The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-27, Page 3WEDNESDAY,. JAL `27th,. 1960' THE • LUCTKNOW SENTINEL, XUCKNOW, ONTARIO, PAGE • THREE 1. i;. • NIBLETS CORN, 14 oz. tins 3 for .49c••. CLARK'S. BEANS WITH PORK ' :'20 oz. , .. .. , ,•• 3 for 49c lKLEENEX TISSUES•arChubby oregulpks 3 for 49; WHITE SWAN ; TISSUE White 'JAVEX. LIQUID BLEACH. ° ' 32 -oz. btls.. .. ; .. , ... , .: 2 for. 49c 4 .'for. 49c WHITE SWAN TISSUE, COLORED Yellow, pink, green, aqua, blue, 4 for 49c.. LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 20 oz ;. , 4 for 49c BRIGHT'S APPLE SAUCE Fancy. 15; . oz..tins . 4 . for 49c KELLOGG'S CORNFLAKES Large pkgs., 12 oz. f 2 for 49c gEIN2BABY FOODS r , Complete assortment, 5 ' oz. 5 for 49c E. D. SMITH ' APPLE . PIE FILLING ' . 20 -oz.' "tins' . , . , . 2 for 49c YORK BREAD '•N BUTTER PICKLES '16' OA. jars .. 2 for • 49c GOLD. REEF SLICED PINEAPPLE, 20 ;oz. 2 for 49c LIBBY'S • FRUIT 'COCKTAIL. 15 'oz. : • 2'for 49c CULVERHOUSE • BEETS or ;CARROTS; Diced. 20 :oz, ' 4 for 49c • • Schneider's .PICNIC PORK SHOULDERS Ready to serve 1 lb., 8 oz tin KINGS .CHOICE GREEN BEANS 29. 0 oz.: , •. R &• W'PEANUT..BUTTER 9' oz, 'tumblers . W :JELLO -..POWDERS Assorted, . pkgs.: , CHOICE, QUALITY GREEN: Culverhouse. 20 oz BIRDS: EYE.FRENCH : FRIES 9.':'oz: ' pkgs. SEEDLESS .'GRA.PEFRUIT Honey:: Svyet , • 15 3 for...49c 2 for'49c 7',for 49c PEAS 3 ''for' 49c .3 for ' 49c. for 49c 'PHONE/26.-- 'FREE .DELIVERY • ocal eneral Mr. and Mrs:'R. `:A, Thompson;. ,john and:Robert. of; Windsor are visiting this week at., the.•,homme of Mrs. R.'' H; Thompson,. Mrs: Bert .;Badman of Comber returned .home :' Saturday'' .after., spending three weeks;. with .'her, sister Mrs:. Roy. Black. `Mrs Wilfred. Plunkett of Au-' turn, and ',Mrs: • Melvin Raynard; Goderieh 'returned to :theirhome after assisting, with their mother` at the home of :Mr.. and •Mrs. Wilfred Drennan ucknow 'resbyter an Church. Minister:' Rev. Wallace McClean SUNDAY, JANUARY 31st' 11:00 a.m. Morning. Worship 12:15 p.m: Sunday. School 3:00 p.m.' Dungannon • o.asismilim.444mi44,4m4,:.4144,44' ig LU KNOW ' i .UNITED CHURCH: Minister: Rev'. Gordon h' Geiger; B.A.,' B:D ' I. SUNDAY, niJANnURY 431st lo':do a.. . ° 'Church School ,11:00 a.m.. ' ine'' ' l3'v ,W p•" Sermon theme "The ''First„. Commandment. 1. ...N'ursery during church. i Thought For:, The Week _., 0 ' , 1 If you . feel dog*tired at growled night, it may be .because you I allday. da ,. ,,, . tpew1�.+r.i,gra....•.�.r,.N#►i,•r.r.iw�ir4..i 0:11 ..r • Leo Beauchamp, who haS•been a patient 1. in Victoria Hospital, London, for the., past week, und= li erwent ' surgery. Tuesday .morn- ing. Mrs ..William McIntyre Mr • 'and' Mrs. W. T..Roulston. and. John visited on Sunday:' ..with. irelatives', is Dundas ,. and Ham1- • Miss Ethel Robertson' suffered a 'heart attack :last week and, was taken ' to ' •Wingham: on 'Friday evening where•., she will be hos- pitalized, for 'several weeks. .•.:..'