The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-10, Page 10THE 1UCC,N't1W .SENTINEL, . Ucx , QW, ° oNTARf o
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Mr. ,Foster Moffat'' is. 'a patient
in Wingham, hospital. .•
Mi`�s..Marion '. Scott had her
tonsils ;.rernoved: in Wirgham
"hosP ital." ,
Mrs. " Arnold Scott underwent
an operation ' iii Victoria hospi- '
tal, . London. .
Word was • . received by Mrs.
William E cans ' on Friday of
the death. of her .oldest brother,,
George• Evans of..Stanton Hill,
Nottinghamshire England, , which
:occurred on Saturday, July 30th
after a`lingering ,. illness: Sym
`pathy of : the community is ex-
tended. •
Miss 'Melba Clow of Toronto
is a' . visitor with Mrs William
'Mrs. 'Arthur is visiting at the
home 'of her daughter, ' ;Mrs.
Gordon Wall.
•The ' Ladies ; Aid: was held at
the home of - Mrs Gordon Wall
on Thursday : evening '.with
good attendance. Bandages and
dressings •'-were made for the
lepers Business . was discussed.
in regard to buying more dishes..
'Next meeting • to *be held ' on
August •:.25th,
Visitors ' with Mr, :"'and Mrs.
Russell Ritchie were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Fells and' family and:
Mr. Fells: senior of Toronto, Mr;
and Mrs. Russell Proctor,, Dav
id and friend Beverley Gould of
Livonia, Mich. • '
Mr: and Mrs. 'Sandy Murray
and. • family and, Mr.' and Mrs.
John, . Murray ; and ' family of.
Sharon; Ont. visited .with friends.
Mr. .and Mrs. Waldorf and
her grandfat1her, Mr.• Torn Ross:
visited .with friends.• •
Linda Johnstone of Belgrave
is visiting ., With. her aunt, , Mrs.
Charles ,Tiffin.' ','
•The regular meeting of ' :the
Ladies' Auxiliary Branch Non
309 was ` held ' on ' August
There Were . nine Members,' pre
sent: Joan' England won:the Sick.
Committee draw • 'Rena :Lyons,
won the. ' . meni!bership , draw.
Plana.: were made to have: ,some,
.of . the',°other,;' AuilYaries visit:
the •local: ' branh; on .October 19.
More' about -this later: Will each
member please bring, •a gift .in
the amount of • 500 to the 'Sep-,
teinber meeting for . the: auction.
A vote of thanks wasgiven : Su=
San. McNaughton sand 'Grace
Johnston' for their work .in re-.
gards to' our draw . on the chair
at • the Legion dance Which was
very successful . A11 Auxiliary'
members please• try and . be ' ,at
the September Meeting:. 'The
Comrnittee.. is as follows: Laura
McNeil Kathleen .•Pti'rvis, •Kath-
:leen. 'Forster
WEDNESDAY, AUG: 10th, 1960'
•• Prepare for a position in "
'(DUNGANNON NEWS) business by securing a diploma
•,Friends, and. citizens are very issued by. The Business Eduea-
glad to have Mr, Jack Chisholm tors' Association of CTermanada.con. ;t,
back to his home after 14 mon-
London, ',ecog f m incur : mericing.S.ept, 6;
les received in a serious road S
...,s. ,.�.. RICK
34• .East St
JA ' 4-8521
Twuition. $24;Qo
per month,
the in St. Joseph's Hospital,'
accident last year,. which it was
at first • thought would prove;
fatal, With patience and endur-
ance,he withstood' the "patch-
ing'" 'up and is .able to move
about a little' on crutches, which'
is better than 'first expected, &
further gains are'•: now hoped
for, •
Visitors with Mr., • and' ,Mrs,
Herbert Finnigan • on Sunday
were their son-in-law, William
Atkinson, and three of his ''fra-
ternity brothers, ' Dick . Johnston
of Toledo, Ohio,' Mel Clorid of.
