The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-11, Page 2i1 A • ?, PAW TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ASIC+ .E,PN�ESDAX, MAY lith, 1960: . ociussimummumipmmepossiwagefagi THE LUCK:NOW .SENTINEL t LUCKNOW,...:. ONTARIO "TheSeltoy,..Town" --. On the Huron Brace . Boundary. Authorized as second class mail, Post . Office Department, Ottawa Established 1873' --Published Each Wednesday • Aftexrloon Member of- the C.W.N.*: and the; 0.W N A. Subscription. Rate,, $3.00 a year, in advance -- to. the U S.A , L. Campbell Thompson and Donald , C. , Thompson,•Publishers WEDNESDAY, MAY ,lith,• 1960' FIREWORKS "ARE FOR' FUN! Can playing with fireworks • be con- sidered "fun" when it ,',results in headlines like .these?' "Firecracker `Joke'` Kills Two Friends"; "12' -Year -Old May Be Blinded. After. Firecracker Explosion;". "Boy -Hurls ,Firecracker Into Baby's Stroller." There is =no greater ironythan a practical joke that results in death or in- jury.: True; deaths and injuries due to fire- works are not many in proportion to the .total. accident rate in Canada, But 'the trouble ` with those that do occur is that they begin as fun, and end in disaster. Far' more ,frequent than, deaths from fireworks ire the a ly, permanent injuries they 'cause.': Because '` a friend plaYed a "joke" en him, . a child can go through .'life with impaire •eyesight or . unsightly scars, Fire authorities ,: tell us; that the most frequent cause; .'of' mishap- with : fireworks is. the , ' somewhat : impish urge amongst youngsters ' to . play tricks with them • Un- fortunately these "tricks", getour of hand rather ra .idly:Often' children' throw light- ed firecrackers , between screen and 'inner doors, into mailboxes, garages, and even, vacant cars. This can cause a raging blaze or explosion. Some -take "delight in throwing them 'at . the feet of people; regardless of age and the effect the shock might have. Many a paiix . f •' ny tots have been <ruined this • way. '` Obviously most of ' thesechildren don't realize -until too , late the serious con- sequences of . 'their :.pranks Som ` do not care. . The= firecracker menace is an::, annual. problem with municipal authorities, police and 'fire departments. The -answer' `is not easy. Some n unici alities have,adopted y PP Prohibitive by-laws. Some have have advocated restricting sales to a few days rior to the : . 24th of May. Others ,would abolish their use altogether. Above this welter of opinions rises the problem of enforcement. By-laws are a "dime a dozen" to enact. To .implement. them effectively is ' another matter. The simple solution would be the ,ex- ercise of common sense in their use, . with consideration of the/ rights of others and. a recognition' of the danger firecrackers represent topersons and, • property, This may be a `.utopian •.state of 'wishful 'thinking; but we all 'had • ' our .day when , we delighted in setting.. off firecrac- kers. Why turn' the fun into a ;:police prob- lem? Better still save your fireworks and. fire crackers for a supervised com munity display, or under. adult supervision in a spacious back yard. MOTHER AND . THE HOME Mother's Daywhich has: been widely Y observed for over half a ";century, has be-: come a national tradition, andan occasion that combines: 'Christian: Family Sunday, .to. make it one . of • 'the very special clays , of the year, None is more, deserving' of rec`ogni • tion and, tribute than "mother''' for the part she plays in the home. And speaking of home here are some definitions of home which appeared in the • United Church bulletin ' on Sunday, and: - which merit repetition ' • Home a world of strife shut out, .a+' world of love shot, in. l-lorrie a place where' the • small, are great, and the great are small. Home. – the father's kingdom,, the. mother's world, and the child's paradise, Home' the place:, where weg rumble ,the most and are .treated ' the 'best. • CREDIT TO • THE STUDENTS The Spring Formal Dance. held in the Lucknow District High School .last Friday night wasa