The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-11, Page 11WEDNESD'AY:,; MAS' llth, 1960- • A, M. 14ARPER AID COMPANY; Chartered. Accountants West Street' a ODERICH, ONTARIO, Telephone JA 4756.2 ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, 'ONTARIO` Box 478 Phone JAckson 4-9521 A. R. D'U: VAL. D.C., . Sp.C, Chiropractor Physio ''and . Electro . Therapist Wingham Phone 300' (O:ffice located in former CKNX building on the Main Street). ,1 NSURANCE FIRE, • WIND,' CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE • • ro Protect. Your Jack, Insure; 'With Jack' Toda • ,i. A. McDONAGH' it.R. 3, .Lucknow, Out. ;'Phone 61-5, Dungannon, S. ;HETHERINGTON, • � 'Q.C, • Barr ;stem Etc. `Wingham and' Lucknow I11T 'LUCKNOW 'Each, .Monday. and; Wednesday. Located in the Municipal 'Office • '.Phone *Ingham Office 48 . Residence . 9' .STATE' `. .AR1V1 MU .TUAL AUTOMOBI LE INSURANCE. bvestigate Before ` Investing • ' REUBEN WILSON R,R 3, Goderich • • :Phone 80-r-$', Dungannon: JOH NSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME - 'Phone 76 bay ,or Night USF Op`. FUNERAL. HOME . , At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices • ' Established 1894 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prorn:pt ' service;; and ; quality products, • ciorttact'�r Blt.. 'CHISHOLM . .' ['home' collect 'Dungannon • i9‘f-2 • "!Aiways Look To Imperial For The Best" now ►ovw .,_. ' , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CERA ILD ' N. .CROOKS DOCTOR 'OF CHIROPRACTIC • Phone'' 545 EXPLAI..NS •O.H.,P. PAYMENT PLAN:: • (By J. Carl. Hemingway) • Last week I was told- that • the KINCARDINE', ONTARIO story that the Ontario Hog Pro=- . • Office hours; Daily Monday to Saturday Wednesday a.m.:. Evenings Tuesday, Thursday, =:aturday • McLENNAN and .MacKENZIE • FUNERAL SERVICE. Services. conducted accord- ing to your .wishes. at your. " Home, your 'Church; or: 'at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge, Phone 181, Lucknow; , Day or Night • WI' .GH N AM MEMORIAL SHOP 1' We . Have Been . 'Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years, .Always Using THE BEST GRANITES• Along With 'Expert 'Designing and Workmanship. Prices' Most Reasonable '' Cemetery Lettering a Specialty A. SPOTTON. 256, �Wingham, Onta 'Phone .rio. G. ALAN. WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on :Patrick.' St., . just off : the Main S. in WINGHA1% • Professional Eye . Examination Optical Services • • •.For; appointment, • Please Phone 770, Winghain R.. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solieitor LISTO'WEL, ONTARIO ; INS LUCKNOW • . Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office' in ..the Joynt .Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31. J LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE` ,INC.' Phone' Lucknow 71 • TED` COLLYER: Registered Master Electrician. • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR•. Specializing iii Electrical Wiring and . • Repairs ..ACIENT FOR SPARTON TV and .• ,;All Electrical•' Appliances • Phone '46,-r-2,5 Lucknow :ROBERT E. I'RVI N$T GENERAL GARAGE Agent for OLIVER FARM M'ACHIINERT • •and 'complete. FIRESTONE LINE ' Phone Dungannon• 5a, ducers are taking the producers; money to build up a huge bank account. is. going the 'rounds and that. many producers. are believ- ing the story, This time the amount is $200,000. I would like to give some' acts.. • First.• -. The. Hogg Producers have a huge Bank account. Not $200,000 but rather $2 .'million and it did go up to '$4 :million, one. week. This was probably the week •of January 11th after the 'very :large run of hogs just before deficiency payments be- came effective. • Actually there is in the Ship- pers Trust Account of the On- tario' ntario' Hog Producers the equiva- lent 'of. the .value of a weeks ,run of hogs: plus the' amounts of all thosecheques that'. farmers are 'slow in, cashing. In order. to get.' interest on this account from the Bank' ' the. Hog Producers: have 'agreed to keep; one. and a • quarter. million in this account at all times.. This 'money can only be used . to : cash .cheques for producers hogs. . /Let us consider how this Mon- ey .is accumulated. .. A hog is delivered to Clinton Marketing yards Tuesday•''morn- ing. It is. solid to" Whyte Packers and ' killed' Tuesday afternoon! The dressing weight, price ,and aniount ; for.. • the • whole •goad, /of KENNETH. J.. MacKENZIE Optometrist • LIST.OWEL; • ONT.:' at ' .the Ripley, .Wrona Jewelery store,. Ripley, 10 a.rn. to '. 