The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-27, Page 11Ato wgDNE$DAY, JAN. 27th, 1960 THE i.AJOX140W• SENTINEL, 10T7Clilicnifp ,QNTARIO • PAGE FILRVIAN • • • . • • • • • • t e ireme 1,, on two favourite patterns EV, l‘liNG STAR and BALLAD• COMMUNITY, Finest SILVERPLATE 52 -piece Service for 8 Sale Price $49 80 Act Now -- Liiriited Time Offer .. .. . ... . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. • • • 1 , • • ,otCh..inventory.Sate.. PRICES DRASTICALLY •REDUCED. Generous allowance for your old.'watch • < • . ALSO GOOD BUYS 014,ctuNA DINNERWARE . . . .• • . iid's Jewellery and ChIna Lucknow Ontario I SO *BY.. , : . THE', SENTINEL • „ : • ' THAT' 'speaking of anniVersaries •and birthdays, The .Sentirier has one.that comes and- goes without causingus much thought. 'The Sentinel 'had its • . origin 87 years ago' and has been published -continuously ever -since. The paper, was established late in 1073, with the 'first issue ,published-- the. • first week of January 1874. • • • . • THAT Levi C. Boyle 61 Moose jaw, 'Sask., and, a native of the Kinlough' district, in re-, newing his Sentinel says: • cal news is arw.ays interesting and, makes ,our» lives' so much more peasant" THAT the .Palmerston Observer is ' the latest, weekly' to adopt the 'policy, •of "cash for classi- fied," and »wili no longer ac- cept,. ;hese 'advertisements ••• by phone., The purpose, 'is .io 'eli- minate. the, tithe. and/ expense involyed, in bookkeeping and billing, which' reduces • their • net worth to •little or nothing, ,' • not to mention those which are never Paid. The, Sentinel makes.an extra 10c charge. for :Such phone ,orders, to help compensate for such ‚things. 4. . • • ISCOU NT ON ALL •FROM FRE1E PICK -JP' AND DELIVERY -EVERY. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. 41. Or LeE.ve Cleaning At • ..,..... • LucKNOW AS LEAHNE, ..17.'."AB." REEVE, Prop. ,.? . HANOVER 'PHONE668 • • , • DUNGANN ON Mr, and s. Harvey Maize, Mr. and 1VIrs, Harold Maize and family , spent, the week -end with Mr. and Mrs,. .Joe Prior .and er relatives in Guelph. . • ,' .'Mr. and Mrs. tinrnerson Fogal and family o EirdiTa visited his... 'cousin, ,Mr. Ken Hodges,, wife 'aid.family 'on Sunday. Mr.. and IVirs; iar1d Mugford and family, Detroit, visited his grandmother, 'Mrs. Abner , Morris on Sunday. •Miss Janet Young,' Carlow, spent the week -end with lier friend, Miss Sharon Park and. attended her birthday party Saturday evening.: • The Y.P.U. of Dungannon United Church' enjoyed a Bowl- ing Party Saturday, evening' at: the' Goderieh • Alleys •• after. ,a short business meeting at the Church. • • Mr. Victor ,Errington 'was in London last week <for a few days. accompanying his son Mr. Ross Erringtonand wife, who ' were very anxious about their. little. ',eleven month old daughter, erie, Who .had been rushed to St. Joseph's • hospital Critically ill with .' pneumonia. Ari Operation Was later 'performed on her neck to save her life and 'give relief. It is very gratifying 'to know she is, reiPondingto this • ctreatment and better hopes are Maintained for her recoVerY.. , : • ' Row ' the, teacher at the 'school by the West Wawanosh liownship: half. Mrs.» Errington was • the. twiner Elaine Little: - They haVe, two other: children. Miss Helen McGee is visiting' her friend; ;Mrs. Ivan Henderson (Jean. Eirington)., Toronto. , Miss JessieWallace Who was. hospitalized at, Goderich for. a few. weeks, •recovering froth pneumonia,returned to her hOrne , in, the village lone day Mr. J. C. Durnin, Kitchener, lYas .,,home. Over the week -end arid 'arse,' his. sister Miss -Margaret Joy Durnin, Toronto. ' Despite the'. stormy weather the Sigma C. boys Went ahead With their: •crokinole party on Monday:night, which.at: that was postponed froman: earlier. date. .A fair crowd attended. