The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-20, Page 7WEDNESDAY, APIRIL '20th, 19$0; TUE. LUGKNOW sENTI tEL, .LUCK i oW, 41�i►O o4 0 0 010 0'.; 00•••4. v011.1 SATURDAY;, MAY 7th' to . SATURDAY, MAY 14th FAMOUS VISCOUNT HOME FREEZERS As Low As T-:$229.95 :..' . VISCOUNT. 11.8 TWO O TE14P. REFRIGERATOR', " + Automatic Defrost VISCOUNT AUTOMATIC DRYER. ELECTRIC' AND GAS RANGES Two and Four' Cycle 18" Power Lawn Mowers As Low As' — $42.50` 6 VOLT . TRACTOR BATTERIES DUNLOP ; RECORD ,4 -PLY . PASSENGER TIRE, $12,95 PRICES ` TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET �iiaiuiuivaauiauuui Miles ti:Of osital Bei eeded The. hospital, 'beds needed for •'Ontario's 'traffic: vietini's last. year,. if laid end to' end.. would stretch for fifty aniles. Careful 'driviing can' help.. retliice the number` of traffic accidents., If you are a. ,careful driver, *hy not find . out about tIA's Automobile'' Insurance' for. careful' drivers Por .full .details,•„call JO 'cMURCHY R.R 4 .Ripley; call' collect Rip ley 119-r-23.. CIA • Co-operators •Insurance Ass;• 'eM auaIuiiu;uaiiiRaaia�'a�. ,Si;ckroom 'supplies .,are loaned. free by :the 'Canadian: Red Cross loan cupboards .in '549 communi- - ties of . Can:ada,: 'including. Liuck-' now. W.I. •" ,MEMBERS MAKE • CANVASS 'ji• The •A ,ril • p meeting - � of the Whitechurch < Branch. of the W.I.was held in.. the •'Memorial. Hall. As this was the annual meeting of the Branch reports of all .committees,were-given which ended 'a successful year. • a : The '., new executive and stand- ing committees were appointed The Public . Relat'ions , convener. reported " that : 'a canvass' - had been made for the. .Cancer.: fund and ,Salvation ..Arrny making a total of $189.35. Mrs.. Dawson 'Craig gave a . de- tonstration and' talks. on the: planting: and; 'the care of a• house plant Mrs.. Craig told of the' warmth 'and' cheer a' `plant brings into the home. 'Flowers, on the table bring pleasure to any meal • and • flowers .have a language. ; 'for special occasions. Never feel ashamed because'•you think you: know so. .little, about growing. flowers; 'try it anyhow,. she. 'said. • •,.: The roll' call was answered by nineteen ladies paying fees for the ;coning .year. Mrs. 'Dan:' Tif- fin and Mrs. .E. ;Scholtz sang a duet: 1Mrs. G. Gillespie ` gave an Easter :reading: The.:. hostesses were Mrs. Chas. Martin :and Mrs: G. Gillespie. The ” meeting closed ,with, •the, National . Anthem. PAGESEVEN PURPLE. GROVE en 'McLeod .of „Stratford were l United Church of Canada. home. for 'the holidays. I Mrs. George Emmerson, and Mrs. Miss Marle G wl 'Mrs. Helen Swann and • Rosa- P;. II.. H: Bissonnette visited with ne a eY is spendinga few dot's with. �Mr h-nd and Mr. ,Glenn. Stanley; friends in Arthur ;on Monday, ' • ' and Mrs Gerald Rhody Were.in .Thamesford on Wednes- . " Mr. George Emerson 'attended.' day Mr, and ,Mrs. Fred..Craigie and attending, the funeral of the Grand Chapter of the Royal , : t "' Sharon of- Bethel,. Mr, and. Mrs. eir. aunt,. Mrs. San. B.eddick. Arch Masons, Toronto, last week.. Howard Thompson, Misses' Ada. The: "Supper Club" met at the . Little Miss Darlene Currie en- and Lettie Dawley, visited on home of Miss., Margaret Robert- . tertained a ` number of her Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Viet- son on . Thursday friends on Monday It was her ' Misses' Eileen ' Collins.'nd sixth Birthday Panty. • or: Dawley. We extend our sympathy to Mary. Ann McCosh, Richard Mc- Miss.' Eileen and Mr, Roy Col the -relatives: of the late Miss Eva ,Cosh, .Misses ' Annetta Forster liesr • . Miss. Marilyn Parker and Gawley 'whose funeral was "pn. and Sharon Craigie and 'Mr. Mr:Ronnie Graham- were Sun- Saturday.• Robert :Forst' were • guests of day visitors. at McCosh's. r. ' Mr. 'and Mrs.; Burton Collins Miss Helen and 'Mr. Bill God , . Messrs. Claudie and steward fret', Pine 'River .on. Friday- eve. ' Mr. and•Mrs "R, •.England of Ottawa; Mr, and Mrs.• A; W. Dore spent Saturday with, their Mrs: :Edburt Bushell visited Jamieson .of Woodstock were aunt, Miss Vera Dore, Inglewood. Mrs. •lMurdock cKinnon, Riv- week -end visitors . a,t* .Mr., and ,Mr. and ''Mrs: ' Frank Dore, ex�sdale on Monday.' Mrs. George Emerson's. '• • Nancy, Ronnie and Dianne, Mt: • Mr. and Mrs. dburt Bushell, Mr, Norval. Stanley is driving and :Mrs: Burt . Collins, Johnny, Misses Margaret' and Isobel Mae- .a new Dodge Custom Royal Sandra.' and. Margie; Mr. and Donald .were guests.. at 'the wed- .Sedan.., : '.Mrs. Stewart Needham is.