The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-13, Page 240. `O Hyl ,Jane Warwood,, ,Toronto) v.. you' ever wondered what I' a e y e' to jv m •the' ` •tt wo�,dd b... 'like* l` e . � neo; ? Perhaps you think :.that airily , . ;it.' is a place ,of unlimited free-. 10otn *here paren�tS never salt . no :their• children or perhaps you iaioture; • a wild, •uncivilized place: It is ' , hop . that.. the following; ,t nil . .paragraphs '.:will prove: 'to, •'You what . wa .. wonderful` plaee. the country is; • D , going.** • on to other . points, I should. . like , to .clarify, -My initial statement.. "No" is, 'a Word usedd • probably more. often "iin;'the . country than in the • city.: .The smother says, ;"no, • you can, riot play in the; stream,'.' or -"no you cannot drive the. 'tractor." . These ' examples' show the word' `"no" being ' used to protect the Child:. In -the city a mother " has;: :playgrounds and fenced -in back-, yards : where, her : children Can. play s.°in . safety.:.:The' country. mother doesn't have.these facili- ties. Some; of the many dangers` •the ; country include road; streams;. animals and farm equipment.: ' "Na" 'is a' word. Which - the teenage ill or boy often' .Bears:' This ` time is iised ° to protect his or her good name. rot . instance,, we • see. Mary , and" John, Pitting In a car ' on a 'coun- INCK;NOWSEN I .. I,u KNOW ; ON'isM PRE.hlUP 41+ ,EVENTS HONOR SATURDAY '[1RDA7 BRI D!E. $A��W,ARNQ�: �. �N.RQU! Thirty Years, THE SENTINELFILES !Chanes, ' Stubbert .leased; the. Cain' Hauset,. 'pl?e 'Villa a C #moil appointed two men to canvas the ratepay- ers . tb determine how many would patronize a domestic: wa- ter system, being considered.' Chief objedtions' were the old familiar ' pessimisms:; • "It will swamp the •Viliage," "Nobpdy I` will biy' property because of/the tax load," ' "It would drive the, people out, of town." Arabell Cameron, a student nurse at Guelph General Hospi- tal, was seriously.. `. ' ill: with pleurisy. . Born on the Second Conces sion• in .1857, the death,of. Alex Nicholson .\ removed a member 'Of a pioneer. family: . John • Pur•ves, age 72 of Holy - rood, collapsed and . died sudden- ly as' he was about to leave. for Calvert Falconer's: sale. He had. been. <. widely kngwn for over fifty: years as ; an. auctioneer, the art of which he acquired from his uncle, Peter_ Corrigan. The' barn;, of W H. , Kempton of Ashfield was destroyed' ,by fire. r At S.S. No.Andrew 9 Kinloss, Thompson was teaching,. Zonal da McCallum., ' Stuart' Dawson, John • Patterson, Catherine ` Pat terson,` Harold Purves, Billy lylaeKenzie Betty MacKenzie, Goldie Purves!, Nellie MacCa`1 lum, George, Wraith, .Agnes' Pat- terson, Jean MacCallurn, June Morrison, Leola Wraith, . Donald MacKenzie, Maimie 'Purves; • Wil fred • Mintz, 'Mary' Wraith.. .!Clarence . Murdie bought :..the. grocery business from Elmer''. Johnston :who" had bought it, from Mark' ;Cassels. Mrs. John Miler, Sr.; age 77, died " at . the home of her ;son, Wallace' Miller.,: ,Mrs.; Jaynes, Baird died at her home west ' of Lucknow at the age. of 91 try road''after dark. Even if they are, 'ten miles away Even Mame they' will surely be recognised and rumours'• are ,easily 'Spread ;� :Spread Iay busy -bodies are really • don t.i` mean for make. trouble, but ; the fact., is`'that every tine:.the' story s repeated, '-it changes ,,and 'usu ally. for the worst.' • In "the city, U: the 'couple were even ,two or threemiles away ° : from home they ,would: not be recognized & ,so they" have less.trouble 'keep ing their good names. It is• easy to 'realize why parents^must.I control their children ,:more in ' the *countryy 'than in: the city. If ••you •think ' the country .:is.. " . 