The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-14, Page 3yrEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14th, 19 64 . - bwM - THE: ',LUCiICNQW ' :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE, THREI SAVES Yu MONEY EVERY DAY eve! . 5aye! Save! at Red and White: INSTANT QUAKER OATS (or Quick) CULVERHOUSE CHOICE PEAS Large pkg. Save 3c .. 39c 20 OZ : , 2 LIPTON TEA BAGS C0's,Sive 6c.. 73c ZIP DOG FOOD 15, oz. ' tins, Save 9c • i' 35c AYLMER VEGETABLE SOUP' 10 oz., Save 2,c. ° , :. , , , :, ...; . ,3' fox 39c GEM : MARGARINES 1's, Save 10c 3 for 67C 8 dor. 69c : SUNSPUN ICE CREAM, pint. 25c., ?HONE .26:: -,- FREE ( DELIVERY. L�iaj&Genera! • Miss Ma rilyn: Kilpatrick, was a. weeki end'.:guest at the cottage of ':Mrs. Elizabeth ..`Suter and; family. ,• Mr, and"Mrs..: Fletcher , of 'Seat • • BID. FARE;WELL That Life's clock is set But once and behind you TO. YOUNG PEOPLE No one can forget • • .: That none has the power To say when its hands: ' , Shall come to the hour' When" all silent it stands. So faithful let's .be In all _things that we "do; Though yearsthat we see May ' be ' many or few. We trust that in thought You'll return to this kirk And lessons here taught May' inspire your good' ' work. The "Faith and Fellowship Group" of: South Kinloss. 'met in the church .on Saturday evening for a ' special 'meeting. Philip aiinnd , W. F. MacDonald gave. -the op- ening ''iprayer. The scripture les- son Was • read by Mrs. Tom .Mac- Kenzie, ,.meditation : upon it giv- en by Mrs. 'Douglas Graham' and. prayer by ;Mrs. H. ,Lavin. Philip Steer accompanied. • by Mrs. •H, Buckton • sang •' •" God will take careof you." Following;' this.: the guest .spea- ker was introduced, Mr. Dave Keith . of , Teeswater who gave talk on, on.: his • recent trip 'to Eu- rope' as .,a Presbyterian delegate to, the Youth Assembly held in Switzerland with representatives PASSED AWAY SUNDAY Mrs. Archibald ' MacMurchy,, age 76, .of Ashfield. Township„ passed 'away at Wingham Gener- al Hospital on Sunday.. Funeral, services were held ..Wednesday at. 11 a.m. , from the' :JohnstoneFuneral .Home with from. 45 countries. He showed a.;burial' that' afternoon in the film• '-'strip' of . travels which in- Presbyter an-C-emetery at woad- cluded visits. to. France, England ctnr11 r and Scotland . with • interesting views of the.. Agricultural reg- ions of those countries. Mrs. Steer had; him show . 'some slides she acquired' on her visit'•to .Eng- land the past sunimer showing the' Royal' Wedding • and London in gala attire for that event. !Ilene . Burt ' gage . an ac cordian ;selection and Mrs; Ira Dickie. conducted a Bible Contest. Mrs: Evan Keith called three of 'the' young -folk who • are' leaving to. the front and • , addressed ' thern F•I.FTY-OWN E YEARS :resented each with a' travellin p g 1VIrs. • Archibald McFarlane alarm; Clock ;in an. attractive Mr, and .Mrs. Hector Pun ,LIVED I N `. K I NL OSS family 'of'• Sarnia spent • Labour Day week -end with . his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex ,'Purdon.. .After ;spending : 61% .'weeks in Victoria Hospital, London, Fred. :We':b 'has returned to Wingham Hospital. • tle and Mr. :and . Mrs, Lainb of ' Guelph,- spent the, week -end at' D . C•, ; Kngsbury's, ''Lucknovi�. •Miss• Agnes MacKay `of .Lon- don spent a • couple' of days last week with , Mr. and 'Mrs... Alex Ptrdon. Misses. Dawn and Judith' Ste- GUEST to Mr: and Mrs.' Ed wart returned' to their ;home in: gar • Giiest, a son,' Eric.. Dwayne Guelph. after:. spending their hol- on September 2nd `in, Uranium. A idays with relatives . !here and' City Municipal Hospital, Sask., :with -friends at 'a cottage at-In4,j Died` •on .Septerilber 3rd, 1960.. verhuron. i Mr. and Mrs: Harry :Baisley of Danbury, � � 'r Lorne anbury, "'Conn:, • Mit. Webster of Seaforth. visited re- Gently :with, Mr. and ter Alton, Ashfield. , , Jim •McNaughton; son of Mr.' and Mrs., Jim .McNaughton; was •.. in Vl1 ingh�m .. Hospital' : from': fihusday to .Sunday: He was ab -1 ie to • return • to • 'school Monday., Mr. , and Mrs. Alfred Martin (Florence . MacDonald)' and son' Jack:from .Shaunavon, Sask., are visiting at the, batter's • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacDonald of Lucknow. • • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stewart, Judy of Guelph, acconipanied:- by Mrs. W Drennan wh' was visit• -' ung there 'returned . ,home Sun= day, aha attended the H ckett lathering'%of . • the, late Mr.. and'. Mrs. Joseph Hackett:' Visitors • at the home of Mr. • and Mrs, Don Steeves over • thea Week -end : were Mr. and' • Mrs. Alvin Daunheimer . and Linda of: Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Rhindress, Valerie .