The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-21, Page 1$3°00 A Year In Advance - $1.00 ,Extra To .0°S°A, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, .SEPTA 21st, 1960 TWELVE PAGES ` " rea' A.grass:and brush fire shortly after . noon on Tuesday serious- ly threatened the summer: • re- -sprt• of •Martins. , Point;, about . a mile south of Port „Albert, • The resort area is practically unpopu'lated at • ,this time of year.:, .Mrs. Dave Martin had rented . the cottage of Walter; G. Lind ow. of Birmingham, Michi- gan,' to :Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Clark, and .2i 'year ' old Bonnie.'I of London. 'The Clark family were spending a week of their holidays there.taving moved in on Sunday.; The Clarks; were out for a 'walk on the beach around the cove.. They noticed 'smoke • and returned to 'find the brusli and 'trees at the foot of their cottage ablaze. Fire is believed : to have originated in a garbage fire at the foot 'Of :the, hill... The 'cottage! is, located half: way up the em- bankment - that is traditional' alongathe take 'Huron shoreline. Flames were licking their way' up the bank close ,to the cottage. Clark ran:' to the reside ' MDs n ce of '.Mrs. Dave; Martin, about ..a` half mile, 'oto summon • help.• Mrs.; Martin called the'-Lucknow Fire Department who made the 20 mile .'run. Mrs:.' Martin and . Mr. Clark fought the fire` with two. pails -carrying • water .from the lake' and from ` the cottage , and when the Fire Department arri ved 'they' had the :blaze under en control and were near exhaus- tion. ,Mrs. Clark was . unable.:' to' help. fight the fire ,because of her ;214 year old daughter, Bon-: nie.: No neighbours ' or any, other.' help were at .the secluded • area' on the beach When the" Fire .De-' partm'ent arrived. Lucknow . Fire Department, using the small hose on the truck, finished . the t o ,and d am n •d� e owns d , the restof the h 1�h I trees ' and ;brush. The .'fire was Within. 15 feet . ' f e o the cottage `'the Clarks :Wer0 occupying, . and needless -to say,if:; ithad caught fire many ; others would have likely gone all : alon the ; beach g , because of the; •' heavily ` wooded, • A RE1 iD4DER TO . : • 1PRESS . SFtCRETARIEs • The fall season brings a resumption of . a ..multitude • of meetings in the' .coinrnun ity, and we wish to remind press secretaries that reports::. of these meetings MUST be received .by .• The Sentinel'' the, week in which they oc- cur, so . thatthe type. may be set 'by ,-Friday: • . .We welcome these reports . but• 'they will'. be '.published only if we receive the above ne�ritioned co-operation: HONOURED. ,,BY FAMILY ON EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY Dan T. MacKinnon. of Kinloss: Township on Sunday marked his $Oth birthday and was honour, ed by the family at a dinner at the , home . of his •son, 'Mr. and Mrs. :;l3ill MacKinnon and family of Agincourt.' • ',Others present for the Occas - kin ' were Mr: and, Mrs: Donald MacKinnon and family, of • Luck - now, Mr; and Mrs. Angus Mac-, Kinnon :and family of Aurora,. Mr:: and Mrs. Morley• Bruce of: • Ec.agrave 'aria Mrs. R chard. Stin-' son �o frBbwanviI1e ban, whose 'energy:belieshis 80 . years, las always .:been :inter- ested and active • in; cornmunity Viand municipal' life having serve ed on Kinloss Council. His inter- est, in dancing has not decreased and .last Friday he • was in at-: tendance' at the wedding, recep- tion :for '`Mr. and . 