The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-11, Page 9WEDNESDAY, ' MAY 1.1th,1 1960 SEEK PERMISSION TO SELL.,; CHURCH. SEWS'? A (FVRPL-E: GROVE S. AWS,) *The Board of Trustees of Pur- ple .Grove Church met recently i •. in, the home of Mr. . and Mrs, Don McaCosh and forwarded . a . resolution to: Presbytery request- ing the consent of Conference to. 'the sale of. Purple Grove' church. The church 'which.` is of brick structure ori stone foundation walls has, notbeen used for: ser- vices . since . Union. Present • at. the ''meeting were Messrs. char - lel Shier, Walter B. Walden. and DESIGNED' TO GIVE YOU'` The'.ntoirnent Of woiksoeinp appiioncet in the homy, and • equipment on ,the farm paid for out of income • .Spmao,vd b, e1M. Ontario Cooperative Credit Society • 159 Bay St ,...04.6,8848,; Toronto Tient. LUCKNOW 'DISTRICT : �� O= �OP . Phone' 71... •' Lucknow • ' IU 'LUCKNOW' .SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ON'.I'ARIO? Donald McCosh, trustees; and I the Revs. John C; Hutton. and S. ,Douglas DUnlop. ' Mr. J, • Need- ham, the remaining trustee, was Unable to .be present, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Watke and • infant • daughter, Jeanette visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scott. ' Mr, and •M4s. George Harkness and .Donnie spent last. Friday •in• Teeswater and attended Open HQuse at the . Co-op. • • We were • glad tosee our' C.K.N.X. Farm Editors,; Messrs.. Vaughn Douglas and . • Murray Gaunt ' on "Country • Calendar" on iSunday, also,,Messrs. Bill and Eric Walden of, ',Ripley with their•. Big Cattle Liner bringing "Feeder". cattle. here from the. Canadian West. This is a grand Farm. •T, V. Programme .to be •viewed each . Sunday at 1:SO Mr. and Mrs. Ellibtt ,Johnston;, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Peterbaugh;- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ,Rhody and family,; ' Mrs. Charles ,Catherss and Miss Connie Lathers of. - Wroxeter and Mr. and. Mrs. 'Bill Eadie ' were recent ' visitors ' of lVliss Eva -and' Mr. .Lorne' Culbert: Mrs.` 'Frank• Dore and Diane visited • with • their : aunt, . Mrs.'' George Bere, .Millarton : on Fri- ay- Mr. and Mrs... Andrew Patter - Son and Gordon .,were ' Sunday visitors .of,:Mr and Mrs. Burton Collins, Miss Margaret Robertson spent :.the Week -end. ' with her sister, Mrs. Martha Houston: - Mrs.' W. J Mackay ' and Mrs. lOOBETUM Really Enjoy o the fun of j y goingplaces, doing s. gthiz • Ids so easy in Ontario.Start your best. summerever r by to m►aIin ' the - coupon below. FRE •.. ,ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE .• • —Shows you Where to go, where to stay at the price you want to pay. Mall to: Ontario Travel; a 761 Parliament .Buildings,, Toronto, Ontario. AROMA ii100Mf AWAITS YOU • Name • Address' _ , ... ... Post Office:: ::• Prov, .K'N O W ON I"' A F Ire' ,I3 a T.8 Ft. • :Olt 10.V0.. okAttio p*PPAtro4t:Nt of ?RAVEL ANti ptittUO TYr. itorn'aryin r • • attitatt lMtnistsr Donald Anderson visited with•. Mr, and Mrs. Morford. Mackay and visited with Mr. W. J. Mac- kay .who is making good prog- ress in the Kincardine General Hospital; . Mr, • and Mrs. J. O. Armstrong o f Berrie -were recent visitors at •Mr. and Mrs. Frank •Currie's. Miss . Eva and Mr. Lorne, Cul- bert; Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Peter- baugh and •Mr: and Mrs. •. Currie Colwell, Bruce and Betty spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs... Bill Eadie; ..H.olyrood: . Mrs. Jack Farrel had' the Ails* - : mils_: fortune to fall and break her' arm: The fifth meeting . of the . Pur- ple Grove "Busy `Bakers was held at Helen IVIeFarlane's.' The members repeated the 4-H' Pledge. Roll call. was "A supper 'dish I prepared • .at Home." This was followed by a discussion on. Supper Menus., The assistant leader,. Miss Margaret Robertson demonstrated how, to. prepare materials for •Salads; making a tossed salad and the preparation of French Dressing: Then We eight: members enjoyed eating, these salads for our lunch. -Mr.. and . Mrs. Bert' Thompson, Jim, Ralph, Robbie and Eldon'. of Teeswater visited on Sunday with Mr. an&Mrs.. Gordon. Mac Donald. The May. meeting pi the P. •G., Women's • 'Institute° was • 'held at Mrs, Frank Dore's. •Mrs. Helen Swann,' Mr.' Milton Stanley and Mr. Norval:•Staniey visited with Mr. ,and MVlrs, Law- rence: '•;Stanley, Kincar'.dine on Saturday evening. • Mr.: and " Mrs. Peter Leeson, Barbara arid; Iona were q•guests On. Sunday at Mr: Norval Stan spent leys. Mr. . ,Don . Robertsons' Monday in •T ronto Mr. and ,Mrs Don McCosh and Richard. .were ,Sunday . visitors Of Mrs: Joh1•i• Colwell;,''Kinlough: Congratulations to :Mr. • and •'Mrs.. Wallace, Pollock on the .ar- rival • of their wee • son: Mr; and. Mrs. Stewart Need ham ' entertained the : Needham. familiesin.. honour,: of their 'fath- et; Mr:: J .:I3... Needham. on the' occasion of his ninety irst:birth- day.. Present for .