The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-31, Page 11• • WEDNES»AY,,, ..41,14. .31st,- 1960; THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ON'TARIO,' WESTERN FAIR PRESIDENT YOU CAN NOW OBTAIN Single Copies Of THE- SENTINEL AT: . •�r THE, . NEWS 'STAND AT George's Snack Bar in Lucknow. The Sentinel ' ' Is • Also Available As Usual At The Sentinel 'Office.. Single Copies 10c MANY AT. SHOWER FOR BRIDE `.ELECT (WHITECHURCH 'NEWS). There . were 140 friends- and .neighbours attended' a shower. on Monday night of last week for Mrs. Jim Young,' the former Jean Martin. Miss. • Louise Irwin was i charge of the program. 1VIrs. Ezra Sholtz gave a . piano solo,.. Miss Edna. Wall also .play=, ed a piano number, Miss Barb-' ara Purdon an • accordian ' solo, Mrs. Millan Moore played ` some. magic :tricks, icks, :Margaret, .Moore & Janice.' Farrier sang .a , duet, Mrs: Dian: Tiffin gave a- contest. and Miss Ann, Rintoul closed the pro - grain • with an address to •the, bride-to-be, The' bride 'was' help- ed to elp-ed`to open her gifts by Marlene Martin .and Kathleen :O'Mally. ;Jean. thanked :her.' 'frierids .and lunch followed ,concluding a pleasant evening. 'The ' rrionthly meeting . of the.. •Whitechurch,' Women's • -Institute will f,be. held ori the 6th of • Sep= tember in the Whitechurch Hall; Wingham and Belgrave are 'iii= vited to attend ':and' Mrs:. Joe McMillan, vice .president of,. Lucknow will givea special .talk. Mr. & :Mrs. Rollin Smith ,and Dwyne :of Redding; , California; visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben MoClenagha n, Mr. Harry McClenaghan sof Winghain. and. Mrs. George • McClenaghan. • ;;1VIr. and: Mrs. Relison' Falconer' and family, of • Sarnia visited. on -Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ceeil F'alconer.: Miss Josie `'Garbutt of Calgary, ,died on the 25 ` of July, She .. oras in her 89th year.: She was a: Sis- ter of Mrs. lyfoKay of Pal- nterston. 1Viiphael maClenaghan .arid 1?aulGeiger of Kitchener are sending the. week at the home of''Mr.. and .Mrs. Ben MoClenag= ban. Mr. and: Mrs.. Eric Elliott and David of 'Ottawa . are spending the week. -end at the home of' Mr. ..and Mrs. Russel Gaunt. Mr. Beth;' Gaunt and Mrs. 'Geo. McClenaghan ' visited on Sunday at :the' :home • of Mr: and Mrs; George , Elliott and •aiso•': at the. home of Tome Elliott of Paltrier ston;� Miss Leah Currie and Miss Joan, Currie: spent the week -end at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. ,Russel Gaunt, Miss Janet Gaunt .and :Mr. Donald ' ,Durstein 'and Miss Angela Patterson . of Tian-' over also spent .: the week -end at • the ..Gaunts. • Mr and Mrsi�-'Charlie`"Martin'` Mr. and .Mrs. ' Cameron, Sinjmoris and family of London, Mr • and. ,'Mrs. 'Donald Eushell and 'family of liolyrood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack illespie : and family of Sarnia, r, and • Mrs, Elroy Laidlaw -and `family) M. . and ' Mrs.. Garnet Farrier and family, Mr. and Mrs, 'Clayton Sholtz of Goderieh, Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, Miss Win- nifred. Farrier, Mr., and : Mrs. Donald ' Gillespie of Holyrood; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Sholtz. • spent Sunday in Teeswater for a. 4'11- '4 'picnic. Mr. and Mrs, Rtussel • Chapman Spent the ,week -end at the home Of Mr.. and Mrs: .Ross Snaith: of'' Toronto, Miss Judy Wilson of London; daughterand Mrs. James Wilson is spending 'a few days at thn hone of Mr.' and. Mrs. KI+N+AHAN-.-Michael and Paul- ine (nee, Jordan) . are very hap- py .to • announce the birth of their son, John Augustine,., on, August 23rd, 1960 in.�St. : . Pauls Hospital, • Vancouver B.C. HOWAL D --In Trenton' Hospital . on '•August 20th to Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Howard .