The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-11, Page 12PAGE TWELVE' •.P:4 •THE LUCKNo'W SENTINI+•L, LUCKNOW ■ . . ■ ■ ■ ■ • LARGEST STOCK of • the BEST' •MATTRESSES 1 : I've- have ever had ' at. ■ .■ tt° B • ■: • M. :Y REDUCED ;' Lf You. Are In The 'Market For A GOOD MATTRESS or BOX SPRING ame.In And See Our Large Stock Of The. BEST NAMES in :MATTRESSES. ■ ■ t , ■ ■ . ■ • ■ ■ ■ 1 it'Si mons Smooth ' Top Mattresses • and Matching Box • ■ Springs.' Reg. $49.50 - Sale $39.95 is • ▪ Sleepmaster Mattresses and Box Springs, each, `Reg. ■ $69.50 .' . . Sale $49.95 • ■ ' Sleepmaster Mattresses and Box Springs, each Reg. :• $49.50 . ' .. Sale •$39.50 i ■ ■ ■ Ther -a Pedic' Mattresses , and Box Springs: (10 years , u y Guarantee) . Reg. $59.50 '■■ .1 . .. Sale $49.50 Sealy Mattresses as Nationally Advertised, ■ .. . complete al Unit of Bog Spring: and Mattress for only . • $79.95 ■ . Mattress, Reg. $59.95. •:each only i, Grey Layer ' Felt attress all sizes . ■ ALL MAKESand SIZES OF'CRIB .'MATTRESSES' i • From $6.95 to $1,1.95. ■ .. `$44.50 I'' ■ • $116.95.. ■ ■ • ■' don MacNay, Donald . Kirkland, ■ • (Couch mattresses for all types of couches) is Thom Collyer,. Sandy MacKen ■ ... ■ ' zie, • ',Mac". M.ac" . MacDonald, Patricia' r These 'reduced rices are on::Cash' Sales 'Onl ■ • Pentland, Kathleen Hacketti nd ■ . ■ . Sandra Percy. • •• • ■ ■ '■ In "his' summation Major Hill ■ osparebedrooms • and 'Children's bed&A' we ..have a said the'. rade was' "ve 'ver" ■ For • ■, p� ry, Y :' Spring Filled Mattresses as low as ....,$19.95. a good. He made refernce to' the- ■ death of their former instructor,. CADET CORPS WON .IIG.H PRAISE major ' or :I;. W ~Hill, western. On- tario area: , cadet commander, London, had high praise for the' Performance of Lucknow Dis- trict, Hugh• School "Cadet corps at the . annual inspection an 'Thurs- day. Ideal' weather prevailed for the event, bringing out a' fair number of spectators, 'bid, . far from what the, occasion merited. • Also officiating was Lieut. J. T: Chapman, cadet officer, wes- tern • Ontario. 'area,: London.. Captain H. U Thompson, 21st Field Regiment, 1i.C1 „' Lucknow is chief instructor at the •school.. Features ,of the inspection were general. . salute inspection of •corps, and march past, • de- monstration of rifle aiming 'by grade . 11 . cadets, display of itemsfor a ' family emergency pack •in. case of ,disaster by grade 11 • cadets, intersection control. signals and selections by Luck- now District High School Band.. The 'Strathcona •badge. for the best;.shot in. the. school was ,pre- rented to 'Paul Henderson. Peter. • Eskritt . won. the award for the` best' cadet on parade' with Mary Andrew .named for • the girls. 1 Cadet officers are . Major . Geo. Hackett,' Captain; John VanOsch, Sergeant-Major, ; Paul Henderson, Lieutenants , Douglas' Sdhmid,'.. Doug Stanley, •Floyd :Stanley, Fraser'. Ashton,George. Gibson;, Capt. Barbara ` Murray;" -Lieuts. Nancy Forster, Patricia Thomp- son; Diane ,Rayyier. Sergeants Peter Eskritt, Gor- ■ • r�c,tNAN .. a, ■ :-:: ac•KENZI E .... .. M■■ ■r■■ /of„.// ■■■ ,■.. ■/ usfuw.■.1■.r:.. DOUBLE' • :RING 'CEREMONY •.SOLEMNIZED . AT CLINTON CUNNINGHAM ' REID A 'double ring ceremony was solemnized at the . Presbyterian' Manse, Clinton,', on Saturday, April 30th when Rev. D. J. Lane united in marriage,. Marjorie Eunice Reid, ` daughter, of Mr. and; .:Mrs. W G. • Reed, Lucknow and 'Ford 'L. Cunningham,. son. of Mr,. and Mrs. • Vere D. Cun- ning+ham, R.R. 5 Gederich. The couple were •attended by Mr: & Mrs! Archie .Nicholson. • Mr.. and Mrs. Cunningham will .reside' at Lucknow: Beginning '' : his • sermon,. - the preacher said. ``Brothers . and sisters, you havecome ."here to' pray for. rain. Pd like' to ask you dust one question. Where . are your. umbrellas?" Mr. William MacDonald.:.He ob se,'ved that it was. 