The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-07, Page 12} THE •LUC1{NOW SENTINEL;. LIVOKNGW,ONTARIO Just Arriyed Anil Th:e Time Now Is. MINIATURE .TARTANS in the new 1960 Fall shades, _,., .,.. .. •. $1.98 In .Gordon, Black' Watch, Ancient Maclntyre, Cameron Highland,, . Tantain,, :.Ancient MacDonald; • VIYELLA McKenzie,. Tartans FLANNEL . '36 . inches' . in Dress Stuart . andGordon.' , $2.98 yd... PRINTED CORDUROY in colors gold and green. 36 inches wide, Yard ., ... $1.89 & $1.95. PRINTED CREPE, dress lengths in _. brown,. green' lilac ..... .. $1.89 yd. ALL WOOL ' PLAID,' 54.: 60" wide, suitable .for ' ;I yard skirt lengths in various ,tartans. DAN IkIVER COTTONS, fall shades of brown and green .. $1..29, $1.35 and, $.1.39 .yard.' . ENGLISH WOOL TWEEDS—Back , to school clothes for skirts, jumpers, jackets, rich fall tones to choose.. from in brown, `green, ' toast, width 5 8 , ..." $4.50 yd. PRINTED .FLANNELETTE --ideal for pyjamas, night- les and children's ; sleepwear for •fall, stripes, rosebuds and . noveltyP: patterns. :. ,..' 49c ' and 69c. yard.: AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS free: Pick -Up and Delivery Monday and Thursday LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR WEDNESDAY, _ SEPT. 7th, 1960 EA HEREWILL Kenneth; Elphick,; :Lucknow, sis W. t 1 ter-in-lawof the bride and Miss Mary • Helen 'Smith; Goderich,• LIVE `�N; TORONTO sister of .the groom..Tliey wore OMB ELPHICK St.' Peter's Anglican Church,, Lucknow, decorated : with pink and white gladioli: was : the set- ting Of a. pretty August wedding when Denelda Irene Elphick Was ton, Lucknow, niece of the :bride, unrated un Marriage with William was flawergirl wearing a. dress Vernon Smith.' The bride is the of pale blue'''nylon; younger , daughter of ' Mr, and Mr. ' • John . P Kane, of : Sarnia; Mrs, John tD Elphick, Lucknow, 'was groomsman , and the. :ushers and the •groom is the only son of were Mr. Melvin Smith, of Tor - Mr: and Mrs. •W, ' Vernon Smith, onto, and: Mr Harold ' Elphick, Goderieh, Rev : H. L. Jennings Lucknow. officiated at the 'double -ring' ce- ', Thee •reception was 'held 'at, the remony and Mrs:; Fred' McQuil Canadian Legion ' Hall,, Lucknow. Ian played the traditional wed The bride's . mother received the ding music:, , • • guests wearing ' a gown of tur- • The bride chose a fibor-length quoise brocaded taffeta, ' with gown . of white silk organza over white accessories and . -a corsage taffeta. The sweetheart neckline of .white mums. The , groom's and ; cap sleeves were appliqued: mother • wore a gown of. Iceland with:•French lace and embroider- blue silk, •with ,white accessories ed with seed 'pearls. Her snoul and .a corsage. of pink carnations. der -length' veil of French' ..11u- ,For a wedding trip through sion was held by a, cap. of pearl . Michigan and : Northern Ontario trimmed organza. She carried the bride donned a: navy blue a cascade bouquet of gardenias two-piece sheath dress with and whiter"oses. ' : white accessories •and a• corsage • Miss Elizabeth Anne:, Stobo,: of of pink roses. Teeswater, was,maid of honor The young couple will reside and the "bridesaids were 'Mrs. in Toronto.'. dresses of blue silk organza over taffeta, featuring : portrait ' col- lars, and white feather hats and carried bouquets of pink :and. white . carnations. Linda Hamil 1 SES' BY T SENTINEL• THAT Elliott Whitby *found an 1849 US.. Penny while digging potatoes in . their gardenbe- hind the Catholic Church. THAT .when public relations re- presentative, . Purdon Love, makes his annual call . at The Sentinel' Office, you !know Western Fair time can't be far away. Mr. //Love is a: personal' friend. of Jim Mitchell of Lon_ I' don, a 'former Lucknowite. THAT Mrs. Rebecca Agnew, of 1 • -Kirkland Lake informs us of I; a change of address to 45 Park Ave and says she would ; wel come a visit from .any of her •Lucknow friends Mrs Agnew = I t ME -=A )7- NE CREADEL 1D djoi ngj:Luc now, all new: siding, aluminum storm, doors and win- dows, .immediate . possession. BRICK' HOME t,, apartments with separate' heavy wiring,nice location, • priced for ,quick sale, and on terms, HOME ON HAVELOCK ST., has all conveniences and` one ` of the best locations,: possession to • suit purchaser;; NUMBER OF FARMS .well located in Lucknow district.': Farms and Business Property For Sale 'throughout Western Ontario List your property with • Western Ontario's Fastest Growing Real Estate• WARREN' L. STEVENSON Real Estate, .Mount Porest: Contact , JOHN HALL SALESMAN' Lu oVp IhAM .or. PREM. on SALE.. • • Pork • • Luncheon Meat. 12 oz, HIGHLAND. PRIDE COFFEE ' 'Qur''' Exclusive Top Seller; Feature, Pound, THREE -FRUIT MARMALADE. Save 10c., Rose Brand. Large. 24 " oz. ; Special. Jar. SODA ' CRACKER ' SALE. • Save 8c. • •Weston's Salted .or • Plain. Feature. Pound.. - urns 31c CREAM STYLE CORN. Save 8c. • . 