The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-20, Page 10PAM. TEN . THE. 1,UCI NQW SENTINEL, LIICKNOW,, ONTARIO WEDNEaSDA', J13 Y • 20th, 1964. • BENEFIT .DANCE FOR FIRE • VIcTI MS (OLIVET 'NEWS) •, Mir..`. Howard Henry 'and Son had the misfortune to losetheir barn by fire on. Thursday after- noon. Lost; • in • the • blaze were seven. pigs. and eleven calvesas well as a .large' quantity of hay. Mr, . Henry plans to. rebuild.' '." A penefit dance is planned for Wednesday night: in the Ripley Agricultural . Hall, to' which: all • are invited. The Henry farm . is located • on the 15th Sideroad. at Olivet. Thea outbreak oednrred about four o'clock in the after'noon and before long the big barn was reduced to' a blazing ,mass STRONGER Mode from; 'c'orefully selected blend`s of herd'., Aber-.. - uniform .. from end to end ... no bunches' or thin spots. SMOOTHER' Prevents delays by rimntrig • through knottier without;tangrng or breaking.' Protected` ogeinst insects, rodents and rot. Top qucl+ twin ata ;bw Co-oq Priem . • • LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO=O Phone 71 Luck low: • within the foundatio••ni. A 30x40 addition to the main barn which was built 'recently was also des- troyed leaving the . fouiiations and an •adjoining silo as the stark remains. • Ripley Fire Department res- sponded' :to the alarm and con- centrated..on saving other•'build= sings,. although ' a shed' to: the north-east of the barn , did; suf- fer '. ;minor fire damage. The house is to the north, -east of, the shed. •• Miss . Sharon :: Coiling spent . a few days last week visiting with her friend, Miss . Barbara .Mac- Tavish. • •• I . Mrs. W. J. Roulston of Wirig- • ,ham spent the . week -end with. Mrs.' E.. Osborne. d Miss Ruth , Black came home from . Kitchener for.the week- end. eek -end.: • • Some from here attendedan- niversary services. at Pine River on Sunday, • Mr. and Mrs. Brown and fain zly .of Hamilton are . 'spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Al 'Hamilton. 'and family,: : ' • Miss • Barbara', Anger of Kin- eardine : spent 'Sunday at' her .. home.here and :sang the solo. in church. ' A Church -Going .Sfnake There is , always sornething happening • at. Olivet!: Last Sun- day it was..a snake Which. seem- waited., eemwaited•, patiently on the choir •wa f ted patiently on.. 'the 'Choir, room doorstep for: someone to'I open the door. ' He caused. a bit I of °:excitement before' he. was :persuaded. to leave; PERCY -REUNION HELD' SUNDAY The sixth Percy; Reunion was held on Sunday, •: ;July 17th, at Landsdown Park, Kincardine with about 100 . in attendanoe. 'I At • °the: close of z the dinner hour ,,:the' President, Er1ma Jean Percy presided., Douglas Halden by read: the . minutes; of the 1959' reunion, and gave .the. treasurer's report. Glen Stanley moved that Sharon ' 'Hodgins would' be •-the e's000. .• •,•. You, too, 'can prepare for a superior position. in business by securing a B:E.A... diploma - :- rr one issued by The Business E.ducatorS' Association' of- Canada. • GODERICFI BUSINESS 'COLLEGE • is. Goderich's B.E.A., School. 'All final examinations at the GODERIC -I BUSINESS COLLEGE , are set and grad ed by the Board. of Examiners. of the B.E.A. - - . Canada's Dominion; -wide Association of leading private ' busines's schools. Ambitious young. people should.. • enrol early., for the next'' class. starting .on. .Tuesday, 'September. 