•:arid• Terry of Kitchener,aren�.Arnold.. and 'Tot Collyer of Luckno'w. On •Sunday afternoon, all went' up' to• the lake anddid some boating. and water skiing with Mr:: Daun-. heimer's boat. _. FLAKE . At . VtWingham' General Hospital, on Sunday, 'September Mr :How - :4th, 1960, to •Mr: and s afd; Blake, R.R, 7,. Lucknbw, a son. LOWRY At Wirignhar General Heispital, on 'Monday, September 5th, 1960, to Mr...'arid'Mrs::,Perrin •l .ow.ry,. R.4..1; .Kincardine., ,a. son. JOHNSTON �-• Bruce and' Joyce' 'Johnston. annouce the arrival of i son, •.Day.id ;Bruce, on' ,Saturday, Septernbe'r. : 3rd,•. 1960, . at St. Joseph's Hospital; London. ENGAGEMENTS, The engagement is • announced •Alice, Margaret, ' ;daughter. of • Mrs. Haldenby, Lucknow; • and the , late Howard Haldenby, , to Lloyd Edward, • son' of Mr. and Mrs.. 11/Mlvin Husk,'ll;R. 2 Holy - i ood., The Marriage will 'take place in Kinlough•.:, Anglican Church, October' lst, Mr. and Mrs.. J.arnes Pedan of Toronto, ..announce the engage- ment of their. daughter,. Avnet - t e Yr onne, top•John Victo Mac- Lennan;"son ot� M1:, arfd 'Emile MacLennan, Lochalsh. the `marriage'will take place, at f the Airways, Mal on Ontario; on September: 24th. Our Lady o Out of town :callers "" at the' • ' Mrs, • Otte , Jour sma h Mr. and home of Jessie and Annie at wish. • to ',jinni ounce the engage- Kay wire, Misses maccrimmon, mtnt o,f her• daughter, Dini, to Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs: Ste- Mr, Will iam ' • Rursscl Nethery, Wart J7ewar, Wheaton,' Illinois,' son of N' anti Mrs. Christopher Mia• • Clauson, Omaha; Nebra- ' Nethery of Belgra e. The rnarr -. ska, .Miss '•• Lottie Armstrong, age.will 'take place on. Saturday, lonTri, Mr. .Torn fi:oss, Toron-, 5c li'mber 24th:: Receptioti: at •'8 tot Mr, and. Mrs. Allan Stewart, p• I? Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. • Ray , ; ` ' • Mermen s, _Toronto, Miss'',Bvelyn Mr.• and Mrs, John S. MacDon Kennedy, Bedford Ohio, Mrs. ald, Ripley, wish to announce the' Ben - ' ,. engagement . of. their daughter,' Ruttle,. .Kincardine, Mrs. engage . .. - Eu- Aibe„, T°Wnsori Sudbury, ' Mrs. C Doris Colitic to Mr,. Elgin Albert Fritz Listowel, Mr.. and i gene Dunlop, son... of Mr and Mrs,' Bol,' Ross Toronto 'Nis, P. Mrs, Clarence Dunlop, Huron•; Button, Saskatche•t�van Rev, and ' Township. The wedding will, yrs, Wall ► e . in `St. Andrews Unit l Wallace McClean, Elrn�vale, lake plac and ed Church, l ipley°, ember,, fir, Mrs. Peter MacKinnon: � Septe- ]lint Michigan.. 1 lith, 1960. 'at 2 p.m. I• while Mrs. Lloyd. .MacDougall • case. Sandy MacKenzie goes • to Death'• came sudden ,to Mrs. ' Archibald .. McFarlane : of Kinloss' Buckton to Toronto` University- TQwnship in • Victoria . Hospital, and Helen . Campbell to. Kitchen - London, 'on' September. •4th: Al- er� Business jCollege. Mr. Keith, though she had been in •• poor. was.,' presented with a gizft, and health for a , period `;of Years,. thanked. ' Mrs., . Tom ' MacKenzie Mrs. McFarlane was' hospitalized voiced the gratitude of the Par - 'for only a day, '.in Winghani and eats for those interested in the died shortly after. admittance'. to young folk and 'Miss :Dean Mae - :London hospital: Leod closed the . `meeting " with Mrs McFarlane was" . the for prayer • Lunch was : served by suddenly .Western University, London, Bill mer Mary A•nn. Wall, daughter "'the ladies. Dear Member . of• Fellowship Group", of the late Edward Wall land, 'Margaret Smith, and was. born in Kincardine Township 'on Oc tober • 31st, .. 