'lVrs..,;3ruce- Thomson ' ' Dan' r ' s .b other ' Johne .resides. :with him on the farm on Cori:'. ;cession six; Kinloss: Falls; a Queen's University ~Deli -'L'• eal student::... A• HAS DUAL ROLE. ,AT DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE . Rev. R. . Collin Toddi minister. of,.Kitciiener St. United Church;. Niagara Falls, played. a dual: role:. at the wedding of his 20 -year-old. daughter, C p lleen: .He,.e •sca te:. d • •her Up the' aisle and stepPed forward to perform the ceremony which united her with Gary Brix,:'. ,24, . Niagara II Fair WON THIRD' ;BURSARY. Bill' . ' Buckton has : been'. awarded ` the University • of Toronto Engineering- Alum ni..Association Bursary : of $350.00. This' is the, third bursary':Bill has been award- ed this year with a total value of $1,350 forthe three. ,FOURTH .BREAK-I,N 'AT'I � NA STATION Early last Wednesday morning , John` • MacRae's Fina. Service, Station , wa:s broken'into for the fourth tirrie Is seventeen :months.. Situated atthe western outskirts of the Village .Lt is ''a : compara- iiv,ely isolated sot •for :burglars• to' operate. "" ' In last Week's' breakin, entry' was ::gained` by 'jimzning the lock off the front door. Some spark, '.plugs •and: cigarettes were taken,,: but ;it was evident it was ;money they were after: . A :couple of • days 'later . 3 St° Thomas, youths; were apprehend- .ed at Seaforth: ' They .had burg= Rev. A. iVl,, Laverty; chaplain: Fa Notes:. of Queen's LTniverst '. also. a too . Q Y, • o k ; part in the 'service, Colleen was `bornin•• Lucknorov' where her': father' was pastor•. of Lucknow : United Church. from '1938.: to 1941 • TRACTOR TRAXhER:. BRINGS IN. C.N ,:EXPRESS NOW ' •r -Improved express delivery .Can be expected with the . intro duction of transport .service''to. supplement •rai way, deliveries... A Canadian' National . tractor ' trailer is; now' opemating : daily; between. Guelph and Kincardine, via'Palrrierston, Listowel,. Wing71 ham. and ',Lucknow • The ; trans- port' follows :Highways .86 and 21: to Kincardine thus by gassing Ripley The •transport. is. :due iri' 'here .'.in- mid at' 1155 �p�.m. andreturns afternoon: ' Express. is • left and lifted', at 'the CNR depot so: that locally Joe Conley still continu- es the pick-up and delivery . ser vice. , As well, some` express' continu=' es to ''be 'received by train, the bulk' of '..this' being ' on• the night' train. • area. • Mr.:and. .Mrs:. Gordon and Martin :tw Children `' o dren. •live with -his mother `Mrs.. Dave Martin on the Martin homestead but they were away at •the .time. of the; fire • • Mrs . Clarke told tie Sentinel' (Continued on Page 3). COMPILE FIGURES ON TB SURVEY .. ' SUGGESTS BLIND • The. 95th: Annual Fall' Fair ,will be 'held next week on 'Wednes- day and .Thursday; September ;28th and 29th. '' On, Wednesday exhibits_ will. be 'paced .,in the Arena from 9 a.m.. till 12 moon. *Judging. begins at' ; one -thirty sharp• :.t• • Exli bitors are re uested to � q t write the secretary, Mrs. Fred McQuillin,. for entry tickets ; as these must; be':secured. prior to the Fair. ;For .tlie convenience of those wishing 'these entry; forms, Mrs: McQuillin will be at the Arena on Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 3-5 p.m..' • tock ' produce or articles-. s. � • :shown shall be,'the bonafide pro-. perty 'of the : exhibitor and not or ro •' ed : for r the purchased • bor w o th purpose of exhibition. " In Ladies Work, home baking and fine `arts all articles entered must be anew.,. No ;prize will be paid for articles soiled or defaced ' by wear Or age The :President 'of• each Womens 'Institute . 'is' .: asked to assist in placing'. exhibits in= the, class which they sponsor. r, ; • Fi res' C gucompiled ' ori, attend- ance at the Huron County tuber-, culosis detection Clinics. this 'Sum - ate; reveal at total of : 24,184 children and 'adults attended for a' percentage of 51.7. Children were. eligible to attend this clin- ic for the tuberculin • test which, .increased' • the potential �a�tend- p t ance, but erce ta` �ewi e.. the P n g s e 1960 ,1 .: foul'-� �aras::�down�;•from�95ti� en 19525 , . attended the .county Clinics .rep -resenting 55% of the potential.. • •'lhe Dungannon- cdl ,a centre, show • tremendous, increase, the highest in•;the County,': with 1,•111 attending the clinic. held in the. United. Church basement. ".This copared with 640 at • 'the' 1956 Survey and 126.in: 1952. ' The tuberculin .: skin test was given on .the opening' day,, and .the: reading oi', the test'•anlf the' i'raY clinic held some' four days later. , The, response at Dungan- non was so great that 'a linea burred p' as the 'Ione technician Worked herself: to near exhaus- batt in giving the skin test. epic` 41 w .