. .Miss Jean 'Lees, returned:' to her home last 'week' from ' Wingharn Hospital where she had a been a: `patient for 'some five weeks, after suffering a fractured right. arm. • Mrs. Bertha MacLean of .Seat` tle and Mrs. George'.'Harrison of Kincardine; • have ' been • visiting. With ;their sister, Miss • Jennie Pierce • of Lucknow. • Mrs. Mac Lean returned :home,' on' Thurso 'day. • Mrs. W. J. Walker attended silver:' Wedding anniversary'`' the.:.. g . • Y of • Mr. and .Mrs, Mervyn Ii'ooey on the •4th of Huron Township last Tuesday. :About forty, :gUests .attended . the dinner. :'Mrs. Hooey is' a niece of Mrs. Walker. Mr. and -,Mrs.. John C. Camp-; bell 'of' Point Clark ..were dinner guests 'of Miss Sadie Johnston .on the Occasion, of their wedding 'anniversary: Other .',guests in- cluded Miss A. Nelson who was observing her birthday and Mr,. and Mrs. Reuben Wilson BORN BLACK—Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred. R. ,,Black are happy 'to. announce the safe arrival of eir baby' ' daughter, Heather•Margareti born at St, Joseph Hospital, North Bay,. on Monday, January 18th. NSNAHAL At the •Winghar General. Hospital, • on. Tuesday,` January 12th, 1960, to Mr. and, Mrs. William, Kinah`an, R.R. ' 2, I. ucknow,. a ,son, OBTAI:NS. DEGREE GOES. 'OVERSEAS. LADIES'' and: MEN'S' WEAR FASHION MILLINERY TO BE GIVE'Tr AWAY Free Ticket On $1.00 Purchase and Over , Lucky Draw To Be Made February 27th ..t SPECIALS 20% SALE CONTINUES = MANY BARGAINS Do Drop In And Choose Your Requirements. For The Family. • FOR . YOUR IDLE HOURS. Choose Items to Embroider ...' Mats to Hook and Needlepoint. Pieces to Dress Up Your Favourite Chair or Room. I HAD NARROW: ESCAPE. AS `' (.CAR; WENT DOWN BANK Emile` MacLennan had a har rowing experience recently in ,a mishap on the steep lane of his, Ashfield farm, where a number 'of: years' ago, •Mrs MacLer nan, by his first marriage was killed. •when` their car• went over the err bankxnent '.The ' farm is across ',the' road. and,, to 'the west, of the McLen- •'nan home farm: Emile was a • passenger in Allan'; Johnston's Small . car .. as:. they :tried, to go' up the sharp snow-covered in-' cline', •without•'• �success.' ' •. The Car- went over; the bank. as • the drivergot out and Emile was : pinned inside. . A tree , saved the' :vehicle from rolling :'to . the bottom 'of • the embankment: Help was 'required ' to get Emile. from ' the , car. ' He:. 'sufferedd a • head :gash,;•shock and a shaking , • • in theincident which at that could have been much more seri-. :ous; •Congratulatrons are due ?.hi- lip 'Eastman, who :has just com- pleted .a course obtaining . a Ph'.D., 'degree •in Physics at the Univer- British.Colum sity of. ; bia," Van- couver B.C.Philip is ' known to many in this minunrty, being •the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Eastman, . of°':` Burlington. Mrs: .Eastman is the 'former Jane •Rit chie. of Zion. '•• Since 'public ' school, Philip has :'been°. regularly winning. awards for . scholastic achieve-• . tale of • mystery:.and intrigue: ENGAGEMENTS TRIPLET SONS BORN TO MRS. ; GORDON GEIGER Triplet 'sons have come to.. the; LucknOw United Church Parsonage. Early Wednesday 'morning, , January -27th, Mrs. Gordon Geiger, gave birth to `•the. ;. three babies in Hamilton General Hospital. The moth- er and ,/ childrenwere all • reported as well. Mrs. Geiger been' a. patient t i 8a ilta Hospital for several, weeks, and•an air of expectancy –,- and con- cern - has been felt in this •community. Rev. and Mrs. Geiger have three other young children, Roy, , Anne and Joan ceum=Theatre • .wo shows each night First' at 7.15 •Mr. and.'Mrs Henry Ringel, of .Owen Sound announce •the• . en gagement of• their • daughter.'Mar- Thursday,•.dFriday, Saturday, lene •Gladys ; to ` Mr. Donald ••Januar: 28, • 29,30. Smith, .son of .Mr, and Mrs. Jas. . . 'Smith� HolyroodThe marriageRobert Taylor' Nicole•Maurey will 'takes :place 'at •the Owen . Sound`•Lutheran. Church' on Sat « .,THE HOUSE . of the urday; ,' February 13th• ,at •. 2:00; ; :., P:m•. SEVEN 'HAWKS"'.. ments.; At Smith's.Falls'• he: s wa :the :gold medalist in : grades 8 and :9 ':for: highest standing,; He 'also won another Gold Metal for Mathematics. Moving toBur- lington ,;'he' won: first or second • proficiency 'prizes each ;year: On • graduation he won. the..1.O:D. E. $100 award for highest• aggra gate ' . marks in 'Grade • XIII, a Bulova Watch for hpghest 'stand- • , stand- ;; ing .in Math.' . and Physics also a scholarship 'valued,' at $1,000 for'.• entrance to. McMaster ' Uni- versity, Hamilton While in; course ,,there he was the recipi- ent . of a :prize each year and at the time of graduation with a B.Sc. he 'was awarded: a National •esearch.. Council • ' Scholarship to do post, graduate work.'. He: continued on,at ' McMaster t.o' obtain. his MS: and then went on to British Columbia •'to try for a Ph.D. ` still' working on • an . g . N R C: Scholarship. ''Goes Overseas , Philip, his wife Wynne, and son Gordon, left from New York • on January 22nd for a year at J ' the ,University of Bristol,' Brist- ol, England, ng and, having been award - ,ed a ' Post -Doctorate ' Overseas Fellowship by the National Re- search Council, • valued at $3,500. This is 'hot' a study, period, abut'. is to put to Use the work he has been learning in research. He was also the recipient of a Ru- therford Memorial Prize, of which :only" .two were awarded A in Canada: ow Playing—Jeff Cha idler and Orson :Welles In`; Man in`The• Shadow" Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,February 1, 2, — A. British Double Bill Richard Altenborou h John Gregson , & Michael t; r Craig . Present an ;'entertainingmixture of`comedy and drama 1 as. the: troops chase ' • ommel' °.across North Africa:. $ "SEA OF SAND" And to complete this unusual ,program we are showing. "BLIT'ZKREIG" Terrific battle action as you've never .'seen• it 'beforel Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 4, 5, 6. Stewart. ' Granger -- Barbara Rush and Anthony Steel F`iiriied ' in lnd,a•.wher • e a f amoustinter h ,and World \XTar • 1 Ii "HARRY BLACK AND THE TIGEiR" • - 'Scope` and Color } ' f 11 amputee; accepted a challenge to stalk •a maneater . Coma - =� The Beat Generation" Steve Cothran, ' h'Ia Van-- " •.,(,�slYiirlll�iva1.,1tlw1Yil�rl7r�oN�o 'Mamie Doren Adult >:ntet•talnment.