The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-08, Page 7}
1010S1i.A'.Y, JUNE' 14y,, 1960;
car ,
and."comforting •dependence
• on Parents `and teachers 'is at an •
Sugar and -:.pace
BY w. 1,3. T. Smiley
4 ,
This is the time. of Year when
hundreds of thousands of young
people across, the land have one
foot in 'the air, • ready to take a
big step, They . are the 'graduates.
It's a. little sad for us older ;folks
in June, as' the graduation pic
tures, flower .and the yearbooks
sprout. It means the old vulture.
with'. the • scythe• has Put 'another
notch, in our particular post.,
But it is :conniforting to know
that the 'reserves, fresh, strong
and well equipped, • are . being
rushed up to support " the. tatter
ed, ,wearY, front=line troops in
the [battle of Life. We need them:
Finishing public school',. and
lust busting to '' get into high
school and be real teen -ager,
is the Grade 8 gang. .No nostal-
gia for them. They liked public'
school, but that's kid. stuff now,
and the sooner they're out, . the
' happier , they'll be.'
For the :boys, it means . they
will no longer be treated ,as chi'
`dren which . is the bane.• of', their
•'existence.. Now., they'll be 'stud
rents. It ' means they can : start
• sneaking • into . the poolroom;
shaving, giving their; parents a
tittle .more, lip,', and 'getting their
'hair:scut the way they°, want'. it.
It • also mean's 'pimples, paying
this' 'way to, the:: show, and the
first and: worst, experience with.
love; But they . don't ' -know that,
>. so 'they're as happy as ,turnips,.
It's even more 'exciting for -the
girls ' leaving.' pulblic • 'school,. ` For
some reason, .girls in Grade 8
are a foot : taller •than boys in
Grade8. This makes love affairs
in. which .' girlsare interested
even' in • Grade ;8, rather • awk-
ward., Moving -on:: Means: they'll
be "mixing with. real BOYS,thei>
own. size, luno treat 'them., as
members of the. opposite , sex, '&
not • with . stunted:, demons wha.
wrestle 'them, push . them! trip
them; , punch , them , and mock
them. .
High school • .graduates: are . not
so ecstatic :about leaving. In,•
fact they're •'almost reluctant, in
many cases. They'd never admit
to' their parents, but they've had
'a ball:,:for he last four or five,
years.', Now the cord must he cut.
Friends, must` be left. ,The fainil
end. Life looms ahead, large and
faceless. Within them lurks a: de-
licious fear, mingled with the,. . ' - -.—•
ex n knowing they are rig
n women, and of Branch 309 Canadian Legion,
ulmost� mei* and May 3�lst'
will have the 'freedom, and 'res-, iwas ' held: Tuesday,
ponsibility this entaxis.
For ' many of those leaving'
high school, .graduation is sur-
rounded by a• special,' rosy aura,
because they are in loye. It may
not be deep and lasting the stuff
that c xry them `through 50
years of esticity, but it's just
as real, . just as, painful; just as
blissful' as any they'll 'ever ex-
eiteme t of no ' The regular monthly "flee
• • • with the president Harold Rit-
• chie. in •thea chair, and' about 25 {;
'members present, including 3
guests. from the ,Kincardine
The attendance draw for $.12"
was won _ by "• S, J.':' Py;nrn , An
invitation was read from Wal
.kerton Branch. 102, to attend a
drumhead service on July ' 2nd
as part of -Walkerton - Old Boys
reunion, , to lbe held during Do
•minion Day holiday. •
The Branchwere also. ' asked
to participate in the reunion at,
Kincardine during Civic Holi-
day. Further details will be
forthcoming after; a meeting' to
be held in Port Elgin on June
6th.. All Legion . Branches in
Bruce County are being asked
to help in this project.
