The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-20, Page 3ti WEDNESDAY, , JAN, 20th, 1960 THE LUCIKNOW • SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO A PAGE THREE'. PARAMOUNTSOCKEYE. SALMON Fancy, Save 4c,, 1/2's tins: 5 • (4 Tins To A Customer) ROSE MARGARINE Save 9c, 1's " pkgs. RED & WHITE TEA BAGS 15c off; Wave 15c, 60's `: a RED &• WHITE PEANUT BUTTER Save, "24 oz; jar : , ` , SCATTER RUGS PREMIUM Scatter R ugs,., Non -Skid Rubberized' base in solid colours and.tweeds, size 20"x31" 100 % -cotton,-washable, Red and 'White Bonus ,Buy 79c .with '$5.00 purchase.. .HOLLANDERS 49c We Now Carry A';Full Stock •Of DUTCH FOODS ANNUAL MEETING (Continued from page 1).: ' 0 sent to the: M.:'and ported .$2;80 � s n ., ;M treasurer from envelope' giv- Ings, and Lloyd Ackert as head of the Missionary Cor inittee,: stressed the congregation's res-: :poisibility • . in •' supporting this. phase• of ` , the . church's ' •work;: Melvin .Morrison; • reported for • the Bible . •Class. • .The; Cradle • Roll arid Baby Local & General Miss" Doris Wylds of/Totonto spent " her Christmas vacation :with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan.• Wylds: • Mrs. .'.Will. ;MacLean of Van- •couver• . anld` Mrs. 'George Harri- son . •of Kincardine • , are ' visiting their sister, Miss -Bennie Pierces. R. Finlayson • returned on Saturday ' from Wingham Hospital where she had' :been a patient . for., a' couple of weeks.: Mrs.John Carruthers returned home Saturday after being- hos pitalized !in- 'Victoria Hospital, London' for ' about' twelve days. She underwent an operation for ,'hernia. y�. Lucknow Presbyteiian Church Ministeir... • Rev. Wallace McClean SUNDAY, JA TUARY 24th • 1 1.00 a.m. Morning �' ning ' Worship 12.15 p.m, Sunday School 3:00'p4n. ,Dungannon • Thursday, 'January 21st Annus meeting Dinner . at 7:00, p.m. fellowed by biisi- i ness greeting: i,. .:. .4„... .,t.4, .. n...,, ., :. K,_. ..L. : UC IOW UNITED CHURCH Minister;. • 1. Rev;. Gordon it. Geiger, • B.A., B,D. SUNDAY, JANUARY 24th' 49:00 0 0 aln. ho 1 Church Sc i. 11:00, a.mrr: Divine" Worship — •Nursery during church. i Thought" For ,The Week:" I . One today is ' worth • two 1 tomorrows, . • THURSDAY, "'JANUARY 21st iii% 1 ;Meeting of .'the .official 'Board i Band reports were given by `Mrs Stuart Collyer. Eighteen of 13 on. the .cradle •roll 'have reached.. 4';, and the Baby Band" `including. all 'five : and under,` numbered • 94 last. year ' Mrs `. W ' B; .: Anderson reported.. for the; Afternoon Auxiliary': of • the W.M S.,' • which 'has a mem- .bership of .52•, and 16,'associate *embers, with givings of $566:- 83, an increase of $95,00 from :the preceding year ;Mrs. Mark Raithby:, gave- the report of the .Evening Auxiliary, which . has S9 members and, •34' associate mein- bers. with givings exceeding, ! by $20., the' allocation of• $389. ',Mrs. Raithby also read the Mission:, Band .`report and Mrs. •George Whitby gave,' the ' report of the newly . or'g'anized Explorers group: Mrs. ~: ' Robert Strixthers ' • .gave the financial report of ' the Wo-. man's'• Association which reveal• ed a very active` and: successful year, which. leaves •the : W.A.' With a : b'alance on hand of about $1,000 with.. expenditures dur :Mg. the year .:of about a similar.. :amount.,' Mrs.. .:Orland Richards gave details of the Association activities, a highlight' , `during the year being the. 25th Anniver- sary Tea.' / . W. ` B. Anderson,' as church treasurer; • gave : a: detailed re- port of ,. receipts •and expendi turps; • and complimented; Mrs. W R. `' U owey on her efficiency the as � envelope • steward.•T n h general' fund envelope' .givings, anniversary and ' loose collec- tions • totalled $7,753.30,. .with, • a year end balance of "over $1,200, which .is down from last year due to increased � ,.expenditures, Mr. Anderson °Was ;complimented • on his ,report.' ; ' In the motion accepting the reports, L, C. Thompson includ- ed an . eXpression , of appreciation acknowledging the .faithful and efficient services of the: officials of • the. , various organizations of the church Ernest Ackert and Bruce Mac- Kenzie' were re-elected to the Session and Stuart. Collyer and Arthur Breckles ' were named to fill two vacancies; It was decid- ed to " • increase the 'Board of 'Stewards by four: , The V.A. ,was thanked for• catering; for the supper and' Mrs, Howey replied. • • Ernest.. Ackert expressed thanks. 