The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-25, Page 8PSE EIOIT' , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LTTCKNQW;,' MITAR>GO Havingtaken; over, Walden -Brothers: • business in the Ripley Area, 'we'." have rnoved there, to better service the area and will, appiKeciate a continuance of . your.. . patronage: in the: trucking of -.. • LIVESTOCK, FEED. SEED •and. 'FERTILIZER We will. ,continue our. LUCKNQW ; SERVICE AS USUAL At the Community Shed Depot PHONE :LUCKNOW 5.7, .; Trucks Located' �In it IGEN MOWBRAY, 133 ipley-. and Lucknow Ripley Phone 158.r-3 LANGSIDE; Mor. and Mrs. Eric • Evans, 'arid: family: of Hyde: Park, 'spemt the. ' week -end at the . home of Mr: ''and Mrs:W lliam•'Evans'and''Mr Foster' Moffat. ::Mr: and Mrs. Gra!hani Pinkney and Glyn sPent the: week -end with 'Mr?. and Mrs: • Ted Collyer.. rMr: ,& Mrs Lloyd .Huffman.;, & daughter io,f. Thedf ird visited Sunday ...With.`.itis parents, & Mrs. Roy Huffman. Visitors,, 'during the week -end • with Mr. and ' Mrs. , John : Crow- ston ,wertMr and'Mr•s. Clarence, Crowston and Dale of . Chatham, Mr, ' ,and . - Mrs. Orland.; Wingham, Mr. • and Mrs. Clay ort Alton,•: Ashfield Mr.• 84, -Mrs. ' Gordon Wall'Were ,aanong ;other' guests for a •stir-. prise party Saturday evening • honoring Mr:. and' Mrs.. john. Wraithof Ltickriow ' for their' Silver Wedding' 'Anniversary, •v, ich fell on Friday, May' 20th We extend hearty 'congratula- tions to Mr. Wilson Nall who celebrated his 85th birthday, .on, Sunday: with :a' family gathering at the .home ,;of his daughter, 1VIr: and Mrs ` John Wraith: Little Ricky ' 'Conley., son • of Mr. and •Mrs: Eugene Conley: is' improving after being sick ,With the , muinps. . ' Mr. Allan, Miller;• Mr:: and Mrs.°. Arthur Hinsohberger and Dale spent the week -end at','the 1i0ime of 'their parents. On SOday, 1VIr, arid Mrs. Hinschberger and .Dale and Mrs 'rank Miller .visited' with ' relatives; in Tiverton and Kincardtine:: Miss • Ruth.. and Phyllis Steer, spent ` the 'week -end "wrth their father, Mr. PhillipSteer. • and peter, , Mr. and Mrs. William 13aown of Lucknow visited Sunday with: Mr: and Mrs, • .Charlie Tiffin.,' Have . Yo.u''tiengWed : our Sub. seription? WILL BE AT LEAST' • • THREE MINOR BALL TEAMS' Lucknow w111: be .represented, in the W,O:A.A., by atleast'three' minor soft -ball teams -Pee: Wee, Bantam 'and Midget, The Pee., Wees ; and Bantams• are again under, Lions sponsor- ship..Ekt tinie of. writing a Spon ser was being •cij ght for the Midget teanq: ' ; The Pee Wees are 'grouped ,with Whitechurch, 'Belgrave and 'T-eesv(rater.Members of the Com mittee are. Gerald :lathweil, Jack MacDonald; • Alex Andrew; •'Lorne, Reid, Omar Brooks,. gilt Rayner, Ernest Button.. . The Bantams are. 'in a five team . group with . Whitechurch, Teeswater, Ripley and.. 