6th, Special courses for ,young women and. for :young men. Send for full informa- tion. 34 'East Street Goderich, one :J'Ackson 4-8521 Secretary -Treasurer fore the .term, Sunday in July. of 1961 62.and this was second- 'Mrs. Perry :Hodgins .reported ed by Mrs. Harvey Anderson prices 'on . printing the, e, Percy .:'The 'picnic' for 1061 l' to beI family .history: • • ' held at:Kincardine' en the third ' Prizes: were ` . iven �to the g 1 youngest grandmother on• -the • re you plannin for your home:. atter what ' reference, in siding, Nom h.tYourP we' an supply e . a d : comfort to our.. ho ne : d ds beauty � comfort Si mg a t3' , Y rri , .a� greatly '. increases - silts value; or a very 'reasonable 'cost. FOR EXAMPLE To cover an average home 24' x 30' with NUMBER, ONE/INSULATED . SIDING, or WITH .NUMBER 1 ASBESTOS,:and CEMENT SIDING waterproofed with clear..,. silicone, ' glazed surface, attractive' celou s, costs on,ly $31� 44,cornpletelyap - plied with all the necessary .strappidg,'.,etc. If you wish to pay by the • rnoizth' the payments would be as:• low as $16.00. per Month.: We will gladly give ;you 'a: free 'estimate,, for your .home with no obligation.' • ' ALSO' ' AVAILABLE;' •• LUMINtJ1Vi SIDING • WOOD BEVEL SIDING 'BRICK.• . ,NI�IIN�1��N'NM`I1NI. 1I,►L►1IIi� FRESH. CEMENT 'IN •STOCK JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD.. Phone 150 - Lueknow ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 O I / e grounds, Mrs; Alex • 'Percy; and the youngest :Percy;;grandfather.,: Geo.: Mr and. Mrs: N. E. Hal- denby had the largest family. present.. The person coming . the farthest distant . was : Jim •'Encil and ° family of Chapleau, Ont.. j ,The ;boy under twelve' with the: ' birthday closest ; tothe picnic was Wayne Percy :and •the ,girl was Valerie 'Ellen. The youngest child . present was 'Kimberly Su= n sa' aldenby. The .:gra'ndpar•'ent with the:e .most . grandchildren. present was Mrs. John Barra The 'oldest Person. 'present was Geo. Hodgins. , The ' afternoon. \ was• spent in renewing old acquaintances and 1. water sports CULROSS' • CORNERS' ' Mrs. Alec Whytotk had. a q pleasant» surprise Thursday af- •ternoon when a: girlhood : friend and • her husband, and family of Saskatchewan` . cled . ;There, 'were: also. souse, from Ottawa airing, Miss Beverley' 'Wall has re-' turned: home 'after holidaying with Miss Joan. Shewfel't, . Mil-. lax-tdn Mrs." Wil l.iarXi Brewer, Toro.n to, is. 'holidaying with. her par, .. enitw. Mr, and. ,Mrs.' John Ross. 'Billy Wall has, returned 'to his ho�rrxe-`i.n Walkerton after 'visit- ,ttobezt ,Ftrgusoza9 Winni- peg, spurt Thursday with . her (,.:ousiiJ, Mrs. Jas. Wraith,' r Met ,beii. of the Eolyroed Sup- ter up-r ;r •i ettr.nd.',d, ",.Achieyernent Day u .Walke/ton ''On 'Friday„ l✓Adh gi "l was pu . entz d •with a spoon. 1 41 ralaine. 'Meyer • van bonne fr°rattn Clinton for the event, • MiWA, Doris Wali ,arid Bernice "J":"aainp7340• are' bol rjayini; ' with. Jraari She / a! i:, :"rlil'larton. Robert Keith, Donna grid ,Douglas.,and Mrs. Duncan •Keith were .guests' of M. and Mrs. Jas:. ' •wraith.''. • Mr.• and Mrs. ,'Don Robertson and •family, " Milton, spent the week end with Mr: and Mrs. 