The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-14, Page 4THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, aticNow, oNliMuo • 'v WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 14th, 190' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES =-- First° Insertion 2:c per word; minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, : 11/2c per word, minimum 4Qc.; Notices; .Cards .of Thanks- and Coming Events, . minimum. 75c. In Memoriams, minimum $1..00.. 25c. extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 1 Oc for each bill rendered.:°. FOR SALE FOR SALE -1954 Plymouth se- dan, A-1 a condition, phone 41, Lucknow, R. FORSALE--used, 22" range, re- cgnditioned. Greer TV and, Elec • tide,- •Lucknow. • FOt". : SALE 1951, Plyniouth sedan, :good. • condition, ' Harold ..1Elliott, phone Ripley 23-r-:11.•:. ' FOR. STALE—threshed. straw, Dan • .McInnes li, 1, Holyrood, phone 8-r-30, .Ripley. •, ADVANCE. • SALE ' of ':Western, Fair ' tickets "now available at The Sentinel Office.' FOR SALE' LIVESTOCK—Bought and sold, all kinds. •Phone 41 Lucknow or 77-r-1, Dungannon, • WOOD FOR SALE—good hard. maple wood, in. truck load lots, also. hardwood. slabs,. 'softwood slabs and sawdust in any 'quant- ity. , quant-ity.. Bruce MacMillan; Lucknow. WOOD. FOR SALE -hard maple and elm . slabs, . truckload lots of: about 4 x cords, .also 'sawdust, wood delivere d free of charge within radius ' of 12 miles. 'Spence' Irwin, phone , 171 Lucknow... LOST - SALE—one-piece snowsuit - T - • a.:black year-old heif"- "size; one. two-piece :boy's' snow- era,: 'strayed from the farm ' of. y suit, sizethree Mrs,^`Leo'Huber ' Glenwood •CantFb ,ell, 10th Con= .cession, Ashfield,phoneDun-- , gannon 84r-11. • FOR SALE -105i Pontiac, . 'suit able ::for parts or. could.be . fixed Edward . McCienaghn phone.. 170J 'Lucknow, FOR ' SALE- medium. sized oil - burner, contact: Walter.; Arnold,' Ii.R. ,Z .Lucknow, phone Dungan- non 64-r`2 • • FOR ` SALE• -,-1956 Dodge.:• Auto- matic . Y-8 Crusader, Tush button radio, phone .. 262W,. Les . Ballen- tine: allen-tine:` FOR . SALE' — Combination screen and .glass storm .door,; two wheeled. phone tra` er hone. 141 or , > , contact ` Jim Boyle.. FOR SALE` " . six -room house, modern conveniences, ; in ' `.St, Helens, . auply ' at .The Lucknow Sentinel. WE 'B1 JY POULTRY' W .he ou • have 'poultry .to "sell .• n.Y .Y • contact Charlie... Scott, • Auburn; Phone --collect- 7- 4.- Auburn... • �. . • FOR SALE 1952 Dodge'•sedan, good condition.':throughout, ..four new tires; 'also set, of • snow ' tires, priced reasonably; ..call' after 5:30 p.m; ,Albert Morton; Lucknow., • FOR SALE Sunshine heavy: duty .electric stove,' 4 burners, : in good repair.:J'ames; . Hodge,. R. 2 ' • iolyrood, ' phone" Bervie • 2346, •COMI NG EVENTS: .APRON SLE, TE,QI Don't forget our Sale of Ap. • rons ,and Afternoon Tea in Aux- iliary Monis on Saturday, Octo- ber. 8th at 2;30:- Came and meet. your friends and help make this sale a big success for the :Ladies. 'Tea' will be. served all afternoon so some in and. relax 'after shop- ping, • RECEPTION AT LUCKNOW -A 'reception in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Russel` Alton (Eliza- beth MacDonald)' . will he held on Friday,. September '23rd • in the Lucknow Legion Hall. Boyd's Orchestra: Everybody welcome. TEEN DANCE, BINGO HA'RBOURLITE INN Goderich every Saturday night 9' to. 12, Hi -Teen record dance. with .Mon- te Snider . of , C KNX,. admission 5,0c per. person, Every, Wednes- day Lions_, Club, bingo, first game' at 8:30 p.m. ' • . 