The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-06, Page 1210 °'1' , '1 4;0E110W SENTINF4, SENTLUCICNQW '. ONTARIO . ' •SAY, Y 6th, 196¢ V 71 T LE SUPPORT NYLONS THAT RE - 11,y ICASA$HION SHEER eerest Siapport Hosiery Ever! " For the very ,first time . . an ,elastic sheer nylon port . knitted".to conform' with every curve of 0001** APPTilve" of SuPP•h. 01#1 'tested Supp.hoset agree that SUpp..hose is the an- POrt stockings., ''Siti:terfor Wearability and 'healthful support, IteTep,Flatii discovery!' FOur Years of research, the faeilitieS of the World's largest'hosiery special- ists went into the development of this superb sheer, az I stoCk In the new ,sununer shade at • an MEltS WEAR • AN • • split rineen sePlivtrit' • chic at their co age erley`Beach on ay. Sarenty-sever • 0.0%14d, he rie#'14athering recorded. d.• Philip- Steer ,arrive baths' -with her Mother, , homeland. It was -Mrs. Steer'S first Visit -hack home since the family came :to Canada ten "Years .ago -She . sailed froni Montreal ..On April. 14th, and on her, return docked at the Port on 'Tune 30th. -*AT Misi rbara' Jean Mite-' Kenzie, daughter', of .mr. ed honours in the grade • • six, exammatiolis of the 'Royal Conservatory' of music of To- ronto.: Her teacher is Mrs. TWAT Mr.. and Mrs. Leonard Craig (Margaret .CoOke)„ moved from- Fenlon '1111AT Rev. George W. -Sach, who concluded his >MinistrY Bervie, Chalmers and Kinloss; *as inducted last week as pastor of Lucan and Clande- boyel..Tnited. Churches. tawa last week to visit her sister, Miss Lorna Munro, prior tO. her 'departure for mission- ary service in Java, m the East Indies. • '1111AT the,Free Press cameraman caught a little 18-month7old .lass,• enthralled hy the pipes and Scottish regalia of D. A. `MacLe,tman. of' Lochalsh; while at the Highland Games at Em- brck on July Ist. THAT Mrs. Ross Cumming as- , 'sinned her duties on Sunday as organist , in the United THAT Mary Allin and Dianne BristoW are attending the Ry- erson United Church camp on Lake Erie. NUMBER HOMES in Lucknow and adjoining Luckno*. These homes have all conveniences. and are well located. Can be, bought on terms: TWOAPARTMENT B1LOCK , on Main Street in Lucknow, all. newly decorated. 4 -piece bath in each. apartment. .0i1 heating. Can be bought on terms. NUMBER OF FARMS in Lucknow district, well lo- cated. Some on paved road. Priced to sell. 1 50 -ACRE FARM adjoining St. Helens, brick house has all conveniences. Can be bought on terMs oto suit Farinz,' and Business property for sale throughout ' Western Ontario,. , A List your property with ,Western Ontario's Vastest Growing 'Real Estate WARIt,EN L. STEVENSON Real Eatate, Mount Forest Contact JOHN HALL/ S*LESMAN SENTIIIEL THAT eYe glaSies for the 'Lion's. "Bank of Light" have been. re- ceived from Wallace. Hodge - Mrs. A. II. Treat of Western THAT " Sam, Farrner,, popular 'Holyrood postmaster and mer- chant, underwent a gall hlad- cler operation at Victoria Hos- pita', London last week. He IS ' cOnvalescing quite* .favorably and it is expected he May be THAT Otto Pedersen hes been home from' the hospital. for %over two weeks and is, inaking eYesight 'had been .very (Awry impaired , due, to a de-' fective kidney, arielie under- went surgery for its remove.. recovery and iinpr,oved able tO drive „lila-car again, foi the first thne. beth' Robinson 'and Miss'Marie 'plane the first..of ,iast,Week for tlie Weet Coast on .a three- - Weeks' vacation. They have been . visiting .in Victoria and Vancouver and plan .to. attend the. Calgary stampede before THAT Graham .MacNay, entomb- ', logist with the DePartrn.ent 'of Agriculture at OttaWa, senda along his subscription and the comment, "I dci appreciate the loCal .riewsZi -Their" daughter, Anne was marriertt in. APril.'84 their :son Don,' id at preSent . interning • in ,City Memorial ' Hospital, Winston-Salem, North 'I'HAT Angus Macintosh of 'Holy - rood -who ha,s not been enjoy- .ing good health, is at thelicime of his nePhew, Ross Love at .Atwood. His sister, •Miss Mar- garet Macintosh, has been hos- . pitalized tor some . time be.; cause .4 a fractured hip. THAT Karen Carnegie, daugh- ter of -Mi. and lVirs. Jiro, Carne-• • gie of Walkerton, has won two scholarships in science and mathematics at Walkerton Dis- trict High School. Karen for- merly lived in Lucknaw. THAT Rev. ,Gordon S. Mulch a former minister at South Kin- loss Presbyterian Church, will conduct anniversary serviced there on Sunday morning'.and evening. Service 'will be, With - 'drawn in the Lucknow Pres- byterian Chureh' and Sunday - School will commence at 9:45 to permit teachers to . attend the anniversary. 