credit to the `'students who it. arrangedResults of the .recent cancer canvass arid the splendid :success: of the dance is .further evidence of the fact that'. when given a job to do, the teenager of today does it. well. Too often the teenager is judged by the action of 'a -few irresponsible:. members of his, or .her age "group, but generally speaking the teenager of today is as'•;re- sponsible a • citizen as many ofthe adult population. They. ` have demonstrated " ori- ginality, initiative and enthusiasm in plan-' ning' and ' conducting their latest .'successes. `. The deportment at `:last .week's dance ., roves. the point tntthat if the young people were given more opportunities ` to stage • social events, such -as this, there would be forcriticism: Althou • h': good less reason citi i s ga 1 'crowd attended the. dance, the hiring of a- "big name" orchestra ;ineant increased expenses : and• ~consequently.. were not met. r This was net a major concern,' ariart efrom the fact : that it would appear 'that their elders "let them. down" to • some extent. It seems : to us that when. Parents 'and other adults' have the :oopportunity to _as- .: PP Y sc`ate iour young eple and. join. in oi withY gPoP their social events, it offers a challenge;that. should not be .taken lightly.' n ' Let us ' not be too critical of our teen- agers until we've taken a . good .•' look• at ourselves, Spring means.•, clean-up time—indoors How and. out. H w 'improved' would. be the general of our village•,if every one did .a thorough job of cleanin -u around. their premises 'and .',tieing to it 'that lawns 'and boulevards are . 'kept. neatly .Cut throughout . the growing season. . The United States,..while> leaning over, backwards to preserve world peace, has:, a penchant for, getting into hot 'water. The incident of having an Americanplane shot down over `:Russia on the ; eve of a con, . ference' ,on which hopes easing s of"': world tensions • were ' placed, • seems like plain. stupidity, regardless . of where the resP on- sibility. •:rests. Had. a .. Russian plane. been`. discovered penetrating deep' into the Unit- ed States,, the American politicians and press, would. consider it almost an' act of war. As it now ` is, the United' States has has two strikes against ' it before reaching. the Summit. "I think we ought ' to• face': up 'to the fact : that; if we ',"ever accept 'the . principle.. that the sum of all demands against the Treasury by Government agencies or by the . people across the country — con stitutes a requirement that ' e must meet, then we will go broke''jrist as surely as you would go broke, personally;, if you tried to meet all the desires of the members of your family""; The: quotation is . the statement of U.S.: Budget' :'Director Starts. 'Men .who. are • industrious, '-'-honest will have easy sledding ' to success. sincere, and on their way Men marry to get mates hilt some o. them wind tap with a skipper. '... No Matter which lineup you choose there's sure to' be a cashier at the end. ' • McRAE MaeDO•NALD, • McRae announce:the' en- . Mr; and Mrs, Alexander 'Davidson . gagement • ••of their eldest daugh ter, Judith Ann, to :.'Mr.. Jahn Maekillop. ' Maeponald, London,,Ontario;', Sen. •of 'Mr, and Mrs, William F. MacDonald; Lucknow. The marriage to 'take:. place Saturday;' .May 28th, 1960 in •St, Andrews; Presbyterian ,Church Sarnia, Ontario; at . ,2:30 g.m,' . ,CHILDREN:': BAPTIZED AT MOTHER'S' DAY SERVICE Mother's. Day and Family Sun-. day was observed. in 'the United Church' on Sunday when 'Rev. Gordon .'Geiger 'baptized Lynda; Joan Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Campbell and 'Glen Barkley,Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. `Lou • Parker: Miss Helen Thompson f sang ",I'll Wear :A White Plower", and Mrs: Harvey -Webster took •a solo part in the anthem by the ladies' choir. . ' . An ' o p'en.'session of the "Sun- day Sun- day School preceded. the , service when Beverley and . Barbara Rathwell; Beverley MaeKenz' .Marilyn Henderson ; and Betty Mathers sang a number with . ac companiment by Mrs. Cumming. L''OUN1 r COVNCIL MEETS; IN MID -JUNE The : June • session of Bruce, County Council,' originally sche=' duled to be held' at Formosa in. the '.week commencing :. June' 6th, Chas been set back one .week,and will open• on .Monday the 13th. The change , in date was effected, to avoid '.interference with a welfare convention. and .'to permit 'a. one; day, ,joint session with .members of Huron County Council, which meets the second week "-of the month. BORN IRWIN — At Wingham General Hospital on ' Wednesday, April. 