The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-27, Page 1s3„,00 A Year In Advance $1.00 Extra To U.S.A.. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JAN. 27th, 1936 • TWELVE PAGE'S Ke. Ministry Here le:an To, I'. • The • Annual .Meeting, of Luck- - now • Presbyterian Church;; was held' ,T'�hursday, January 21st,, 1960, in the Sunday School Room • of the Church, following a de- licious buffet supper. • The meeting' ' opened:; with prayer . by ' Rev.. W. McClean. Stuart ' Robertson was. 'appointed as chairman for the 'evening. The 1959 reports of thevari ;ous organizations' of the Church were presented, showing active and encouraging results; in all departments. - George McInnis, Lloyd Irwin, William Stanley and T A. Cain eron' .'were— appointed as, new. memibers of the ,Board of Mana gets. Norman Taylor,. chairman , of the Board ' outlined the 'act vi ties for the' year• and. reviewed �,• the. financial expenses. It'` was with ,regret: .that the congregation, which has 'been • guided both financially and. spiritually by Rev.: and Mrs: McClean, during'., the '•past five ',years, was • advised that they intend; to leave Lucknow, as Rev. -McClean has accepted :.a call to Elmvale.. •. • Rev. McClean plans to assume, his ' duties • ,on this :; `three-point Charge,. near ' Barrie about ..the .middle of 1Vlarch: • Rev.:MoClean's pastorate •.here has: been for' a period, of over ,five years.' He• Was inducted as minister of the ' Lucknow; and'. Dungannon congregations in late. September' of ....1954, He, ' came, here from Picton in• the King- .sten ing•ston Presbytery , and filled a '..pulpit vacancy ..that.. had existed since t1 previous April' when Rev. C.• A. `.Winn' accepted, a call to. Dixie Presbyterian:: Church WILL' :;REPRINT. B'R;UCE' HISTORY' Bruce • County . Council has granted. a $3,000 • loan to the.' ,Bruce County. Historical Society to . provide the. financial .backing :necessar to roceed with ' a" se- .,cond., printing of Norman Rob- ertson's' :History. • of Bruce. Y This authentic volume, 'which covers 'about .the.•first half• cen- tury, of the'County's : history, has becomeuite rare and is at a q. , premium as a ' collector's item: It is the intention: of the His- torical Society=: to proceed : at' Once with • plans. for reprinting about 2000 ; copies ,.of the book. The retail price will.; be 'about $5.00: and, orders •*ay be booked , D 'F .. • :SHOWED AT. FAIR with a st.00 deposit. To ;IFI Brought'. Up To Date .MANY Y EA RS' fAGO: Future plans "'are'• to have the history of, the second half• cent- ury of the County brought up to date in a second . volume,, but in • the meantime the Society, of.. • •ficers are' concentratingtheir • efforts on the reprinting task: S.' E. Robertson of Lucknow president oaf. the Bruce County Historical Society and Mrs. 'Geo:. • Downey of Tiverton, the secre- 'tart' -treasurer,' attended County Council last: Thursday; . request- ' ingg financial 'backing' to . get the project rolling, and • at the clos- • ing session of Council the $3,900 ►e ear arch REV. WAL•LACE• McCLEAN '. FAIR BOARD PROPOSES ENFORCING "RULE 16" At the annual meeting of the: Agricultural. Society re .:Terence' was made to com- plaints. and fault finding in regards to judges' decisions, • 'which focused 'attention •on Rule 16, and .the opinionex-.,, pressed that • this regulation should, be enforced 'in the future. Here is ,how ; it reads: "16. Anyone • Meddling with the 'judges. while , on duty, ;or. 