9./p.m: :: WEDNESDAY, MAY 25h and every Second ,, Wednesday • • .Eyes' examined "- .•Glasses fitted For appointment : 'phone Roy MacKenzie, • 96-r-24,. Ripley Pd • R.W. BELL. . '. OPTOMETRIST :GOD' ERICH F. T Armstrong• Consulting Optometrist The Square.M1 • :.(Phone JAckson '4-7661) v:URNA E OIL, STOVE ^ OIL, KEROSENE, GASOLINE See or call' WM. A. "BUD" HAMILTON Phone 220-w Lucknow District Agent for Cities ' Service • PAGE' ET.EVE1 1959 Chev' Biscayne sedan, • automatic, fully, equipped $2,395 1959 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, automatic, fully equipped .$2,595 'Three 1959. Chev Belair sedans, automatic, fully equipped • 1958 Ford Fairlane, automatic y, • $2,150 1958 Pontiac Laurentian, 4 -door' 'Hardtop, fully equipped, power brakes • $2,250 1958 Chev. Standard sedan $1,995. 1957 Pontiac Deluxe sedan, low mileage 51,650 1957 Meteor , $1,395 1956 Pontiac . Deluxe Sedan, fully .equipped $1,395 1956 Ford coach, 8 cylinder • $1,195 $1,195 $995 52,495 Two 1955 Pontiac Deluxe sedans, with automatic 1954 Buick sedan; automatic : .., Number' of 1953 and 1954 Models from $295. ,to $750. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! ' • 1958 Chev. " %-ton' pick-up' $1,495 4-1958 Chev. �/2-ton pick-ups, with fleetside body $1,495 1-1958 Chev '4 -ton pick-up with • long box and rack .1.495. 2-1956 Chev. i -ton pick-ups , 51,095: 1955 International, 3 -ton, complete with racks, .14 foot body $1,250` 1954 Chev. % -tot; pick=up at $395' • r: Brussels Motors Phone 173, Brussels Cities .Service Dealer, ' which this pig :was one, is .made up. in.; the. Company, ,office first thing Wednesday' morning : and mailed, to :the ,Toronto .Hog Pro - *leers office: -to arrive Thursday morning: •The tattoo ' numbers are sorted out . and cheques` made out to the producers •and mailed Thursday 'bight -and the, farmer will likely receive his cheque by rural mail. Friday afternoon: The. farther' will then get • his .oheque when he comes in to supper and can't .:cash .his cheque. till ^.Mon-. .day. The bank won't get it sent aback. to 'Toronto till : •Tuesday and. it won't be; taken off. the trust account' till . Wednesday, and , •by'• that time the cheque' from' the packer 'for next Tuesday's '.pigs .will be''in, ,Secondly -. -.the only other•• source of revenue for the Or- ganization. is the interest an this. account and the 40c .per hong. The interest provides about half enough money to pay for cashing ail cheques at par.. The 4'0c has. to: pay for the other 'half., of par chequing, salaries ' of sales ;staff; 13c for 'making out and mailing. cheques,' teletypes - and phone calls; operation of `. marketing yards,:rebates: to ;County organf- zation and " all expe'nses' of the Ontario organization. Seems to. me they` are getting a' rot •of mileage out,'. Of 40c. 'Especially when you consider . that it cost almostdouble this amount 40 years ago when farmers deliver- ed •'their hogs tb•the local • rail w/ay' yards. .. 3f, the' Board is:.able..'to accu- mulate a huge :surplus along with these other things, more• power to • them.:.•The money • might; be A, very. . handy if it ' is ' ' necessary to enter the .proces- sing ofieid. DRIVERS If every, man who drives, a .car',. Could ; lie, 'six months upon his bacl, With fracturedlegs and serious wounds • He'd • know the : road's :not a ,race • ;track. `If 'he could stand'. beside ::a • bed Where . sorne one lay. to • them most dear, .• • It might' have been .averted. .too A case of• too much sped, I•fear,• • • If every •man :could only. see Widows and orphans everywhere,` Left, •by :the reckless driver's- . speed, Or look on •sorneorie's 'empty chair.: If every ;man . 'who takes the :wheel • • Would just • :whisper a little- And ittle-And make 'a vow • and . pledge' hiinself Tokeep in mind those . in his. care Wm. M. Buckingham. No matter ,how poor :a man is • at . inatherriaticsi he knows 'that' 36, 25 and 36 'add u(pto a nice figure:, •' r ard+�n Time .�s The New 'filler by "George 'Garden, Tools"is the last word in Simplicity and ease in operation.• With full -power '' `orward, ' Neutral and Reverse you .can . operate,. into the remote ,.:cornets . of your garden,; that usually: grow weeds 'and twitch grass. 'y; . ' Powered with .. 3 H.P. ' riggs andStratton unit,. Rear equipment. , DROP IN and LOOK- IT OVER, a furrower,' standard Knechtel and . Son ' ' Phone 78, Lucknow "TI4ERE'S ANEW LIFE FEED FOR . EVERY NEED" t.. 4 • .N