A donation,: of $,15. was 'voted
the Recreation Council .to help
minor,.ball teams in the commu,
The Legion also . • agreed' 'to
sponsor' seats on the, main street
smalltown adolescentswho went and 'other parts . of. the town; for
off to lcoBegfe' four,: years ..agio. the -.convenience of our a Senior
They'' are blase, ;well-dressed, op -.'Citizens,
Ymonated and : sophisticated: On The 'prizes. , for• the am uaI o -
the outside,:at any rate.. vember 11th •draw were• disc s-
These. are the .people who are sed, . and the draw : committee,:
going to.' 'make a •:great deal• of Ted ,.Collyer, and :Joe King of
Money, write •hit plays. and suc- fere'd to : submit ' the.'list,;..and' if.
cessful . novels=' find , a• cure' for possible havethe tickets ready'
cancer, build 'mighty.•bridges, or by the next greeting.
win' the cold war. William Stimson --undertook to
I hope . nobody tells '.them, but ' look • after. the . placing . of .fresh
hey're". probably going to, have wreaths on•:the, Cenotaph., during
to settle - for making a living, .the . summer. months
Writing letters: toy . the editor", .
9 *
Within a year, the high school
Sweetheart may be just a pleas -
.ant mernory, but right now, it's
true love,, and they burn with it,
languish with it, and have their
hearts,, broken by it. They don't
rememb4 'that the heart is .mere-
:ly a very tough pump,' which
goes . right on pumping .after it
has . been :allegedly • fractured;
split• in twain, or torn in ribbons
by love,
Then we'. come to, •the univer-
sit. graduates. Scarcely can 'they
be recognized as the gawky,
finding cures for their hemorr-.
hoidsr. (building • •a. house . with a
mortgage, and • fighting ` a ' run-
un-inconcl tsive battle ' in ' ;the.
hot,: or domestic'"'war"
i Graduates! We who • are ' about
ready to cry, salute you. Ma ; the
roses along your pathway :have,
(fewer. thorns that did, ours: Keep
a:. • stiff , upper chin.. Look life
squarely betweenthe eyes. And
if at first you :.don't• succeed, re-
members :what W. .' C. Fields said:
try,• try again, • and. then quit
before •you make a damn fool
of 'yourself.'
Why.. is it ..that a man's. horse •
sense seems todesert him when
he's . feeling his oats?
• 'Mrs:. Ddnald lacCosl , , Vice--
ice=Chairman of ; ::the Grey -Bruce
Area:'Convention'. of , Women's
-Institute' was . guest speker at.;
:Southampton on- : Tuesda May
give your chicks
For` Pia er' Growth and . Devetopmenf
Whether, you rear': your chicks it, confinement or -
on range, be sure to use CO-OP Gtrow Mash This
feed contains : all the nutrients necessary to give
your birds the fast growth and :strong;bone devel=:
opment' theyneed' in order to. giveyou top results
in ::the -laying -cage: .:
31st, when .the Bruce .centre met
for " their ' district aura al meet-;
ing. She was • accompanied by
Mrs. Harvey Houston, Mrs..' Vic -
for Ernerson . Whitechurch; Mrs..
Cecil Hollands, Kincardine ..and
Mrs. Wm. J :Arnold !ofd the Pur-
ple Grove',. Branch '
• issued in amounts from $100 upwards..
'for periods of 1 to .5 years',
, 41, earn 51% interest,' payable half-,
' yearly: by, cheque
• Goverment authorized investments
for Canadian Insurance Companies'.
• .Executors • Trustees • Individuals
it's up .to. `you. 'In this case, you are the
' teacJ er . And it won't d'4; any: good. : to ,'
• •complain to ,your P.T.A..Saving is' one
subject that has to be taught in the hoine/
—.and, like most subjects, the better it's.
taught, the better will it, be learned
For conscientious parents who . are“,,
anxious to develop habits of .thrift and self-
reliance in their children the B of;M offers
a helpful"little booklet,"How to teach your
youngsters to SAVE". A 'few minutes study
. will. eqquip you to be a more .proficient
teacher~`'Ask for your copy at your neigh-
bourhood branch of "MY BANK::'':
• 610444 .V
Lucknow Branch:. MILTON RA`YNhR, Manage;
372 Boy= $t. 35 Dunlop St.,
• • Tereato, Barrie
D3 t aft..,x
' K