The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-06, Page 6PAGE FOUR THE. LUC1irNOW .SENTINE,., =KNOW, ONTARIO • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .RATES -- First Insertion • 2c Prw n Per' word mi irnum; charge 5 Oc. • Repeat' •Insertions, • 11/2c pe r .• word; minimum 40c. Notices, Cards, of Thanks and Coming. Events, minimum 75c, In. Meinoriams, minimum . Si .0 0. 25c extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing. charge of.. 10c for pct Pf• each 'bill 'rendered.: FOR. SAL. • FOR SALT. ---Quantity• of , baledshay. Apply Burton Collins,,. R.R. 3, Ripley; . phone 5-r-3: • BINDER' FOR SALE Eight -foot 'international. binder on. rubber. Apply Jack., , Henderson, `phone 173 Lucknow. GET." YOUR Toronto Daily; Star and Star' Weekly . at George's Snack Bar and Billiards. George Farrish, Prop.,' phone 162 Luck- now: • FOR. . , E, " "oat and wood fur- nace, ' writing desk; small .blonde Buffet, , cedar 'wardrobe.' 'Mrs:, Garfield MacDonald; Lucknow. FOR, SALE' — • Mechanical and body parts for 1955 Dodge sedan.' Roy ; Emberlin,. phone 194, `Luck- now. • FOR SALE --:1950 Dodge, sound and smooth tinning, N. AW:Win 'terstein, Lucknow. .• USED PHILCO REFRIGERATOR in good condition. Greer TV and Electric, phone, 110 '.Lucknow. ';FOR SALE -Two-pure bred Angus bulls, :approximately 900 pounds.. Priced at '$225.00. Spring Angus . Farms,'' Harvey Tinim,, Biuevale,, . phone • 4-r41, WrOce- ter. FOR. SALE W;E;14I, DIGGING Well digging, machine dug, •30 inch well tile, deepening 'and re- pairing. Apply Hadco Well Dig- ging, 1 anile south of; Elmira on Highway -85, phone. Elmira MO 9-7.761, • or 80-r:2 Dungannon.. FOR 'S ALE—Now taking orders for ' our new ' hydraulic round bale. ' loaders. Will , also have square bale stookers for sale. Get orders .;in' early as supply limited. For a good,, 'rugged, de- pendable post hole: 'auger .or ,manure loader for any make or model.. of tractor call- Morford. Mackay, Welding and Machine Shop, phone 6-r-8 Ripley, Ont,.. FOR SALE -x•`,•1955`;. Plymouth hardtop , in. 'good 'condition: "Roy START' A YEAR-ROUND BUSINESSt • You can earn money ' the. first day. Sell' .daily` necessities in: Lucknow; ; Whitechurch, '; Holy rood, Ripley, Bervie and Sur- roundings.High 'cornnission and bonus. . FA . X• .. PRODUCTS, Dept► • R.. '' pelorrumer, Montreal, ► P.Q. CUSTOM—CAR_PAINTING_ A. nice new paint job is money well spent, single ..or' two tone, hot ' spray method,:: fender. • and body . Work, rusted • ' ;panels and 'sections replaced. N. W. Winter4 stem. (1 building' west. of Town Hall) mberlin, phone 194 LuckePw SUMMER. �ROPERTIE S . FOR' SALE - 'light two -wheel trailer ' with -Springs.; Apply, to Otto' Pedersen, ':phone 34 Luck- now. FOR. SCALE -= Lovely white kid prayer book§ at 'reduced ' prices. Suitable for weddings,. ca11 early; supply. limited, .. 'E... Henderson," residence, Christian ,.Book Shop, phone 60-R, :,Lucknow • FOR SA1 —nu irber of 'first -lit- ter' sows., bred Lacombe; ` .also some Holstein . heifers, due soon:. Jack MacKenzie, R, 3 Lucknow,: phone &5-r-1 Dungannon: FOR SALE -gravel, fill' and top soil, contact Jack Farrish, phone 286, : Lucknow.: FOR' SALE—used 40'.' Frigidaire electric range, oven :timer,: deep. :septic Tanks,' cess pools,•.CATTLE BREEDING REDDI;BUILT.•" homes and cot- tages, prefab and erected: • Free literature.' 