The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-11, Page 5• WEDNESDAY,. ?),,1AY llth, 1960, ti,......#•••••••••••••4:0,H1.4.4*.....~4•4•4 • Sugar and, Spice 117 .W. SinneY 1.0•44.;••••••:•00.00!...~..0.H.4.0•04 IVIothers ef the nation, I take • this opportunity to wish you a • Happy Mother's Day. I know, •I know, it's all over; It was last SundaY, anc1 you have your , potted, plant to prove it. • But. in =qv opinion„ Motiber's .:Day as practiced is a big farce. That's why 'I've chosen , to wait •until today to 'urge you to read this, 'take. the Cezct 24 hours off regardles of cries of outrage; and let those bums in your fam- ily• • learn some of the . hard facts of life. • • LUCKNOW SENTINEL,: LIICKN'O*; ONTARIO - * * • They get off tee easily on Mother's Day. Its name shoUld be changed tO—Family-Conscl- ence-Easirig Day. Ilhat's all it: amounts t�. Andmothers are *utter idiots if they let the old nian 'and the kids of the hOoli , with a one -day display. of tea- pect• 'and iffectien. In short, mothers of the world, you have been taken again. But get with it, form a Union, demand fringe •. benefits, go on strike,..and you'll ,finally .begiti to 'occupy your proper position as acting, unpaid centre: of the universe. 11. yOur Mother's Day program went anything like oUrt, you are, •fertile, ground .for, the •:,seedi of rebellion' I'va_scattering._Let's see•• ROW. One ,of the kid's. woke you at 7 a.m. on Mother's Day to tell you that you Were not, to get up for •breakfast. • • • SO you -lay there waiting for your ,annual breakfast in bed. Two hours 'later, the tray arriv- ed .: Lukewarm coffee, a congeal- ed egg, and carbonized toait. • But ah, look there, they put a flower in a little jug, and your • big, fat,' Soft heart was • fillea, to overflowing at this evidence of . When • * 40, 43,U cane downstairs, swallowing 'hard to keep , your breakfast'dOwn, you found Fath- er had prepared breakfast and dressed the children. The kit- chen looked as though there had been A .Isjew Year's Eve party. Your daughter was Wearing a green sweater, blue: skirt and. orawe 'seeks, with her black shod, But you got Some big, sniack- ing kisses. And then' came the presents. An exhausted aialea 14 a pot from dear son. A nice, new pink plastic dishpan from darl- ing daughter. And a pair of lovely foam rubber kneeling Pads from sweet old Dad. Your heart swelled at their thughtful- ness. • Then , Dad criedheartil • "We're all going to church. No, you'reriot to touch those diShes, Mother. The kids and. I will do thein when we get home." So you got dressed, still feeling pretty good, undressed ', your daughterand dressed: her all over *again, and shined all their shoes, while' Dad was shaving. • Off- you :Sallied, and you were mighty prond Of' thpM, with their red Carnations in their buttonholes; proving that •-Yin* were alive. .1)iiiing the service you sneaked fond, sidelong glan- ces.;,. at Ahem,. and: 'Yoti had to ,admit that they did love, you, and appreciate you, after all. Afterchurch there 'are. More treats in stOre. Dear. Dad has =given_up his entire day for you. •Tou'd have liked t� get the kids honie and out of ,their. 'best clothes. •, you , flinch at: the thought of all those eggy plates in the kitehen. But nothingtoo. good:foi• Mum,. and you're whip - Ped off with a flourish AO a roadside hamburger joint for lunch: By this, time, the glamour of •the occasion is wilting, a little, 'The , kids • start bickering. Father states gloomily at the perfeet Sunday afternoon going to waste Your daughter gets .cat- .. • 'sup on her new spring coat. t , When yen get heine, the kidS ask bravelY if there's anything they can do to 1e1p, then-2dis.