The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-25, Page 9WEDNESDAY,. . MAY °25ith, 1960 • THE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL, L,Uc KNOW, ONTARIO ■ a•u■ora■gaaaa UlraaamaI iiMIN a aaaaummu.. aa■g 1 Real Estate For i ,st• ■ A BRICK' BUILDING ' • in: perfect shape, situated- 'on a ■ the Main Street in Lucknow, close to school. and' church, ■ o . Has: new oil heating ,• system, two new apartrnents with • • hardwood` floors. New 4, -Piece bath in each apartment, a built-in cupboards, This is priced to sell`' and Can. be II bought op ,te1'rns, •: ■ r . LAKE LODGE and all. ,furniture and ;equipment at • Bruce 'Beach; Lodge has 12 bedrooms. Dining room 1 , seats. 2 0.. ' Bathrooms upstairs .and °down..Most' of equip-'' ▪ rnent is new including deepfreeze. Immediate posses- s' sion. • A NUMBER OF, HOMES. in Lucknow; well located with all conveniences, ranging 'in price from $3,000 to ., • $8;000. N . SIX ACRES adjoining Licknow; good house and barn, 111 town 'Water .and' hydro. ,Can .be. bought with low down ' ■ DISTRICT' ANNUAL HERE, IN JUNE 1Virs Evan Keith Was hostess. to 'the Kairshea Women's Insti - tute when they met for their May •meeting.. Mrs. Cliff Rouh.• ■' ston and Mrs. Currie Colwell i;. were in c!harige of the .meeting. IC. The scripture Was read by Mrs. Parish Moffat. • It was the I'ublie. Relations meeting and, the roll call,, `:What is your beef?" brought many and. varied answers from the .17 members. A report of the Con- ference. at G.A.C. Guelph, held for Public 'Relations:Officers ■ was given by Mrs. I .arvey Hou- stun, branch delegate. It was an; w opportunity to • Meet our new Provincial President,Mars; L. G. •. Lymbur•ner, and 'newly elected ■ .Secretary -Treasurer; Mrs. Ger- n ald Holder. Mrs. E. J. Roylance, a. ■ payment. • II A E NUMBER R.. O F COTTAGES .fully furnished on Lake:. i . Huron" between Ainberley . and Point, Clark, priced to sell. : ■ " `President., Columbia, was also the Conference and lowing the banquet,. • u, Mrs, , Donald J. •■ : A ,NUMBER OF FARMS in Lucknow district, well lo • - u cated, some on highway, these farmsare priced' to sell and can., be bought 'on . terms. ' i is ■' ▪ 150',A,CRES .adjoining. St. Helens, ' good brick' house,, l' large' barn, can n• _be bought oh terms as : owners have' •; ■ other. interests. : It' ■ III 60 ACRES dust :off. highway 86, good house and shed ;1 ▪ for stock, 1.0 acres', of bush, immediate possession: • i ■Ontario: Farms and Business•property" r 1 ■ ,f o sale throughout ; .� . ✓ Western. al. 1 List your property with ■ Western Ontario's Fastest Growing Real. Estate WARREN L. STEVENSON Real Estate, Mount Forest „Contact • ■ JOAN HALL, . SALS� MAN ■ Lucknow ■', '■.e■rnarrrir■■■•■rnrit■es�■nrers�irar■rwrae�ei■■■ :of• British •presen) ,at spoke fol-' Heavy • $11.45 PAGE'. NINE::. Duty Batteries• • 18 :Months Guarantee . .. . 2 Years . Guarantee , 48 Months Guarantee (With Exchange) • heel Alignment.:'and.Baianci'ng Motorcade' .Dealer — 'Phone: 3, :Lucknow MacKinnon gave the report of the District Directors meeting. The District- Annual will be ' in . Luclknow town, hall, with Lucknow and Paramount branches . as hostess. Bruce, Centre,. district will :be hostess to• the Bruce ' County Rally in Port ` Elgin' on' October 20th. DelegatesQto • District An- nual, Mrs, Cliff R'oulston,: Mrs: Donald MacKinnon, Ma Ted' Collyer, 'Miss Dean • MacLeod; al- ternates, • Mrs. ' Alex McLeod, Mrs.` W. F. MacDonald.' The Extension ,Service Course chosen was. "How to Conduct Meetings".. An' invitation is ex- tended , to ;any interested officers in other neighbouring Institutes or' other societies.. The': recom •mendations" `of anexecutive meeting regarding work of e, eSun` shine committee' was..acre t • d at� the �Meeting: 'and Will be voted on at next rneetin'g;.. to form a By -Law. : • a • Mothers 'of' the 4=H' Homemak- ADOPT' SALARY;, SCHEDULE, The '-schedule .: represents; an ing. Club and Kairshea ;members overall :salary. increase of . ap- are invited . to a Casserole. Sup (Continued from 'Page 1') ' proximately.