-. ork at t e Dungan. n elinics 126o , f was. done' by',;mem- 141 ..° .°e`ic Dungannon, St. •'He1- iia asTiger Dunlop Women's • New items this year in the fine arts include,' Moulded cera- OUT•, Original eramics, . Drift-': TO: K E E P SUN piles, orifi . c , , - -wood centrepiece': eeth .: B.A. 'of ' • 'Rev. P: E. D , ` e r on ' fire • minister„ "11' e Hillsburg, a re d , . Refreshment, booths "will' b , Sunday 'occupied the pulpit . of opel+ated the day of the ;fair : both the L.ucknow United Church ,in 'the ' Arena. and 'OP the fair while Rev. Strapp was attending' grounds along with the usual General Council in' Edmonton: .line .of Midway rides ,and games I' addressing .the congregation 'of chance, . . ev. Deeth . 4 prior' to. the Berm :._ ._._ _ ._._. _LL��y.. _....: ,._.. �y.�._ __ __ ___ re rette'd� hi[-ftia[brlity too `see The""�T'va ons ~of = Cauda•silifer"r g who. he was • preaching, to`.'' be- dish awarded' to the • exhibitor cause of, •`the large ornamental winning the highest number of tc7iridow facing 'him above ,• the' points' in cattle, sheep and swipe, balcony. of the ' church: Rev. 1. and the Simpson -Sears •silver b. y :� th constructively suggested , tray awarded to. the exhibitor ' Bee, that possibly in the; future the , winriirig 'the highest` number of • g. tion' might place 'i blind points in dairy ,and table sup. con- r the b i plies, :are on display .at the Seri - over the; windrsw.. • c -''ecth 'didn't, know: liner ,Office. ' What l.cV,; b • k windov� ,, • long. a; ; : ' was that tole .w .• there ate Many extra cash Maker , for minister l •dr,comfortmerchandise; prizes .donated, by. and • choir ,T hen • the: sun was :�locai business men for the wihj' .i g ' � �oug h• it, had recently ..., shtninri through g. ,� y „ vel"'• ,lacing' a hers in classes of sewing,, baking' bcc n .,:iml i o by°; C� ° , .'• a•nd :hobbies. :. tinted gliire proof shleid an the ..- si of the Window at, const> ;. y outside The Baby. Show, wYll be held ~able cost .to the,.Woman's, As -1 de � , at ., 8 :o'clock Thursday at• the socation ) grandstand. platform,~ 1, babies. ,Rev. �D'eeth .'would ' no doubt I under 6 months. 2, babies 6-12 wonder what. `brought the out months, break of laughter from the con , • To the winners of these 2 clas- gregation when, the :suggestron' ontnited on, ,e 3) waS made: (C g lar tools in their Passessi on and have been ' chrarged ., with. the Lueknow breakin, and Will . ap- pear : in court ` in, 'Walkerton. ,.. GUIDE .LEADERS TAKE` /�• TRAINING AT DOE . LAKE Mrs Harvey Irwin, •'captain of. the Lucknow . Girl. Guide Troupe, and her :' assistant, L:ieut,',.Mrs. Clara Johnston were at Doe '' Lake 20 miles north of Hunts 'vine at the week=end:; There they joined .some sixty Brownie. and Guide leaders arid camp,staff 'at a' training camp for Guiders: An all -day; rain' on Saturday made it necessary to .hold the instruc- tions indoors., ° The Lucknow•<' ,Girl Guides re- sume their fall activities .this Friday ;evening it. the ' Guide Rooms in •the ` Town Hall arid their leaders• will no doubt have some new ideas for therfil, as, a result of attendance at the.:'Doe• Lake • RECTOR ASSUMES' NEW.DUTIES HERE The Reverend" Wilfred. ,Wright arrived at Lucknow ' on Thurs- . day,„ September • 15th; 'to becc ne .. Rector of the four -point Parish: Raise to the disco d' nate on May -26th of this Year, at New St. Paul's Church, Woodstock, Mr. 