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodges , won first , prize anct.firstlprize for the men was -won .by Mr. Leonard Reed,• Mr: ' Fred *king, Dungannon barber received 'word that Mother at Hamilton ''viras seri- ously ill With pneumonia. A speedy trip was .made toher thedaide. and,'Mr. King returning for ; business '• Mpnday, reported her condition somewhat irriprOv- Mrs, 'Eyerett Errington , left Saturday via train to Victoria, 13.c., .and Vancouver to. Visit her daughter, Miss' Marjorie Erring - ;ton,. whp has been nursing 'in the West for a couple of years: Mrs. Errington intended to 'spend 'about six weeks anddead iii 4 car at the outskirtS of• possibly visit friends and rela- Winghani on Friday ,morning . • • , tives 4'qn her homeward trip abOut 8 00 ,c,9 cloek. , • through 'Canadian West -Death, • was ibelieved due. to• :Mr. and' Mrs. "Howard - Black •I 'carbon, Mopoxide, -poisiening, A and Rennie 'spent the week -end passerby fOund - the car . in 'a' !•with their , daughter, Mrs, Ray snowbank. The car's exhaust was Stanley, ' husband and Laurie, ptugged with snow'. St.• Thomas'. • Donna Thacker is a daughter Mr. John Spivak is a patient of Mr., and Mrs. Harold Thacker in St. Joseph, hospital, London, for'. treatment to speed up re- .covery.. sinte a fall, while at Work Sorne" time ago. • .*+4-4++•>•*-0.*4••, • Kintail,, January 2 1st, 1960 • ting Systein A dispute ' has 'arisen between. the managers of 'the general store at Kintaill Sandy MacDonald, . (the junior partner) wants to. put in anew furnace, but Bill MacDonald (the senior partner) is against th`e, idea.. • (You're" all familiar with that conflict. The •• upstart son goes into business- with his father, and then smack! bang! he runs into trouble with the older ,.member ofthe.gfirm when hetries to introduce some of his 'new-fangled -ideas.) ' Well don't let this ,issue 'keep youaway folks. It hasn't developed into an . all-out battle, for con- trol' as. yet. .We're sill maintaining‘.a united ,, front. when dealing, with the public even . though we're 'fightin mad at each other. underneath. Right now though, it seems as, .though the senior partner is havrng his own way — the pot-bellied stove will be the ,heating system for this winter! 0 • The Junior partner is .not giving up that easy, however. He'd like some of you folks to drop in & .give him some. encouragement It fact,' he thinks. you might wish to take advantage of some of the SPECIAL JANUARY PRICES he's got PAINT,;"' OVERSHOES and POTATOES. ..1)7 • • . • „ We're open,: out • here from 9. a m to 7 • p.m. ...through the week, If you .happen to drop in one ' of these blustery 'winter days, we'll have a cheery fiiegoing in that old poi -bellied stove.. ac otialds' Kintail,' Ontario IVIarch: Mrs. W.. BrOWn reported for , the committee of kitchen im- provement prior to the closing benedication. The 'Association is invited .to' the home. of Mit. Ce- Fil.131ake for the February mee ing. Miss Ellen Durnin is steadily . recovering• after •a slight .weak #pell With her *heart.' She is ,nearing theripe age of 98' and is .,doing pretty,' goOd • for her' year's. 