(Dorothy Me Leod') of 'Trenton • : R.0:A.F. , sta tion, :a, sori. BROWN= in Stratford General: Hospital on August to Mr. Mrs. Warren ,Brown of Stratford' and formerly of .Lucknow;; a'son, Steven • . L,,ucas. , a brother 'for Randy. BA ---At the' Wingham Gen=. eral• 'Hospital, . on Wednesday, August: 17th; 1960; 'to Mr. `and Mrs.; Arthur Baker, a con; 1VL.OW13•RAY • — '. At Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital,' •on ',Sunday, August:' 21st?, to''1.tr.' and : Mrs. Bob Mowbray, a sori. Western Fair, London, Sep:texn- ber 12 to 17 belongs, to every resident of Western Ontario, 'states, ' .H. W. Donahue,, 1960. President: of Western Fair.,' 'He. predicts/ laes' . .rural Ur- ban r t g al . and. ban attendance in history, if the weatherman behaves, .and invites all 'Western Ontario to; attend this friendly •and • neigh- borly fair held at London. • PERSONALIZED 'LABELS — 300 with your naive and .address . in plastic dispenser, only- $1., Don Thompson, L,ucknow.' PA+ rI ELEVEN .LIONS :CLUB.. . • Con i encing`at 9 p. �. - $500 SPECIALS 2 - $200 'SPECIALS 12. REGULAR, GAMES FOR: $50 ADMISSION. --$•1, 0+0 • Extra, and. Special Cards- 25c, 5 for FOUR HAD „FORTUNATE` .' ESCAPE AS TRUCK FLIPS A Lucknow, foursome had a fortunate escape from injury on Thursday evening, when .a truck. went out of' control a mile . east of ' Lucknow and flipped • over .on the "Torrances : Hillexnbank•- mnent:. The, truck is owvned by Al Johnston,. Who was a passenger in the;' cab, with .Don 'Sleeves driving. In :the rear of the vehi- cle were 'Tom:; Collyer' and. Lou, Parker The 'boys . in the cab es- caped with a shaking up. Tom was thrown. from' the truck and pinned across the: hip by: the 'overturned vehicle; Don and Al were able.. to release huh, but it was a : narrow 'escape, Lou . was also thrown from thea truck and "passed out", but soon. came .to,' and was not Much the worse except for, a sprained wrist and .sore ribs and . midriff. The quartette had been haul- ing rock is a' foundation".for •a . ramp' into ' a double • garage " in John. Emerson's' barn .' • Millan Moore. ' O Drop: All -Ontario Championship TheWhitechurch Midgets pray- ed the Sarnia` Midget in Gode=m rich on, Saturday. Sarnia., defeat-. ed. Whitechurch 64 ,which: puts Whitechurch mit, of:. :the ,series: for. the all .Ontario.' Champion ship. Whitec uroh will play Bel - grave on Tuesday night. White=: church leads. :the :.games 3 2 , Mr. and : Mrs. Toby Jantzi' `of Milverton and ''Mr. '.'and Mrs.,. Newman Tukey of Kornoka nisi ted' on and at' the :home .of, Cllr. and Mrs:'.: George.'Fisher. ,Mr. and Mrs. William 'Craig, of Toronto wi11°spend a few days:. at thehome of 'Mrs. Robert: Ross. ' Mrs. Jim McIntyre acid family of Ridgetown ,spent • Sunday .at: the home of Mr.' and .Mrs: Ben McClenaghan, Alan iViciritYre Will stay • for 'a weeks holidays. Mr.' 'Paul Groskorth 'spent the week -end at the' : home : of , his parents, Mr. . and 'Mrs. Elwood Groskorth, The Groskortha spent' last week. in New York'' City & will spend this week in ,Ikons Head .at a cottage. Mr,. and Mrs. Robert Watt & family of. Toronto. visited' on the week=end at the.: home of: Rev:' and Mrs. John • Watt.. Miss Mary Fisher, daughter of Mr.. & Mrs.. Geo. Fisher co'rnplet - ed two series 'of; music in 'Toronto. She received two cert ifieates; • -or,e. was in:''Fle- entary Vocal and Instrumental musk. ,;Barbara, Mary • . and Lynda Stanley, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Stanley ' of Luck- • now spent a fewdays at the home of .their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'McInnis.' Mrs. John .Hag•get •of ,Blyth re- turned home on 'Thur'scday 'after spending a week with Miss Lila Emerson. ' Mr. Eldon Emerson is home on : a week's holidays. Eldon, is. employed on a boat in the Great Lakes. , TYPEWRITER RIBRU11i S ' TypeuVriter ribbons. for any 'make of machine are now avail- able at the Lucknow Sentinel, No matter what the machine, we. have the ribbon. Phdne 35, Mick - hoot. I4Y: BU:SI[W,ESS, FORIMS. LTD. CALL US r'ODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION' ACCURATE AND EFFICIENT BUSINESS FORM RECORDS CAN INCREASE YOUR PROFITS ' .SPEEDISET..S; SALESB'OOKS'• REGISTERS AND FORMS CHECKS, 'REDIFORM•BAOKS e . I N'V TATI O N S 'AN.NOUNCEME'NTS- RECEPTI:O.N CARDS, • THANK.YOU CARDS ffl'TftMATIO'HAt' • RAVURE" •PUNTING -1 Featurn9 THERM RG sed Lettering) ; LET US ASSIST YOU 'WITH YOUR WEDDING .PLANS You may•select 'your' Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Acknowedgments with complete:coniidence as tO quality 'and corretdness of fern. Vflt�e X4450 N'Ai/I PERSONAC1 Z D. WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES: AND CAKE. •$C)S , Nbrfrziagli • • .w.