27th 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. "Har- vey Irwin, R.R. 3 `. Lucknow, ;a son, James Harvey - a : rbrother for ;Ricky ,and :Glenn. ZINN=iii ` Goderich•' Hospital on May 10th', to Mr. 'and Mrs. :War-' ren Zinn, iR. 1 Dungannon, a son, a . brother . for Diane; and Terry. .1V,IARRIED AT OTTAWA A marriage.. of Local interest, '• took place recently 'at St. Paula. Presbyterian '• Church,.., Ottawa, when Anne: Doreen.MVMaNay .be came the bride of Norman; -James.: McLeod.. ' The :bride is a daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham Maclay of Ottawa,' her father having been bornand_-raised, at Para- mount., Miss` Llnda MVlacNay was her, sister's bridesmaid. and her brother :.Don' • L ` ' MacNay was' • one of the ushers Mir: and Mrs. MacLeod • will reside' in Ottawa. •• BAPTISMAL `AT. .ST. PETERS • On: iSunday;''May 8th at 11:10 • a.m., Brian Rae Arnold, . the 'in- fant in -fact son of *Mr. and Mrs -Walter James' Arnold, was baptized_in _ . . rc' y,•, now' by t. eters"'trOhu Lucknow :the Rev. `H. L. Jennings in the, . presence of the iGodparents; 'Mr and: Mrs: James: R. Arnold of West Wawanosh Township. Presbyterial Next Week Chalmers' Church, Whitechurch, will be• . hast'' to the, Meeting' of, the Maitland' Presbyterial of • the. Women's: Missionary Society of,, the Presbyterian 'Church, on Wednesday, - May. 18. • Sessions 'will be held afternoon•'and' ev- ening with Mrs.. E. H. - Johnson'- 'of Toronto giving ,the..address at both sessions... • ENGAGEMENTS Hodgins Ricketts, .. Mr and ' Mrs. Leslie Ricketts'. announce . the. engagement • of. their daughter, ' Alma. Grace, to Alvin Everett : Hodgins, son of f Mr. • a n sd Mr Oscar Hins, of. g ocl Lucknow, Ontario. The •' wedding will " take place' on July: 16th, 1960, at Hyatt Avenue United. Church, London; Ontario: ►caned L.D.H S. ;:Kinij.& Quee farina Formal .�ridav Even n The 1960 Queen. of Lucknow District High School is •'.Barbara Murray,. 18 -year-old daughter ''of Mr. & Mrs:. P A. Murray of Kin loss ' Township, For the first time, a. King of the school was chosen,'. and this honour has :fal- len to Fraser Ashton, • 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton of'• Lucknow. The :awards were an- nounced. at the Spring formal dance held at the school on Fri- day night. , Students selected the winners by a vote.: To an expectant .gathering, Mrs. Elizabeth Suter of the .High School teaching staff, announced the choice of the Queen and, her attendant, who was Joanne Hun- ter, 18,; daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Vernon Hunter of Lucknow. Both . Barbara and Joanne are Grade 13 students at the school. tarrbara was crowned by Marion lteavie, last year's Queen, hoses and gifts were .presented. to the girls.: • Volney Rae,` , teacher, 'at the school, crowned' the new King after Mrs. Suter . had announced the •• winners • ' ,Atten'dants " were, Floyd Stanley, ' 18, _ or of .Mr, Mrs: Ezra Stanley' of Xirlough and Sandy MacKenzie, 17, son of lVfr. and Mrs, Tom .MacKenzie, of �Kintoss. Eraser and Sandy •are iii Grade 13', and Floyd is in Grade 12. • .Gifts: were ,presented to the boys Music for 'the very pleasant dance was provided by Lionel: Thorntonand his Band of Lon, don. The auditorium of , the school was attractively decorate ed for the event with "Spring h acotive m= if.In Parets ofthe thedetxppei gradot studentsParis'nwesre guests. eralong, :withe ex Board metiThersnd otherstudents, iitvi.ted' gttcsts, , a