'RECEPTION.. FRIDAY .A • reception will be held on ' Friday, • September 16th, in the Legion Hall; Lucknow, for Mr; and 'Mrs. Bruce Thomson (Mau-' reen Leddy), 'newlyweds. ,Boyd's' orchestra, everyone welcome. GREY and 'BRUCE LAND ,'USE« DAY. Friday, September .23rd, .1960 1:30 p.m -.. Iii IIRHAM . 'FAIR ' ,�G►R.OUNDS •, :Demonstration: on land use, & SERVICES • ' farm ` planning; Learn how: ' to. - classify and evaluate the ,soil on CUSTOM" BUTCHERING . ` , your farm. Beef and pork ` sold in any • Notice' : To Creditors quantity:. Custom butchering . in Government' licensed abattoir Pigs. every 'TuesaaY. .Beef ' from Monday throng .. Thursday , ; •• • BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET. .,, FILTER QUEEN ' Sales and Ser . Vice,' repairs to all . makes-': of vacuum; cleaners. ' Used cleaners of all. makes for •sale' Roberti* K. Peck,., Varna, 'telephones' .Hensall. 696-r-2. SEPTIC TANKS. Septic, Tanks, cess 'pools., etc., purmped: andcleaned with mod- ern equipment. All . work • guar- anteed. Louis Blake, A. 2 Brus- sels,''phone..42-r6 :Brussels B : ER .CAR` UY S Our Low .Cost Financing ,Plan will help` you make a 'better,. deal:' See us for 'details now BEFORE you ' buy. J. A. McDonagh • Insu ; ranee, phone 306 Lucknow. In' the: Estate' of; RICHARD. RICHAIRDS Deceased,; All persons' having claims against the . Estate 'of. Richard Richards, late of :. the Township of Huron, in' the County .of`:' Bruce, , Retired Farmer, deceased; :who died on • or about • the'. 31st day. ,of • Juiy: 1960, :are hereby' :: notified to send. in to the undersigned •.Solicitor for the Executors, on' or before. the •30th day of 'September, .1960, Rill particulars of their claims. Immediately after .the . said date, the assets will be distributed amongst *the : parties; '; entitled 'thereto, having ..• regard, only • to the claii'hs ; of which the Exeeu'' tors shall ,then have notice..' Dated .at' Lucknow; :Ontario,: this • 10th day' of September, .1960. • R. :W. ANDREW, ' Notice To Creditors • IN. THE; ESTATE:' OF JAMES IRWIN, . ALL PERSONS having, .claims ,against the estate of the above " mentioned. late ' of . the, Township of Huron, County of Bruce,•Betired Farmer, who died on the ' '21st day' of July, 1960, 'are required to • file proof' of same with the undersigned' on or before; the 24th day of Septem- ber, • 1960. • ' After that date the • Administr- ator with *ill annexed will pro- ceed to . distribute the estate hav- ing regard only to the claims of which he.. shall then have had notice ` ' ' • DATED' at Wingham, this Third day of September,, A.D..1960. Crawford • and Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, • 1 Solicitors for the Adininistrator ,with will annexed, Listowel, Ontario?. : Solicitor for the' .'Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS' • In the .Estate of JAMES P. FORSTER Deceased: ' ' All Npersons ' having • claims, against the. Estate of James B. Forster, a late of the Township of West,• Waw.anosh,. in the. County. of ' Huron; Retired Farmer, de- ceased? who -died on . or . about the 28th :day', of '• June, 1960, are hereby' notified to send .in to. the undersigned Solicitor • for the Executor, on :or before the 24th day of Septernber,,1960, full par- ticulars of their claims Immedi- ately after` the said •date, the as- sets ;. of the. Estate ' will be .dis- •tributed' arnongst the ' parties . en- ,titled thereto, having .,' regard only .to :the' 'claims'. of -which the. Executors,'shall .then have notice. Dated at Lucknow;' Ontario, 'this, 27tli day `of •August, 1960. • R. W. ANDREW, •, Listowel,' Ontario, ` A.. Solicitor :for :the Executgr • WANTED WANTED—astee whee ... l wagon, .must be in : good condition, Glen Walden,. phone 198, Lucknow. COOK WANTED :-- also: nursing help at Lucknow Nursing, Home, phone 129R. • WANTED A srnali house for 'rent, in.;or around Lucknow, call. Ervin 'Howald, ,R.. 5 Lucknow,, phone ,Lucknow 209-r-12. .CLERICAL : HELP .WANTED - Applications WANTEDApplications ' will be received until Monday, . September 10th,'. for clerical help. for High Scholl Principal; • a ..maximum, • of 12. hours ;per .Week,, Lucknow Dis- trict High School..'Board,, W. R. Howey, . Chairman. . WANTED—Flockowners, to.',:sup-• ply 'us. with .hatching.: eggs. C11 breeds' required.' Eggs, taken from some ;breeds every week in the year. We pay :up to 35c'per :dozen more than the market price fore good hatching eggs. For full details, write — TW^DDLE CHICK HATCHERIES ': LIMIT- ED, FERGUS, • ONT., ' REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED �e: have a much • Wneeded ser - vide' for farmers .as well as" town' and 'city dwellers. We require a representative "itin your ' area.. A. • c is essential : ' ar t and'• the man -, _. s el ected will :have the, opportunity to establish himself in . a business, that pays well : and has repeat. `business" coming . :iii regularly. This ., is a full time position 'but 'we Will. start a man on ' a part tithe . "earn 'as you learn" ..plan.:. "Write. at once for full• informa-' ton to .:;Sales Manager, 'Bok 817,'. London, Canada. ., CARD,OF THANKS N. S ' NOTICE• TO CREDITORS In .the. Estate of . WILLI 4- {J. 1•` would Tike':to:' take this op- DOUGLAS Dece sed: ' • • partunity to:thank' all., those who. a { .,;remembered _me with `cards, let - All persons : 'having' ClarhS. .ters,, "tiflowe . fruit and other against the. Estate'.of"-Williani��3�.; t's': • ,,., gifts: also ,visits, '. while..1 was • a 'Douglas, late of ' . the Village of Lucknow in the • • Count {' `of patient in •Victoria Hospital; al'. Bruce,' • Retired . Mailman )who ` so• those who helped out at• home ' while 'I was. away and since Ctn- . died on or ' about the '.15t1 •,day, Drs. home. Special thanks to D . $riens.:;and,McGlaughlin and' the Staff of nurses on 5th. floor. • ' Mrs. Charles :.Hallam. of May,'.196.0, are hereby' notified. to: send lin: •to the undersigned Solicitor for theExecutors, on or before the 24th,‘ : day' of ''Septen .ber, 1960, full particulars of: their claims. Immediately'- after the, said . date, . the • assets of' .thes Es- tate .will be ,distributed amongst theparties entitled thereto, hay - in re and onl t th • 1 i ' of which, the Executors shall then Remember,`, it ;.•' takes but .. a moment to • : •place • ' a Sentinel' Want Ad and be money in oc ,e o • ;: just p otic . R. W. ANDREW •.• AUCTION `SERVICE Dated at' Lucknow;:, Ontario, 'this Allan MacInt re P 27th day of August; 1960.• • y. k t T advertise ust h 35 ' Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, Phone •281" .after' 8:0.0' pat. ' r' TWO: LOCATIONS 'available for your Purchase of single copies of •Tlie LueknoW Sentinel ''are. • .George's . Snack, Bar' or the . Sen - TIRES!. TIRES!! All types: of'tractor• tires, sold • and serviced,' lowest prices, .also complete selection of • ' all types of :tires.: Bruce , MacMillan, .tinel Office. Lucknow. • FOR • SALE `: •—, three ell bath en ear wndmil1 heads an o e P g • AUTOMOTIVE pump jack, a three-way Beatty , .pump, and a kitchen range, : coal P or wood. William • Fitzpatrick,1 • .phone. _Dungannon 12-r-3.; Is Your Subscription'Paid? `04L C ET.. items suo?n as. watch, _ . es, transistor radios, pipes, bill- folds, trucker's •wallets and other item's too ••numerous, to mention, shop at George's Snack ,Bar, Geo. •.Farrish, prop., phone, 162, Luck now. HOUSE FOR SALE in Lucknow, large kitchen, dining room and living room, 3 bedroonjs . 