Dayton,. Qh o, Bert Olson .:of;
Cleveland, Ohio.. • . ••••
Mr. and Mrs. ' Larry. Griffith
and Heather of London • visited
•Mr; , and Mrs. James' Wilson 'on
Monday.: Heather is spending a'
week's _vacation • •
Rev. ''R. Sweeney of '.Auburn.
United ",*Church . on Sunday morn-,
niee to.; know that .things
are 'never -as had As a ,pesslrnist •
thinks they 'are,
Will Not' Rust,
, Sizes.:up. to 48& In: Stock.
Any.: Style'
ize' Available
Blake . will be in .charge of the
Worship •''Service . and Mrs. E. •
Rivett will present :a chapter of
the Study ...Book. Mrs. Ryan
the close .of . the meeting served
a.. "tea"' and the funds will be
ing gave, the message at• Dungan- . used to defray:, expenses : for a
non 'United Church,: which was W M S project. The mizpa bene
conducted by Rev.,' Trevor. D. diction was repeated at the
Richards; - close '
Mr , Carl,.,Seivert,` a native of • Pamela and Tommy • Kovials
'Germany, who,'. has returned to are visiting 'friend's and relatives
Canada again 'after ,an absence in ..Detroit.
of two_ : years favored with . a , ;Mr. • and' Mrs Willard Thomp-
loveIy. solo , son and family of W"awata, Sask. '.
• Several relatives:. in, these were'''recent visitors with the
parts attended the Andrews -
Brown weddinelin . Port• Albert
United•' Church'. last. Saturday ;af-
'ternoon. •' • •
Miss: Clara .S,proul,:•has return-
ed after a pleasant holiday trip.
,of six • weeks to ' the : ' Western
Cranston and Menary. fari�ile.
Ai enjoyable family tgathering:
Was held" at the "home: of Mr.' & .
Mrs: Harvey Maize and also. a
party at :the beach. Present were'
Mr. and. NITS:. Glen 'Springer
Lynda, Dale' and Brian of Til-
Coast°• and visiting cher .brother, `son;burg;>'Mr and :Mrs. Harold
•Mr. .Harold . ' ;,Sproul; Davidson,' ' .Maize.. and• farnilY4th concession
Sask. She is; . presently : visiting .,Ashfield, . ;Mr. . and . Mrs. Jack. `
her sisters, . • Misses• , Nettie and Maize and family;.Auburn Mr..
Rebina. Sproul.
•and Mrs:°•�Gordo.n .Maize and 'fa-
> . M ... h rl' ,. i o -1 �ini .. 1-41.0d10*..;
rs, Cha es• Moir son; Clin ly, .Mr. ,arid Mrs.;
ton is visiting Mr:' and Mrs. :Vic . Albert Clark, Kitchener• Mrs `&
tor Errington. Mrs,. 'Stanley Dennis, Douglas tz
Miss Sarah Maize who •is re,. Carl of. 'Clifford;. Mr, :.Joe Prior
cuperat ng :after a fall .;at - her ,Guelph;; Mr, ..and Mrs,.. John Chil-
home is . slowly improving
ton, .Marion and`. Ronald of Till -
Mr: and. wt.:Raymond Mas-
.sonhurg; Mrs. Wilda Irwin, and
sey 'and twoehil ren 'of. Elmira brother. Barry : of London; Mr: &i
Mrs -Roy • Burchill and. family. of�
are v?sitin her :Ilio er Mrs.
g th Seaforth;: Mr: and ..•'Mrs. Jim :
Frank .Jones
Wallace and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J D..Hesson of
Stratford and `MThe United . IC/lurch will ob
rs: Ethel (Case), tiv;:cei:_zA,
Has, •Toronto . ` visited •..Misses nniversary :, services ony ' a1Septerrmber , 18th • Rev..