-. (appear like startled. deer. Dad tells you to sit down, put your . 'feet • up and have a cup of lea, While he tackles that filthy flies in the kitchen. Half an , hour later, your legs almost para1y4ed from, iteeping your feet up, and no tea in sight, you . totter to the kitchen. No sign .of Father. Dishes stacked neatly in sink with Cold water 'Ili/Ming frozeh egg.' Dad is located . out at the back, draftil» exhuming worms. "Ifa ha," hesmirks...",Another surprise km you.. Thought I'd get a few wormsand take the kids out to the 'trout 'stream and get them Out of your hair so YOu can have a real rest" • * * • When. you have finished the breakfast dishes,: it's tine to start peeling the spuds for din- ner. your 'loved :ones arrive home" at , six, tit,ed, and starving. Dear old Dad tosses, three small trout on the cupboard for you to clean: ' After the - big' roast dinner, Didyawns, adMits he's bushed after such a hectic day,., and dropsdown for a nap. The 14ds 'vanish into the outdoors. And as you._labor • through the dishes, faintly deals the realization' that you have Once again been ,had. 'That's' why you have My bles- sing when Youquit for, 24 ' hours '.after reading this. If they get• , belligerent, tell thein Moth- er's ' Day .in the new order, -and derriand a cup" of tea in ringing. Itones,. 'Keep Your feet on. a stool it:it -kills., you. Eat a Whole- box of chocolates. Harden' your heart to pleas of 'hunger, .your eyes to the Sight Of dirt. • They'll ,lbei glad t� have you „back on any conditions;, ' 'and Ahat's the tiine to Make. your - terms as .Stiff as that egg you scraped. 'off 'the plates on the old-fashiOned Mother's ,I)ay., , . ei • • • top dross.',41vItli Aeroplane ri4ior I • . . Winter wheat shows increases averaging 10 to 15 bushels per acre when top dressed' with 80 to 160 *pounds of *Aeroprills , ,33.5% nitrogen fertilizer in early spring., Aeroprills, thefast acting nitregen ,source—supplies immedi- atelyavailable nitrogen to promote stooling, stimulate rapid . growth and high yield. Depend •on AerOprills. to give your AEROPR.I LES *heat .a boost when, grovving 'conditions are poor. Get *economical Aeeoprills from your : fertilizer dealer tdclay.1 ., • , .1 ..' •, / , - *TxRegclFA S'i'^- ACL'T''' I N G ' ., ' • NITROGEN. CYANAMID, Ori. cA40.A unoTED., , • 1.01 THJS PRODUCT' AVAILABLE FROM / Locktio* District Coop ' • WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Moore , • and family spent' the, Week -end in 'Preston visiting . relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Weiwooel of .Caleaon • spent Sunday at the :home of Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Fal- coner. • • ,• Miss DaiSey Ctoriiri of Cale - don .spent • Sunday/not the ihome ,of,' Mr. and Mts. Angus Falconer.. Mts. Walter' Lett left for To- .r.9nte .on .Satutday : where she Will spend a few days .and then leave ..for Calgary' :where she will 'spend thesummer inOriths with Mr. arid Mrs. Robert, Lott: MiSs, FranceS ..Henry is now employed with the .SuPertest' Oil Company ' in London.. Mrs. . Russel Chapman •a. patient in Winghaan''. General Hospital. • , 11 •Mt. Hugh Hand 'has returned liOrne fromW,inghaM General Hospital wheie he has been a patient, , :• •• • Mr. •and Mrs, George Ross of Owen Sound spent .last Sunday at home of Mr, and Mrs. bon Ross,. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parket and family, of Exeter, Mr. /and MO. 1-latry Moss.:.and family of Platts- vine .spent Sunday at The home of Mr, and.