'uncivilized,,.vwhy not allowme• to explain yoixte, iinfatnided ideas: Cornnionly; : when , a a city ` person: `.tears Sorneone say :that he .; is going •'to the country, 'he thinks that:the Persian -will,he living in a very: crude way, with no mod- ern facilities.' This, is: en example of the . ignorance . of the city peo- ple because nearly every house Ys equipped 'with all • the- modern .conveniences: , found in ;,,the city. rG City'folk. also have'"the' idea that the ' people iri , the country. 'are :isolated and' '• rarely see their. neighbours. This`•, is about the • 'silliest 'idea of all. We see Louise, and > Arthur twenty' -five years ago: They had a borne':and buggy in ;which they, ' went . 'to Church on Sundays and 'to meet- ings'And socials `at neighbouring, . farms .on.: week -nights after .the chores were done...; After the , horse and' buggy we see-them''in. an extremely, ild, > worn-out car which • is really too • tired to move. • Now they . ,come to • the city . quite: often . in their new 1960 Austin, 86 you see, country people:. •arenot isolated at all»F&t never have been; . Besides new car's,. the farmers also have e1eC • tric milking' machines, and other ' modern , equipment , which ' com- pares , with the modern facilities for use in, city .life: I hope that .people lirvng ' in ' the areas •now realize: that the people div- ing` in• the rural areas are, civiy lined. Iii? the city a few ,close neigh boars . probably are very, friend- ly and drop into ' .each others Houses* for tea. In most `cases, though, people living,' on , the, north 'end of the street do not' know the people at ' the • south end: Iiithe country things are quite' different. The people are -brought together . by , the '. schools and churches. . While there is 'more none Church,. is only one school and ast this is not large there . will be very few pupils in the school that •do not h o. • now each ether. •. ,and Sports, pucnics .and dancing are on the. weekly agenda at the high school. Sheila, .for example, is . a third forin high` school stu- •dent. Friday nights she goes to the dances at . the school, Satur- Forty Years' Ago' Lucknow ,'ratepayears. 'endorsed. the HYdrg -law . by 184 votes ' aobtain hydro o. � Z, in a m4Xe to a�b a yd power. The village had. been ser- viced by the A. P. Stewart: pow er plant, but as a result of a disagreement.._ 'between . Mr. Ste - Wart an the Villa°ge Council,. Over purchase of: the, `plant, the local.., generating ' system'., was closed. down . and . the Village ex- perienced x perienced,,a blackout period; be- fore hydro. was introduced:: Mrs. William .•Wilson, age 92, died at' the ' home of. her son, Walter Wilson, Con.. 12, West Wawanosh. At S.S. No. '12 Ashfield, T. M. Keinpton was teaching: J. Mc blain, L. Rob!b,xC. Rossy•M:,Jamie son,' J. MacLennan, . E. $hiells, D. Boyd, A. McNair', W. Ross,, V. Robb, -.J. Ross, ' A. ,MacKenzie, .E. McLean, . C. Brown, "W.. Robb R. Shieils, K. Boyd. Miss Margaret ...McClure,- who had been employed ° for 5: years at Mr..; Joynt's Office ' left ` for Seers, Sask., .to live. With„ her r be -eaved brattier, who had been bereaved, by the. death of his wife. Mrs. T. F. Cain received word of the ; "death of her brother, Si- mon .Corrigan- of Chicago, and a native of, I3olyrood. Austin Solomon sold his . gro- cery business to Peter Graf who combined a butcher and grocery business. The Village Council decided to. take :strict' steps to enforce the Ontario:' Temperance ' Act. ` (ten men havin. been fined for be- ing intoxicated, on the streets).:. g Other . by-laws to be enforced were: to stop horses,; `cattle; 'and 'fowl from : running at large; • : to stop fast, driving on the ' streets;. to stop bicycle ,c1e driving . on > the sidewalks ;: and to , insist ... that stores be closed ;promptly at the t'ir'es =asked' -for::. on the ,;petition signed 'by. the merchants. • NAUGAT'VJCK` :ANNOUNCES WESTERN ;EXPANSION The Naugatuck '' '"Chemicals,; Division of Dominion lubber •Company': Limited has .announ ced' . that ' . preliminary engineer- ing has been: completed and con- tracts letfor Western Canada'. first ,basic, pesticide plant w The plant will be located in