` $2,000; . which'will•'•.pe'r, '.: Saturday, June 18th at.4• Board, took ' the initiative in be all but offsetf' by the saving p.m. at. the 6th 'School .House'; suhimi tin .their ,schedule•' to the that will. resui.t• if only j half day: by rneriibers of the 47H Club ' An g. representatives,The ' kindergarten sessions are •requir- .. amusing contest, by; Mrs.: Federationy did'. this, • she ".said , in •effect be ed. : well, "Name . the ;Faces", ' (some cause theN Hoard • had little op. Press In Attendance "' portunity to study, the../schedule; The: question arose as to whe- presented i'lay • the' teachers, at Cher or, not the Press would 'be their meeting". them. Sub- - sequently_ reviewing the propos als, they were now prepared to• take the initiative: .. The negotiations" were broken down 'into nine :with points, ' . , h . al most', spontaneous agreement . on' most bf the' ':points. The Federal. •tion asked for a general, $400 in- crease a $200 increment and people• didn't , recognize thein selves)'. created .much merriment,. Miss • Dean: McLeod agave.. '" a aowd 't 1l� e . • sit in at the meet- reading. Mrs: Rso oulston, had. me' o. ing, 'and after, a 'brief three-way, members read • .amusing': short conference 'on 'this' •I? oint. the verses, and ' also extended :•the enior Sentinel reporter :covered. courtesy` remarks :::`The June S p the :meeting voluntarily ''retiring meeting Will . be held at,• the :when each "side hao some key home of. Mrs. Currie Colwell,'• at points to "discuss. 8:30. At 'the' close. of, as we. said, a most harmonious and congenial meeting, Miss Harndwer. 'con''- ASH I ELQ PU'.PILS. $200 adjustment 'increase with a ►rented• . that it the presence of ' $5.000, maximum The "Trustee Abe Press had anything' to do PR.ESEN'T' ' CO+NCERT. • rations had been carried on,: she .' Pupils/ .of. Ashfield Township • was E'"for it:'Schools, under . the `• direction of • Mi Fisher. said:' "Y Wish to their music .:`supervisor, • Mrs:• thank' this Board for the' excel Duncan Simpson, •presented their lent manner, in: which 'tire, have spring conceit in the. .L.ueknow treated the' teachers' ' repr'esenta, District High :.School on Friday `.arid for their .fartsighted night. • ' trves The varietymusical planning in the best' interests' of Y program. p gwas enjoyed by a large • audi- the community and the 'children in iv, 0 epee:: The numbers:. were all Mit. Jessie Alln, chairman of group and chorus presentations,• apart from a self). by Florence 'the board,, thanked the • Board MacLennan: of.'Lochalsh• ' .members 'for • their,; support; and- made reference to' co -opera The" chairman, was Kalmar. < staff sand Dawson of ' Dungannon and tee - troll flow:or a good teaching chers of 'the ' participating schools the importance of conti.nuin,g:. . ers and' rovided a '"satisfactorygood' •relations" with ahem are Don 'Cameron, Belfast; Mrs: p y Dell Durr in, ; Dungannon;. Tale futrire." In the • matter of 'the Mrs.' Watson' stated that the Haldenby, Port Albert; ,Mrs. •summer course requirements Board members' • are keenly 'Frank Ritchie,' Crewe Mrs., Jim the F responsibilities ' s the ,Board '1» teachers taking re-' fresher courses. ' h Was asked if the • acceptance of the. schedule was 'binding, on: • future ,Boards, or on staff frig ' r RErit NT{ OF ROBERTS(i!N'S 13001 RFADY SOON hers. The answer was to:.the of • ' • feet that teachers were on year-, . The spring meeting of the ly. contracts; • and that ,specific cases 'Might 'ani f • titre :to. Bruce. County .Historical Society g se nomwill be held Thursday, May 26th time which would require negoy ,,n pa'isle- tiating, The schedule is a'' sound . i y twill •al�clude' footing for sitiich: discussions, and ?�i'e prograril those concer..ned Would ` not be films and tants or Bruce. Nor starting 'from; scratch. will be ready. fQr accepting the schedule, tho Federtion • representatives. said they 'Fere prepared to advise the Board offered' ' $300 acid had in 'th the Manner in which negot= their 'original submission . set• the inaximuin at ..