'She is keenly alert :and bright. • , • • Following 'the. afternoon , ser - Vice at . Erskine Presbyterian' Church Sunday ',afternoon, Rev. Wallace c lean, clergy for the Ipast., five- Years announced his • On Tuesday we received .a port of a. meeting• held .on Wed- nesday • of last:. Week. „that, late date, time or space did not, ..perrnit handling. . , • Use lit:nOct week, will only, croWd.. out..Sornething that ooipe in. on time and has priority. We away like. this, but it semis we mustito drive .home. the fact, , that 'report's of churvh .and or- ganization rn,eptings must •be in OUT hands, ,the week the meeting:: takes 4gace: ,' • MEMORIAL ORGAN removal .,ta Elmsdare „near Mid-. FEATURED. YEAR , , I. land or a three -circuit charge Rev. McClean 'a native of Dun-. gannon, 'Ireland and his wife, won..high favor in the hearts of the congregation- while in • their' ! midst so the. news was. learned with. regret. • YOUNG, COU DIE IN MOTOR CAR Murray Montgomery, 19, 1, Bluevale, and 'Donna Thacker, '1 17; , of , Teeswater were. • found of Teetwater. She is, Survived* by five' sisters, Isabel of -Wingham and. Brend,a; Barbara,. Beverley and . Cora Jane and a brother. 'Mrs. . Lorne Iyers was hostess -,.dWard; at liOnie. at.' her home for , the January She was employed at the Lloyd meeting.. of the Unteci Church Manufacturing . Company in W.A. Mrs, Clifford. Crozier th'e 'Wingharn. newly Appointed 'president,, op- Murray IVIoritgornery,' son . of ened in the usual manner with Mr: and •Mrs. Fred MoritgorrthrY; motto; hymn & prayer, Mrs. Ray- was an only child—arid was em - mond Finnigan . read. the scrip- PloYed as a truck driverby the ture.:p,on call was 'ansWeted' by a and E, Seegthiller Company: :•.'tWelve members, • :Mrs, ...Wilbur of Kitchener. ' , • , Brown gave thetopic »A mini- Montgomery was driver , of a ster's 'Wife talks back:" Mrs. Jack car involved 'in :an accident lag Alton conducted 0.' contest 91 spring rn which three Teeswater' "names". A .donation of Was youths, Glei DiciltisOri, Bruce, 14-: ,given tetn. the triissiOn of 1,5ailotg,..rriont and:.,Johri Duffy ,were Also $5. was donated. to the John killed, , Ile. suffered a fractured Milton Society for the Ehnd•It skull 'and • facial lacerations'. ,in was :decided. to. hold a congrega the. 'era* And Was hospitalized tional .supper in the church in.forS0i titne • • The annual meeting of Lang, side Presbyterian Church was held in the, church oii' Monday, Jaritiary,18th. ,There was a small 'attendance due to :weather con- -ditions. • • • . A successful year ' was 'report-. ed in. most.' departments .of. the Work: .61the church. More ern- pfia,is might be placed on the, ':bud•tionget givings •of the: congrega-: • The session„reported one mar- riage, three baptisms, two Mein,' bers,•received by certificate, five , removed by 'Certificate, ;two bY death, leaving a membership 69. More of a distinction will be Made ',between aotive meinbers and 'inactive members in the •COmin.g• year for • statistics. 'The three retiring • managers; namely Elmer Scott, Lloyd lk.,rof-, fat and Douglas • Simpson were re -appointed for another .-term. Everett WiTik'tock. was appointed to fill Out the term Of Bert Mot- • fat who » now resides iri , Tees.: water. '' " ' • A highlight of the Year was purchasing of a new electric Hallman organ. This 'Was Made possible by the efforts '0 the Ladies' Aid with a .contributiOn frOrn the general fundsof the church.ThiS organ Vas, dedicat-'• ed as a Memorial ,to• 'those `who gave theii live Hx twO 'World Warsr.. • Gordon Moffat aas Y6 Ronald 'Conley; Donald Huffman, Everett Whytotic, David Moffat were appointed WI-ler& • The congregatiott as a whige, feel the need 'of a settled mirth ster in their midst and hope ,all 'will earnestly pray loWard . that end. • .4 4 4 44t • , • i.• • , • • 4 . • • ' 44 • '4. j 04 ft,:1 :4; it »••4'.•,.J', 3 *- • . •• • ' 4•••• •43»"•,•• ,‘, • , • f • , • • l• 144 ,141 '1 • • , 4