'Armow..' Their, committee iscomprised of Ross ..Robinson, 'Donald MacKin- non, . Ken Mowbray,. Bob Mac- Kenzie, 'Donald Harimilton, . Gor- 'don Finlayson and Gordon :Bail ey. Arrive� • ONE :CARLOAD 'DRAFT: MIDGET GAMES: ,.' OPEN HERE THURSDAY' Although the weather hasn't • been. conducive • to •getting ready for ° the • ball • season; the . Midget, •Schedule has been drafted and' Lucknow isslated to; play their first game on' the home 'diamond this • Thursday. with Teeswater. as the ' visiting Club. . Games commence ,at 7:00 'pan., ,'and. if postponed'.because"of rail are to be ,played` the . following, evening.. ' • Only :the top, . lour 'teams; .• make, the. playoffs Ross Robinson is in charge '• of the Lucknow boys. May 23 'Pinkerton at Whitechurch 24 Teeswater 'at. Rile ' p Y. 29, Tiverton at' Belgrave Teeswater at Lucknow Whitechurch:'at ,.Pinkerton. .:30 Belgrave "at Teeswater • • '31. Pinkerton :it Lucknow •Ripley' Tiverton `June • 2 Ripleyat Pinkerton . '.Lucknow at •Teeswater.. • Tiverton' at Whitechurch 6 : Wihitechurch:.at Beig..ave 7 .. Pinkerton ,at. Teeswer LucknoW at. Ri 'ley 9 Belgrave at Pinkerton Tiverton at . Lucknow Whitechurch at -Teeswater 14 Pinkerton at ,Riple� Y Teeswater at Tiverton Lucknow at Whitechurch 17: ' Ripley 'Belgrave': Teeswater at: - Pinkerton• 18... Whitecehtireh • •at - Tiverton. 20 Lucknow 'at Belgrave 21 Tiverton ,at Pinkerton .Teeswater at ; Whitechurch • 23.: Ripley at Teeswater` • ' Whitechurch- at Lucknow ,25 Belgrave ' at Tiverton, 27 • = Pinkerton at Belgrave 28 Whitechurch. ,at Ripley Tiverton.' at Teeswater' 30 .Belgrave at Lucknow., • ';Tiverton -a't :Ripley`.. .July 4 Teeswater ' at Belgrave ,Pinkerton. at.' Tiverton Ripley :at. Whitechurch. . '.Belgrave •at. Ripley .Lucknow ' at Pinkerton 9 ..Lucknow at Tivertori 12 Ripley at Lucknow Belgrave at- Whitechurch '!+ :qy SH�1 PLAP ' HAYRACK SILL• S• B:RIDG;E PLANK and ONE CARLOAD., Hen-IockR�-ofSfrappinc BARN $07►,RL15 ". WHITE PINE, FRESH , CEMENNT 1 N STOCK , �N t.. E1110 tUM1ER • LTD. • Phone 150 uc now Ont. .. • . • WEDNESDAY, MAY ,25th, :.900 Between ,1:30 and 4 :OO p.m.' Daylight • Saving Time This ' will effect the municipalities of ' Lucknow and Ripley and all the surrounding rural area served from Holyrood station: This . interruption is : necessary to 'carry out repairs at our. Holyrood station. Any inconvenience to our cus tomers is sincerely ' regretted.. / River ,spent 'the week-end,with Mary Anne'. Mc:Cosh. Mr. , andMrs.:• Peter Leeson &. farnily were .,Sunday guests; with Mr. 'and ..Mrs Burton: David Eadie of°Holyrood spent some holidays with. ' his uncle, Mr Lorne Culbert., Mr. and • Mrs..' Peter :: Leeson & "family, were recent; guests :of Mr. and Mrs.' .Jing -'Brooks.:: Mary Miss Anne McCosh has ,� returned- home',froth,. .Toronto SVliss Doreen. McLeod •. spent a few days in Toronto , last. week. 1Vlisses Ruthe and Annetta For= ster of Toronto spent the week-' end' with their parents, • Mr, ;and !Mrs. Walter. ..Forster. , Mr. and' ,Mrs. Jim: .McEwen; Jamie . and `Kenneth; Mrs,: Victo' ria Smith; 'Miss -Geraldine Em-: erson; •:Miss Margaret,: Robertson, Ar, and Mrs. Ralph Hill, .Mesars. , Bert:,. Thompson,' : Roy •''Collins, Walter ,Collins, Don Robertson, Dick Stanley and Mrs. 