$4;200; for Level 2 The contention was that this latter • figure was not• high • enough •;'to allow;. for annual in- ,crements, but in any' case the maximum , figure • was a few, years • away for , anyone on ;the. staff, and' would:' thus !have : io immediate ' affect on costs: • The Board • agreed . on: this and the Federation representatives " ac- cepted the $300 ' "across • the ' board" increase, . The higher. ` maximum •: ' was considered an indentive to teach- Gaviller,' Ward. • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' • Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON J E KENNEDY, B Ed , 'B.A.,C.A.-Resident Manager Telephones Busihess. 633;' 'Residence. 1 Q6 '. • buffet lunch was enjoyed. ; Mrs. P: A.' Murray'' thanked the 'girls `fob inviting the Mothers. Marion Green .tanked'. the hostess. The next :meeting ,which will be the last'scheduled one, will be held at the home of Marion Green Several . from the •community attended the:: Fashion .S•how'. on Thursday evening at the Luck District High. Sehool. : Mr.. ,and Mrs. ;Jas, . Graham 8e. •Mr. - and ,Mrs.: Joe : Bl,ackborow, Hamilton, • spent Sunday • :with `Mr. 'sand :Mrs.. Art.Hodgins. ;Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Wraith were in' -Longden , on' Friday attending the: graduation exercises ,for the nurses from :Victoria Hospital 'sch�o'ol. ''of . Nursing' when their neice, Miss Gloria Stobo. was' one of the graduates. . • Mr.' and Mrs•: John Schumach- er,, Mr.'' and Mrs. Perry' Hodgins and Sharon 'were recent ,visitors'' with Mr. and ,Mrs. Art Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson. and . family,• -Georgetown, so• the week -end with, Mr. and •Mrs. John Schumacher. • Little Dianne Roberson : returned home with thein.. •Sunday visitors with Mr.' and : - Mrs. 'Orval, Wilson a faini1y. 'were •Mr.. and Mrs William Ken- nedy and ;'family,; Sarnia,', Mr. & Mrs. Doug :'Drennan and family, Karutai . and: Mr. 'and •Mrs.''Dave Kennedy ` and Earl, '..Kincardine,. Mr. and Mrs; Morley. Wall and • family spent ,the evening at the same ;hone.. : nt:' Cancel Road:Rebuilding Plans The THuron .County Road Com- mittee -:has cancelled- ' its, 1960' Plans to rebuild and 'widen the - stretch of , road :between , Nile .& .Carlow':.whish:-...is' in --bad condi. tion. The: ' cancellation :resulted .:`•` ,when several,' property..owners refused. to- ` sell the necessary land for widening the road,: at ' the price' offered.• F • • ••, i7 edeyration, representatives aware, of their ', . Little, lO'tYi; Mrs..,,Walter Clare, aid they were' as interested as: and • are trying' , to do the' best Miss • Rose ar Kingsbridge; m y Skaz; 4th; fob Norman, Dun- g�annon, Nit's:: Jan'ies McTavish, emloek City; Mrs; ' Howard .Blake, Lochalsh. ' • . ' • they • can to keep .within a tea savable bttdget • . CULROSS COR'NERS. The 1`Tolyrood, Supper, 7 ,met s . home 'pues�day evening at . the of Mrs, Frank ••`Thompson. The girls had their - Mothers ' as man •ohrt Robertson's "History o guests'. Menus ' 'Were • judged. f r .sale Barbara Murray made ' cheese Behcet . biscuits. Corabelle •' Thompson e'. 16th at $5,00 per about Juh . ' •• making of demonstrated the copy. ' ,whole wheat biscuits and June t B;obertsdkr •oi' Luck, achers to . Mr...Stuart . Ackert made, ,plain biscuits. A work `their Vvay ul? w is president orf the. Society, bisquits. b7 the .agreed up n , ent. 1 -- therein. • , 3 • x 1959 Chev Discayne sedan, automatic, fully equipped $2,395 '11959 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, automatic, ' fully equipped $2;595 1959. Chev Belair sedan, ' automatic, fully equipped 1958 Ford Fairlane, automatic 1958 Pontiac •Laurentian, 4 -door Hardtop; fully equipped, power `brakes ...: . • ::':.r'' , ,. + . • $2.,250 1958 Chev. - Standard sedan ,:,......... ,.: ..,....,...:.,....: $1,9.95 , 1957 Meteor, ., $1,395 1956 Pontiac ,Deltixe Sedan, fully quipped •..::.:.. 1956' ford coach, 8 cylinder t : Two 1955 :Pontiac. Deltixe sedans, with, automatic 1954 'Buick Sedan, automatic o Number of 1953. ;1953• and• 1954 Models from ,$295 'to $750. • ' TRUCpick1iS! • TRUCKS!. • 1958: 'Chev. t!� =ton -up $2,495 52,150 :;.:, $1,395. $1,195 $1,195 $995 $1,495• '3-1958 •Chev, 1,4i -ton pick-ups, withfleetside body .... $1,495 1-4958' Chev 1,4 -tori pick-up with long box and rack $1,495. 2--1956 Chev: $1,095 1/2 -ton -ton piett=tips �.:..,..: ,... +.;. 1954. 'Chev. //-ton pick-up at,,.,.:.:,:y.........,. :...,.:,.....,•..: $395 Cites Iusseis-Motors ervee Dealer Phone 0113, Brussels 1,• ',