• Mrs. Ben McClenag- 1. P.I.TS. Gibson Gillespie ,soldher house, in Whitechurch to Mr. and Mrs.' Hugh David 1VICDOna1d. Mr,' Paul Groskorth spent. the Week -end at the - fidnie • of his, parents,' Jr. and Mrs. El - Wood Groskortih. , Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson and- Mrs. •lVfary Jane .- Tiffin spent Sunday at the home bf Mr. and. Mrs, Fred, Tiffin.' Mr, and Mrs. .Charlie Tiffin spent Sunday at the home 'of Mr. ;and 1VIrs. pill EroWn of ,LucknoW; ' .• •: , Mr, and Mrs. •Stanley Moore and farhily, Mr. and Mrs. Walter James. and family of woodstoCk, -Mr. arid Mrs,Russel 1VIOOre, Mr. and Mrs, , Basil Thompson of FrestOii, and Mrs, Kenneth Dickson of Eelmore, Mrs. Carl Iternswoith of Listowel and Mr: and Mrs, ,Charlie Moore Of Whitechurch attended the fun- eral of Eddie Moore in tuoknow, gnews i3AgE pirs• GENERAL' INSURANCE Bus'inesa 39 HOWARD AGNEW Residence 138 NOWis The Time To.Orcler Your Spring Fertilizer • SAVE AS MUCH AS $8.00 PER TON on some Brands o Agent's Fees --- Just Small Trucking Charge BRUCE MacINILLAN Agent. For Ehnira and Harriston Fertilizers. Both Lime Base Fertilizers Mr. and. Mrs. ROddY Inglis of Forrest spent Thursday at the I home of Mrs. Doris Willis and John spent SuriclaYat—the libme of Mts. J. .Musgrove of. Wroxeter. Mi. and Mrs. Ezra Sholtz and Mra: 'Gibson Gillespie Spent Sun- day -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie :Martin:. • Mr... and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and, fainily. spent Sunday at ,the home ' of Mts.: Laidlaw of Goaerich. ' • Miss , Wintliftea Farrier' spent' the week-e.nd at the horrie of Mr. and'‘'Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Dun Tiffin spent 8unday at the horne of: Mr. and Mrs. 'Orville -Tiffin. •' • , Eire • Sholti'.attended the Public .Relations 'Conference in Guelph ;for two days last week. • Mrs. Scholia was the 'delegate for the'Whitechurch Women's In - .s Ate ranc . Mr Art-hii-drOnlir'is a Oafien't in ,Winghum general :Hospital: ...Mr. and Mrs. ',..Tohn :Cronin of Orangeville spent SUnday). with Mr. and Mts. Cecil Falconer.. Mrs. Victor .E.inerson. and Mrs.. Russel Ross -.attended the Bruce "South District, Woman's Institute meetingfor the directors on Friday, :April° 29th in Arinow. District directors • were.present • froni 16 •senior and. .2 junior branehes,,alto District .Standifig. Committee' Conveners: The -Dis- trict Annual' will be, held qn June .10th in ,Lucknow. • ' , • Silver Lake W.I. • The May Meeting...of Silver Lake • Women's Institute - was - held May 4th at the. hoine of Mts. GeOrge :Young , With 13;. members and 1 guest present• •• The Meeting- opened 'With the 'singing of the Ode arid repeat- ing the Maty Stewart Collect.' Mrs. William Campbell, the president; was in the chair. Mrs: , John Hit:dens was Convener for Canadian Industries. Roll tall . was answered. by 'current event abOut industry. The Mot- • to was "Mother' and the topic, '"Farming and Industry go: hand in hand 'creating good health?' _Members had an exchange of bulbs ": and flowering 'plants.' Lunch was served by Mks.. Al- bert YOiing; Mrs. Stanley Cooper and iv.. Clarence, Healey, toonommuntionommuunonsiit • 'tERTIFIED SEED.. OES Cobbler, Sebago Kathadin, Red Pontiac F I N LAYSON .'.Phone 91; LtteicnOii;. , . i,gusaunniannutiiionnienoni ere GIGANTIC SATURDAY, 'MAY TOTIO SATURDAY MAY 14* FAMOUS ,VISCCRAT HOME FREEZERS *Ai Law M—$229.95 " VISCOUNT 1.1..6 TWO TEMP. REFRIGERATOR Automatic Defrost VISCOUNT AUTOMATIC .DRYER ELECTRIC. AND GAS RANGES Two: and Four Cycle 18" Power Lawn Moweis . As Low As -- .$42.50 . 6 VOLT TRACTOR. BATTERIES . $7.95 •DUNLOP RECORD 4 -PLY PASSENGER TIRE, $12.9 PRICES TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET ucknoW District Co •• *Phone 71' Isig&ave' '..4trolivlivirtinfinsV4L-imINOrttwirnati' 4 rt '