18)36.. On ;• 'December 22nd, , :1909, she.: harried • Archi bald McFarlane in Culross Twp: and fors. the •'past 'fifty-one years has, continued to live on the. home • farm• east' of Kinlough, And . ;must not . be slighted Mr: McFarlane, •' predeceased her With goals Yto • be " won. • eight ; months ;ago, a few ,days. you to knew.before they would' have cele-Wewant That our. thoughts will . attend. J brited their 50th wedding anni- , you versary. As onward you ,go '.. ' „Mrs. McFarlane . was an, activeWith. Faith's 'shield to t rnember of Kinlou ugh Presb'yteri . yo. , . `,`Faith and That sodn you' must leave us We all• are , aware: And :you ..must .believe .Us.� In..'saying • we care. The: cross-roads you've sighted. Where paths . beckon on . !I an Church :as ' long a,s 'health per- 'rrmi'tted...She was, a: member, of th'e Women's Missionary Socie •ty. • Surviving : is . one •son, Spencer McFarlane,- on. •the' home farm: two brothers;• Joseph L. Wall of Lucknow' and William : E. ' Wali of .Kincardine. Besides herhus- ''band, she was predecease& by a brother, `John H. Wall, Culross: Funeral service was • held.' from the MacKenzie Memorial . Chapel? in • Lucknow, on September 7that 2:30 .to` Greenhill Cemetery.. Rev.. T. J. McKinneywas assis- ''ted'-in the service by Rev., Ben-' son Co*.. Pallbearers were Tho;. Ben - , Donald' McEwan, Per ,ry I odgins; Ezra' Stanley,, Alex Percy '.and John” E. Hodgins:, �'F'Iow;er 15'e��`er� ii�"ere-••- '%�arolfl:- Percy, Ivan McFarlane, .Barry; Richardson,'. Jack Barr:,' ' Donald Bushel arid Fred Guest. Victoria= )!Vi ns on Band ' � . ..r... 'The Victoria Mission Band Of the Presbyterian Church met ori • Monday ," afternoon,, September' 12th' in the Sunday School Room with ' 23' girls and .boys present. After the• opening hymn the motto was read in unison. Bev- erley MacDonald led in prayer 'and Mary Finlayson. gave a pia- no solo. Two short films were shown, the scripture • for the first being read by Donnie John- ston with Mary ".Finlayson, read- ming the second: Donnie, NLacDon- ald and John Henderson took up the collection.. The closing: pray- :r'was taken by. Ronnie• Stanley. and the meeting ei.osed with the theme, • We reckon that .often Time .conscious ; you'll be And your cares we :would , soften With . foresight. you see. • This .clock -it 'will :never , l,.et .:you stayin bed if you should be ever Forgetting:' your• head ` And just how delightful Can be ° early :: rising.. That makes you 'not. frightful •Of any 'devising._ But we.would remind, you. defend. • HOLYROOD' WW1: TAPE, BICYCLES The ; September meeting of Holyrood Women's' Institute' was held in the hall with Mrs.. Lorne Eadie. 'and Mrs. Mark Johnston as' hostesses/ The president, Mrs. • Morgan : Johnston, was . in the chair. • Meeting opened with the Ode and. the Mary': Stewart Collect. All ,the in school sections 2, 3;,: 4 in Kinloss • •and Westford school in Culross were japed Wednesday, September 6. Edna Boyle was • appointed representa- . tive' to . District 'annua l to. be . held in Walkerton: with ':.Mrs, Frank 1Vlaulden . as.: alternate. • • 'Mr, C. R. Bristow from Duck now was 'guest' speaker;'.showing different floral ` •arrangements.. He was • presented with a gift by. Mrs. Lorne' 'Eadie. • The 2 groups: of 4. • Girls put on a demonstra- tion. emonstra- tion. Other programme numbers were a duet by. Karen . Carruth ern and June,Ackert;. solo, Diane Hewitt; readings, Mrs. • Lorne Eadie:. . Lunch was . served by cominittee in charge. • Lyceum ;Theatre WiNGHAM, . Two 'Shows Eachy, Night Commencing'' at 7;15' p.m.,. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 15, 16, 17.. Betty Hutton, Cornel Wilde, Charlton Heston, Dorothy Lamour James Stewart, Gloria Grahame,' in • THE ;GREATEST ..SHOW ” ON EARTH •The circusin all its spendour.... Tliis. is• truly the greatest:.show, on earth. • - ' Gr°DESICH TRE��' • *Now Playing --``The S.tbry sbf Ruth'' -In, scope & color; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 19; 20, . 21. One .show Only• Each Nig ht Starting' 'At 8 o'cloIt :. James', Stewart — Vera Miles and Murray Hamilton Technicolor-=His Greatest Picture—A Documentary "THE F.B.I. STORY" • Thursday, Friday, ,Saturday,' September '22, 23+24 '. "THIRTEEN. GHOSTS" TO each. atrona 'ifn r T pp ' pair of g rrlcli glasses rnith wrhCb. to.• see, or not see, • the ghosts., Donald" Woods—Jo Morrow and rt •s pine shrieking Corning --• Judy I-lolliclay and Dean Martin In "Bells Are Ringing" Scope and Color. . ++i , ++y. r -. ••4 ••••-. • • i�.