15 o. Bargain. 8.. t l ns $I.:• ,Summer Pride:. Choicez • . _. a>rg. ,HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL :FRESH . FRUITS; VEGETABLES. CHECK THESE VALUES; PEACHES, POTATOES, PEPPERS, CELERY, SPICES • added:' "This is a good place • `. ' Values Effective tolive and I am quite happy but' get 'a pang when T think September 8 9, 10. of . good: old: Lucknow and all the good.' people there." • . THAT Mr and Mrs. G. D. Kirk A . We Sell For' Less Phone 119, • Luck:ow THAT . MrsBob Hamilton •.' was• the winner of a $50.. regular who are residing in the . Gord- game at Teeswater Lions Bin on Brooks house have'a family go on 'Friday.. of three. Wayne is in Grade 13, ,THAT ' Mrs.. Charles Hallam : of Allan in Grade 11 and Eleanor town underwent : a thyroid op - in Grade 54 in, Public ' School; Y P Their; 'son' Allan' g is 40in aa- eration in , Victoria' Hospital,. ' on y vanced work in music. During weLonekdon; Mon , 'and is convadalescingof fa -last the .summer he attended . the vorably; and was able to: come home Monday. on a. , scholarship, . which . quali- r Bed him as 'a teacher of piano 1 PUAT Mrs. H E Ashton moth - -Royal 'Conservatory of music at the age of 15 er ; of Lloyd Ashton of', :town, THAT the Advance -Times has l paid a compliment :to • DeWitt Mill f part xri n er or his :.. ' organiz- ing org aa iz ing the 'W.ingham disfrict..cam.= paign of the Huron. County Cancer :'Society, DeWitt en- listed. the aid of High ,School students . to make the canvass,: and. they did an excellent job: None did. their ` part more thoroughly and `• . successfully than did the students of the Lucknow District High. School. THAT,there have been quite a number . of "star '• . gazers" in this district watching :'for the • balloon -satellite • .. which ' has been "making periodic orbits` of the earth. ' :Appearing as ` a bright star, . its . course is easily followed across the heaven once it is: detected as -being in•' motion; 'THAT a reception: was 'held in- Ripley on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farrah (nee Wendy Rutledge) :.whose mar 'riage tookplace recently 'in 'Ripley • Presbyterian Church: •THAT . at the opening of school Ir: `Edgar Branch. of the High School, staff was still' without a• residence; Mr. "n. d Mrs.: Branch have three', Children,. Bonnie, Wendy and Randy. THAT` •Barry Taylor, 13 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon t Taylor , of ' West' Wawanosh has a broken arm as a result' of ,a recent 'fall. THAT Rev', and Mrs, Howard W. .m_aStrapp . •orad– 7t�•°=--=and .._,- - . Graydon Cox are , motoring to : Edmonton to attend the. Gen eral Council ' . of the , United Church. Rev. Strapp is a coin,',,missiorier from Hamilton Con- ference. On.° 4unday he antici- pates 'taking' part in the serve-. ice at. Weyburn,United' Church where • their son, Rev. Jackson Strapp,is minister, • THAT Mrs. A. E. Durnin, who • is ' tiow• making her home in, Clinton, will have a • private sale of household furniture and . effects on . Wednesday of N neat week at her residence. THAT Mr. and. Mrs.. A. G. Mc- Lead who are' residing in the former Redvers Johnson home have two daughters of public school age, Wendy and Mari- lee. Mr. McLeod is a member of the High School stalff. 4 suffered : a . fall at their cottage at Amberley Beach on Sun- day and ,is . ° in . Wiiigham Hos pital with a broken ' pelvis ,Her husband's death occurred' at the ' Civic Holiday week end. a ' month ago.. THAT Allan Reed • took• : a bus . load from' Lucknow,•• Dungan?. non and' Holyrood .to. the CNE.'; . last Thursday, • THAT" Mrs. ':Ben MoClenaghan Qf. Whitechurch • is : caring for: and acting as a companion to'. ..,Mrs.. .Margaret Dudley ` of tucknow.'. • TiHAI' work ; of •lifting the main street ,Sidewalks,' -` preparatory to' :laying new walks, Commen- ced on ' Tuesday: . Joshua. "Royal Black. Precep- tory, , No 132, Alnberley, receiv- ed' the. prize for : the .largest: pre.= ceptory ` at the :Derry :Day par- ade ' at London..Donald Courtney is the Worshipful Preceptor. ; • .�% OF PREME QUALITY BAKEWARE Buy One at Regular Price Get Another for Only EXTRA 7' if 11' Cake Pan`. Regular , $L i5 Z, for $1.16 8'squarex 2' Cake Pan : Regular:... 2 tor-. 91 9' X 1'i' Pie Plate Regular- .7 ?1. 121' x 15' jke sheet Regular ,$L3S $L36 9' square, Cake Pan Regular • 5.1,00`: 2 ,for ' 1.01 8' x 1'. Pie ; Plate Regular 60' 2 tor. 61 9' diameter Pie Plate; save -all rim' Regular Z for: 9' .1 Yet Cate'"Pan. Regular_ 2 tor, 96 . 614;'. 10' x 15' Jelly Rail Pari Regular,.- 1.15 tor.,.. $1:,76 9' diameter Layer. Cate Pan with cutter "Regular ' y Lin 2 for ' $1.11 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY • PHONE 511. LUCKNOW• _ ��•J Plutpbing, illeatting, Wie1a►g, Eavetiin