The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-20, Page 14THE UCKNOWSENTINEL:,,,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .e Page S for Full Page anuary Clearances AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS.. Free Pick4Up, and .'Delivery Monday, and Thursday.. LADIES' and MEN'S . WEAR THAT a postcard, signed by, the foursome, • Bill Robinson, 'Bill :Marshall,' Bill Fisher and. John Mowbray, says: "We are hav-. ing "a ' wonderful thne in the sung south --perfect . weather and lovely. accomodations." The boys arrived home on Sunday. • THAT. Jack 'McQ'uillin won the :Lucknow. Intermediate Hockey team ;'booster prize draw : on rrida3r night at the •game. The prize was $30. and Jack kindly donated $I'5. back 'to the :team. The jiockey team is : apprecia ttire of the refereeing of Jack Henderson which so far has. been donated free 'of ` charge. One who dunks by the inch, talks by, the yard should get moved by the foot.., ATTENDS BARBER SCHOOL Glen, ,Atkinson. of Lucknow is presently attending ` Barber SchoOl, in Toronto where he will • take • a sit • mont'hs'.: course: Glen ,started • the training. fast week after being : employed !by, Golden Glow in Ripley fora: approximate ly: seven years Mrs. Atkinson is. the'. book keeper for• the: Lucknow, District Co-op. THAT Mrs.' A. E. ' McKim is in. Toronto .attending. the .50th • 'Birthday party of the Canad- ian ian Girl Guides, in Eaton . Audi • torium on Wednesday :evening. THAT special interest is focus- ing on the Legion's,` jackpot: game at their. weekly ;bingos, which has grown 'to $90.00 this week with 59 . numbers to, 'be called. THAT Margaret Montgomery entertained some, of .her '.little friends .on the . occasion .of her fifth birthday, on Thursday, and' on Sunday Was a victim of .the. mumps. On Friday Edyth Whitby had a' party, -for some kindergarten,classmates on her 6th birthday and the .' next ' day she : developed the mumps. THAT ; • Spence Irwin's outfit •°'was • at ,work on Monday, .: on Main Street for the.. second' snow removal :of the . 'season.: But the job ' wasn't completed when a. heavy snow, fall 'start- ed up again, which cut, visi- bility to near zero, and, gave promises of , renewing • the roadside •banks ' ;which ' the plows pile up. But, at that, , it's been °'a• ,picnic compared with a year' ago. • WEDNESDAY,JAN. 20th, 19%08 1 SEE BY THE SENTINEL' THAT the mumps are 'on the go here at present, and are cut- ting: school •.attendance figures, which suffered., also from • a pre -Christmas epidemic of colds., THAT there is • not •much change in the condition of Mrs. Dun- can MacDonald who has been a patient . in _Wingham Hospital for five months and , prior : to 'that had beenconfined to 'bed at her home' for 'some twenty' weeks. Mrs. MacDonald is in% 'her. .88th year. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Wellin,gton .Henderson planned to .leave Wednesday, ' by motor for At laita, Georgia,'. to visit Mr. and Mrs. . Herb • Nesbitt, the :•former Lois Henderson.' ' THAT Mrs. ',James, A. .MacMil- lan) Menefee of Oklahoma, in. renewingher,: subscription says: "The paper reaches me regularly each week' and look forward to its coming., I read 'it from ;cover to cover but must ,say, the names are grad- ually' getting fewer of the ones l at one time . knew so well." ' THAT this immediate communi- , , ty has been most 'fortunate in escaping, the serious sleet storms that 'have struck re peatedly playing. :havoc: with hydro and.: telephone service., The condition has been •'very, noticealje ' here• to . anyone'. attetripting to make long dis- a YOUR BARGAIN FOOD .AND MAPLE • LEAF COOKIES. Save 10c.' Cream Filled. 'A Real Bargain. Pound TIDE, KING .SIZE. 30c OFF " For All Your Washing... Feature. Pkg. • SODA CRACKERS. Save Up 'To 6c. McCormick's Salted or •Plain. Pound Pkg. DELIVIAR MARGARINE. Save . '2,7c. 4IuS For Table And All Your; Baking„� ICE CREAM SALE. Save l.Oc. p Silverwood's ' For Quality. Half :Gallon. ; O 9c 3.3c• 8•9c HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS, IN THE SELECTION OF -APPLES' BY THE BASKET: AND . BUSHEL. TRY OUR FANCY SPY. Values Effective: January. 21, 22, 23. We Sell For Less , „Phone ' 119, Lucl ow' • STRAWBERRY JELLY ROLLS SAVE 4c PAY O N LY • 31.c tante, calls. These were virtu- `ally • impossible. • for a time over the .:week -end,: but fort- unatelY . by. Tuesday we, were, able to nlake contact with Goderich• to receive' the .good'', news :of'. John ' Durnin's elec- tion. as • warden.;: THAT', Mr. and Mrs. ,: George Rogers ° of .. Mazenod, • Sask. send greetings to relatives and friends in the ` old home town with whom + k tthey keepin touch ..by The Sentinel.. It is • over 'years since they _fifty Y. left Lucknow. un�nn�aagBan'��aaua■u■ai■uaau�o■f■Baa■■■n■.■■■f■uiu■�■a■■lua■■ua■�an�naua�ua■■tanan��aasi:u:�aau�iu�uiaan�u.uui:■a■a�■�Ms�aae��■� . 4 Inclusive anua t All Items Advertised Are On Display On , Our Table. enella'' • wl AUTHENTIC. • McLean of Lock Beauy Margaret. Rose, Campbell Gordon Ancient Black Watch., 'I Ancient Douglas Ancient Hamilton Crawford , Hunting MacKinnon Miniature Hunting. MacKinnon Miniathre Black Watch'. Miniature—Royal . Stewart Solid shades in red,blue, turquoise Regular $2.19, 56"wide Oil SALE PRICE ...:.. l • PLEASE .NOTE The Sepoy Store WILL GIVE an Equal Amount of Similar Priced Material, OR REFUND the o:Purchase Price, of the fabric bought at our store to .the followingclasses; and .'first prize • winners. Ist' Prize 'Winner. of 'the Ladies' ' Prettiest Homemade Dress. 1st Prize Winner of the Girls' Prettiest HomemadeDress. SPECIAL NOTICE • •ON .DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW is the; ensemble that won first prize at the local District High School. This is a great credit to the Teaching staff and the Apptitude of the. Pupils, and is well worth your time to have a look at itl ,'.epoy St, ore Phone 108=Lucknow, Ont. W nt, • imioniiswa.■■e■■eeeaee■■ereee ee■eeeeeait aaa>re■ue i■■■n■i■ia■mere■enlsaeeeaa■niunwea■■antauu■numa■ras■un■irx■nwue■useuunrpa MelNlis.. RINTS and BROADCLOTHS In smart ' design's- and plain' colours 36 inch width 31 Per Yard ALL WOOL YARN. 3-p1y, assorted. polnrs, ".4 oz. •skein Per Skein' 39 ■ ■ WOOLLEN YARD GOODS • ■ r r M a. ■ ■ ■ ■ r r ■ In tweed 'c fancy weaves. Reg. $3.29 54 56" width, per yard __� $2.39 WOMEN'S .NYLONS. 1' =1° 5 Denier, Subs.—,While' They, Last 2 PAIR --- 98c .: {