Edmon- ton area: The Edmonton plant is : the main part of a' $1,600,000. expan sion' program in agricultural chemicals being undertaken by. Naugatuck'' currently: the 'only' basic; producer : of pesticide pro ducts, ' in Canada,- Representing an ..investment of . $1;400,000,, the western unit will produce :2,4-D, 2,45-T,. M.C.P., . and pentachloro- phenol. ' • The first three :are .general'. herbicides which have: previous.; ly' been made m Canada only at. Naugatuck's main facilities in. Elmira. while pentachlorophenol is a 'wood • .preservative which is not manufactured in Canada at present. William Hewatformerly of: ,Lucknow, • •: has been associated with this Company in the *est for some time:, : • • day to `a show and during the week she is active in, ,some ' sports and a spectator at others. Sheila also belongs to a 4-! club and participates in mnany church ac- tivities, Quip often•the .churches- will combine, for a Special ser- vice, concert.or picnic. No mat- ter where you go you are of- ways ' made to feel welcome. There is always something to do and congenial company to do it with. Dr...Sainuel ,.G: Smith of Bien,. heim .has,: moved' to :Wingham,to assist -Dr. Bern 'Corrin. The , Clinton'. Hosiery .Mills is being closed andan..effort 'made 1 Noreen Kilpatrick, daughter of. Mr, and'Mrs, rghn S. ilpat rick, of Arkona and • formerly , of, Lucknow, was honoured' :at a series . of .prernttptial events.. No reen's, .marriage to Zoltan John Gnat► took', place on, .Saturday in Arkona United Church; , In early May 'the• lady teachers pf . the *staff o!f • Essex District High Sehool held a .kitchen sho- wer for Noreen at the home of'. Miss' Elizabeth 'Brown, Kings- ville. A dinner 'shaw.er° was given by' Miss Nanette 'Chouinard at the home of her 'sister -in -lawn Mrs. Robert , • Chouiariard of London. Noreen was assisted. in • opening, her. gifts by Mrs. Nora Crellin. • Mrs. LaVerne Hawken & Mrs.. Hanford Butler of Arkona held: an evening.tea at, the home of Mrs: ' Bawken when the: bride elect was presented with a 'tea. wagon. • LOCHALSH'. WEDNESDAY! JULY 13th; 1960 BRIDE ELECT• FETED AT: MORE .'l.RE.' 4PTj4L EVENTS. Recent visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. D. ` • R. MacKenzie' 'where Mr.: and. Mrs. Jim,. MacKenzie . of Detroit . Miss 'Edna. Cook, R.N. of .Owen Sound has ` been • holidaying .with M. and Mrs. ,Henry' MacKenzie. 'Mr:, and Mrs. Donald McChar.- les of Brantford and: Mr. Allan MoChar!les . of Toronto spent the :weekend . with' Mr. and Mrs. Oliver. MaCharles and John: Mr.` and Mrs. Donald:MacKen- zie spent a few d s. visiting in: Clinton arid Emibr Don , :*Mr. and :Mrs. Fa 'sh rrx are' on a, trip' to Western. Canada and will attend, the Calgary Stanip- ode. Mr. and ,Mrs. !George livray visited with Tillie . Smit' in Kincardine on ' Sunday. • • Louise Maclennan ...and Bruce Millar spent the week -end With Mr. ,and Mrs. •Emile MacLennan A` number, from this district attended, i Anniversary . Services at " Olivet 'on Sunday; VietimS 'or the , triufitos, are Carole and !Tan Finl'ayson,''ph y1. lis. 'Bradley -and Allan Robb a're recovering from. the mumps' also. We *are ` happy to ,report that .Annette, daughter" of Mr.. and Mrs. Ken Eiiphick has returned home ,from' hospital: 'in , London. to. sell the' plant• which has, op- c, erated', since 1905. REV.' .PREST TAKES ON .NEW ROLE. Rev J R Prest, of Holy 'Tran `ity 'Anglican Church,�•Lucan, and St. James .Church,' Cland, eboye, ,will take up new : duties as :in- terdenominational , educational secretary . 