Vic- toria Hospital. visiting with Mrs. Orville .Tiffin who is a patient there. Mrs: Tiffin had a "very. serious,.' eye operation: • • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher of Georgetown will spend a few days at the home of his par-: ents, Mr: and Mrs, George Fish- er. Mrs George 'Fisher attended the Teachers' • Convention 'London 'on Friday: Mr. add Mrs. George Fisher & family spent the `week -end at the home -of" Mr and "Mrs. Ar nod `Lougheed of' St.' Thomas. - Mrs. Doris' Willis visited 'ori Sunday at the home :of Mr.. and Mrs S. C. Willis of Gowanstown Mrs. Albert ..Couites,` Marjorie. and Diane attended ,.a shower. in Paisley on ;Friday night for Mrs.; Cwiltes'• niece Vvonioe Majury who will be Married on Saturl. • day°: of this week. ' :" Mr arid Mrs. Garnet ,Farrier, visited on Sunday at: the,, home of Mr. and Mrs: Carl Johnstone of Bluevale.. ` "• Miss Winnifred . Farrier spent the week -end at the home :of her .Parents,' Mr. 'and Mrs. W., . R. Farrier: • Mrs. Glenn Sawn and family of. Brucefield and Mrs. . Willings °of Wingham ,visited on Sunday. at the home. of : Rev. and Mrs.' John Watt. .• • . Mrs. • Walter.' Lott ' visited ori' Sunday .with relatives in .Ripley. :Mrs. Victor Emerson and , Miss Annie Kennedy spent; Monday & Tuesday m • Walkerton attending the • Grey -Bruce Wotner<'s Insti- tute Annual Convention. They also visited with Mrs. ' T C. Boss' in Walkerton Mr.. and :Mrs: .Ernie . Beecroft visited on Sunday ' at' thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Robert •ball of Bluevale,.� Mr. Paul roskorth orToimxn and Miss Karen Groskorth of Stratford 'spent the week-end.,at the home of their parents..Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groslforth.• 'Miss Elaine Conn of. Stratford spent the .week -end at • the home of her Parents, k. Mr: and Mrs "Conn. Conn. • • 0 LOCHALSH Mr: and' • Mrs, 'Elliott Sandy were in Toronto attending �a wedding. They also spent a few days . at Barrie. Mr. and 'Mrs, Oliver McChar- les. accompanied ' by Mr. and Mrs. Henry ' 1Vlclenzrie spent a day in Toronto at the Exhibition and also were guests at a ban. quet at Hamsteads Restaurant' for Hereford breeders. • ' School '" opened with Shirley Courtney teaching and Maureen Heavy WEDNII SE►AY•,, ,- SEPT,, 21st; 1960 $: 7.95' $11.45 ..... ', ., ; : 2 Years Guarantee, $15;95 , ' R 48 Months Guarantee (With Exchange) MUFFLERS • AT LOW COST • Wheel: Alignment and Balancing Motorcade: Dealer : 'Phone 3, Lucknow ` • Batteries 8 Months .Guarantee Bradley ` and • Cathy :.Gibson the beginners.. '• • : Mr. ;and. Mrs: Ewan MacLean spent a day in London recently, as did ;Henry. MacKenzie and boys. • . Visiting with 'Mr ,and Mrs. George McGillivray are . Mrs.. Pat ' Baird, and Mr. and Mrs. Hartley MacTavish: and family of Toronto Allan McCharles of Toronto 'itz Mr. and`•Mrs. Don •McCharles of Brantford. visited . with :Mr. and Mrs. 'Oliver' McCharles 'Be John.. Visitors.' with .Mr; and . Mrs: Lorne Luther ,on Sunday: were Charlie Brien, Jack Bateman,. PeteColley and, Ivan Guyett all of 'Rid'getown. Mr.. and Mrs. Warren Wylds and : family spent Saturday in. Centralia and :,attended the,. Air` Force: Show. Wedding Bells are Ringing: .. °Congratulations to ` Barbara Finlayson who won a scholar- ship and • pis now enrolled ..at .MVlaoDonald Institute at Guelph. Mr' and Mrs, Emile' McLennan. had as,,iweek end -visitors ,Louise,: •Marion and Jack' McLennan all of , Toronto.:' Scott L. MacKenzie, son of. Mr.. Wand . Mrs. Ross MacKenzie • was baptized on .Sunday 'at' Ashfield Presbyterian • Church: MRS.. .R.:11 THOMPSON. SPEAKS. ON VANCOUVER: On Septernber 13th, 22 mem- bers. of Group.•II: enjoyed :their meeting at the home of , Mrs. Frank Thompson, , : where they answered. the roll call 'with an incident which happened during their holidays. , Mrs: MacDiarmid opened the - meeting with the theme,-: motto hymn and :prayer. All the " ladies` were' :welcomed- and thanked :for' helping with the bake sale held at Point ,Clark' in July The , nun- utes were read and adopted and treasurer's ' rbport given. The sewing committee asked for quit- ters for one • quilt. , The Three news' 1 -Group meeting to be held Sep- tember 23rd in. the church.' ' as announced, Mrs. " Mae•Diarnud • expressed our thanks to• the program committee and • hostess. Hymn- 565 was sung. • • The ,theme of Mrs ,Creorge Brook's program was "The Test". 'Miss' ;'Flora :Webster.'. read •the scripture lesson and Mrs., Oman.• Brooks the ' commentary . and prayer Mrs.' Ernest •Ackert fav- • •oured us with, a lovely solo, Does • 'Jesus • Care. Mrs.: Georg Brooks reading, ."Beyond, ::Nature ; /to . God", ::showed; how through na- ture God, supplies us.with'all our needs.: We enjoyed. Mrs. Ahin's piano instrumental. Mrs: R. H. • Thompson. gave -a very 'interest- ing. talk On her •trip to.• Vancou- • Mrs. Brooks thanked all ' those helping with the program. Hymn 3$4 and, prayer closed. the meet- ing:.. A contest . and lunch ' were trilach enjoyed. . S TOP Fells trees up to 3 feet in dig ameter: Cuts l8" trees in 18 seconds. Only •18f pounds. •. Famous Homelite.quality: Pave a FREE DEMONSTRATION .Bess bat and chain NEW ' IDEA DISTRIBUTORS. Goderich, Ontario Tel„ Carlow , 2821 SURANCE Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Business 39 :HO'W'ARD AGNEW Resiidenc 1.38 •, MON-UV►ENTi • For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly: designed from quality material, • rely km • ELTO r• ,Put O'Hagan Prop. Established Over Sixty 'Year! Walk !ton Phoste 6384 Ontario 1