'Easytefrms. See our samples; Genoe'Lumber, ;Orange- ville Ontario.. • ' COMING. EVENTS 'RECEPTION A, reception and dame in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pierce (nee, Elizabeth 'Pentland) will be held in the Agricultural Hall,, Dungannon, ,on' :Friday,; July 8th,,. Garnet ••Farrier's Orchestra. • RECEP.TI ...,.. . QN • IN LUCKNOW reception ',an dance will be A ecep d • • , held in the Legion Hall, Luck now, •on. Friday, July 8th , .in honour • ;of Mr and ,Mrs. ' Mack MacDonald.:' Carruthers Orchest- ra. WANTED NOTICE • Lucknow District High, School Board 'rewires for January .1st, 1961,.. a secretary -treasurer., ,Ap. ply in . writing .,to W. R. Howey, Chainxian of, the Lucknow .Dis • trict High School Board. CUSTOM BUTCHERING • Beef : and pork sold. in : y quantity.' Custom butchering' in .Government • licensed 'abattoir: Pigs every Tuesday., ''Beef ''from Monday tbroug=i .:Thursday. ' BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET' HELP WANTED . • . A secretary -treasurer •is re- quired for . the : Lucknow Public School.. Board. D•iit'ies to coin mence January' lst, 1961. ' Apply in writing to 'Mrs: Jessie. A1iin, chairman, Lucknow Public School Board;:.•: . ' FOR RENT FOR RENT ' heated building suitable for shop ,or office.,. Available August 1st. Apply. to Wm.. Murdie "and Son'.. COTTAGE . FOR RENT at Point Clark, • July ' 17 _- 31. Electric range, 'electric:' .refrigerator. • and bathrobin. 'K. .C. Murdie: GRASS FOR RENT -for. Z. head of ; eattleT --spring water --_-<and_ plenty of 'liade Alvin Hamilton, R.R. 3 Lucknow,, phone Dungan-'• noxi : 68-M7. NOTICE NOTICE Maple Grove . Lodge, L.O'.L.. ' 1044, will meet, on Monday, July 11th, . 1960:. . WEDNESDAY; JULY• 6'th,, 1960:' AUCTION SALE AUCTIQN SALE Auctionale of household ef- fects and `real. estate will be held for MVlrs,• Wm" M,. MacDon- old; :Hamilton St., Lucknow; on Thursday, July 7th. at [:30.'p.m. General line of household ef- fects, terms cash;; house' and two lots, will be offered subject' -.to, a reserve bid; 1Q.% ,cash ; balance in 30. days.' • Allan Macrntyre. auctioneer, Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS • I IN THE MATTER O. F• THE ES-; TATE OF THOMAS JAMES EDWARD MCDONALD of the �• Township' . Of Huron, ` in the County. of• Bruce, farmer, de- ceased. .. NOTICE': IS HEREBY GIVEN that all.: persons 'having, any - Claims ori demands: against the Estate ofThomas James Edward McDonald aforesaid wlio died on or about the, 31st day .of January, A.D. 1960 'are required to.. file proof of .their 'claims' duly verh fied with the, .undersignedeke- cutor on or ' before'' the 23rd day, of July A.D. 1960 • AND NOTICE ...IS FURTHER GIVEN • °that after the said . date. the . undersigned 'executor ` will. :proceed. to ' distribute ,the . assets of• the said estate among .those entitled• thereto andwill not' be. liable for the. ;said assets or,'any part thereof to any one of ,whose• claims:` he shall not, then have . received lotic e. , . • • Dated' , at Ripley, Ontario, 'this 14th :'day' of',June' A.D., 1960 • Ross .H . Martyn, Executor. Ripley, Ontario •SCHOOL • PLAYGROUND` EQUIPMENT Equipment • on School _play ground • is for the Use Qf all Public School 'children. Persons. using this. equipment after; hours and cawing a':d3sturibance, will be subject to ,.prosecution. 