'of the: Saskatchewan Temperance Association on Au guist.;lst. •*, Mr , :Prest's ' new duties ` •will consist of • travelling, lecturing grades' to. 12, in, various schools from Monday ; to Thursday, ' and preaching' on .'Sundays: He will attend summer; courses :this year in Saskatoon and next year at' Yale University.: ' In his ,new post, Mr 'Prest will• also be • honorary assistant of a • Regina Anglican Church: Mr Prest served in the •,Bank , of Montreal in Ontario' -branches for .13* years.. He spent several months . on a .farm , in the Niagara Peni#isula, and took a short course 'at the . Ontario .Agricul- tural College and later attended: Huron College at'London.: . His first. charge. wase at Bervie ' Kinlough: and ,Kingarf in` .Bruce. County, while. he continued stud- ies through • Huron College.. Mr.. Prest came to Lucan Jan- uary '1st, 1956;.and completed ,his studies for his Licentiate in Theology in 1958; and continued studies for: his Bachelor of Arts degree., • •• Mrs, Prest is the f cr'i'er. `Mary' l�ielen' Louise Ashby; They have two sons, ,Peter and Harry. His father, the late V. N. Prest was at one time manager of the Lucknow branch . of 'the Bank .of Montreal .Rev. F'rost's .brother' Harry, died in' an air training accident; in Western Canada' during '"World ' `War 'IIS By now you must realize what a wonderful place the country, 'is and I am sure that you would love to go for a visit too: (td. Note :This article is a student's essay written by a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Art. B'rec- kles, Who. is. a 'high school stu- dent hi,`Toronto), • • Mrs, A1ex„fAndrew entertained her cousins . and other relatives' at a shower in ' honour 'of her niece, Jean, Anne Richards Mrs.. , Roy. Havens made the presenta_ tion toeau, ,Anne who •.was as- sisted in, opening her gifts by Sharon West and Anna MacDou. gall, In her reply, • 6he bride etc- tended an invitation to .. the guests to ;a trousseau tea : to .4be • held at, her home. on Saturday, July 16th: y, 'Tuesday evening, July 12th. friends and neighbours . gathered 'at ,the .home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Orland Richards to honour their daughter, Jean Anne. .Following a _ program of .read- ings, contests -and musical num- liers,. ' a short' address • was read, 'The 'bride . was then presented with miscellaneous: gifts. After Jean Anne thanked her friends, . refreshments: " wereser- ved,' bringing a pleasant even- ing to a close.. KINLOSS NEWS • Mrs. E. Drummond of :Virden, Man. is visiting with her sister and brother-in-law, - : Mr and, Mrs.' Douglas Graham;' Dr. and 'Mrs. Hugh ' MacMill an, missionaries from Formosa' and Miss Grace Macintosh. of Toron- to are holidaying at their cottage ., at `.Bruce, Beach. • • • .There were good crowds' at the South Kinloss Anniversary on Sunday with `a ,former; minister,; Rev. G. :Beulch delivering in- spiring sermons. Mrs.. Robert. pbell was guest soloist. Anne' . and Ruth -Graham are enjoying ' holidays with:,. their. grandmother, Mrs.:: Jas. - Barton of Drayton. T1heExplorers and groups met at the 'home and Mrs. Ira • Dicke on M . afternoon: All;. enjoyed a and :a •picnic ,supper follow their regular Meeting, : Rev and • Mrs . Baulch, Margaret. ,and; Anne. were ' h.Q C. of'. Mr, Monday swim ed ..by Joyce, guests Saturday night with Mr. ; and Mrs.. W. -F. MacDonald and on Sunday 'night at the home• of Mr. and Mrs.. Frank MacKenzie.. usiness, college To Be Here frjon+ icrals LEW SHORT: Lew • Short, Director Wells; Summer School London, WILL VISIT MONDAY 'MO,RI�ING business education • with Lucltnow area wh etaries, stenographers, ves. They represent organization " In`k Wes don, Viloodslock, H Short' and Mr. W NOW TOWN HALL f all, young people urged to visit them or,. to make an ap ELLS ACADEMY, of Development,.and :Carlton C. We Registrar for Wells Academy in THE .UCKNOW AREA ON , JULY 1 8TH. They ,will discuss bus' young ' then and' • women from, the.o are interested "' in. careers ,as seer, junior accountants and. exec . ` ;cut' the : largest business training tern Ontario. with schools . 'in Lon amilton, , Stratford & Kitchener. Mr.' ells Will he located AT LUCK-. from; 1 0:00 am: to 12:30 noon anddesir�ious of a business' education are : ' Specific de. titexe. If .you wish:'specific tails pointment in advance; write to W306' KING STREET„ LONDON,