'found guilty of fraud, . or . afterward,on ex-. •, hibition. grounds',.using con- temptuous .or .abusive lane uage :to, .or about any judge's'. decision/ :consequent : on any, • award made by • him, Shall, forfeit all prizes - ,,to Which: he would • otherwise.be'entitled and maya: �be'further disquali- fied`. from competing at the Society's 'show ` for one or •more years in, the. discretion`, of the,:.. judges,., HAS CHURCH .REPORTS: DATING, BACK.TO ;.1913 CAMPAIGN TO EXTEND; HIGHWAY 86 TO 401. Elmira` ,Council is to pre- pare a brief for. the Ontario Good Roads Association, con- vention., asking ' that • High- way $6 be extended to the ' new four -lane highway, No. '401.. , 1 Highway 86 ' ruins from Amb'erley to °'a point south east of. Elmira where it .con-. , netts /with No: 7, " ' between Guelph' and Kitchener, • The proposal which' Elmira is to campaign for, is that, No; 86 , will cross No. 7, and beextended, for three or four miles : to :link with 401," which almost 'parallels. No.. 7. LADIES' 'NIGHT ON CL•UB'S BIRTHDAY sI It .was , Ladies' Night . at : the Lucknow and • District Lions i Club;s meeting on' Monday,. and despite 'traditionally stormy Bob -- by Burns:: weather there ,was .a Besides• falling good •.attendance. g on: ' the . 201st anniversary • of the Scottish' bandit` was :the occas- � it anniversar:' ' .of' Bron of.the: � th.. d Y . the• ; Lions' Chub reception , of their 'charter: The ladies, :of '•Blake Church 'r' a .d licious dinner ' 'Ra seryed a .,,• Y nard Ackert led in a sing song, g . - p Lion President Cecil:Blake .spoke briefly in welcoming. the .gath- ering ' gathering' and Lion : Rayriard .propos-1 ed a toast to .the ladies ;:which . w s relied •to • b Mrs. :J; W. ,,..was oynt. P Y r The head' table, which includ- ed .. executive members of 'the Club,; and their ladies, was in-. troduced by Charles 'Webster:`,". A ^' male quartette from Gode rich, .:were generous' with several well 'received selections. 'The 'foursome, members of the Har - ,Mrs. included 'George Buch-• Mrs..J: W;' •Henderson 'of town anan; Harold ,,Bettger; Jack Frith has a complete.;set of the annual reports of 'the .Lucknow Presby= and .George Parsons: They :Were •terian Church; "dating back", to introduced . by •.Harvey .Webster: 1913:. A `Compliment ''was. paid o. Mrs:. oss •' mm'n • the' Go - Her Son, Rev. William AR Cu � g •by . erich group for her excellent Henderson: of • Walkerton, lids. „.dinner music, mid' ' - Mr; 'Blake' had these bound,` in two volumes` , n` added the Clubs appreciation of One, volume contains the reports her fine':services :throughout .the, from .1913"to� 1935 and the other year. from 19$6 to 1958 inclusive-• Mary A1lin .. played accordian These are bound in a' book of •'selections dedicated; to .her grandfather, and: ' later in the program her mother, 1VIrs: Jessie, normal size 'with an • attractive hard Dover. in ,blue' ' with gold leaf, irri rintin" • designating • p g g g Allin, �coritri�buted an, impromptu.. What they are' and whose. they piano instrumental:'. are. •Donald McKinnon "ave a ..Rev. • Henderson,. or Bill as he port .of' the Lions sponsored 'hoc is familiarly known here, is at: ' key and skating program.. There temPting to ' locate any reports •1s free skating for, ,pre-school prior to 1913; which ' may::• be age and: 'beginners .. .. g each Tuesday "tucked `away and forgotten. °. and Thursday afternoon. Th'irry twoSquirts. in two groups play 'hockey each. Saturday morning: On Tuesday and Fridays, twen- ty-two Pee •Wees, in two':groups, have "their . chanceA and as well •a two; team. Bantam ':group play when ice is available with a team, entered in•• the W.0 A.A. Donald ..appealed_ , for more help, '..as the job of. supervising boys; 80 some o _. . . , b , rests on about '7:members of the 'Club, ' Thirt five ._ y rve, members received perfect attendance pins, which