'a ;large corpi. for one instructor, but you• liave "come 'along very Well”, • ie said:. ,He , complimented the Corps for their eneral a e r nce or g ppaa f their "straight m , the eye:look" .during the March'Past, and re- ferred to :the: neat"attire of : the girls, and . the distinguishing red tunics 'of the ::officers. • He commended the Band and made special ,,f ference ; to• Cadet Major .. George Hackett for • his commands, decisive action and assurance. (Following the:inspection, the Band headed the.. Corps as :they paraded .through the.. Main St. ONTARIO, WPDIS �'DA"V;, • 14AX 11th, 1960: Designed With �'�ou :1n Mind FRIGIDAIRE: SUPER. REFRIGERATOR, S -9C-60 u p Super is only 24 . inches wide, ' et it's packed :with `•The•• yet' ADVANCED' features.- You get a.. big, 37 pound top freezer ' ;chest; a Frigidaire Meat. Tender that ` stores up' to 9.2' pounds of` fresh meats;;` full -width glide -out. hydrator that holds more than a week's supply• of fruits arid •vegetables for•the average.'family.; lots: of, door storage . space;'`.' and ' the new magnetic door' ; that seals airtight all the. way around: RIGHT NOW WE: NEED GOOD : USED REFRIGERATORS, .'COME IN. AND GET A HIGH` TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for your old' , refrigerator on` 960 ,"Frigidaire. 1Electric an� '•1/ Greer T d Phone 110, Lucknow e.. It could well be one of the Bands • Harold Percy, reeve of Kinloss, I last` official functions under . the 1.welcomed ' the members to .Kin principalship of P.:, W. Hoag It lough" and thanked the' ladies for was Mr. Hoag who ` organized 'the an excellent meal. 'Band in:1944, and has':continu=. q� , e.d to direct and:instruct this ' o� R Cross F ed . Ra 60 r Raise 9 Virden Mowbray : 'sincerely. hanging . •group through the thanked themembers; who had • su�• se went .ears • :so that • the • . ,.. b s .ss ana 1,c qy►o"�:toss cv c nducted she Red C ' d douig a • thorough .lob to obtain Band . has:.become ' tra iiiona1 at "WESTEEL" GALVANIZED ROOFING Gives :You Three' Fold: Protection At Side Joints and Saves. You Money Because It Covers More. ALL LENGTHS IN STOCK Free Estimate No Obligation FLOOR UNDERLAY 1.4 ara . .. Inch � • Thick Hardboard ECONOMICAL. - EASY TO LAY Gives ,A Perfect Base For A Linoleum .or Tile Floor •PITTSBURGH PA►INT5 We, Carry A Complete . Stock Of • • PITTSBURGH ` PAINTS For. That "JUST PAINTED" ;LOOK USE PI`ITSBURGH. ' SYLVAPLY: FIR PLYWOOD All 'Thicknesses: In' Stock For Forage Wagons, Grain 'Bins, Wall Sheathing, etc, Phone 160; FRESH CEMENT I N' STOCK: P PERSON ' LL M 1 Lucknow, Ont. Lucknow District _'High. School. '$400.00, exceeding the objective • .TICKETS '' GO:::FOR `O'CONNOR• SHOW I. There is a big • demand for tic, kets for the.. • Billy O'Connor floor show` : .and dance, Rae 'Watson reported '.at -the-regular Meeting of . the , Lucknow • and District Lions Club, held at Kin- lough on' Monday evening. lie expressed ,himself as well • pleased with• the way. they are, being received by 'members and the. ,way they are selling. • Ap- proximately • 1000 tickets. ' have been issued to Clubmembers, and more than•a quarter of then have already 'been sold, • collect- ed '.for, and 'the money turned in; Proof of this was 'contain' d ;in, a' "roll" 'of close to. $30Q,: which, he tossed over. to Treasurer. Jack McDonagh.: , President 'Cecil ,Blake said that personally they were "the easi- est thing I ''ever sold." ; , The big night is Tuesday, May 24th, with • a $1.00' admission cov- ering both the show and dance. ;Comfortable ' seating will , be placed in the ice surface , area, in • addition' .to • the regular are- na seating, and decorations, •flod lighting' and : a public: ad- dress system ' will add to the crowd :pleasing' aspects : of, the show featuring ten stars of TV, stage and radios iGordorl Fisher reported on publicity details with' .posters, being' distributed " over a, wide area. • of at least 00.00, Present Pleture'. ' A framed • picture of. Melvin' Jones,• founder of Lionism,, was' presented to -the Club ,,by K. C. Murdie. The history of the foun-,. der •was outlined by •Peter: B.is- sonnette. Jim •Emerson of Purple ,Grove, who: has completed his third year at. the Ontario • Veterinary College, :was a guest of Mr, Bis- sonnette at the' meeting. Gordon •Montgomery, was th winner. of the $50.00: draw for the convention fund. . • To Sponsor : Bali The Club. decided ,.to again' sponsor minor 'softball activities • and several Volunteered' help :