'Luck - now Luck-. now public School ':Board. LOST • i LOST A pass' book' containin FILTER QUEEN Sales and.Ser-1 two : bank books and miscellane 'vice, repairs to'. all makes of our. ,papers. Finder please: 'con- vacuum cleaners.' Used ':cleaners tact Wm. 'Johnston, .•12, Con., , R. of a111 makes for sale., Robert . K. 3 Goderich: Peck, Varna, telephone: Hensall 696-r-2,' P. . SEPTIC TA -NHS . WATERLOO R. T. Kilpatrick, .Sec:;:. CARD OF THANKS. I wish tb express,' my sincere thanks for the many cards and gifts that. I received. while ,a patient in' Victoria 'Hospital, Al, 'so thanks• :for the many :acts of kindness' to. Me and my family since returning . home. • These were all deeply appreciated. Laurine IVIcQuillin. The family ;of the lite: John TENDERS TENDERS :Tenders' will be •received until July' llth for the' `transporting' 'of'; eight pupils from. S.S. No. 9, g P Ashfield,' to Lucknow . Public School Lowest. or any tender" not necessarily, accepted. , • Clayton' Alton,, Secretary, R.R. 7, Lucknow. TENDERS TENDERS will be received, by I N}' MEM0RIA the -undersigned until 'July 9th, 'HUNTER—In :loving memory of. 1960 ;for•'the 'school building 'and a dear' hi husband :and father, •Ja-• ''wood shed and also 'for • the lot' cob Hunter:, who passed away :.1•. at ' iSheppardton, U.S S. No. 11,year a oirJul :9th 1959. ' g Y Ashfield'' Township..° The: lot con- From hospital bed' : to. heavenly sists •of a half acre'iof land, • more rest,. 'or, less,. : with 117 foot'' frontage. -:God took him home to be . his, Y guest • • ': in:.. d ae We lived in tope' .,and px y A. Thompson wish to sincerely thank neighbours 'and friends, for their many kind 'acts and ex pressions of syrn'pathy in their bereavement, ' Thanks also .. to Doctors Corrin and Finlayson and, Nurse; MacIntyre,. I wish. to sincerely thank ,all those, . who contributed to the lovely 'gifts. I received at Crewe School : ,on Tuesday evening. They shall ;`always be a rex-bind- er of your kindness and co -op - oration to me . these past four years Mrs. Sara•,C.' Ritchie. • . Mr, and Mrs. Jim O'Donnell' 'wish to thank Dr; . M. H Corrin, Mr. and. Mrs: Bob Corrie and others for their kindness and in-, ,terest at the time of Terry's mis- hap. The' :family of the late James B. Fooyrster wish to expres thei thanks to all • who sent'flov'er and.' expressions of sympathy in any , way at the time of their . be- reavement. Thanks' :also" to Drs. 'Corrin and' Finlayson' and nurs es at Winghari Hospital and 'those':•w.itocalled to visit 'kr. Forster. .'wbile..a. patient. Thanks also to Rev. 'R. D. A. Currie.; 'Mr: and , Mrs" Ernest 'Button • wish -to. -thank all ,those—who-were-- •so good` to John .in so many vari-, ous 'ways. while he was: a- patient in Wingharn Hospital: All.,these kindnesses were very . much ap- predated:: • ' .. :I wish' to, thank my friends & neighbours for their kindness to. me. while I• . was in.the hospital, also ' the 'Doctors • and:staff of Wingham General Hospital. Mrs. 'Mary- Jane. Webster. oil 'the Count: ' Road ' i/4 : mile from Highway 21: There is. a..good drilled. • well on the property. :Parties' may tender'' for the buildings.and lot'separately, but if sold. separately the buildings, foundation and all debris` must. be removed. Lowest or :any ten: der not necessarily accepted well;. cooker, warming oven,. 'good. condition; used Astral refrgera-ern equipment All work" guar- "Where Better. Brills Are U d"• puniped and cleaned with mod :