Nettie and Retina. Sproul and Peter'' Renner; Tee- ate', will
also Mrs.. Wm. McClure. Who is a. . R•e e , sw ,,
:. atient, in preach and guest soloist, will be
p Wing�hari Hosputal. :Mrs': Joh' ,B ' r Port '•Credit,:•'
Mr .-and Mrs. Carleton Stiinget? • t3 cone ,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington
Pincher Creek, Alberta, left on''spent, a few'days last week with
Tuesday; ' on • their return' trip
cousins, Mr, and.•Mrs 'Wes Alton
afters ending a •month with his•
mother, Mrs. L Stingel sand An, of :.London '
gus. They were; °also going to Mr Frank '• Eedy, ',Alberta, ; is.
i visiting the' Eedy families.
visit 'again for a day with his.
sisters •at Brad�ford. and Barrie,
. Mrs Abner. Morris visited iii •
London with her daughter, Mrs .N'AME •NEW. BR'UCE.+
Anderson• Mugford, • She accom
panied' Mr. and • Mrs.. Leonard PS. I NSPECTGR'
.Christila,w, Mile and• :Mrs Ken ..•
Morris,' Benrniller. : Mr. .p. W. Simpson has 'recer -
11r, and Mrs,'.. Frank Glenn,. 'ed the •appointmnent'of Inspector
Mr. •and . Mrs, Hugh:. Menary and ofPublic :Schools- for •Bruce • No,
Mrs Lena 'Cranston.. enjoyed, a 1 to replace Mr. W S,. 14oughan?
motion trip to .•:Huntsville 'arid who has' been appointed Super,
. ry .Sound, , lntendent of .Public Schools for
' Mn Beit' McWhinney, has re the City • of Waterloo,
turned Koine after a few days in •':For the , past' two: years Mr.
Stratford' ' General I ospital. Simpson .Tins' been pr no p'al of :.
',where he ' underwent a success an ":R.,C.A F. '.Dependent School;in
:ful operation for removal of • ca- Baden-Soehingen, G e r rrr.a n Y
tarant on his eyes. Prior, to that he:was` Inspector
Recent visitors with Mrs N 1'7
of Public Schools . working out'
lie • Steward and sister, Mrs. 'T. ofbhe ;City ofi'' Waterloo.
Edmunds were their niece, Mrs. The division".a `the Inspector
Norman' McCullough and grand- ates will remain the same as last
children . Pamela Tan and Hea- year: Mr. T. • Keith i1V`aidie will
the', McCullough'. of Kitchener. have supervision over the urban
and their nephew, "Mr. )Fred Bell ' schools in Kincardine, Lucknow,•
and wife 'of Vancouver: Ripley, Teeswater and':Tiverton,
•Mrs J J •Ryan was hostess an;d the Townships • of Bruce,
at her
one last Friday after -Culross, Huron, cKincardine and
noon Fourteen ` rnernbers and .Kinloss. ' . °
.six visitors wete•' present. , It • Mr.: ,Simpson will have: loris:,
was reported that 40 •hos pital diction over the Inspectorate of
calls and 28 (home calls were Bruce No. 1 consisting: of ,' n*"
made in ,the last month. Mrs; erton, Tara, So itliariipton, port
Esther ,Rivett president, conduc- Elgin,. Paisley, . Mildmay .and
ted the meeting Mr,s, T C. An • ' Chesley,. acrd .the Townships' of ',,
Service. Mrs. Arthur M. lliott, '& aid Saugeen. .,; T';Idersh11
derson led with the Worshi Arran Brant, Carriclr,,
Mrs. T. Richards' ,:read the 25th After' touring. :Eu rhe'' • -vilh
Psalm.' The W.M,:s, and Mission their family of 'tsvo• c'hild'di'en, lYtr: ..
Band will hold the ,, nnualand Mrs. will;
res►de in
,1,aa plc I. Simpson w
.nic on September end. Mrs. c;.• .Walkerton.
9' lt:, 10 x 12" Glazed;
. 8 It. 10". x 12''' Glazed
6 It. 10" x 12" Glazed ,••
1'0`' x 12" .Glazed
4 ,1t. 10" " x 14"' Glazed
PLYWOOD , All' `T'hickiiesses"