were presented.by S 'B. Stoithe rs and given the Lions Roar:. • Cameron MacDonald' reported ori' .,Teen , Town •,activities. ,Morgan Henderson ' was the winner Of a draw prize, which he turned back to the. Club far 'the convention fonds. Ernest Ackert thanked those. who hada` taken part and: gifts were presented by •S; E. Robert- piece of ' 'embroidery, winning son. red tickets for all, three, She Dancing followed to music b: v. still has/the embroidery. • • CarrutherOrchestra, arid Miss MacKay she ,was al - W. L , MacKenzie, program chair- > g ways interested in the fair and !nano did an excellent job of 8ti11 is , and' wished the , fair sue- getting everyone'`'rresent "trip- Ce,0 •fot' eye*. p't:fr. the li:wlit fantastic. • At the•Lucknow •Fall Fair last September, prizes for the oldest' p lady : and the oldest gentleman went .to' i. in attendance Mss, • Jes- sie MacKay ,and Rev. Robert' .'Macconn:ell: Miss . 'MacKay. was '92 and Mr. • Macconneil was . 95.• Both . acknowledged their'P ri., zes' and : their cards ,•were' read at the annual meeting. on Satur- day, . It jig over seventy :years, since • MacKay exhibited at • .the: Miss Y d Fair., She went 'to ,Duluth in September :1890, and a ,year or loan: was approved;' •to' be paid, two •before that 'had: done • some back frorn the book sales` reveri- showing with her brother Angus: Ue • She entered a hair wreath, a Mr. Robertson • oints out that 'bunch `of paper flowers and a the eo-operation of local organi- zations in theCounty • is being sought in' the selling of the Vol - tune,, as, well .as in securing` of reformation to bring .the history Up to date in a subsequent edi- tion, PASSS E!GtT1�- FIFTH BIRTHDAY L. R LANE Ori ' Tuesday' of this week, January . 26th, John Rutherford (Gane .of the •Kinlbugh district:. quietly .observed • his 85th°. birth day, and 'Continues. : to carry on his • duties as Clerk of • Krtii loss Township, a position he 'has Meld: for .almost 31 years.. r''. Lane • ` w • as• a pPP ointed M.` clerk • in May *of 1929, succeeding Geo: G. • Moffat,. who. •. retired :• • at an. elderly age. • The°late `. John Colwell was peeve :at. the ..time Mr, Lane took -office.... pane ane ' is a son of> the late 1b Jahn Lane , and ' Eliza Rutherford and was;born at L•anesville,:store in Ashfield Township,' • VILLAGE'RQA SECOND' TO, HONE' Within the 'Corporations of •.the Village ofLueknow isa network • of roads. which' total 8,30> miles. .Mori than'. three quarters'.. of this mileage. • is hard -surfaced, and the Village: can well :boast.' of' its streets which'. need not ' take second.•place to any municipality large or 'small. -Clerk. E. H. Agnew has just completed: a break -down of the types' of :,toad- .surfaces in• the • Village for.)submission to R. .J.' •Calligharn, district ,municipal ei-' ginger .of' the: Department• of Highways; There .is little., more than a half-mile=..60, of 'earth" . sur- face, representing open and pas- sable roadway, but rarely used, Thefts .is' 1.40 ; miles• of gravel and stone surface. The roads' • Making' •tip this distance are• scheduled • for .development; and .if a ; favourable price', can be ob tained this , year, ,some paving will be carried:` out, and the re_ ,: mainder. 'ut under construction for- avin • at a later .date.. p g , a dto. " Rc Id mix . bit - H r p.of o b umin ous tot ls: . 3:40 mile"' ' r a es, and 'hot mix bituminous, •totals 2.90 Miles.. Of the -'•hardtop roads, 1:Tigh- way 86..Connecting .link through Campbell.: St ,' ` is :80. 'miles length, and t he County, Road 'Conecting•,1inks from the north ;` and south' to Campbell ampbell• street ' ' total. 