'John Schumacher•. ' Linda and' Larry Hendersori,• Lucknoware,, holidaying . with their .grandparents; Mr. and Mrs.. Jas, Wraith.:, .Sunday visitors with' Mr. and Mrs: Tom Stewart' were, Mr. Mrs. �li . '.William ' aldenby, .Kin; lough, iy t, ;and Mrs.. -.Gerald 'Ste- wart and Miss'Walterina' Wilkie, Kincardine ,and Mrs. Ian Mc Pherson and Elizabeth, 8th cion. Mr,, Jack `Morrison and Penny. of Uxbridge, 'spent the weekend with Mrs.' A. 'Green, :and boys, Mr, and. Mrs. Frank' Green and• boys visited Sunday at the same. home. Zion United Church W M.S Mrs . Peter Cook held. the children's hild en s meeting . at h r'.• home .with 24 ladies, 5 visitors 23 children in attendance. Christian' Stewardship was' read by Mrs: :Jim Hunter; Visitors' for shut ins are Mrs. ,William G. Hunter and 'Mrs. Allan' 'Ritchie. Mrs. Jack Gardner is to get the pro-. gram for August. Talent money of $2.50 . was handed. .in, ' Mrs,'. Gordon. Kirkland has samples of everyday . cards for anyone .wishing •to .order. Mrs: Harvey Ritchie . was in charge of the, children's program: piano solos, :.Ann Ritchie; Wanda Hunter. and Donna Ritchie, duets,'Nancy' lirklannd and . Marilyn Brooks, "Wise 'Man And The Foolish:: Man'. Recitations, Brian Ritchie, Janet Ritchie and Jimmy.. Rit chic;. sole,, Elaine Cook, ".Garde ens of God";, the hymn "Jesus Wants. Me For A ,Sunbeam" by Brenda Ritchie, Charlene •and ,Jean Anderson,Barbara W i1'*ins • ,arid Elva Ritchie; story by Mrs.: Harvey ,Ritchie "An'Old . Man • i Propering His 'Meal," Lunch and', ice cream was .served., with, cones • for /the. children. Mrs: Kaiser closed With prayer. I. '. ZION Mary, McAuley of Toronto ..is visiting.; with Anne . Ritchie..' Mr. and: Mrs Bill Hunter, and Larry 'visited . with : Mr and Mrs, Jerry Cranston on. Sunday The ' Junior :Farmers : are' hold ; inga service 'in Hacketts church' next, Sunday evening.at ;8 p.m: with 'the Rev. Mr. •Richard's' as speaker. . and 'Mrs. 'Charlie Ander- son, and family spent :..Sunday with ken Gardner of Ipperwash.; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fink and Mr. and. Mrs. Plaskette and fare- ily visited. one day .lastweek with Mr; and Mrs,. Frank Rit chie. Miss Audrey Ross' is ing a,.few days,' also.: • There wi11 be a church service 'on., July..31st 31st .at 11' . o'clock with Mr. Lloyd Ackert as our speak- er.: Sunday School will . be at 10:45, Outdoor BOys ; A foursome of Zion lads, I en ny ,Kirkland; Larry Hunter, Douglas Alton and Ron •Gardner, ranging .in age • froth- 11 . to 13 years, have completed. a .5.,day camping, outing, And they didn't have ,to, 'go'far rom home, They' pitched their 'teftts in' ''a ravine beside what: ' is; known as the "brick pond field on •'Charlie Anderson's farm. With,:pony, and democrat, the lads' '"rnoved. in their supplies, set up •their tents and batched ' .it by preparing. their meals;: overan open fire. Perishable food was kept in cov- ered containers in . the cool wat- er of the 'spring -fed pond', TWO TO TAXV BYJINESS COURSE. AT: LONDON R.ePresentaeof th•e Wells;. Business Acadetivmy were in L>xck' now on Mondasy, . intc�•viewlnS prospective' students. Karen Al. nold` "has, registered for the exe, cutive .secretarial course 'and Lois Conley for the stcnographio secretarial couz se., The fait term opens 0 c>ri Sep' tenber 6'tii. , , • •