• visit • ting .with ;her "sister, Mrs. :Roy Best; in Weston. • :' Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle, : ner guests of Miss'' Margaret and We '.offer our congratulations to Brian, Bonnie; Kerry..and Heath ' Mr.' Don . Rdbertson on Monday Mr: • . and . Mrs ; MacDonald and or and Miss. Edna Boyle attend night. This 'was . ourAnnual Welcome; then to " our community. edea Family Reunion at .Mr. 'and Farm. (Forum Banquet, `a: fitting .Mr. and .VIrs. Peter. :Pedersen Mts.. Bill Hughes, "Goderich on Mrs. Victor ,Dawley, Velma, Mar- • lene • and • Gladys; -. Miss .Norila Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh . •and �Richai'd were.di-. ding of their nephew, Mr. •Gor- •doti MacDonald °•and , Miss • Shir- ley. McColure in the Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, an, Saturday. "wind-upt' ' tp .a happy ,Educa ' Mrs. ' Francis • Boyle -attended ,of.London;• Mr: and Mrs. Russel Stanley, Valerie, .Dianne,..:Jtilie,° gat and Mark ,and ' Mrs. • Cole- man were week -end 'visitors at 11Zr:, Norval, Stanley's.. Allen Traher , of London ,is spending his :• .holidays with his grandfather, Mr. Milton ;Stanley: ,:Miss Edna Boyle. R N:.. :of Ori1 lia is holidaying with Mr. and; Mrs. ,Francis Boyle. Mr:; Gordon Arnold;. Mr . ' sand Mrs.;. Don •McCosh,.; Mary ..Aline. and Richard. were 'dinner guests' of Mr. and Mrs. James McEwan on , Saturday. Mrs. 'Victoria Smith, Mr 'Mur- .., . ray CarripbelL were recent 'guests of Mr.?. and Mrs Duncan Farrish,1 Lochalsh Mrs Herb .Farrel spent/ 'last week ;in - I fondon ..visiting with 'her daughters. . 4-H , ,CLVB' MEETS The; 'second 'meeting of the Purple Grove "Slipper Club met : at the home' of Nancy Dore. The girls decided:. to call' .the club "The Biscuit Mixers," The leaders; Mrs; Frank -Dare, 'and. Miss 1Margaret'. Robertson de,. monstrated 'making' "thin"': and "medium" sauces. These were used to make : creamed carrot :soup, : anda scalloped ' cabbage Saturday. • ' . tional,.'Forum Season. • . Mr.' Allan Calling is a patient;, in the* hospital, suffering with Pneumonia. We Hope. 4 for ` , a speedy: recovery. Week- end': guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Frank : Currie were: ' Mr. and Mrs. Alf Herbert, Linda and Wendy of . Westoxi; Mr. •:Edward Linner .of St: Sylirestre,• :Quebec; Bill 'and , •Allan Scott of Strat- ford.. . ' Mr and . Mrs.. Wilmer MoLeod, Doreen, Donna . and •. Dennis visited with friends' . in :Li§.towel On : Friday. ' Sunday visitors : at Mr, 'and Mrs. Walter .Forsters were , •Mr. and .Mrs Earle: Zeigler, Karen, Ricky and. Paul of Port Elgin, Mr._ and,,:Mrs - Frank' • ColWeli and Mr, Hugh Colwell of , Ber vie It was .a birthday party: for. M;r. Frank Colwell,: ' Mrs.' Gerald.Rhody . and infant daughter,, Marilyn . Annetta, re- turned eturn d home from Kincardine Hospital: Mr. - and Mrs. Jack Farrel, Su- san; Jim, Garry; : Kathy: and Janice and. Miss Patsy MacDon- ald spent a few days ins Lor don last week /: • . Mr, and Mrs. 'Edburt .Bushell, George: and Katherine were Sun day. visitors'. • of `Mrs Gertrude Bushell. , , ;Mr.. ' Walter' Collins, -Miss...:Mar; garet arida Mr. Don . Robertson' were :guest' of: •Mr and Mrs: George Harkness on' Saturday. Misses Ruthe • and Annetta: Foresiter' and: 'Mary Anne 'Mc: - Cosh . Mc=Cosh 'of . Toronto and Miss " Dore, the ,Ontario Folk 'School Council at Seaway Hotel, Toronto, on Tuesday. Mr. and ;Mrs.; Claude 'Dore. • spent Sunday with'. Mr,. arid Mrs. Frank Dore and family. Mrs. , Howard Thompson spent. a few days with friends in 'Lon- don: . Sorry "to ; say Mr. Donald Thompson has' been, •under the Doctor's care. We hope for. • a speedy recovery. dish The ' girls : enjoyed these :dishes for lunch., Theminutes' of the., last • meeting '.were read by: Malene Gaiwley. the .members learned that milk.. really was: a, main :food They learned many ways • of rising it.. - .' Mrs.. ;Stewart. Needham : spent• a. few days in Sinnicoe •attending the 'Hamilton Conference of the, Register, Forms Carbon Sna -out' Forins it•:.'Tru Gas and O T ck Forint; ms Continuous 'Busm aa'. Forms • Vie` Counter Ck ck ;Books: Restaurant Pads The, LUCKNOW .SENTJNEL phone 35 All ; favoured varieties of seed grain available in,; REGISTERED, CERTIFIED and COMMERCIAL GRADES 0 SPECIAL SEED GRAIN MIXES, Contact us early far your' requirements as good seed stoats are limited this year. GA1RY. OATS and FLAX ,CONTRACTS AVAILABLE TRACTS., AVAILABLE a PRODUC DERSON FLAX., • Phone 21W. Limited ' • L" ucknow