'Harold Bannerman . and Dianne of (in- loss Were. recent visitors', at Mc - Cosh's. Mr' and .Mrs. - Walter' . Forster •'and family, °Mr; and Mrs.. bon McCosh' and family, Miss Helen Godfrey„ and Mr. Gordon Batter-. '- 'son..were Sunday •. visitors with Mrs. John Colwell =of Kinlouigh. "Visitors at the: home' of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. MacDonald on ,Sunday.' were ' l'ir, 'J. J. Houston; Holyrood;. Miss ' Ruth Steer • and `•Mr • Don Bell, Toronto;;. Mr. and. • Mrs. ' ; , Tom ° MacDonald, : Mack; DK.ennMaepy' and oElms /iV1ae and Mrs: nald.• Mr: and Mrs.' Francis 'Boyle •& ,• family Were. gtieSts at the home Of, Mr.,' and. .Mrs. Aurel strong on Sunday. 'Miss Edna BoYle, Orilia s erit: P a few days .at' 'Mr:. and Mrs.t• Francis" Boyle's. • Sunday guests at --the home: of Mr. Milton Stanley • were Mr. & f Mrs., Lawrence Staniey, ..Betty . Jineand Ronnie, 'Mr. and Mrs.. Glen`; Stanley and fanii-i ; Mr.. and 112rs:: Russel Stanley.'• and family; Mrs; ,Colman of ;dilne ' and Mary Ellen 'and Carbl • Anne .Traher "of London Mrs. Victor Gawley and Mrs, George: Harkness spent last Wed- nesda , .. in Toronto: • y, be of `Goose.'. i1Vir.; JerryMcC ,a Bay, Labrador; Mr. Edward Lni� ner of Sylvestre; Quebec and Mr:` ,Stewart Hoy of Vanc.ouver,B.C. • were holdday visitors' with Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Currie. Mr. sand :Mrs. Ben Scott visited: at. the ,home of .Mr. and Mrs:.111.1 Arnold 'on Thursday. PURPLE GROVE, Sandra Collins visited at the home .'of ;'lona Leeson ,over:' the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crawford and Sandra of ' London spent 'the week -end with .Mr.. and Mrs. - 'Victor• Gawley and 'family.' Mr: 'and Mrs, Peter Pedersen, Mrs. A. P. ' Maguire and - Mrs. Wilfrid., Tra-her . and family' of London . were weekend / gueats of 'Mr. Norval Stanley, Anne Marie Stanley ands' Julie and •Cari Stanley visitedat their :grandfather's, ` 'Mr. Milton Stan- ley through the week, We welcome Mr. and.Mrs. Don . Dore and family back to. their farm, and 'Mrs. Gordon . Mac-, Donald visited recently at the home of me. and Mrs. ' Fred Gil- christ,' Con. 4 Kinloss. • Mr.-, and ' Mrs. Bob Fair and Mr; 'and Mrs. John M.'aeDonald were ' ' guests of Mr, and Mrs. Glen ,Fraser of Maple, r ' Miss Helen God4r'ey 5f Pirie • of Lucknow'. PRE -SEASON SALE ENDS SATURDAY,, MAY 28th. Check Our Sale Folder For . Numbers Already Called 2958, 2644, 2820, 1587, 4304, . 2383, 2259,. 3994;s -9126, 7693: CHILDREN'S SPRING COATS AND °SUITS Regular $7:50 to •$15,95 Going For Final Week'' Only At $4.95 to $10.95• TEENS' AND LADIES' COATS : AND SUTTS Regular $11.95 to .$29.95' • ' -• Also "Special" This Final Week $7.95 to. $.15.95 ' NEW .SHIPMENT .OF LADIES , ALL AT '10%. DISCOUNT CHILDREN'S &MANS, Special SOCKS -' Spun Nylon arid. Stretchies, pain . $1.19 5c