'Wright has been Deacon -in- charge of: St, Edmund's Church, Tobermory, for. th`e .surnrr er months. ' A. native ' of England, "eMr.:' Wright received his primary and.. secondary education at Toronto Ontario. Prior to his ordination, .: he held positions, in the. fields of recreation and social • 'work , city of: Toronto. He was a stud 'ent . at Seager Hall, London, for, the ' last :year, Mr. Wright's acti vity as a layman in the .'church has. included the office of lay reader in the Diocese of Toron; • to. He has been . active ,in the field ofreligious drama aril has directed numerous plays .for Church organizations. " Mr Wright will be in.charge of St. Peter's Church, • LuCknow;: St. Paul's Church, ::Dungannon; Christ l hurch, ''Port Albert, and St. :Paul's . Church Ripley. Rev. andMrs. Wright . are,. oc- cupying' the rectory here.. _'They have . ,two, adult ' children, • Mary ' and ,David, both of 'Toronto Rev. Wright conducted • .servi ces in, the parish on Sunday' and next Sunday.Iarvest;Thanksiy= , int Services will be 'held at ail, Taw :churches.. MRS 'DON 'McCOSH IS' 'VV h AREA CHAIRMAN Mrs. ' Don McCash Of ' Purple Grove,: is chairman 'of the Grey-. Bruce Area Woten's Institute; ,which mea' for 'a two-day: con vention. in Walkerton , ,last. week: Mrs.'. MCCosh, . the 'former.. An- nie `Colwell, of Kinloss` Township was also named' as delegate : to the; national convention in Van- couver in June; of•.:next year: Alternates • are'::vice-ehairrrien. Other officers are: Vice-.chair- Men,. ice chair men,: Mrs: Nan: .Spencer, Tara Mrs. 'A: Maundrell, Southampton _Mrs°• Emerson Knott,,' Medford '•secretaries, Mrs.: Victor •Emmer-.; son,`' Whitechurch; Mrs.: Melvin;., 'Rcrne T :e'swater treasurer, •Mrs.. :T. J.. Cornish; •Chesley.• •� .' rtr ul .:. rBanquet,. Plan• Ha tc to al • .Jr Society Party,Christmas Contest y . (By C 1 Bristow) -competition.' : It : was felt ' that The regular; . meeting:, of the :.there were sufficient ,members Lucknow and District :Horti^u1- j.,interested ' .in .; photography' to ture ',Society was held Friday r�rlake'a competition worth while;.` evening; `September '16th in the::; Moved by Miss, Ada Webster, se-; auditorium' of Carnegie 'Hall°'' conded by ` Mrs. ' Bryce • Elliott the president, Mr. Cameron, ex-; that we • have a photographic Pressed ressed words ',of welcome. He competition'rize , of . with first: : .. p was •`a little .. disappointed that $1.00, second .50c in each of the ' the attendance 'was down . some- classes. Carried. •Mr: Hoag ~bade` what because .he felt, the. meet ° :the : m'otion se'onded by Mrs mg' had quite an agenda for., .e Wellington Benderson that We evening: againhave. an, outdoor, Christ _.- i»t s as w �_-Th:e�_•_secre"t�ry�s , .repZ� 'kta t�on :,con`ies%, read: and approved..The ,treasur- prize money' to the amount of er's report showed that after the! $50.00.. Mr. Hoag 'suggestedthat sale' of the':tulip bulbs there will there ,he several categories which be a bank ,balance of $195;34. At .';wou}d have .a. Cass for windows the. moment there is' a deficit be and one' for, ,outside' decoratioi`is: cause the' tulil •btilbs. ~ere paid 'Thi, was' left to,a eomrnittee to ' fora in. advance. Word' has been; decide: received that. the p shi; ment has l'• 1TrI.�,, A -da. 'Webste • "sp Ire cif ' left. Holland and .should arrive the platin : for a party for tie' about the beginning :of '.Octobei;, ° •J:unioi° woeiety -to_. be held sr me -. Mr I1oa'.. reported en the: Itirrie' about the' ti ie our. aonnur i'. .` gut Meeting Which' ,was .th iiwcr'.irr . ,is 'held, either a wee' .. . i. , _. r' v i n or week Her: the . flovrer 4 show. •liver thing ••appear . • p ev o s a . y ed a little better this year ,tran hes in mind. • t sing . a hall a:' -yd .' last ,year: The show as a '.,Thole.'. hay organized games • and a' was' a creditable success a'id the fedd: 'Che already had do ia:ions Society . can well, feel proud. of butneeded assistance from . the its at complishments. A ,'discus- :senior society: Monod sion may bring forth ideas 'orJames Henderson seconded by points that could possibly . bet -1 Mr, . Hoag that senior society al- ter the- show' for next year, • locate h$50.00 to the Junior 'Soca New : busi ress , brought .a,1 ety fer*their Darty. Carried., iscussion about photographic l (Continued on Page 3) tl afteire a •