3 -piece bath, oil ,furnace, well 'situated,. in good• • state • of repair, full price, $7,600.• One-half cash.,Cort-' • ,tact William S. Reed, , Real Es-- tate Broker phone. 292* Wing - ham. FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 12th • • concession Ashfield, • 95 acres workable,. 5'acres' bush, 9' room solid brick house, bank barn ' 40x60, hydro and running water. Property of the late Mur- do 1Nlatheson, write or phone W. It. Matheson, Chesley, phone 460, evenings 267W, • .G'lass-Steering--,Body ,Repairs; • ' . Lubrication, etc.. • For , Quality Service, , see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO • • SERVICE • phone 320 Goderich No. 8 Highway • 'LOANS, On any type of ;property '— Fast .service anywhere. DEI.,RAY INVESTMENTS .450-A Wilson Ave.,' ' ME 3-2353 Downsview, Ont.' • ATTENTION. FARMERS DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Highest ' Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled. Fenn .Animals ' For Fast •Sani)ary Removal CALL TOM, FOX' Ripley' 154-20 ;Collect Mrs,, Gordon Fisher would like to thank all • those who remem .bered herin many various :ways while • she 'was a patient' in' Wing - ham Hospital. All these 'remem- branceswere much appreciated. ,NOTICES. The ' regular Health ' Clinic for .Pre-school . children and infants Listowel, Ontario, : will`b'e..held in the Legion. Hall • WATERLOO . Solicitor for the Executors on Tuesday, September,: .20th • ' 'from '10:00 to 11:00. a.m. . CATTLE *.BREEDING , ASSOCIATION CA:RD.OF. .THANKS:. "Where Better' Bulls Are 'Used" . ' ,,,I would like:to o thank ' all our friends 'and. neighbours for .acts of kindness and messages ., of Sympathy • during, my bereave- ment. I would `thank . also Drs.fber 17th, ,at the residence at 1:30 Corrin; and Finlayson, , and. . the be a staff of Wingham and Victoria .Pia Included in . sale will Hos ital: Spencer ' Pian • o,, safe•, dining. r`oorn •suite Hospital. McFarlane and all household a uipment. • l . e' •stment• I would ,like to, thank friexids Property offered fo'r sal , i o reserve ',bid 'at 3:00 p.ni, Sale and neighbours who sent' cards, , Will ' be. Neild •in t'he arena • in flowers .and; gifts and all'those sita1 Specia tianksta`DrFin-; x3cioneer - _.case ofrain. Well Henderson,who visited, file. while in,the. hos Jayson ' and the staff of the RUBBER STAMPS' of. ' all kinds; Wingham 'Hospital . All . these. made to your :specifications, are kind ,acts were very much ap- available at The Lucknow Sen- preciated. • Mrs. W. J. Robb: tinel, phone 35. , ARTIFICIAL' INSEMINATION : SERVICE is. provided from bulls of all breeds. We. are farmer. :owned and controlled and operate at cost. . .• Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 sand 9:30, a.m. week. days 6:00. and 8:00; p.m. ,Saturday, •• evenings. •• For service or more info matin , call- , • . ;�.` Clinton Zenith 0-5650 or. Collect Kincardine 460 DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST CASH ;PRICES Paid. •.fore Sick; Down. or • Disabled Cows & Horses • also Dead Cows and Horses at • Cosh Value ' Old horses 4c' per pound GORDON TAYLOR . Phone 44-r-24, Lucknow ILA. 3 Lucknow 24-hour service AUCTION SALE ..Clearing Auction Sale •of. household 'effects and,' property .of—the late Elizabeth' Cong.ram will' •ibe;held Saturday;• Septem- THAT• GIVES. YOU .MORE THE STORE, . BONELESS •OVEN READY PICNICS Ib,, SLICED BOLOGNA lb., Y : •SCHNEIDERS- SHORTE'NJNG: I1A 45c 39c. 25,c CL,JSTOM' KILLING TO YOUR SATISFACTION :Phone '41.. .