'to Rev. Geiger for' his Christian leadership aria 'splend- idsermons,, With S. B., Stothers seconding his motion and pay- ing tribute also to the faithful leaders in all. departments of the Church. ,APPRECIATE HELP IN NEWS INFORMATION The ' Publisherswould. ..appre- ciate it greatly if the public generally would , • co-operate: in "tiPP gin Lis off"' , t news items ,.. o and, s•tories', °so•:that• your local' paper.can ibe made more , inter- esting. We value the services : of press correspondents for the < various organizations'in the district, but request ' .. that to . conserve time anti, space, all unimportant 1 details such as "the ' „minutes were read," be omitted. ° Please avoid' abbreviations,.:and write as distinctly' as possible, with, Special' attention! to'„the spel.'lirtg of names • And, We repeat, .;we: must in- sist on reports ofmeetings be- ing•. 'sent in, immediately after 1 they take place, for reports.' not received ::;the week in which they take place, .cannot be• used • 'GORDON STATTERS '(Continued from Pagel.)• Under the direction ` of .,Mr. Statters 'business, of the Waterloo Trust, continued toexpand in: Preston. He was active in many phases •of 'community endeavour, being ' a valuable men•ber, and director of the 'Preston-Hespeler. Rotary. club; 1959.. general chair xnan of the Preston Community. Chest; one of the organizers and director of. the Senior .Citizens; treasurer . • e formed of: the newly Preston :;:Central Welfare Com- mittee, a member • and 1958 chairman of ••the • Board of Stew— ards of St. Paul's United Church, :and;.' a member of ' the Trustee Boar" of the •church. • b GODERICS PARK HEATRE A drive• has been launched in :. Southampton to raise $15,800 to corriplete' the fund required to -Now' Playing -- Fabian - and 'Carol Lyn, ey ln.' -Hound' •P TtP TOP s.anal. • CAMBRIDGE • OR FREE TROUSERS These are Canada's largest rakers of popular priced•. suits that fit Well; hold their shape and press . . night or . day:_ . Any Hour For Any • Appointment' INVENTORY SPECIALS - MEN'S WORK. SHIRTS, all sizes .::. ', . $1:-49 LINED JEANS ;:° , . HALF PRICE WOOL HOSE FOR WOMEN, reg. $1,50 :.:. 89c HEADSQUARES, COLLARS, ,SCARVES . 69c • Wool Pleated REVERSIBLE SKIRTS HALF PRI.CE,. HOUSEDRESSES .. $2.00 Sweaters,; . `Cardigans,: reg. to $7.95: :'$3.49 Rayon Gowns, : , $1.00 Coats, , ..; 20% •Off;.. Wool .• Gloves : 69c;, Nylon Hose : •50c Hats, ., . . Half > ' Price: Flette Pyjamas, h alf price:.. Dresses, ” ' $5.00 Oversize Pants 89c Lisle Hose 50c Nylon Winter :Gloves, 89 LADIES'' and MEN'S WEAR., 'FASHION MILLINERY • lin ton Hendarson won the con- lttee for Februarymeeting is• '' • test, then Mrs: L. C. " Thompson, ' Gordon Fisher and Miss .;Carrie Mrs. Joynt, Mrs. E. Reavie, Mrs. 'Milne> Whitby, Mrs. James Boyle, :Mrs. HarryLavrs, Mrs. Cumming„ While the judges, Alex Mac - ,Nay • and Gordon ••Geiger' tallied' up`the :sheets,'Mr. Bristow ident ified• • the 'slides: with the sounds of •"Ohs" :and "Ah" • indicating' someone had guessed • incorrect: lY• A " few. slides showing decora=. tions . in .other `communities were ' presented - to give' people, a few ideas "for the next contest., A vote of thanks. was 'extended to Mr Bristowfor all, thework and trouble involved • in` the evenings, ro ram. Mr.Geiger !Mentioed pgn that .at the executive meeting,; committees were.:set up to look after` the program; ' : for ;each month:; Some _ very outstanding ',Programs are expected. ;The • com- yceum Theatre: WNGHAM .& o wo 'shows ws, each night .First at 7.15•: Thursday,: -Friday, 'Saturday January 21, 22, 23. Cornel Wilde . Victor Shaw in. "EDGE • OF ETERNITY" • Filmed against , the • b'ackground ' of the Grand, Canyon. here . is 'a.. greatadventure drama. w4. finance artificial ice °intsallation.. A $40,000• bequest was made froth the estate • of ; V.': J. McLellan: , H0 RTICULTUR •AL SOCIETY IETY (Continued from:page 1) • so on taut ornamental ..tre.es ,pro- viding,. beauty / and. shade *with- out without being cumbersome. There were no volunteers who act . as delegates to ,the • O. H: A,' convention to be Iheki in Hamilton early in March This , D.og- Man"..— 'In .Color:. • y, �d. ys - .. . Moeda T a .Wedaiesday, January25,; 26, , 27 Alec Guinness - Bette Davis and Nicole Maurey Daphne DuMaurier's ' suspenseful 'novel adapted .to the ' 1 screen by Gore. Vidal and directed by ;Michael .Balcon.� . �` wa°s•'put off until next meeting, The entertainment for the even- ing was a contest, identifying , Lucknow properties that were decorated 'at Christmas. time. The slides .were run through :with a ten second view . and then ano- ther presentation, of ten seconds' when the . contestants 'marked their Identification.. , Mrs.' Wel- • ''TH'E ° SCAPEGOAT": • Thursdays •; friday,' Saturday, January28;..29.. 30 Jeff Chandler Orson Welles and Colleen' ' Miller A small .town sheriff =- da wealthy and ruthless rancher., — plus a -murder mystery that resolves itself, "MAN, 1 N THE SHADOW" -- 1n Cinemascope — 1 Corning' . A British Double Bill — a Blltzkreignd• : "Sea;, of 'Sand;" .• • .:ei4.w+w.,iw0e11411 OMINNMIIHWOrMw104404,+1Mkabi$111111114111 v ii',.w+,4Oler.inli id,wiil:riii t• • R•- 1.. • ir •