'rHAT .Teeswater has gone all ' out to make their bingos, pay— putting up $2,000 in a sink or swim effort. At the last bingo $100 Special. Bob MacDonald of Lucknow won the share- - the -wealth prize, and was in game. THAT the price of practically all types of paper used by the printing trade has again been /inereased. These increases have occurred with regularity over the past few years. THAT at the Brovirn es annual baby show at Leth idge,• berta, Debbie Lynne Murray, 8 -month-old' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray (Ame- lia Carruthers), won first 'prize in a class of over fifteen contestants. The babies Were judged by doctors on health, alertnes.% weight arid appear. ance. YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND FANCY COOKIE SALE. Saye 17c. Dkri 1 Any 39c Pkg. Your Choice. ISP-ecial• 3 - CHOICE PEACHES .ON SALE.. SaYe .9c.0% Cndney Halves. 20, ; ORANGE .JOICE SALE. Save 11c. .1 r Cyprus. Gardens: SWeet.' 48 oz. Spetialsg " °/ 3C puitgLARTY SALE.' Save 9c. \ 2 lb 2gt .puries ,For All Your Baking.; Feature: 0 - PRICE, GET 1.00RS.- Effective Vkte.Sell For Less ' Phone 119, Lucknow THAT, an oddity in The ,Seritin-, Inspector's badge 'number 36, of the .Farm PrOducts Grades and Sales. Act THAT the, lait the copy for the Falfrair prize list waS re-. ceived on- Thursday of' last. . week, and it is . expected' that the lists will be airailable, within 'the next week, THAT 'there Wad a registration, of abotit ;0 for siarimining classes. at Teesivater WhiCh Commenced on ThesclaY, and_ " Allan Reed had tO use. tWo THAT a note from Mrs. Arabell. Bushell and Mrs. Sadie Mac- . it. PoW:naWPrince Ward Island, readd:. ."Sudt for lObster and Oysters; lovely weather. Visiting Jim Gay, a friend of Wrn.: Fisher. "Older reSidents will ternem- • bet .Tim Gay,' who at .one time ran the old rink in Lueknow. THAT 'Harold 'Austin of Kitiload Cartheil in, town. .t*-ReforMatory, Guelph, has Purchased- 'a .homp in Rock: • : Wood. ,Mr. 'and Mrs. McQuillia and family will moire the Mid- . dle of tile month. MAT' /On Button, four-year- old son, bt ,ykr. ;and Mrs. Ernest Btitton,' returned home from. Winghant. hospital on Tuesday. sUffered fractures- of both, for ten"weeks had both, limbs in 'tiattion • until Monday of . this week:. -The, youngster has gotten, along 'very but will now,: have to literally. learn' to Walk again. • 'THAT , Marvin...MatDOnald, St.- ,' Helens; .Marlerip.Ounter, ZiOn; Mrs. William • Elliott,' (Betty Stanley); Huron.. Mrs. Alp; .MurraY' (Gloria' the 1960 .graduating clask. of. Stratford TeacherS' 'rfrAT. at a Meeting ,Of .,the cOn- charge. Ori Monday evening_ it Was. decided '., to' hear 'Other tliniOtet There. will, he .fici the South. Ithiloss 'and. for 'the reniaining, three. (Grace • -Guenther) spent the week7erid at, Dashwood where the first. family reunion of the Henry Guenther family was 'The parents have passed on. the fainily of Six were all tiOrti. at Dashwood.. where Earl R, Guenther ih the postmaster, With others of the family living in the -Community. A brother re - 'Sides in the West, and along Witk. his #inily was in attendance for the haPpy get-together. The gathering numbered 65, and by coincidence it wad sixty-five years 'ago hi April 'that their Mr. 'and Mis. Gordon Bailey* and Brent'1eft this week on a motor trip to the West coast. MISS Carol Helm Will have charge Of the beauty salon in their 'abSente. Carruther's Orchestra FRIDAY ,CONTEST PRIZES Dance present LucknoW Bruce County, Contest to be held ir4 Kincardine. on August 2nd, at Old Boys Re -union. • 4 44+14