1.09 ° miles, Making up :1.89. ` of •' the °.total ,mileage:' in:;,the, vil- lage, -the ' remaining mileage amountirrg to 6.41 miles; , Evan Keitij. iesidnt, Evan Keith, Was elected presi?: ('.dent` .of the Lucknow Agricul-.Tribute•`:was., , Paid b L. C. .,) .., Pd y 1 tural • Society ' • at the annual Thompson to the ..late : Jacob Hunter Who:. in the ' sP cakes s memory had always:: been a •, faithful, willing ,,and .enthusiastic: nieniber;'und as" Se,,E. Robertson meeting, on Saturday; and in tak- ing over his; duties, appealed for t' urban; .support of the fair:, He recognized; and •acknowledged ',the°financial •su�' :ort: .given-' . Pp being g said, the= laat • of the aid time' the : fair by local merchants but (Continued''on page, 9) emphasized that .promotional and • Moral support was also import- ant., TO FLY TO CARIBBEAN..; TO Finances; Are •: improved • "SEE;:. NEW _GRANDDAUGHTER S. • E.. Robertson ,. presided for the meeting, when the. past year FINI.,AYS Q1V to Hr. and Mrs. Wm, John :Finlayson . of.' Seroe :Colorado, Aruba, ..on :Monday,. Was • reviewed; and the financial statement. by the secretary-trea-. surer, Mrs. Fred Mc uill n• ' `e._ •January ,:25th, : a • daughter, Vic Q i ir tone Byrne.. v ea ed . a' successful ; fair': with pF Dr. Finla .s profits in •.excess' of $300, which Yon:s a. son. of .Dr. gives the Society a credit lia1- ::Mrs. D..: •R ,Finlayson • ;o and f Lucknow: " ' Mrs.. Finlayson plans ance of about ' .$660.00. Prize. .to fly from M'alton in about ':ten: days, ; to• .the • C'arrbbean. area, : to visit ' her son , and daughter .ing law, and: the ,new ' raxiddau' hter. • into the Pre idency a Yago,,g ..• g stated he woixld,. not be a Aruba. .is an•°': island off. the. 'coast of Venezuela money paid' out . was in excess of .$1,000: Mr; ' Robertson " was .pressed ear : and. candidate for re-election: :He. 'suggested 'a nominating . Commit.- tee ommit-tee might be • effective in pre- senting a ° slate of officers, ' and in examining :. the interest . df some of the • Board..; members, wlio rarelyattend, meetings, 'or.' assist With. the fair. L. C. •:Thompson took the chair. for `the electron :of, officers, when, the Fairs 'Association:.regpla'tions were ,followed as usual: The idea of the nominating committee Was recognized as 'having merit, and might be tried out another year. The 'officers are Past Presi- dent, S. E. Robertson; president, Evan Keith; lst: vice, Tom. Todd, ,2nd, vice, .Allan' 1Vliher; " sec,- treas., Mrs. Fred McQuillin; honorary ;presidents, S: E. Rob, -ROBIN. THIPI SPRING IS 'If a robin's appearance', as any indication of Spring,..' it ',Must be Fust � around ••the corner .One: of the red•'breasted .':birds . made • an appearance'', last :Thursda Y�. at the `.`feeder" at • the residence of •Mrs. H. M. MacLennan ..on: Have.- lock Street. Mrs: MacLennan feeds the. birds ' all • through the • 'Winter g er months and birds in 'great 4 num- bers have conic ;.to know that there' will ' he ` • something for r them to eat"; in the • MacLennan back yard. The birdsusually. ertson, W. A. Miller, Gearge ••innake, • an ,appearance. about three " Kennedy, Andrew Gaunt, Fred `tunes a dav, early rno'rriing'noon 1VlcQurllrn, Gordon Kirkland. • andon later -in the afternoons. The birds , include ,. starlings, s arrows,r-..„h1uejays, chicadees, evening' gr'os eaksi ,:nuthatch ;and` last WeeIc a" ' ardinal made an appearance, . T ` is ' is the • first ' Directors ---Kinloss, Allan • Mac- ,lntyre; • .Harold Austin; • Ashfield, Oliver McCharles,' Gordon. Kirk- land; West Wawanosh. George Kennedy, Frank. McQuillin'• Hui. on, Austin Martin;. Lucknow, .Cardinal Mrs, MacLennan' has 'qtnthers; .Harry Lavis, seen in .Lucknow.. .urririntr, "air d 4,