- the occasion were Mr. Walter: Neediham, M and, Mrs. Russ Needhain; ,Donna and Mary; .'Mr.; ands° Mrs. 'Clark, Needham, Nancy .and Helen; : Mr. and .Mrs' Peter Leeson; . Barbara :arid I,ona;: Mr; 'and. Mrs. Stewart. Farrel; Judy, . Joy, :Kerry, :Kathy and pini; Mr. Allan' MacIntyre. and Mr: Jim.'Needham, Jr Miss Rosalind Swan spent 'the. week-end:::with her great-aunt, -Mrs. Mooney in Ripley:.. :Mr. . and Mrs; • .. Cecil Sutton, •were 'recent' 'visitors• with the former's'.parents, Mr. .and Mrs.. %L. Sutton, Kinlough • Mrs;.•'Edburt Bushell; George and' Katherine'. visited with .Mr. Edburt Bushell on Sunday. Ed • bur.tis still a..patient in Wing harn Hospital, but is improving nicely: • Miss . Marion McLennan of :.Lochalsh; is' spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody, • . • , • 'Virg.. Dan Gillies visited last week' with, her sister, Mrs. Ed- ward' Wilson in Tecumseh; Mich. Little 'Allah Mackay entertain-. ed his' ' ' chains at his seventh' birthday party on Saturday.: Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Smith. visi- 'ted on. -Sunday with;, Mr.' and. Mrs.' .Char,les • Sim th; ,Quite .a; nuniber from here at- tended the Presentation for' Mr, • and 'Mrs: Gordon MacDonald in the i Tolyrood • Hall• on Wednes- day night, Mr. and Mfrs,', Goldie Huston, Bethel, . spent Thursday at Mr. Ibon Robertson's, • Mrs. 'Francis Boyle entertain-,. ed .Group 1, of the Women's Fe- ieration. of St, Andrew's, church 'MrEdgar'night, on ••Tuesday nig •Watson,atson, Mr. and Mrs, Ben • .Scott, Mrs. • , Milton. r ' Walsh, Mrs. John Colwell, Mrs. Harvey . ' Nicholson and . Hugh 'Were recent visitors at McCosh's. Mrs. George Emerson' acoom- panied by Mrs, Harold Norman and Mrs, Angus. MacArthttr' spent' Monday evening' ill Owen Sound. • :11)y. - Phone y PAGB NINE' Phone 32, Lucknow . . "YOUR FRIENDLY ,IDA DRUGGIST OUTLINED PRESBYTER,Y'S CAPITAL. FUNDS PLAN At a''recent meeting •of •Huron Presbytery of the United Church Mr. J. H. Kinkead, .Goderich, • re- ported for the Capital Funds Monitoring Committee outlining the • value of the projects' includ- ed in the $250;000`, ` appeal and the Value of this united , effort of.; the Presbytery. Th.e Capital Funds 15 year campaign includes funds for' the. University ;Christ ian Centre to ibe established this year on the former Hunt Club, property in ' London, ' the ,radio and T.V. ministry of', the Church, camping and lay training- at . Goderich , Summer,School and Five • Oaks, ` • subsidied . housing for retired .minister and:. bursar• les for student -candidate: for the ministry. • , Presbytery approved:' the mo - *thin .in support of.ethe. proposed' one :organization for , the women of the 'church. :KITCHEN RAPERS MELD; WEEKLY' MEETING / The sixth meeting of the: Kair- shea .KitC ern Kapers -'was held on . Saturday, :May. 7th at:' 2:00 o'clock.' The ' meeting: opened, With :;the. 4-H pledge, , The 'roll call "A Supper 9Dish Containing Vegetables'.' was .answered by signment• given. . The next Meet- • ing , will • be held .at •' the sixth school' on Saturday; . May 14th : at 2 'o'clock ' At the. close. of the meeting a potato •salad made ,by Mrs. • Maclntyre; : ' acasserole • made by Elizabeth Finlayson & ; biscuits .made' by' Eileen Burt brace MacDougall :were a served with hot ` chocolate milk. Is . Your Subscription Paid?, Any.' Government. Deficiency Payment will apply only on properly'" graded wools.. Secure' the utmost• by patronizr, • ,ing the • organization that made this possible. •. STHIP COLLECT TO OUr: Registered Warehouse No: 1' ,'•Weston, Ontariio Obtain sacks.' and .twine" withoLut charge from PHILLIP II. STEER, > R 5, Lucknow . . or by, writing to • CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay'' Street, 'Toronto, : Canada • • ten members and , the home .as THE BEAVER sone of the most industrious of•ancmals He toils with loving care on the construction of a home for his family. • Beavers mate'for life, and their hornes are built with an eye.to permanent use.. When a Than. builds or buys a home, he, too, likes to ,feel , that it is permanent. For it is at home that the family develops roots and friendships, .Safeguarding the home for,thefamily is but one of Sim Lite's many services:for the security` and prbtectioii of yourself and those you love,'Let me tell you about these services: Wm..J.'Kinahan '2 LUC1 NOW Phone . Wlti.gbar>i 717 -w;4 :SUN' 1 1FE ASSURANCE COMPANY OE CANADA • 1111.1. • • tr t�.